+306|6707|Austin, TX

[mcp]eltorrente wrote:

Doggehspike wrote:

Dolphin diving/bunny hopping is unrealistic but then again, so is dying then coming back to life in 10 seconds.
So lets try and get that changed shall we?
The real problem is in the amount of abuse that occurs from this stuff - not from those are pissed about the abuse.

It comes down to people using the game mechanics in ways that they weren't intended for in the first place.  When enough of these "creative game mechanic uses" become rampant, it starts to affect the game play in ways which were never originally planned for.  So this stuff starts becoming the norm and the game begins resembling something the creaters never envisioned. 

I consider dropping jeeps and trucks on enemy artillery pretty much the same thing.  Sure, it's in the game and therefore people are going to do it for as long as they are allowed to.  It's LAME, and I would never do such a thing, but still there are those who think it's their "right" to do it and get pissed when the ability to do it is taken away. 

It all boils down to people only caring about winning/losing/getting points, rather than just enjoying playing the game as a modern warfare game.

If you don't have any desire to play a realistic game, then hop down the street like a bunny.   If you are like me (and I think many people are), then you like to pretend you are in a real battle - with all the sights and sounds and suspense to go with it.  If you are like that then you will run for cover instead of hop up and down like a friggin dork.
Q F E!
+11|6855|California, USA
Unbelievable!!1 People, you are NOOBS. Learn how to play. Stop complaining about getting your ass owned. Let me ask the guy who invented basketball to make the rim shorter so I can dunk. It's not fair they make the rim 10' tall. Most people can't even touch the rim. Tweekin the crouch prone thing is the same as lowering the rim in basketball for a bunch of noobs who can't develop skill. NOOBS!
+1,153|6670|Washington, DC

*points to sig*

rawls wrote:

Unbelievable!!1 People, you are NOOBS. Learn how to play. Stop complaining about getting your ass owned. Let me ask the guy who invented basketball to make the rim shorter so I can dunk. It's not fair they make the rim 10' tall. Most people can't even touch the rim. Tweekin the crouch prone thing is the same as lowering the rim in basketball for a bunch of noobs who can't develop skill. NOOBS!
stfu noob... go back to CS:S where it's actually easy to get kills. they fixed it becasue it was an exploit. incase u havnt noticed, exploits are bad for games and screw up players' experience.

it basically comes down to this.
1. any one who is against the new patch becasue they miss dolphin diving, is a noob and should start developing their skills or go and play solitaire
2. to those who are happy with the patch, gw. ur not a fukn noob pls own the ppl from point 1 for me!
+11|6855|California, USA

pwned7 wrote:

rawls wrote:

Unbelievable!!1 People, you are NOOBS. Learn how to play. Stop complaining about getting your ass owned. Let me ask the guy who invented basketball to make the rim shorter so I can dunk. It's not fair they make the rim 10' tall. Most people can't even touch the rim. Tweekin the crouch prone thing is the same as lowering the rim in basketball for a bunch of noobs who can't develop skill. NOOBS!
stfu noob... go back to CS:S where it's actually easy to get kills. they fixed it becasue it was an exploit. incase u havnt noticed, exploits are bad for games and screw up players' experience.

it basically comes down to this.
1. any one who is against the new patch becasue they miss dolphin diving, is a noob and should start developing their skills or go and play solitaire
2. to those who are happy with the patch, gw. ur not a fukn noob pls own the ppl from point 1 for me!
BOY, STFU! I've been playing bf for years. I owned in bf42, DC, Vietnam. I am a veteran.  I aint against the patch. Im against homos like you who bitch about something that isnt an exploit. I dont have to do anything special when I jump and go prone. Its a pretty simple move. The noob is someone you will get killed by me and then say I'm exploiting. How about learn to shoot and move and avoid getting killed.
+183|6712|A sunburnt country
NOT hopping and diving requires skill, you noobs!

I couldn't agree more.  Well said champ!!

pwned7 wrote:

rawls wrote:

Unbelievable!!1 People, you are NOOBS. Learn how to play. Stop complaining about getting your ass owned. Let me ask the guy who invented basketball to make the rim shorter so I can dunk. It's not fair they make the rim 10' tall. Most people can't even touch the rim. Tweekin the crouch prone thing is the same as lowering the rim in basketball for a bunch of noobs who can't develop skill. NOOBS!
stfu noob... go back to CS:S where it's actually easy to get kills. they fixed it becasue it was an exploit. incase u havnt noticed, exploits are bad for games and screw up players' experience.

it basically comes down to this.
1. any one who is against the new patch becasue they miss dolphin diving, is a noob and should start developing their skills or go and play solitaire
2. to those who are happy with the patch, gw. ur not a fukn noob pls own the ppl from point 1 for me!
So everyone that doesn't agree with you are noobs, and everyone that does are ok?

Go back to school, kid.
hear hear.... 

Basket and bf2.. lol
It's a fucking video game people, who the fuck cares if you run around hopping.  I don't.
Just because you can't kill them....
BOY, STFU! I've been playing bf for years. I owned in bf42, DC, Vietnam. I am a veteran.  I aint against the patch. Im against homos like you who bitch about something that isnt an exploit. I dont have to do anything special when I jump and go prone. Its a pretty simple move. The noob is someone you will get killed by me and then say I'm exploiting. How about learn to shoot and move and avoid getting killed.
whatever man...ask any real player of bf2 and they will say that prone spamming is gay... ive been playing bf2 for like a year and have more common sence about the game then u. get a clue. im not whining. im saying that for all the noobs who kept prone spamming, suck shit! come back when u have skill. kthnxbai.
If we have the game, and we play it... we are real players dumb ass.
I dont use either tactics because well for me anyway it does not work. Aim is better then jumping, Aim is better then prone spamming. I will jump and dive if im jumping say behind a wall and im under fire. its basicly diving behind a wall. but in head to head combat, you cant shoot while jumping, your aim gets a bit off by prone spamming.

I'm kinda glad that people are able to do what they do, it made my aim get 10x better. hitting moving targets and expecting people to jump or go prone made my play style alot easier. And if they ever do fix it I wont feel 1 change in my play style.
+3|6497|uh.. good question..
taking out prone dive when the game was at v1.1 or 1.2 wouldve been fine cuz 3/4 of the community was newb

but they've taken it out just when so many players were settling into it..
its a big time fag shit to keep expecting to be able to prone dive and get owned by some noob..

also a big time shit to want to avoid a nade and get blown to bits..

i dunno bout yous.. but taking out prone dive slows the game down significantly.. also makes it stupid like CS.. where the hell did the action go?!
+129|6756|Austin, TX/San Antonio, TX
I never did dolphin dive/bunny hop, but I never had a problem with it because I usually played support or AT and developed the skill to ensure that one of three things usually happened:
1.  Opened up with the PKM and held down the trigger.  Usual result is dead target, no need to be particularly accurate when you can spray out 50 bullets np.
2.  AT rocket to the ground beneath the guy.  No real way to get out of this one.
3.  DAO-12 hitting the trigger really really fast.  Kinda like the PKM...that much ammo going out, the target usually gets overwhelmed.
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|6759|Melbourne, Australia

[mcp]eltorrente wrote:

I'm sick of seeing people claim that it takes skill to dolphin dive and bunny hop, and that the noobs are the ones that brought an end to it!  That is ridiculous!   

It takes much more skill to survive by playing somewhat realistically and NOT jumping around like an idiot, when all the kids out there ARE doing it!  Now you are crying when you have to fight on equal footing.   Too bad for you- I won't notice any difference at all in my style of play. 

If I'm in trouble I run or maybe zig zag while reloading - but for the most part I just face the music.  I honestly would rather just get killed than hop around like an idiot for survival.  For me, that ruins the look and feel of the game when people do that crap.

I am SOOOOO glad they are taking care of this lame behavior.
listen it was in the game... until u newbs did not stop fuken whining about it .. we warned u fuck i said multiple times that by nerfing things like this you would make the game realy slow and skillless

now i deserve to toot my own horn *toot toot* but i was right once again fuck all you whiny old random cunts ... if you dident like bh or prone spamming go play dod source or cs

you ruined a great game
So I just finished reading some of your crying / whinning posts.

What happend to adapt and over come?

I never complained about "bunny hopping" "dolphine diving", but Ive read alot of arguements that say, "your a noob if you cannot adapt".

Guess what you leetests 1337 experts time to adapt.

True it was not an exploit but it is "fixed" now. so your going to have to deal with it.

Basicly what alot of you are saying is you suck with out it, you NEED it to survive. blah blah blah.

deal with it

or stop playing.

Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2006-09-05 21:48:47)

+45|6529|Kamloops, BC Canada
I love the new patch. Since I never used to dolphin dive or that stuff, I'm kicking a lot of ass on the no vehicle servers.

I laugh at MR. Volx
+11|6855|California, USA

pwned7 wrote:

BOY, STFU! I've been playing bf for years. I owned in bf42, DC, Vietnam. I am a veteran.  I aint against the patch. Im against homos like you who bitch about something that isnt an exploit. I dont have to do anything special when I jump and go prone. Its a pretty simple move. The noob is someone you will get killed by me and then say I'm exploiting. How about learn to shoot and move and avoid getting killed.
whatever man...ask any real player of bf2 and they will say that prone spamming is gay... ive been playing bf2 for like a year and have more common sence about the game then u. get a clue. im not whining. im saying that for all the noobs who kept prone spamming, suck shit! come back when u have skill. kthnxbai.
I just downloaded the patch and played two rounds on 50 man server. I earned gold and bronze medals. I guess I learn fast.

In retrospect:
Everyone has their own opinion. I happen to disagree with yours.

Last edited by rawls (2006-09-05 22:05:07)

+269|6623|Marlton, New Jersey.
Bah you all got it taken away because you were tired of getting your asses pwned and couldnt do it yourselves.  So the only way you could do something about it was to cry to mommy lol...  Now youre acting all tuff when really youre still going to get owned.  And no, just because you prone spam doesnt mean you use a macro.  I do it and dolphin dive, both manually, and its easy as shit.
Adapt and overcome, remember all that talk before the patch?

If your so god damn good, if your so friggen 1337 leet experts you will adapt and overcome

Strats are better then bunnyhopping and dolphine diving.

many of you spent alot of hours playing the game, your telling me you dont have good strats? wow i guess it was true this entire time then was'nt it... bunnyhopping ect.. is for "noobs" with no skill.

rawls wrote:

pwned7 wrote:

BOY, STFU! I've been playing bf for years. I owned in bf42, DC, Vietnam. I am a veteran.  I aint against the patch. Im against homos like you who bitch about something that isnt an exploit. I dont have to do anything special when I jump and go prone. Its a pretty simple move. The noob is someone you will get killed by me and then say I'm exploiting. How about learn to shoot and move and avoid getting killed.
whatever man...ask any real player of bf2 and they will say that prone spamming is gay... ive been playing bf2 for like a year and have more common sence about the game then u. get a clue. im not whining. im saying that for all the noobs who kept prone spamming, suck shit! come back when u have skill. kthnxbai.
I just downloaded the patch and played two rounds on 50 man server. I earned gold and bronze medals. I guess I learn fast.

In retrospect:
Everyone has their own opinion. I happen to disagree with yours.
it's alot of ppls opinion
therefore it could also be a fact. hehe

ohh yeah and btw, EA didnt patch the game because of us, but they did it because it was the correct thing to do. because prome spamming was lame and only lamoes did it (or others who sometimes returned the favour sometimes, like me, to piss those who did do it off)

Last edited by pwned7 (2006-09-05 22:17:15)

+269|6623|Marlton, New Jersey.

bobroonie.bda wrote:

Adapt and overcome, remember all that talk before the patch?

If your so god damn good, if your so friggen 1337 leet experts you will adapt and overcome

Strats are better then bunnyhopping and dolphine diving.

many of you spent alot of hours playing the game, your telling me you dont have good strats? wow i guess it was true this entire time then was'nt it... bunnyhopping ect.. is for "noobs" with no skill.
A lot of us will adapt like we have with each patch, just saying that stuff always gets removed because it comes down to complainers and whiners getting owned...Maybe the next patch they'll take away prone and crouch all together, lol....
+51|6814|North Hollywood

PspRpg-7 wrote:

[mcp]eltorrente wrote:

MadKatter wrote:

I only agree with you somewhat. Pronespamming is stupid, and litterally requires no skill (usually macro'd.)

Though when you're running around with a pump shotty, and the first shot doesnt kill the enemy, there is no way in hell im going to stay on the ground. Whatever keeps me alive is what I'm doing. I don't care if I look like a bunny or not. It's using the specific weapon to your advantage.

Those with rifles, carbines, or basically anything with decent power that isn't a shotgun has no excuse. Unless reloading. If you cannot kill a bunnyhopper during the time it takes for them to reload their rifle... then you deserve to eat the dirt for 15 seconds.

Diving is perfectly fine... you can do it in real life. You can also bunnyhop in real life. What you can't do, is pronespam. (Unless you're uberbreakdancer type)

Your first reaction with a shotgun should be to shoot the guy - NOT to dive on the ground and shoot from the ground.  The game allowed this behavior, but think about it - who in reallife would dive on the ground before clamoring with their heavy shotgun to fire at their close range opponent?!?!?  It wouldn't happen and makes the game often times look silly.  Just crouch and shoot or stand and shoot.  If you dive - like in real life, it's because you are trying to not get shot and you are diving for cover or preparing to pop off some long range shots. 

Diving is fine in real life - to save your butt and get behind cover!   Bunny Hopping in a real life?  What are you talking about?  O.K., maybe on a trampoline, or maybe kids do at recess...  but how many times can you hop in the air while holding a gun, ammo, and all your equipment (combat boots, helmet, flak jacket, etc) all while getting shot at   NO - IT DOESN'T HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE.  NO SOLDIERS BUNNY HOP.   THERE SHOULD BE NO BUNNY HOPPING ALLOWED.  PERIOD.
I'll say it again. Since when was Bf2 a combat simulator?
I'll say it again. Learn how to do something other than breakdance. Dont you have your own thread to bitch?
+557|6773|Oslo, Norway
liiiiiiikkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeee    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOmmmmyyyyyyyggggggooooooddddd IIIIIIIII dddddddooooooonnnnn'tttttt aaaaggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee wwwwwwwiiiiiiitttttthhhhhhh yyyyyyoooooouuuuuu

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