i play 1280x1024, but i have an insane system.

even i get lag, though, because inet service providers don't understand that we need upload speed more comparable to dl speed.

like, i've got 5,000KBps down and 384KBps up.  if i could just have 2,000KBps upstream, gaming would be much better.

Last edited by Riddick51PB (2006-09-05 20:09:17)

if your computer lags on the big maps (mostly PLA maps) then of course the high end will kill you
I have an ok machine
Processor: AMD Athlon(TM) 64 X2 4200+
OS: Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
Memory: 1024MB 400MHz (2x512)
Video Card: Radeon X1600PRO 512MB
HD: 500GB

half the time i'm playing my settings on low, so i can beat all the other people on high settings in the games
although when i play PLA maps settings are usually high so i can see

BUT DSRTutle is right
"the computer makes a big difference, but a good player can overcome the limitations of there system with teamwork."

two things i found helpful

1st.  play special forces for a while then go back to regular bf2.  the fast paced sf games make it easier to adjust to the slower play of regular bf2. 

2nd.  play singleplayer or coop and just be assualt or spec ops on the ground.  It will help your reflexes. 

both will help you see things and feel things to compensate for a poorer system.
+1,230|6884|Alberta, Canada

Singleplayer is so lame, the bots just stand there and shoot at you, it's not challenging at all.

And I guess you guys are right, no matter how great your system is, you could still be a crappy play and get bad stats.
+4|6674|Vancouver, BC
lol, just because you have a good comp doesn't mean that guy is always better. Before i upgraded my comp, i had1gb of ram, 3ghz pro, and a crappy x300 graphics card. I played everything on low and yes, everything did look extremly crappy and i still only got 30fps. but still, i always made it to the stars!
how about this thread for whiners
+15|6616|federal way washington
good hardware does not hurt but if you suck at bf2 better hardware will not make you better, just keep plugging a way and someday they will stop calling me, er you a noob
massive advantage for gamers with good ones. (not me   ) its not fair ZOMG!!! :p

ryan_14 wrote:

I've always wondered this. Probably over 70% of BF2 players have excellent computers, but the other 30% have slow, laggy, and terrible computers (like me).

So, do people with high end computers, the ones with no lag, and high settings play better and get better stats than people with slower computers?

Think about it.

Benefits of High-End Computer:
Far viewing distance
Good Graphics
No Lag

And what do lower-end computers get?
Low viewing distance
Poor graphics (everything looks like paper and boxes, distant objects look like nothing)
Extreme lag (sometimes)

So? Do gamers with good computers play better than gamers with bad ones?

EDIT: Also, the poor graphics is horrible for the scope on the F2000. The crosshair looks like crap, I can't even aim accurately with it.

i dont think id even want to play BF2 without everything on high
Good Hardware helps of course, but my PC is farely shitty, yet I dont feel that any player has an unfair advantage over me.  And i still feel like i kick ass, even with a lower end PC (BF2 wise).
+9|6485|Corona, California
having better graphics is way better...when i play with clan members, i'll be piloting them and tell them to shoot straight ahead and tv enemy chopper, but they cant see it cuz they cant run everything on high...also, when someone is sneaking up near me, i can sometimes see there shadow off another building so im ready for them...also the fact of being able to distinguish between what is supposed to be somewhere and what is not, that way u can identify hidden snipers
I can honestly say that if i had to change to a High end PC now, i wouldn't improve at all, or find anything easier.  The opposite might occur, because it wouldnt be the norm for me.  Some things are actually easier to see with low settings.  No pesky shadows to hid anything
+65|6734|las vegas
its hard to say. i used to pwn people on a 200mhz intel on TFC back in the day. when i upgraded to a pentium 3 back then. i sucked at the game all of a sudden. i think people just adapt

on bf2 i have a killer rig, and play pretty well i think, although sometimes i do best on laggy servers, or UK servers where my ping is like 160. i own then because of the lag
Knowledge is power, guard it well
+126|6637|Michigan, USA
I run on all low except for textures(on medium) and view distance on 100% and I believe I play pretty good.  Yes I have some system lag, but my general skill makes up for it.  Ive killed plenty off people running on much better machines.  Sure a better system will give some small advantages(less lag, sharper detail) but when it comes down to it, the player him/herself.  If that person is not good at a game, no amount of hardware can make them better.
+50|6684|Some where near you

R3v4n wrote:

Its a hard Question, i think it all comes down to the skill of the player as they learn to adapt tot he system.
I'm going to miss him...(sig)

Last edited by ECH (2006-09-05 20:16:52)

+140|6528|Armidale, NSW, Australia
A couple of things I've noticed:

My clan mates with better PCs can shoot at things I can't even see.

Mahtuur City is really hard for me to play due to low FPS, which is a pity because I love that map. The score for the previous round comes up after the next round has started lol.

I got a new mouse, a Logitec G7 which uses a laser. This is much better than my old optical mouse which used to wobble around which made it hard to aim, even with a sniper rifle. The new mouse has fixed that. Even something this simple has helped me alot.

I have a 2.4Gig processor. I think it could do with upgrading... I've had to increase my RAM from 512M to 1Gig after one of the patches (can't remember which one). SF is still unplayable, I spawn and after about 3 frames I'm dead so I think a better PC would definitely help me play better (which wouldn't be hard).
the advantage to single player/coop is that the bots act as a team.  so if you can kill 2 or 3 before they get you then your doing ok. 

My system is worse than a lot of those listed above.

AMD XP2400+
1.5 GB PC2700 RAM
80 GB HD
ATI 9600XT w 256 RAM on it.

I run the resolution at 1280x1024 because of my LCD monitor but everything either off or on low except terrain on medium and geometry on medium or high.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-09-05 20:21:37)

BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6668|Los Angeles, California, US.
Of Course, Better Computers Pwn. Graphics, Good, See, Better, RAM, Good, Move, Better.
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Damnit, I misspelled my sig and someone told me in a Karma msg so I can't identify them. Show yourself an I will give you Karma.

And umm, yea, better computers = better players. You can give all the reasoning that "No, with teamwork you can overcome any deficiencies" or "It's the player, not the computer that makes the skill". But here's the reality, no use discussing it anymore since I am right. With a better computer, that same person would automatically be a little bit better. Same with a better mouse, better monitor, etc. Teamwork might even him up most players, but getting those extra 20-30fps will give him an instant advantage.
tiga tiga tiga tiga tiga woods ya'll
It looks better if your graphics are all on high, but if you turn lighting on low you can see down the darkened areas alot better
i got a p4 3ghzw/ht, a 1gb ram, 9800pro(128mb) and a sb audigy 2zs plat. and i run everything on med. with 1024X768, and sound on  high and i usually get about 40-50 fps, and i had a fx 5200(128mb) and it ran bf2 on all low(except sound) prett y good, but when i got the radeon it helped alot

My system:
AMD X2 3800+ oc'd to 2.6ghz
2gb ram PC3200
7600gt oc'd 560/1450

runs silky smooth, above 50fps.  High settings.

Before I built my new computer I had this:

AMD Athlon XP 3000+
384mb ram


a few upgrades then

AMD Athlon XP3000+
1gb ram

the only thing i found that really matters is having a CPU that can run the game on 100% draw distance. the rest just adds realism. shadows and other effects. i have seen bf2 on my machine amd 3700 2 gigs corsair xms ram and a xfx 256 6800xt agp video card. then i ve seen it on a friends CPU a amd 3700 2 gigs corsair xms and 2 xfx 256 6800xt running in sli mode. both machines play the game with all settings maxed out with little or no lag at all.  Ive played on both and the sli machine seams to let me line up my shots quicker from the ground and choppers.
if your machine can only run on 70% draw distance you are at a disadvantage to others that are playing at 100%. Ive tested this a karkand with a friend.  i played at 60% and he played at 100%. he was starting at the square and i started at the hotel. he could see me before i could see him.all i saw was fog where he was standing.  but as stated above the best hardware in the world wont help you against a great player. but a great player with the best hardware will dominate the game. both machines were built off of new egg and neither machine broke the bank. the sli machine we build for about $900 and the agp machine we built for about $650. both use high end mobos  CPU memory and video cards n power supply's . nothing was the cheapest parts. all good brands.
Hind Secks
They should....but in my opinion its all eye candy. 

I ran BF2 on a PIII 1.4GHz with 2GB ram & 6600GT

and when I switched to a AMD X2 2Gb & 7800GT...I didnt see a big difference in my k/d ratio at all. 

I still say its how you play (engage your enemy) that makes the most difference.  Computing power / network helps...but it really comes down to how you play...imo.
Frosties > Cornflakes

High end machines allow you to play better, and reach you maximum skill level, doesnt matter how awsome you machine is, if you suck you suck, for some guys its not an issue, they just kick ass on there shity computer, but i belive for the most part, a high end machine only allows you to play better, it doesnt inheritly make you better.

E.g on a high end graphics setting, for snipers they can pick out enemies since they light up like a bulb as they shoot, vs the low graphics sniper he has a tougher time, but again, adapt and overcome.

I went from low to medium and seing a big difference, i dont care how bad u think u are, i totally sucked when i began, took me 300 hours to reach my 1st 10k!  Now i can get that 10k in a lil over 50 hours, so there we are, improved system is allowing me to score 6 times faster than my low one........Just a thought
There is.
+1,380|6732|Devon, England

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