Do me a favor, if you agree with me then stop posting what others would disagree with me on, let them do it. Why the hell would I want to debate you over something we both apparently agree on??UnOriginalNuttah wrote:
I'm not, plenty of people are though. And if you are going to post links to websites with adverts like this:lowing wrote:
Well you are now saying the most one of the most generous countries in the history of the world is committing genocide...Play it safe, keep it as an opinion. … 25x200.gif
Then I feel no remorse in responding with obviously biased sources too: … 0Polya.htm, let's just ask a theoretical: Are the protections offered by the Human Rights acts and Geneva Conventions applicable to these people, or not? wrote:
AN HORRENDOUS EXAMPLE OF UK-US PC RACISM is provided by Anglo-American mainstream media NON-REPORTAGE of the horrendous post-invasion under-5 infant mortality in Coalition-occupied Iraq and Afghanistan (1.7 million) that is occurring through non-provision by the Anglo-American conquerors of life-sustaining requisites in gross violation of the Geneva Conventions i.e. PASSIVE GENOCIDE [see (6)].No, that's why it needs to be reformed. When selfish individuals (e.g. the rapists and abusers) and states (e.g. Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, etc.) subvert and abuse the system for their own benefit then they should be brought to account and punished in international court, and questions should be asked as to how this can be prevented. But the lessons of WWII should never be forget, and neither should the reason why the UN was formed. My only hope is that it doesn't take another war on the scale of WWII to remind the world what the peacekeeping organisation is there for, and that everyone can see the benefit and work towards cooperation without slipping into the trap of excessive globalisation and violation of soveign rights.lowing wrote:
Is this why the UN was formed?? ID=4200 … 37,00.html … E_ID=42088 … 2bqwjn.aspSince the conservatives are in power in America you are never going to get your way more than you are already. And in fact, there will be an inevitable trend towards the left as demonstrated by history. I wish I could see your face when that result comes in, but I'll just take comfort from the fact that if you hate the left when they aren't the dominant force in the Whitehouse, your life will be hell when they are.lowing wrote:
No, liberals want control of business to force them to pay even more taxes than they already do so their ever needy social programs can be paid for. Since the policy is take from those that earn it and give to those that don't.Hmmmmmmm, not to sure where you get that one. Maybe you mean 'those bullshit frivolous lawsuits that tie up out courts costing [us conservatives and big businesses] billions in buying our way out of accountability for gross negligence, exploitation, violation of local laws and generally shitty behaviour'. Yeah, that must be it.lowing wrote:
Also it is the liberal mentality that prevails with all the bullshit frivolous lawsuits that tie up our courts costing us billions.
I wish you would fight for the rights of the people who lost their lives in terror attacks as much as you fight for the rights of the people who took them or supported taking them or financed taking them. Wouldn't that be sight??
Might wanna re-read. The very organization that you say WE NEED, is the ones you are describing that you say need controlled.
Gunna be a disappointment for ya, I worked all the way through the Clinton years and never missed a beat. So I am afraid the event you wish you could see is going to be pretty anti-climatic for ya.sorry.
LOL yeah, gross negligence like sueing a major fast food company for a finger in the chilli?? Any guesses on who SHE voted for last election?? Truth is you and I could go round and round on this point and I just don't have it in me.