www.forbes.com wrote:
Steve Irwin, the hugely popular Australian television personality and conservationist known as the "Crocodile Hunter," was killed Monday by a stingray while filming off the Great Barrier Reef. He was 44.
Irwin was at Batt Reef, off the remote coast of northeastern Queensland state, shooting a segment for a series called "Ocean's Deadliest" when he swam too close to one of the animals, which have a poisonous bard on their tails, his friend and colleague John Stainton said.
"He came on top of the stingray and the stingray's barb went up and into his chest and put a hole into his heart," said Stainton, who was on board Irwin's boat at the time.
Crew members aboard the boat, Croc One, called emergency services in the nearest city, Cairns, and administered CPR as they rushed the boat to nearby Low Isle to meet a rescue helicopter. Medical staff pronounced Irwin dead when they arrived a short time later, Stainton said.
xXGamingBugXx wrote:
Steve was a great man, I always watched his "Crocodile Hunter Diaries" after school.
RIP Steve
Same here all through primary school his shows were my favorite on TV and my little sister really enjoyed the Crocodile diary's, she hasn't heard whats happened yet but I'm sure she will be devastated as the rest of you are.
Mongoose wrote:
bout fucking time that knobjockey died, hes a total wanker
You go and fucking say that to his wife and kids.

Totally weak and uncalled for..... sure he could be over enthusiastic and annoying at times, but he was doing what he loved to do.
My Sympathy goes out to his family.
Last edited by =|A mere Shadow|= (2006-09-04 05:34:03)