o rly? then how do you explain the massive deposits of sufur found in the steel after the process of sulfidation occurs, the process that thermite implements? Also, the molten steel molten steel at the site maintained the reaction for weeks. Hot coals go out underground. Molten steel does not. The foundations were melted: evidence of sulfidation : thermite. Again, no jet fuel underground in the foundations, yet you have melted steel, and all the evidence was scrapped. University chemists know better than we or firemen do. Those weren't ashes and hot coals, and the videos of molten steel pouring from the building aren't from a <1000 degree fire.. The molten streams occured minutes after the collision, caught on video, showing yellow hot molten metal pouring from structural beams on the outside. This is a thermite reaction caught on tape. I posted the link in one of my old posts about this.
Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-09-03 11:23:56)