
The real skill0rs are playing...

in leagues (and so does me)30%30% - 41
in leagues (but me not)22%22% - 30
on public11111 (like me)47%47% - 64
Total: 135
+4|6779|Vancouver, BC
i was invited to play in a league but i didn't...
20:1? that's all?

gimme a break, the borders between league and public are not drawn by skill, it's drawn by membership.  League players are very good, they have alot of practice and they know how to bend the game to their will..

Just like my clan and many others practices, runs drills, and knows how to bend the game engine to it's threshold...on public servers and clanwars.

I've played with some peeps that were supposedly TWL climbers it think, and they were proficient, but no more adept than some of us that have hundreds of hours in game, but a thousand unranked practice hours.
They may have a little better coordination sometimes, and on some maps they specialize in, better speed.  Otherwise, they are mortals, too.

We are all just players in this game, some of us just do it as a job.

Kasperkopf wrote:

I think many public Players are better skilled than the ESL gays. They play only vs. newbee´s on public thats the reason why they think so. Make a Squat from this Forum with its best Players and they play together in the ESL could make a change.
Wow. Just wow.

So, here's the draw-out.

"Pubs" = Newbs.
"ESL Guys" = People who think their good because they pwn Newbs, AKA Pubs.

So, therefor, Pubs > ESL Guys?

Your logic fails.
Moderator Emeritus
+76|6919|London UK

Please dont fuck up another thread with stupid arguements kids.....

EDIT: jsut keep it constructive and civilised, please.
I love [fiSh]

Kasperkopf wrote:

Make a Squat from this Forum with its best Players and they play together in the ESL could make a change.
If the forums best players wouldn't already play in the ESL...

But good luck with this intention, create a squad of ~7-8 players for 4on4 infantry only or ~12-15 for 8on8 conquest and see how far you get.
Fantasma Parastasie


SargeV1.4 wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

Skilled (in their veiw) = Bunny hopping, dolphin diving and generally trying to exploit the game as much as possible to win, because they cannot win in any other way. That's not skilled, that's another example of being a smacktard
you really don't have a f*cking clue, do you?
See this is almost a whole other topic that does relate to wether clan or pub players are more skilled.

It is almost as if BF2 players are devided into 2 groups.

One that enjoys a good fun, fair, realistic game. But possibly at times forget that it is a game in teh sense that, people are there to win the game anyway they can.

And the other that, will try to win anyway they can, no matter how much it affects the 'feel' of the game.

I know that wasnt very precise, but its a hard thing to explain, I hope most will understand what I am trying to say.

Its like for example Im a pretty good solo chopper pilot, now, I am not using team work at all, and you could argue seat switching is exploiting the game (lets not go down that arguement in this thread) but some would say yes?

But if I go round and get 50 kills and no deaths, does that make me a smacktard?

In teh same sense, if I dont solo chopper and I dont bunny hop or whatever, and dont try to use every advantage I can out of the game, does that then make me a noob?

Im undecided myself.
I was actually referring to the way that he thinks that dolhpin diving is somehow a substitute for skill. Even without our 'evil tactics' the average pub player would lose from any of the better league players. But the way that people seem to blame their losses on the movement of a player is just plain stupid.
arrivederci frog

SargeV1.4 wrote:

I was actually referring to the way that he thinks that dolhpin diving is somehow a substitute for skill. Even without our 'evil tactics' the average pub player would lose from any of the better league players. But the way that people seem to blame their losses on the movement of a player is just plain stupid.
Exactly, pro league players can double headshot you with a pistol, the dolphin diving was only to avoid being headshotted all the time. On a pub these pro players could just use their aim and positioning, movement wouldn't even be needed to pwn.
+65|6839|las vegas
i'll some of you on 1vs1 hehe.  been playin these games for over 13 years

go look at my stats, i dont care. they dont show crap
/Goes to look up the meaning of skiller
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6770|Birmingham, UK

Defiance wrote:

TheDarkRaven wrote:

LaidBackNinja wrote:

I second that. I play public, never dolphin dive, or bunny hop as people see it (I jump, run a few paces, jump, repeat). My [brief] experience of league play just got me frustrated with the dolphin diving, bunny hopping and prone spamming. I'm not going to sink to their lows, but I'm practically bound to lose because of it. However, one of these teams my clan played in a friendly, did all of those 'cheats' (as I see them) the first round and destroyed us. Second round they didn't (or at least hardly didn't) and we destroyed them. They couldn't live without those [exploits]. To be able to take a fight in a true manner takes skill. The problem comes in that the modest aren't so outward in showing their skills. And so people follow, adore, and yearn to become like them. And no, I don't think I am especially good, I play for fun with friends, but so often is my fun spoiled by the exploits (double meaning) of others with no consideration.

Just to quote from an episode of ST:DS9 that I watched while bored (I have changed the speech to fit my explanatory needs):
Gowron (in this case, the exploiters): You will be stripped of your fun, your stats and your victory [because we exploit]! You will have NOTHING!
Worf (in this case the 'good' players): But I will still have my honour.

(kudos who can tell which episode this is)

I think I'll just leave it as that.
Leave it how you will, you're wrong.

Competitive play and pubbing play is completely different. If a competitive person jumps on a pub server, as they must every once in a while, their tactics will be infused, and they will win.

When a pubber gets mixed up in a high competitive match, their tactics will be infused, and they will lose.

It's not a matter of honor. That's niave to think it's who has the favoritism of the golden lion. It's about winning, and if you don't want to deal with those tactics, I hope your OK with losing. Or not playing. That's your choice.

Stop bitching about tactics. Start learning those tactics, so you out maneuver your enemy.

Rules of war.

Stop bitching.

The last time I checked, in war, and indeed in any form of life, people cannot "dolphin dive" or "prone spam". And so, because you are discussing this point in terms of real life, your arguement is subject to the conditions of real life, and logic dictates that you therefore, as a [presuming] logical and intelligent being disagree with "dolphin diving" and "prone spamming". Therefore, "Defiance", good sir, you are a hypocrite! Argue against that, if you will.

beerface702 wrote:

i'll some of you on 1vs1 hehe.  been playin these games for over 13 years

go look at my stats, i dont care. they dont show crap
sorry but your kdr is not that great with weapons
has the greatest stats on earth
Well if they are only playing infantry maybe, but that is not BF2. They are only playing half of the game.
No, they don't. There are indeed Infantry Only Leagues, but mostly there's 8on8 Conquest including, tanks, APCs, Helo's etc. And these guys even practice all those vehicles.
but then there is only one gamer who is able to handle a tank/ apc/ heli, and the others are still playing infantry. there is no "ok do you wanna fly this time"
and then those vehicle players are only playing half of the game, too!
I love [fiSh]

Ir0n-M@n wrote:

but then there is only one gamer who is able to handle a tank/ apc/ heli, and the others are still playing infantry. there is no "ok do you wanna fly this time"
and then those vehicle players are only playing half of the game, too!
Because it's competitve play where you want to archive the best results? Why should somebody fly a helo if there's a better pilot/gunner?

Krysiss wrote:

beerface702 wrote:

i'll some of you on 1vs1 hehe.  been playin these games for over 13 years

go look at my stats, i dont care. they dont show crap
sorry but your kdr is not that great with weapons
He said they dont show crap.

So stfu. K ?
Fierce, I believe you are right.
The best players play in clans like: team magnificent(probably the best clan)( there tag is magnificent^), dignitas, boomtown(Copenhagen eSports), 201d, Hot, nofear, apas(inf only) loghitech... and so on.

A skilled public-player will not have a chance against any of them. Sorry...

I know this because I have played against them. It is really not that fun because you almost gets owned every time^^.

Plz do not make up arguments that you killed redux once on a 24/7 karkand server, and that is why publicplayers are Some much better than clanplayers. Of course many clanplayers dolphindive and pronespam, they do it because it makes them live longer. You are stupid if you do not pronespam when you got the chance. But the main difference between publicplayers and clanplayers is that clanlayers have better ingame-iq, better teamwork and much better aim!
has the greatest stats on earth
but you cannot truly say that the best gamer of the esl is better than for example VolX...
and this leader guy exactly said that there are NO good public gamers at all and this is quite insulting for the top1000 in world ranking and many other skill0rs...
I love [fiSh]

Ir0n-M@n wrote:

but you cannot truly say that the best gamer of the esl is better than for example VolX...
VolX is good? 100% Nadespamming & Armorwhoring on Karkand makes you a good player? Both things account to the things in BF2 that take the least skill (including suicidal claymore Karkand runs). I hope you don't mean this serious because there are thousands of better players on usual public ranked servers and in clans.
has the greatest stats on earth
em dude at least you havent seen some VolX videos yet, have you? he is 70% infantry gamer and is doing at the end this in perfection what every league player does: bunny hopping, dolphin diving and so on!
it is not skills to lay on the ground whit our pkm and shoot.

Last edited by Leln (2006-09-03 04:32:43)

I love [fiSh]

Ir0n-M@n wrote:

em dude at least you havent seen some VolX videos yet, have you?
I saw the videos and did play with and against him.

I fear that this thread is going to be derailed soon, therefore pleasestick to this thread if you want to talk about volx's skill now:


Last edited by fierce (2006-09-03 04:30:17)

+3,611|6767|London, England

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

Skilled (in their veiw) = Bunny hopping, dolphin diving and generally trying to exploit the game as much as possible to win, because they cannot win in any other way. That's not skilled, that's another example of being a smacktard
you really don't have a f*cking clue, do you?
Hell no, i just jump at every chance i get to diss a smacktard.
+1,153|6777|Washington, DC

Ir0n-M@n wrote:

em dude at least you havent seen some VolX videos yet, have you? he is 70% infantry gamer and is doing at the end this in perfection what every league player does: bunny hopping, dolphin diving and so on!
He uses a macro. How do I know? I downloaded a macro like his, recorded me flopping around in BRecorder, and it looks exactly like him.

Nadespamming, using the PKM (unlocks arent allowed in most ladders or leagues), and spawncamping at Hotel isn't top-clan material. It's top-leaderboard material, sure, but at the end of the day he's spent 1500 hours for meaningless points while these clanners spend less time getting sponsorships, free hardware, money, etc. If he wants to do that that's fine. But please don't be led to believe that because you whore karkand with a PKM and macro that you should be in Code7 or 20ID.

As for the divers and spammers... either combat it with diving and spamming (when you have sponsorships and money on the table, you wanna do whatever is allowed to win) or do them one better. I suck at infantry, been playing for a year and have barely improved... so I find it very pleasing to blast infantry to pieces with arty, tank shells, bombs, and miniguns (littlebird). If I was a very skilled infantry-man (like Sarge, BushViper, Spinach, patton, etc) then I'd do more infantry. But I want results, and going up .4 in my rifle KDR after a year of play isn't the results I want.
Touches Himself At Night.
I decided to ignore this topic when I saw the use of the word: Skill0rz.

Not kewl....
I don't care if they think/know that they are better than me.
I play BF2 public because I like to play. Sometimes with friends and sometimes not.

Top clan players are better than me! Have beed playing a few times with 2 Code7 players in the opposit team and I did not have a chance.... If I would spend many hours everyday playing with a clan I am sure I would be alot better BF player. If I went to the driving range everyday I would be a better golf player... But I do not have the time or the motivation.

To me it's fun to play a few hours after work.

But it's fun to read about all the clan players whining about unlocks (because it screw up their aim lol) and that they can't play now when the can't jump and shoot or squad jump or what ever. If a player think he is good he should be able to play with all weapons and with the game as it is being changed.

Hmm the check spelling button did not work so I hope my english is not to bad....
Phone Spammer
+207|6737|Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
League players are better as a team, while good pubbers are better alone.  Also, please remember that there aren't very many "good" pubbers though.

Last edited by BabySpinach (2006-09-03 10:30:34)

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