
The real skill0rs are playing...

in leagues (and so does me)30%30% - 41
in leagues (but me not)22%22% - 30
on public11111 (like me)47%47% - 64
Total: 135
has the greatest stats on earth
the story: www.esl.eu .. biggest esports ligue in europe. i saw the leading bf2 infantry 4on4 team and asked to join in (posted my stats in their guestbook) ... now the leader replied the following:

i just wanted to say that we dont want you in our clan
me :
Sunny Boy (08:11 PM) :
leader :
1. we are full
me :
leader :
someone who shows off with such stats did not understand bf2
do you mean the stats or the showing off
me: am i not allowed to?!
you are, but your stats are nothing too show off
you think?
the bf2 community does not care about stats
you mean the league community...
yes, the more important one
no, not at all... the smaller one
the one who does not cry when there are bunnyhoppers or delphin divers ingame
yes, though, the smaller one.. not everyone can be skilled
me: and why dont the leading top 10.000 play any clanwars at all?
leader: their problem.
if there was no public, bf2 would be dead already
leader: have you seen a really skilled player on public already?
YES! for sure. without skillers it would be quite boring
when one of my mates or me goes on a public as a medic and without this bonus weapon crap we always have 20:1 stats
me: who cares! i didnt say that you are bad!
now you know that you havent seen a really good player up to now
omg. not really. you dont understand the game at all, do you?
go to "blablabla"-server and you will see how the "smaller" part of the community is ruling.
you are one of these who play wars and then think that all public gamers are lowskilled..
dude, i´m 1. rank in 4on4 ladder, have been in many clans before.. i have MUCH more experience than you!
experience lol... playing wars is not everything
at least it is.
why do you think there are 200.000 public gamers but only about 1000 league-gamers?  omg -.- pure self-assertion... 1on1 airshow -> bash!
i´m infantryman... but play against the "dignitas"-pilot -> bash
... i know that there are skillers out there-.- you dont know it at all! ever played another game then cs and bf2?
yes: blablabla (many games)
everything in league?
no but everything in clans
lol! go and learn something for school, freak! "blablabla i dont have reallife and just play computer games"
dont bother. i´m learning for school!

-> ingnore list!
   (translated as good as possible)
so what do you think? is he right? are the real skillers only playing in leagues and not on publics? is playing infantry everything?
by the way: the leader guy is 15!

post your thoughts! i wanna know

Same shit, Different Arsehole
I think i'm a good player and i play both, i'm sure quite alot of people are the same.
arrivederci frog
I agree with LostFate in that I play both as well, but I know that you will VERY rarely see the best BF2 players on public servers. The top clans practice on unranked (mostly infantry only) servers ( I made a thread about one such server not too long ago), and will not care about your stats as all it shows is that you can pwn pubbers. The key factor is however, that league players are usually more skilled as they practice and put in ALOT of hours into this game, and alot of the time good clans have sponsors who give them incentives (hardware) to keep playing well.
Meh, but this is coming from a (relative) n00b, so I still love my ranked 24/7 karkand servers and stats are a nice addition to have IMO.

EDIT: 'Pro' clans also hate unlocks.

Last edited by Aries_37 (2006-09-02 17:38:20)

Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6850|Marathon, Florida Keys
+138|6548|New Zealand

LostFate wrote:

I think i'm a good player and i play both, i'm sure quite alot of people are the same.

Aries_37 wrote:

'Pro' clans also hate unlocks.
Oh Jesus.  Idiots.
Hockey Nut
+243|6571|Boston, MA
Who cares if the "skilled" people are in leagues? The people who enjoy the game more is in public servers. I used to play a lot of Team Fortress Classic and played on one public server. Everybody there was friends except for a few. It was probably the most skilled public server on the web and still probably is. It's still up the last time I checked as it has a huge community and they all donate to keep it running. Everybody there just went to have fun, nothing way too serious, and fun we had. It was a great time playing on that server with all the people that go there all the time. I got really good there and was considered one of the top offense guys on the server. The point in TFC is to capture the flag and I was one of the 25 people all-time on that server to have 1000+ caps. I went into league play and it seems too competitive. Sure it was fun with the clan, but it's too competitive and you get frustrated too easily. Basically what I'm trying to say is that yes, the more skilled players are in leagues and don't play on pub servers, but at the same time I would much rather play the pub servers since it's more fun.

That and I'm not exactly a statwhore, but I do love looking at them. I don't care what other people think of my stats, it's just kind of something I can look at when I'm bored (and when it's not hockey season so I can't look at hockey stats.) It's just nice to look every so often and just think something like "Woa, I'm better with that gun than I thought" etc. That's my opinion anyways.
+3,611|6662|London, England
Skilled (in their veiw) = Bunny hopping, dolphin diving and generally trying to exploit the game as much as possible to win, because they cannot win in any other way. That's not skilled, that's another example of being a smacktard
Pony Slaystation
+343|6750|Charlie One Alpha

Mekstizzle wrote:

Skilled (in their veiw) = Bunny hopping, dolphin diving and generally trying to exploit the game as much as possible to win, because they cannot win in any other way. That's not skilled, that's another example of being a smacktard
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
M24 Abuser
+99|6542|Valley of the Dragons
Well I cannt speak for the whole league and every clan in there, but from my own personal experience I have to say clans like Dignitas and Code7 play on a whole different level. Most of the Clans I played against were not of that same quality however. So it might be true for the top tier of any league, being more skilled etc, but it certainly is not the case for anything outside that Top-5 or Top-10 in said league.

Btw a lot of these guys in the Top Clans are ok guys when they play together, but in any 1-on-1 situation they get owned quite often. I know I did it to some of the Dignitas guys before they stopped playing pubs apprently. I know Sargev1.4 has done it to.

SO I would say that as a clan they are more skilled in terms of teamplay but in individual skill they sometimes are not what you would consider a top player. But leagues is all about teamplay so they are right when they say they want good clans with skills and not good players with skills.
Moderator Emeritus
+76|6813|London UK

mehhh, clan matches in BF2 are ok....

But really, you say that best clans have the most skilled players.

Well if they are only playing infantry maybe, but that is not BF2. They are only playing half of the game.

Sure if I practised sniping all the time, I could be the most skilled sniper, but that wont help you agaisnt a TV missile. I think its good to try and be the best all round player you can be, and expirience every part of BF2, something that I dont think happens in clan wars.

For BF2 in my opinion public is much more fun, wether it is more 'skilled' or not, I dont know.
Choleric groundpounder
I don't think clan players are that better. I was to a clan once but leaved because of time problems and there is no big difference.
That leader was pretty arrogant, yeah.
Moderator Emeritus
+76|6813|London UK

Ducksteina wrote:

That leader was pretty arrogant, yeah.
Yeah really you dont want to be in any clan with some asshole like that.
Fantasma Parastasie

Jemme101 wrote:

btw a lot of these guys in the Top Clans are ok guys when they play together, but in any 1-on-1 situation they get owned quite often. I know I did it to some of the Dignitas guys before they stopped playing pubs apprently. I know Sargev1.4 has done it to.
Sorry, wat heb ik gedaan?

LaidBackNinja wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

Skilled (in their veiw) = Bunny hopping, dolphin diving and generally trying to exploit the game as much as possible to win, because they cannot win in any other way. That's not skilled, that's another example of being a smacktard
Not so much.

They would kick your ass, so they have more skill then you. How they do it is no difference then with what weapon they do it with.

It may not be the most "acceptable" pubbing tactic, but to win on the big leagues you must do that. You must counter what your opponents throw at you.
+51|6766|Twente, The Netherlands
Clan play is a whole other aspect of the game and yes, on average the skills are way higher than the standard 24/7 karkand nubserver.
Fantasma Parastasie

Mekstizzle wrote:

Skilled (in their veiw) = Bunny hopping, dolphin diving and generally trying to exploit the game as much as possible to win, because they cannot win in any other way. That's not skilled, that's another example of being a smacktard
you really don't have a f*cking clue, do you?
+65|6734|las vegas
who made this poll yoda? lol

anyway im sure alot of them are great players. maybe not always in a full envrioment with diffrent outcomes. it seems most competive matches are 16 player or less. which can be easier, or harder. depending how you play. and for bf2 it's usually INF only, when it comes to League play. if u throw them in with planes, tanks, PKM,s random asshats trying to jihard in cars etc. etc etc. then no. they will shine out on a pub, but wouldnt be the best probably ona  round by round basis.

but nothin is more fun then bein ina  room with some friends ona  lan. we dont get all crazy. but its good fun

Last edited by beerface702 (2006-09-03 02:32:57)

i think the best individual players are in the top clans and they would pawn all public players in a 1 vs 1 match, but the best clans like dignitas, C7, TM doesnt play public.
Moderator Emeritus
+76|6813|London UK

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

Skilled (in their veiw) = Bunny hopping, dolphin diving and generally trying to exploit the game as much as possible to win, because they cannot win in any other way. That's not skilled, that's another example of being a smacktard
you really don't have a f*cking clue, do you?
See this is almost a whole other topic that does relate to wether clan or pub players are more skilled.

It is almost as if BF2 players are devided into 2 groups.

One that enjoys a good fun, fair, realistic game. But possibly at times forget that it is a game in teh sense that, people are there to win the game anyway they can.

And the other that, will try to win anyway they can, no matter how much it affects the 'feel' of the game.

I know that wasnt very precise, but its a hard thing to explain, I hope most will understand what I am trying to say.

Its like for example Im a pretty good solo chopper pilot, now, I am not using team work at all, and you could argue seat switching is exploiting the game (lets not go down that arguement in this thread) but some would say yes?

But if I go round and get 50 kills and no deaths, does that make me a smacktard?

In teh same sense, if I dont solo chopper and I dont bunny hop or whatever, and dont try to use every advantage I can out of the game, does that then make me a noob?

Im undecided myself.
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6665|Birmingham, UK

LaidBackNinja wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

Skilled (in their veiw) = Bunny hopping, dolphin diving and generally trying to exploit the game as much as possible to win, because they cannot win in any other way. That's not skilled, that's another example of being a smacktard
I second that. I play public, never dolphin dive, or bunny hop as people see it (I jump, run a few paces, jump, repeat). My [brief] experience of league play just got me frustrated with the dolphin diving, bunny hopping and prone spamming. I'm not going to sink to their lows, but I'm practically bound to lose because of it. However, one of these teams my clan played in a friendly, did all of those 'cheats' (as I see them) the first round and destroyed us. Second round they didn't (or at least hardly didn't) and we destroyed them. They couldn't live without those [exploits]. To be able to take a fight in a true manner takes skill. The problem comes in that the modest aren't so outward in showing their skills. And so people follow, adore, and yearn to become like them. And no, I don't think I am especially good, I play for fun with friends, but so often is my fun spoiled by the exploits (double meaning) of others with no consideration.

Just to quote from an episode of ST:DS9 that I watched while bored (I have changed the speech to fit my explanatory needs):
Gowron (in this case, the exploiters): You will be stripped of your fun, your stats and your victory [because we exploit]! You will have NOTHING!
Worf (in this case the 'good' players): But I will still have my honour.

(kudos who can tell which episode this is)

I think I'll just leave it as that.

Last edited by TheDarkRaven (2006-09-03 02:43:30)

I love [fiSh]

Ir0n-M@n wrote:

the story: www.esl.eu .. biggest esports ligue in europe. i saw the leading bf2 infantry 4on4 team and asked to join in (posted my stats in their guestbook) ... now the leader replied the following:[...]
I read your request in their guestbook and honestly, what did you expect with this request?

I highly doubt that any of the better clans would've responded at all.

There are a lot of really good league players out there. They nearly never play on ranked servers, because they don't care about stats and on ranked players you usually got a high amount of players who're busy with their badges.

As for the practice, only a few clan players play on servers like waib, ddd or elunex. They rather play on passworded servers where someone did setup either a practice against an other clan or you play in a mixed gather (you can meet for this on the esl website) and take this as practice.

The people who enjoy the game more is in public servers.
I experienced both, nearly 1000 hours of ranked playing and recently only clan playing on either unranked infantry only servers, clanmatches or gather. I highly doubt that you got more fun on a ranked player with all those smacktards around there and i rather enjoy the competition in leagues and the incredible high teamwork.

The only situation when you get pissed at your teammates, is when he's faster then you and grabs the allmighty AK-101 as USMC.

Well I cannt speak for the whole league and every clan in there, but from my own personal experience I have to say clans like Dignitas and Code7 play on a whole different level. Most of the Clans I played against were not of that same quality however.
Indeed, there are some clans out there who got some really high skilled players and good tactics and on the other hand there are clans out there who even don't know how to shoot. And i bet you get those clans in every league, no matter if ESL, CAL, TWL or whatever.

Well if they are only playing infantry maybe, but that is not BF2. They are only playing half of the game.
No, they don't. There are indeed Infantry Only Leagues, but mostly there's 8on8 Conquest including, tanks, APCs, Helo's etc. And these guys even practice all those vehicles.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Jemme101 wrote:

btw a lot of these guys in the Top Clans are ok guys when they play together, but in any 1-on-1 situation they get owned quite often. I know I did it to some of the Dignitas guys before they stopped playing pubs apprently. I know Sargev1.4 has done it to.
Sorry, wat heb ik gedaan?
Dignitas Spieler hart geowned!

penguin.killer wrote:

i think the best individual players are in the top clans and they would pawn all public players in a 1 vs 1 match, but the best clans like dignitas, C7, TM doesnt play public.
Most players of C7 created a new clan called "team magnificent". There are only 3 or 4 left at C7 and they're not going to play BF2 or BF2142.

I enjoy playing only on unranked, gathers or clanmatches and i doubt that i'll play ranked soon even if we got a ranked server. -.-

Last edited by fierce (2006-09-03 02:45:20)


TheDarkRaven wrote:

LaidBackNinja wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

Skilled (in their veiw) = Bunny hopping, dolphin diving and generally trying to exploit the game as much as possible to win, because they cannot win in any other way. That's not skilled, that's another example of being a smacktard
I second that. I play public, never dolphin dive, or bunny hop as people see it (I jump, run a few paces, jump, repeat). My [brief] experience of league play just got me frustrated with the dolphin diving, bunny hopping and prone spamming. I'm not going to sink to their lows, but I'm practically bound to lose because of it. However, one of these teams my clan played in a friendly, did all of those 'cheats' (as I see them) the first round and destroyed us. Second round they didn't (or at least hardly didn't) and we destroyed them. They couldn't live without those [exploits]. To be able to take a fight in a true manner takes skill. The problem comes in that the modest aren't so outward in showing their skills. And so people follow, adore, and yearn to become like them. And no, I don't think I am especially good, I play for fun with friends, but so often is my fun spoiled by the exploits (double meaning) of others with no consideration.

Just to quote from an episode of ST:DS9 that I watched while bored (I have changed the speech to fit my explanatory needs):
Gowron (in this case, the exploiters): You will be stripped of your fun, your stats and your victory [because we exploit]! You will have NOTHING!
Worf (in this case the 'good' players): But I will still have my honour.

(kudos who can tell which episode this is)

I think I'll just leave it as that.
Leave it how you will, you're wrong.

Competitive play and pubbing play is completely different. If a competitive person jumps on a pub server, as they must every once in a while, their tactics will be infused, and they will win.

When a pubber gets mixed up in a high competitive match, their tactics will be infused, and they will lose.

It's not a matter of honor. That's niave to think it's who has the favoritism of the golden lion. It's about winning, and if you don't want to deal with those tactics, I hope your OK with losing. Or not playing. That's your choice.

Stop bitching about tactics. Start learning those tactics, so you out maneuver your enemy.

Rules of war.

Stop bitching.

+1|6772|from my flat
Okay some of them in Leagues are very skilled but the most of them are Idiots who think they are skilled. I know this because i was in Leagues (not very skilled). But they fight each day any war. too much.
And there are too many kids without any stratic thoughts and no friends in real life. You had so much luck that they didn´t want you in there team.

He is telling he is a Infantry man and if he plays on Public as a Medic: lol stupid idiot. Okay Medic could make many points but what does he do in front of a Tank? Running away.

I think many public Players are better skilled than the ESL gays. They play only vs. newbee´s on public thats the reason why they think so. Make a Squat from this Forum with its best Players and they play together in the ESL could make a change.

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