
Jusster wrote:

lowing wrote:

1. You obviously don't get out much. Although, personally, I haven't been called any racial slurs. I am conscious of the world around me.
LOL........your kidding right?  So your argument is..........There is reverse racism towards whites in America.  You have personally NEVER seen it in your how many years?  But you know its out there because you are conscious of the world around you.  What a joke.  Come to think about it,  I haven't seen not one of your post in which you state facts..........only your poor misguided feelings as to what you believe to be true.  How about you show some hard core facts to prove your points instead of feeding off your baseless emotions.

lowing wrote:

2. You wanted me to "prove" white violence against blacks....If you are as smart as your condescending post suggests you know very well what is referenced. Look it up yourself.
No I don't.  Why don't you explain yourself instead of expecting me to read your mind.  Sorry, but that would be hard for me to do since I definitely don't live my life from your point of view nor would I ever want to.

lowing wrote:

3. I am not whining, never have, you and PrimaCord, and a few others have been the ones being hostile and condescending in this thread. Your problem not mine. I have commented on the original post. Your trouble is, you can't accept it
Once again you are completely wrong.  Did you forget that this is the debate portion of the forums?

     1.  I completely disagree with your FEELINGS
     2.  You never post any facts to backup your FEELINGS
     3.  The only thing your good at is twisting the truth and giving half ass answers

I have nothing against you personally.  You have the right to FEEL as you do.  That doesn't mean that I have to agree with anything that you post.  If you don't want people to disagree with you then go post somewhere that everyone shares your point of view.  I could think of a few good sites for you to visit.

lowing wrote:

4. I never really cared who owns BET, really, it is irrelevant, and has nothing to do with the questions posed in reference to BET or any other self proclaimed "black" organization. But hey, ya got 2 white names, so I guess congrats is in order. By the way, if it is OK for "African Americans" to call themselves "black", as in "Black Entertainment Television" why is it offensive for me to call them "black"? just curious.

Also , you failed to comment on BET's mission statement and goals, and whether or not any other network could get away with that, while never being sued for discrimination
So how is it irrelevant?  Could it be that white people don't think as you do?  Come on buddy, don't you remember you basically preaching about how the black man has BET and the white man can't do that without being called racist?  What are you mad now because its now the white man giving it to the white man?  Maybe you are the special white person that dictates how all others should FEEL.  The ones who actually own BET and don't mind its mission statement are the people you should have an issue with.  Its only people like you and your backwards mentality who believe this is a problem.  Tell you what,  why don't you show me some facts about how BET is taking away your right to be proud of being white.  Sense race is so important to you.

And what difference does it matter to you what black people call themselves?  I guess that would be infringing on your right to show your white pride as well.  Stick to your original arguement and stop attempting to redirect else where.

By the way, you created this post.........so back it up like a man and stop complaining about someone having  "condescending" views towards your argument.

lowing wrote:

5. yeah whats the difference. LOL..talk about denial
Now is it me in denial or you?  You haven't stated not one FACT to refute any evidence I have put forward.  I'm starting to wonder why I even reply to your responses.  They are neither intellectual nor construed with any for thought.  But I guess they are comical to say the least.

lowing wrote:

7. You know as well as I do who EXACTLY, you were talking about when you mention ghettos. If you are going to play innocent about it, then again you are the one being less than honest.
I guess I'll skip six, but what the hell are you talking about in seven?  Sorry pal. but if I state minorities, thats what I mean.  I choose my words carefully.  Now if you want to read something into what I said to attempt to bolster your case, then thats your poragative.

In Houston, TX blacks no longer consist of the largest group living in such circumstances.  It is mostly a mixture of many different minority ethnic groups now days.  Don't try to put words in my mouth because you have no answer to a question.  That is just pathetic to say the least.

lowing wrote:

8. Again you fail to explain yourself. You told me there is a difference between culture and race in referring to racism. SO there couldn't possibly be any such thing as "cultural racism" based on your bullshit. To be honest, I know exactly what you are talking about, but I feel I can dissect your words and be just as much as a smart ass as you have been.
Look,  if you don't know the difference so be it.  Go back to school and educate yourself.  Once again you miss quote me to try to prove your point.  What I said was """"inner cultural racism""""".  If you don't understand that a culture is based upon people who share similar experiences and race is generally classified based on skin color then thats your problem.  Simply put, there can be different cultures within a race as well as different races within a culture.  For instance.  You may say your white.........but there are many different cultures within that classification.  For instance........Italian, German, Greek, Polish, and Irish just to name a few. Another example would be American culture vs. European culture. If you don't get it by now then you are lost my friend.

lowing wrote:

9. I have been judged by those I work with, live with and socialize with ( yup all my friends, black, white, Jewish Vietnamese, Japanese) and I have no problems. As soon as I start caring what people like you think, I will let ya know. In the mean time just keep feeding me your frustrations
I'm so glad to hear that you have friends of all different races. [/sarcasm] It only makes me wonder if you spew the same garbage to them as you do in this forum.  I'd think not.  Funny that a person who states that they look at the race of their neighbors before they move into a neighborhood would have such a large variety of ethnic friends.  I guess its OK for you to claim to be their friend but yet they just can't be your neighbor.  This has got to be hypocrisy at its finest.  Frustrated by you?  Please.................

I'll be waiting for your next pathetic attempt to weasel your way out of your previous post

Til then,

Yes there is reverse racism in America, affirmative action is one example. NO I have never been a victim of it and yes it does still exist doesn't it??

I didn't forget that this a debate forum and you are free to disagree with me all you want. Have I indicated other wise?? You are the one who is hostile and condescending not me. Maybe you need to remember that this is the debate forum. How boring it would be if we all agreed on everything.

I don't have a problem with BET or united Negro college funds or Ebony magazine or black miss America etc......The original post says that the problem lies in the fact that there would be a problem if whites had the same institutions, I happen to agree with that. If ABC or NBC, or CBS, had a mission statement remotely resembling that of BET, there would be marches and boycotts, and rallies and speeches and a general shit storm. That is the jest of the original post. Nothing more nothing less. Your basic response to this post is."your a racist". I am not a "proud white" guy. I am a guy proud of my achievements. I already told you, if I am prejudice it is a social class prejudice. Example, I want to live in a neighborhood full of respectful, goal driven, personally responsible, families. I look at those qualities as well as every other variable when it comes to buying a house.So yes I look at my neighbors, you call me a racist for it. It just so happens, the ghettos do not fit the bill for me, but on the same hand, neither does the trailer park. Where is the racism in that?? I don't like people with their pants drooped over their asses, on the same hand I don't like freak shows with so much body piercing they look like a pin cushion. Again where is the racism? I have stated before, I will hire a well dressed clean cut well spoken educated black man over some dirty white trash. The point being I will hire for non racial qualities. Affirmative action can not say that. Now call me wrong.

You showed me a link to culture and to race and also a link to 2 white people.........Please don't lecture me on the posting of facts. Your entire responses have been nothing but geared toward hostility and condescending insults. Time to climb off the high horse.

I guess I am the only one that would envision a discussion on ghettos and minorities as a reference to blacks. I am sorry I mis-understood you.

I will try and answer any questions you have for me, as soon as you ask one. Again your posts are full of nothing but insults and condescension. You pose no questions, that are anything other than rhetorical insults.

What I understand is, that in the context of this discussion, race and culture are one package. You are the one with a knife trying to dissect words to prove your point and disprove mine. Back to the ole' definition of "IS".

As a matter of fact I do have discussions like this with my friends, and we generally laugh and make fun of these things. Dave Chapelle does why can't we?

My "minority"  buddies are liberal democrats who basically hate Bush and blame him for everything. SO we have a lot of fun trashing each other and our liberal and conservative views on the world.

As a matter of fact you are more a staunch protester against this post than they are. They had a hard time dismissing a lot of the examples the post gave and admit the reverse of a lot of those examples would be construed as racist by them. The agree it is a double standard and can't really defend the reason why it is viewed like that, but they acknowledge it.  But again I am not the author I found it a very interesting topic to discuss. I love the fact that by the mere posting of it draws you out and starts calling anyone a racist that dares pose these questions. Very very funny and ironic..

After all that has been said, here is my view on all of this:

I don't hate races or cultures, I hate various ideas, lack of respect for ones self or others, lack of personal responsibility, I judge people by appearance ( not that it is right but it is honest) I look for houses based on resale and everything that affects it, and so do you and so does PrimaCord. I view affirmative action as wrong and as reverse decrimination. I see the orginal post as having some merit asking questions that are worth asking.
+190|6922|Home of the Escalade Herds

lowing wrote:

I look for houses based on resale and everything that affects it, and so do you and so does PrimaCord.
Stop trying to drag me into your opinion.

Unless the area is known to be trouble or some shit, i can't see reasonable folk checking out the people in neighbouring houses. Not to be arrogant but maybe you live in an area where you have to be concious about that, i don't.
Great success!
+216|6874|Chandler, AZ
Reverse racism doesn't exist.

There's only RACISM. Racism is the belief that, based on the race of a person, they are born with certain advantages or disadvantages in the world. To be honest with you, racism will never go away because the truth is certain races ARE born with built in advantages.

Blacks are better suited to intense sunlight and heat. I won't get into the biology of that, but it's a genetic trait to do with melanin production that if you need me to prove, I'll be happy to. Saying this, though it's factual, is racist. Does it hurt anything though? Nope.

On the other hand, white people are better suited to cold climates. They grow thicker, straighter hair on their heads to keep heat in the body. Again, it's genetics, but it's based racially and it doesn't hurt anybody.

When racism gets ugly is when you begin to place racial traits on society or culture. For example, if I were to say all white people were rednecks who get drunk on cheap beer and hit their wives in the mouth with a bowling ball when they get home....that would be an untrue, racist statement. I'm attributing a negative, non-factual stigma to an entire race based on a stereotype that applies to a minortiy of that race.

It's the same as you thinking that every black person is carrying a gun, selling crack, and trying to rape your daughter. There's a vast majority of us who aren't doing any of that, but thanks to Hollywood and the Government, there's really no way - short of dumb luck and actually working with us - that you'd ever think any different.

The trouble that a lot of black people see, is that the governement and the majority society in general impose a lot of racist laws against us.

"White man makes gun; no problem. Black rapper SAYS gun; Congressional hearing." ~ Chris Rock

The man's a comedian, sure, but his point is no less valid. Black rappers saying the words don't equate to the white people who made them putting them in the hands of irresponsible adults, or children, all over this country.

When it comes to hating another person based on their skin, I just don't. Even the people who get Swastika tattoos and preach hate against my culture, I don't hate. I pity, but I don't hate. You wanna know the one thing that's brought me closest to hating another person simply based on their race?


Lowing, as far as affirmative action goes, turn back one page and read MY comments about affirmative action. I'm interested to hear how you justify removing the one advantage we've been given in this country since the 1960's, or 70's or 80's or 90's or have yet to be given depending on where we live (And if you didn't know, we've been here a while longer) after you know the history of what we've been through. Sorry if I get a white person's spot in one of the seven colleges that accepted him. It's my only shot. I'm not gonna give it back. Your 300 year advantage is enough of a headstart. You weren't shot for being able to read. Was that done a long time ago? Yes absolutely it was. Is it still affecting us as a race and a culture in this country? Yes, it absolutely is.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6847|Southeastern USA
so you're readily admitting you're not as qualified as white people and need bonus points on your application?

Not wrote:

Reverse racism doesn't exist.

There's only RACISM. Racism is the belief that, based on the race of a person, they are born with certain advantages or disadvantages in the world. To be honest with you, racism will never go away because the truth is certain races ARE born with built in advantages.

Blacks are better suited to intense sunlight and heat. I won't get into the biology of that, but it's a genetic trait to do with melanin production that if you need me to prove, I'll be happy to. Saying this, though it's factual, is racist. Does it hurt anything though? Nope.

On the other hand, white people are better suited to cold climates. They grow thicker, straighter hair on their heads to keep heat in the body. Again, it's genetics, but it's based racially and it doesn't hurt anybody.

When racism gets ugly is when you begin to place racial traits on society or culture. For example, if I were to say all white people were rednecks who get drunk on cheap beer and hit their wives in the mouth with a bowling ball when they get home....that would be an untrue, racist statement. I'm attributing a negative, non-factual stigma to an entire race based on a stereotype that applies to a minortiy of that race.

It's the same as you thinking that every black person is carrying a gun, selling crack, and trying to rape your daughter. There's a vast majority of us who aren't doing any of that, but thanks to Hollywood and the Government, there's really no way - short of dumb luck and actually working with us - that you'd ever think any different.

The trouble that a lot of black people see, is that the governement and the majority society in general impose a lot of racist laws against us.

"White man makes gun; no problem. Black rapper SAYS gun; Congressional hearing." ~ Chris Rock

The man's a comedian, sure, but his point is no less valid. Black rappers saying the words don't equate to the white people who made them putting them in the hands of irresponsible adults, or children, all over this country.

When it comes to hating another person based on their skin, I just don't. Even the people who get Swastika tattoos and preach hate against my culture, I don't hate. I pity, but I don't hate. You wanna know the one thing that's brought me closest to hating another person simply based on their race?

http://media.urbandictionary.com/image/ … -15513.jpg

Lowing, as far as affirmative action goes, turn back one page and read MY comments about affirmative action. I'm interested to hear how you justify removing the one advantage we've been given in this country since the 1960's, or 70's or 80's or 90's or have yet to be given depending on where we live (And if you didn't know, we've been here a while longer) after you know the history of what we've been through. Sorry if I get a white person's spot in one of the seven colleges that accepted him. It's my only shot. I'm not gonna give it back. Your 300 year advantage is enough of a headstart. You weren't shot for being able to read. Was that done a long time ago? Yes absolutely it was. Is it still affecting us as a race and a culture in this country? Yes, it absolutely is.
and how is slavery 200 years ago affecting your ability to be personally responsibile for yourself, go to school and get educated, make yourself marketable, get a good job, and raise a family? MLK died bringing to light these issues and he succeeded. The excuses are over.

I never held any slaves, and you were never one. I seriously doubt anyone tried to shoot you for reading. It is really time to stop playing the victim and take responsibility. read up on Bil Cosby. He is looked upon as a traitor to the race, while Snoop Doggy Dog or some other gang banger is a hero. Kinda mixed up ain't it?
I get called a nigger all the time, in Iceland they call me Nigger and honestly I dont care, its a country full if white ppl that dont see many black/brown pp, Students at my school called me nigeer, I asked the teacher to tell them to stop it but she said ''whats wrong with the word nigger?''

plus that rant is like old old old old OLD

Last edited by [n00b]Tyler (2006-09-02 10:46:23)


PRiMACORD wrote:

lowing wrote:

I look for houses based on resale and everything that affects it, and so do you and so does PrimaCord.
Stop trying to drag me into your opinion.

Unless the area is known to be trouble or some shit, i can't see reasonable folk checking out the people in neighbouring houses. Not to be arrogant but maybe you live in an area where you have to be concious about that, i don't.
I would think reasonable people WOULD check out their nieghbors, unless you like pink flamingoes, or yard gnomes around you. How about a crack house, or a meth lab any problems there? Maybe a halfway house? they could play with your kids.

[n00b]Tyler wrote:

I get called a nigger all the time, in Iceland they call me Nigger and honestly I dont care, its a country full if white ppl that dont see many black/brown pp, Students at my school called me nigeer, I asked the teacher to tell them to stop it but she said ''whats wrong with the word nigger?''

plus that rant is like old old old old OLD
Well,   that is as wrong as it could ever be and I hate that you are in a postion to live with it. How old are you? Are you talking high school?
+190|6922|Home of the Escalade Herds

lowing wrote:

PRiMACORD wrote:

lowing wrote:

I look for houses based on resale and everything that affects it, and so do you and so does PrimaCord.
Stop trying to drag me into your opinion.

Unless the area is known to be trouble or some shit, i can't see reasonable folk checking out the people in neighbouring houses. Not to be arrogant but maybe you live in an area where you have to be concious about that, i don't.
I would think reasonable people WOULD check out their nieghbors, unless you like pink flamingoes, or yard gnomes around you. How about a crack house, or a meth lab any problems there? Maybe a halfway house? they could play with your kids.
Like i said, unless the area is known to have shit like that i wouldn't expect people to be checking out the neighbours. Maybe you're not getting it so i'll send you a PM that might clear it up.
+240|6962|Austin, TX

Jusster wrote:

imortal wrote:

I joined the army to get out of just a situation.  Cooking Ramen noodles over a desk lamp, eating soup cold.  Yes, I grew up in a Suburb neighborhood, but made some silly mistakes in college and was too proud to ask for help from my family.  Not only that, but I had such a shaky job that my paychecks bounched occasionally.  I had a chance to have everything given to me, but made mistakes.  Now, I am glad of it.  I have not drawn a single penny of unemployment, even though I was unemployed for 4 months after a left the army.  I am in a crappy job now, but it is putting me back through college (I am 34 now) to get my associates degree in Emergency Medical Professional Services (paramedic). I work 64 hours a week, go to school, and I still have time to maintain a relationship with my girlfriend AND play BF2 occasionally.  I know about work and sacrifice.

In the army, I met just some of those people.  A kid who joined the army to get away from a gang and start his own life.  Another who joined to get out of his dead-end appalachian town.  They had more stories.  Here in Austin, after Katrina, there are lots of sob stories about people who can't do anything, waiting on the goverment to help them.  Then there are stories about the man who got off the evacuation bus from Houston, and had a job within 4 hours.  Maybe only in a resturant, but the point is that he did not wait, but went out to look and improve his situation.

As to seeing people make it out of slums to fame and fortune, watch a bit of educational TV, biographies, or do some internet serching.  The biggest one that comes to mind is the founder of Bank of America, but there are others.
Not trying to knock your accomplishments, but I still see a difference between what you have experienced, and that of someone born in the inner cities/ghettos.

As you yourself have stated YOU caused your own demise.  You were brought up in a good neighborhood with every opportunity to succeed.  This is not the case for others in which you compare yourself too.  There are several obstacles that you did not face.

You were provided with an education, I'm sure your school was much different than an inner city environment.  I'd assume that your parents probably did everything that could to support and guide you in the right direction as a child.  And the fact that you actually attended college before leaving is a luxury that most inner city youth never achieve due to the poor education system (hence the high drop out rate)

The fact is that MOST people can only live up to or barely surpass the economic foot print of their parents.

I do believe that everyone is a master of their own destiny.  I know a thing or two about this since I too have dealt with trying times in my life.  But I also know that cards are stacked against some that make it nearly impossible to overcome.  Your success stories are far and in between

Is this where I can start throwing in things like having children out of wedlock, use of drugs in the inner city, the 'entitlement' mentality, and a lack of responsibility?  Which, by the way, are cultural issues and not racial ones. You shifted from race into culture; specifically, inner city ghettos.  The ghettos may be very difficult to get out of, but it is always possible.  Never easy, though.  I was going to start a rant about gangs and such, but that would be going too far and bring too many personal issues into it.

I will say you are correct, my situation had been of my own making, and was no ones fault but my own.  And I took responsibility and got out of it on my own, although the girlfriend is greatly resonsible for providing motivation.
Pimpin aint Easy
I do not disagree that racism exists in this country.  It is a FACT.  But I do disagree when you attempt to imply that there is a double standard towards whites in this matter.  I call them like I see them, and I view any form of racism as equal and I’m not impartial to one group or another.

I do not label my friends as white, black, Chinese, Arab, Mexican, or whatever race they maybe.  They are simply my friends.

lowing wrote:

I didn't forget that this a debate forum and you are free to disagree with me all you want. Have I indicated other wise?? You are the one who is hostile and condescending not me. Maybe you need to remember that this is the debate forum. How boring it would be if we all agreed on everything.
If you feel my post are hostile and/or condescending so be it.  I’m not going to apologize for that.  That would simply be your view of them.  Maybe that’s just how you view anyone who disagrees with you. 

lowing wrote:

I don't have a problem with BET or united Negro college funds or Ebony magazine or black miss America etc......The original post says that the problem lies in the fact that there would be a problem if whites had the same institutions, I happen to agree with that. If ABC or NBC, or CBS, had a mission statement remotely resembling that of BET, there would be marches and boycotts, and rallies and speeches and a general shit storm. That is the jest of the original post. Nothing more nothing less
Every T.V. networks programming is geared to capture a particular audience.  All major networks and I’d say about 90% of cable networks are geared to attract the average American consumer.  Surely I don’t have to explain to you who that target audience is.  The reason BET exists, as well as the numerous other minority networks, is because there is a market for it in this country.  If there were no market it could not exists.  There is no market for WET in America.  If there were it also would exist.

But of course you attempt to turn it into something other then what it is.  You know, reverse racism as you like to call it.  By your logic if this is reverse racism then the rest is racism right?  The same basic principle applies to College funds and magazines. 

Personally, I could careless if there were a WET.  Just don’t try to exclude other races, or promote hatred towards others.  I don’t see BET doing that, do you?

If someone creates WET then of course it will have critics, the same as you are a critic to BET.  That doesn’t seem like a double standard to me.

lowing wrote:

Your basic response to this post is."your a racist". I am not a "proud white" guy. I am a guy proud of my achievements. I already told you, if I am prejudice it is a social class prejudice. Example, I want to live in a neighborhood full of respectful, goal driven, personally responsible, families. I look at those qualities as well as every other variable when it comes to buying a house.So yes I look at my neighbors
Seems to me you have changed your tune from your earlier post.  Maybe if you would have stated the above as your opinion earlier, people would not have called you racist.  Instead your comments such as the ones below are what lead people to believe that you maybe a racist.

Oh yeah, don’t forget to read how hostile and condescending your post tend to be

lowing wrote:

I don't blame you, I too want  to live in a white neighborhood, just please give me a fuckin' break when you try and pass your decision on where you live having nothing to do with race. It seems to for everyone else. If you have been to NYC you know EXACTLY what I am talking about. My question is why is it racist for whites to want to live with whites and for everyone else it is not an issue.


Anyone that says they have no problem moving to a minority neighborhood , and have their kids go to a minority school is a liar hands down no ifs and or buts. White are no different than any other race, we too, choose to live amongst our own JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE.
Your own words speak for themselves.

lowing wrote:

You showed me a link to culture and to race and also a link to 2 white people.........Please don't lecture me on the posting of facts. Your entire responses have been nothing but geared toward hostility and condescending insults. Time to climb off the high horse.
The fact of the matter is that I have posted Facts to backup my opinions.  Not just in links but in text as well.  Scroll back up and reread. You on the other hand have not one single fact to back up any of your claims.  It’s as simple as that.  I HAVE asked you questions and also asked you to back up your claims with facts.  So me your proof that Americans feel that it is ok to show racism towards whites.  As I’ve already attempted to show you the opposite many times before.

lowing wrote:

What I understand is, that in the context of this discussion, race and culture are one package. You are the one with a knife trying to dissect words to prove your point and disprove mine. Back to the ole' definition of "IS".
Trying to dissect words?  No, I just apply the word as it was meant to be used.  You my friend are combining words to bolster your argument.  You know like blacks vs. minorities.

As for the rest of your post………so be it, and if you say so.

Let me know if you have anything else to add that backs up your original post that you agree with.

Pimpin aint Easy

imortal wrote:

Is this where I can start throwing in things like having children out of wedlock, use of drugs in the inner city, the 'entitlement' mentality, and a lack of responsibility?  Which, by the way, are cultural issues and not racial ones. You shifted from race into culture; specifically, inner city ghettos.  The ghettos may be very difficult to get out of, but it is always possible.  Never easy, though.  I was going to start a rant about gangs and such, but that would be going too far and bring too many personal issues into it.

I will say you are correct, my situation had been of my own making, and was no ones fault but my own.  And I took responsibility and got out of it on my own, although the girlfriend is greatly resonsible for providing motivation.
Feel free to toss them in if you like.  I don't not disagree that those are a few of the root causes of poverty in our country.  The comments of yours that I took issue with were the following

imortal wrote:

However, in our current culture, many people seem to want fast ways to riches.  Easy ways.  Dealing drugs or other criminal activity is easier than real work, and pays better.  Unless you get caught.
To me, the quote above seems to imply that most people trapped in that situation are there for the above reasons.  That is simply not true.

As far as me switching from black to culture,  in what context are you referring?  I never mentioned race or culture in any of my responses to you, therefor I have no idea what you are talking about.  Please explain so we can discuss this further.

They should have two Americas. One with affirmative action and the other without. We can call the one without affirmative action the Confederacy. I've come up with a flag for the new country:

+240|6962|Austin, TX

CameronPoe wrote:

They should have two Americas. One with affirmative action and the other without. We can call the one without affirmative action the Confederacy. I've come up with a flag for the new country:

http://img192.echo.cx/img192/9905/confe … lag8cm.jpg
I do not think that is quite fair, but it is a great way to automatically catagorize people or polarize an argument.  I am against Affirmative Action.  But instead of wondering why, do you automatically label me as a rascist? 

Oh, and the CSA broke away from the United States and the American Civil War was fought over states rights and economic freedom, not slavery.  Slavery only became an issue 2 years into the war.
+240|6962|Austin, TX

Jusster wrote:

The comments of yours that I took issue with were the following

imortal wrote:

However, in our current culture, many people seem to want fast ways to riches.  Easy ways.  Dealing drugs or other criminal activity is easier than real work, and pays better.  Unless you get caught.
To me, the quote above seems to imply that most people trapped in that situation are there for the above reasons.  That is simply not true.

As far as me switching from black to culture,  in what context are you referring?  I never mentioned race or culture in any of my responses to you, therefor I have no idea what you are talking about.  Please explain so we can discuss this further.

When the discussion turned to the ghetto, we stopped talking about races and racism, and turned toward culture.  It may not have been you that began this turn; if not, I appologize.

The wishing for a fast buck is not only part of the ghetto, it permeates all of the modern American lifestyle.  The lottery, professional sports, acting superstardom in Hollywood... these dreams are everywhere.  But in suburbia, when these dreams come crashing down, they have a support network of most middle income families, and are able to find a way to move on and grow.  In low income, ghetto neighborhoods, there is not that safety net, so more emphasis is placed on the dream.  Yes, there are other causes, but I am on a break and have to get back to work soon, so I have to keep moving on.  Crime.  Crime pays.  Do I think all crime is commited by low income people?  No, of course not.  But crime is more likely to be seen as a way to move up, esspecially if the persons considering it feel they have no other way.

Before I go on, I want to state that I am against Affirmative Action.  The reason is that I do not feel it is the goverments place to tell private business what to do in anything, including this.  We can yell about that later.  I AM in favor of private charities.

There are ways out of almost any really horrible situation.  Most of them take really hard work and dedication.  It takes self- reliance. 

Self education.  Even if your school is not so great, if you work at it, you can do wonders.  The only thing you have to learn in schol is HOW TO LEARN.  After that, you can teach yourself, or find better teachers.  Yes, it is possible.

Charities.  If you need a charity to get to school, look for them.  You will, however, need something to make you stand out.  Say, like being better educated than the others, and therefore more likely to finish college.

Military.  There are just too many benifits there to ignore, including paid training, relocation to a different enviroment, money for college, free medical care... this is not a war or anti war thing.  This IS what the military can offer you.

Scholorships.  How about an academic scholorship? It works.  You just have to work really, really hard at it.

Community college.  These are much less expensive and easier to enroll in.  And you get an education.  And a lot of the classes are transferrable to a uiniversity.

STAY AWAY FROM PARENTHOOD.  This is the real pain.  I do not think anyone should have a child unless they are prepared to pay for it.  Children will soak up money and do it fast, and will keep you from doing anything else.  Ok, you love each other, fine.  Use that love and desire for a kid as motivation to earn a better life so you can afford to raise your kid right.   (That is my current goal-  I am trying to learn enough to get a job that pays enough so I can afford to have children and raise them properly, so please no flamers yelling about who has the right to have kids or not, ok?)

Anyway... gotta go.  I will look back on in a few days.

Jusster wrote:

I do not disagree that racism exists in this country.  It is a FACT.  But I do disagree when you attempt to imply that there is a double standard towards whites in this matter.  I call them like I see them, and I view any form of racism as equal and I’m not impartial to one group or another.

I do not label my friends as white, black, Chinese, Arab, Mexican, or whatever race they maybe.  They are simply my friends.

lowing wrote:

I didn't forget that this a debate forum and you are free to disagree with me all you want. Have I indicated other wise?? You are the one who is hostile and condescending not me. Maybe you need to remember that this is the debate forum. How boring it would be if we all agreed on everything.
If you feel my post are hostile and/or condescending so be it.  I’m not going to apologize for that.  That would simply be your view of them.  Maybe that’s just how you view anyone who disagrees with you. 

lowing wrote:

I don't have a problem with BET or united Negro college funds or Ebony magazine or black miss America etc......The original post says that the problem lies in the fact that there would be a problem if whites had the same institutions, I happen to agree with that. If ABC or NBC, or CBS, had a mission statement remotely resembling that of BET, there would be marches and boycotts, and rallies and speeches and a general shit storm. That is the jest of the original post. Nothing more nothing less
Every T.V. networks programming is geared to capture a particular audience.  All major networks and I’d say about 90% of cable networks are geared to attract the average American consumer.  Surely I don’t have to explain to you who that target audience is.  The reason BET exists, as well as the numerous other minority networks, is because there is a market for it in this country.  If there were no market it could not exists.  There is no market for WET in America.  If there were it also would exist.

But of course you attempt to turn it into something other then what it is.  You know, reverse racism as you like to call it.  By your logic if this is reverse racism then the rest is racism right?  The same basic principle applies to College funds and magazines. 

Personally, I could careless if there were a WET.  Just don’t try to exclude other races, or promote hatred towards others.  I don’t see BET doing that, do you?

If someone creates WET then of course it will have critics, the same as you are a critic to BET.  That doesn’t seem like a double standard to me.

lowing wrote:

Your basic response to this post is."your a racist". I am not a "proud white" guy. I am a guy proud of my achievements. I already told you, if I am prejudice it is a social class prejudice. Example, I want to live in a neighborhood full of respectful, goal driven, personally responsible, families. I look at those qualities as well as every other variable when it comes to buying a house.So yes I look at my neighbors
Seems to me you have changed your tune from your earlier post.  Maybe if you would have stated the above as your opinion earlier, people would not have called you racist.  Instead your comments such as the ones below are what lead people to believe that you maybe a racist.

Oh yeah, don’t forget to read how hostile and condescending your post tend to be

lowing wrote:

I don't blame you, I too want  to live in a white neighborhood, just please give me a fuckin' break when you try and pass your decision on where you live having nothing to do with race. It seems to for everyone else. If you have been to NYC you know EXACTLY what I am talking about. My question is why is it racist for whites to want to live with whites and for everyone else it is not an issue.


Anyone that says they have no problem moving to a minority neighborhood , and have their kids go to a minority school is a liar hands down no ifs and or buts. White are no different than any other race, we too, choose to live amongst our own JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE.
Your own words speak for themselves.

lowing wrote:

You showed me a link to culture and to race and also a link to 2 white people.........Please don't lecture me on the posting of facts. Your entire responses have been nothing but geared toward hostility and condescending insults. Time to climb off the high horse.
The fact of the matter is that I have posted Facts to backup my opinions.  Not just in links but in text as well.  Scroll back up and reread. You on the other hand have not one single fact to back up any of your claims.  It’s as simple as that.  I HAVE asked you questions and also asked you to back up your claims with facts.  So me your proof that Americans feel that it is ok to show racism towards whites.  As I’ve already attempted to show you the opposite many times before.

lowing wrote:

What I understand is, that in the context of this discussion, race and culture are one package. You are the one with a knife trying to dissect words to prove your point and disprove mine. Back to the ole' definition of "IS".
Trying to dissect words?  No, I just apply the word as it was meant to be used.  You my friend are combining words to bolster your argument.  You know like blacks vs. minorities.

As for the rest of your post………so be it, and if you say so.

Let me know if you have anything else to add that backs up your original post that you agree with.

I just spent 15 minutes responding to your post, yet again, but I decided to take a different route and try and clear away all the bullshit. Let me get to the bottom line. I will ask you a simple question, you answer it.

It is a known fact that there is a Miss Black America Pageant.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_Black_America
It is for black women only.

It is also a fact that there is NO Miss White America Pageant..yet black women have competed and won the Miss America Pageant.

Yes or No. Would a Miss White America Pagant be tolerated in our society today  like the Miss Black America Pageant is?? I personally don't think so.

Let me reiterate, I don't give 2 shits about there being a Miss Black America Pageant, so, on the same hand, no one should care about a Miss White America Pageant. But I think they would and I think it would create a giant shit storm.

Now, how 'bout you?? Do you agree or disagree??

Please the commentary about how you think I am a racist can come later, lets just tackle one thing at a time.

Last edited by lowing (2006-09-02 16:45:57)

Banned - for ever.
+231|7007|Wilmington, DE, US
Miss America pagent is essentailly Miss White America. I mean seriously, not many white men pay attention to black women at all. They're usually consumed by the Asian fetish.

Hopefully you get my point though. There are different standards of beauty among different cultures, and the Miss America pagent tends to reward those who conform to the European/White idea of beauty. Then you have the rare case of Vanessa Williams...but look what she did to herself.

Call me crazy, but I consider this:

infinitely more attractive than this
That is why I made sure to point out that the Miss America Pageant isn't exclusively white. Black women compete all the time for Miss America.

Please just stick to the question posed and we can analyze it later for reasons and excuses, lets just get this answered first..

But yes I get your point.

Last edited by lowing (2006-09-02 17:04:21)

got propane?
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6827|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia

lowing wrote:

That is why I made sure to point out that the Miss America Pageant isn't exclusively white. Black women compete all the time for Miss America.
Do they ever win it?

TeamZephyr wrote:

lowing wrote:

That is why I made sure to point out that the Miss America Pageant isn't exclusively white. Black women compete all the time for Miss America.
Do they ever win it?
Yeah, they have, the one that comes to mind was Vanessa Williams
Pimpin aint Easy
lowing lowing lowing........

You should have spent that 15 minutes researching the subject.  Once again, my misinformed friend, you have put your foot in your mouth.  The Miss America Pageant was a completely segregated contest.  In 1968 the Miss Black America contest was formed and held on the same day as a protest against the Miss America Pageant.  That is why there is a Miss Black America Pageant.

Take a look for yourself Miss America Pageant History lesson for lowing

Simply put, racism caused the existence of the Miss Black America Pageant.  Furthermore, the Miss America Pageant was the White Miss America Pageant for the majority of its existence.

Once again lowing...........when your ready to post some factual evidence to back up your post let me know

Back to the football game and waiting for your next blunder,

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6847|Southeastern USA

TeamZephyr wrote:

lowing wrote:

That is why I made sure to point out that the Miss America Pageant isn't exclusively white. Black women compete all the time for Miss America.
Do they ever win it?
yeah, but the only one I can name of the top of my head was Vanessa Williams (yes the singer), but she got her title revoked for posing nude or something

........also, thanks for not misinterpreting my above reply to NOT, but this is basically what I feel affirmative action says to minorities, you know, the whole "you're not good enough, you need help". It's disgusting and is a system designed to perpetuate it's own existence, just as the welfare system is. In fact I believe that the success of both policies should be measured by how many people don't need it, rather than an increase.

Jusster wrote:

lowing lowing lowing........

You should have spent that 15 minutes researching the subject.  Once again, my misinformed friend, you have put your foot in your mouth.  The Miss America Pageant was a completely segregated contest.  In 1968 the Miss Black America contest was formed and held on the same day as a protest against the Miss America Pageant.  That is why there is a Miss Black America Pageant.

Take a look for yourself Miss America Pageant History lesson for lowing

Simply put, racism caused the existence of the Miss Black America Pageant.  Furthermore, the Miss America Pageant was the White Miss America Pageant for the majority of its existence.

Once again lowing...........when your ready to post some factual evidence to back up your post let me know

Back to the football game and waiting for your next blunder,

Any chance you will recognize that it is NOT 40 years ago, or 200 years ago? I asked the question as society is TODAY and once again the tap dancing starts. I have always recognized white violence and discrimination in the past, you are preaching to the choir on that issue. TODAY, I am talking about TODAY... Now are you going to answer the question or not?? I think if truth be told, you will not answer the question because the truth will blow all of your posts right out of the window. So you are right to keep dancing around it.

Mongoose wrote:

see what happens when slaves fight back??? [deleted by moderator]
You're not doing your fellow countrymen any favours confirming the stereoptypical 'racist australian' image with your 'abbo' comment.

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