Member since 2005
+44|6819|Kansas, USA

'[TvC wrote:

Any and all suggestions appreciated
Thanks for giving me the heads up. Now when you come to our server I know to be on the lookout so I can kick/ban if if needed.

I don't believe in punishing people because they are good. And, I nor any of my clanmantes would ever kick/ban anyone to improve our scores or to get medals (If I or any other admin found someone to do that we would revoke their privledges instantly).

This is a game. Games are supposed to be fun, and this game is supposed to encourage teamwork. Your actions do not make the game fun for others and you are not interested in teamwork - your actions are completely self motivated. Let's take a look at some of the facts:

You have over 400hrs in this game and 1/2 of that (200hrs) has been in the helo. You must be an only child because you never learned to share.

Look at your team points! Other than the driver assists you have almost negligible team points.

You only have 8hrs on foot. Get on the ground and help take some flags - yes you have flag captures, but not nearly enough for the amount of time you played.

Again, I would kick and/or ban you from our server if you are taking away the fun of the game from everyone else. You could try reporting us to EA, but I'd just point to the fact that you were detracting from the game for others and that you have been kicked/banned from so many other servers so you must be the problem. Yes, there are admins out there who are jackasses. But, I think you need to look at the comman factor in all your kicks/bans - you!

And to anyone who states that "you can't do that on a ranked server" Well, when you start paying our server bill then you can start making decision s about how we run our server. We don't do anything on our server to boost our scores or meddle with points/rankings in any way. Our number one objective is to make our server a place where people want to come play and if the actions of one player is detracting from that we will deal with it. I don't think EA would be interested in people becoming fed up with the game because of the actions of one player.
+23|6793|PDX Metro Area, OR, US, SOL

Psycho wrote:

Our number one objective is to make our server a place where people want to come play and if the actions of one player is detracting from that we will deal with it. I don't think EA would be interested in people becoming fed up with the game because of the actions of one player.
Well said!

I sure hope that a future patch solves the balance issue with air power and that it becomes challenging to be a pilot...
Damn Command and Conquer Generals...
+62|6773|Rochester, NY

dan500 wrote:

[TvC]Unbe@table wrote:

All I do is rape with Helos and Jets.

Any and all suggestions appreciated
Sorry but..


You are the guy that makes this game shit not being able to get out of a UNCAP spawn


/rant over, have a nice day
Look at your sig, Dan, you are a TANK whore. If I was you, you should shut up about your ranting. Being a tank whore is just as worse as a jet/helo whore...
Vagine Movie Thread Creator

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

Boomer1120 wrote:

Your supposed to kill people in jets/helos.  So I say, kill on!  Everyone else, stop crying and spawn as AT or somewhere else.
Spoken like a true HeloCAMPER pilot. 

You  have no credibility for the following reasons:

1) You are a HeloCAMPER with over 50% of your playing time in a Helo with 3380 kills vs. 737 Deaths.  Is it any wonder that you are going to agree?
2) You only play Sharqi Penisula where there are only two AA batteries in horrible locations and no AA vehicles or jets.  There is no credible threats against you except the Helo pilot on the other team.  However, that really isn't a threat either because both you and the enemy Helo pilot are more concerned with racking up points on infantry than swatting each other out of the sky.
3) You have all your basic badges except for Command, but your KIT accuracy and kill ratios don't match the achievement.  This basically insinuates that you got all your combat badges via using different kits while you HeloCAMP'ed spawn points.

and finally  ::drum roll::

4) You have spent a whole 24 mins using an AT Kit.  24 MINS?!?  In 74 hours of play?!?  ::holding my belly while laughing::  In that 24 mins, you killed 4 things and died 12 times.  In effect, you have no clue about using the AT kit or its effectiveness, so giving everyone else advice on how to shoot you down is in effect like a cat telling a mouse where he can get free cheese.

- Beatdown
I'm glad you can read, but I could care less.  Peoplei'm sure have different strategies on how they want to play their accounts.  Some want the points, some want the time, badges, etc etc etc.  You want to fly helos all the time? go for it! Fly jets all the time? go for it!  I'm a good gunner and it gets me points, why would I stray too much from that?  I personally want to rank up fast so I can unlock all the weapons, then I plan on playing all other aspects of the game.  Is that ok with you?
Come now Psycho, let's not be hypocritical.

Your total time in any type of vehicle: 134:47:47h
Your total time with a kit weapon out: 115:14:51h

And I mean, look at your teamplay scores. Almost 40 hours of medic, but only 142 heal and 264 revive? And a negative rifle ratio to boot? What, are you some kind of union medic or something? Your team not pay their health insurance or something?

Tell me why you haven't banned yourself? You seem to fit the same criteria the heli-hog here fits.

Last edited by Sud (2005-12-02 12:25:04)


Psycho wrote:

Yes, there are admins out there who are jackasses. But, I think you need to look at the comman factor in all your kicks/bans - you!
This is the statement that I just have to agree with.  If you're getting kicked as often as you are, then you must be doing something wrong.

This is so situational though, I don't think I could come up with an actual policy on when I would kick someone. 

I guess you can look at it like this:  In Las Vegas, casinos can kick you and refuse to let you gamble just on the fact that you are too good for them.  It doesn't mean that you did anything wrong, they just don't wish to provide you their service.

If it makes you feel better, these admins are saying you are too talented for their games and that you should move on to a different server.  If you can't deal with it you have 2 choices: play on official EA servers or purchase your own server and have all the air wars you can handle.

Sud wrote:

What, are you some kind of union medic or something? Your team not pay their health insurance or something?
Dude... I was laughing for 5 minutes.. thats the funniest line I have read in a while. Thanks for that.

Again I dont do anything wrong.. I follow all rules of the server.

Last note:
I started this topic NOT to get my game strat bashed, but to see what I can do about reporting servers that ban just because I have 50 more points than anyone by the end of the map. Simple. Is there anything I can do to report??

Thankyou for all those who posted their opinions. A special warm thank you to those who think like me in the aspect of this being my $40 and I can use/play as/do anything I want in a game thats available. If i want to fly 100% of the time, that is my choice. To those who critizice how ANYBODY plays the game they paid good money for, should be asking themselves, who am I to judge. Someone is always going to be a better player. The good players who are always gold medal winners probably never critize anyone. Just get better and have a merry christmas!
I think it would be cool if they allowed admins for servers to specify a minimum and maximum rank for players to join the server, then really good players would get kicked and banned less due to raping newbies.
Beatdown Patrol

BlackLegion42 wrote:

Look at your sig, Dan, you are a TANK whore. If I was you, you should shut up about your ranting. Being a tank whore is just as worse as a jet/helo whore...
Not to turn this into defense of somebody I don't know, but one's sig does make them that type of player.  500Dan500's stats denote a different story because he has spent WAY more time with his boots on the ground as a soldier than in armor.  There is nothing particularly wrong with constant use of a vehicle or any type of weapon as long as:

1)  Nobody else is using it
2)  Nobody else wants to use it after you have been using it for 20 straight games
3)  Nobody else WAS using it and you took it from them
4)  The player doesn't benefit from known weapon/vehicle game balance issues.

A tank whore is NOT just as bad as a jet/helo whore.  Tanks are relatively balanced and get plink'ed aaaaaall the time.  I used them and kill them on a regular basis.  Air power on the other pretty much indestructable.

- Beatdown
The only "whore" term I will agree with is Jets, because they have no counter.

Transports: Almost anything counters them
Tanks/APC: Anti-Tanks, C4s, and if the driver is stupid an AT mine will work. You can also score chip away damage with standard nades, toobs, etc.
Heli: Can be damaged by any standard rifle, hard countered by Vodniks and other gun mounted transports
Planes: Nothing
Beatdown Patrol

Boomer1120 wrote:

I'm glad you can read, but I could care less.  Peoplei'm sure have different strategies on how they want to play their accounts.  Some want the points, some want the time, badges, etc etc etc.  You want to fly helos all the time? go for it! Fly jets all the time? go for it!  I'm a good gunner and it gets me points, why would I stray too much from that?  I personally want to rank up fast so I can unlock all the weapons, then I plan on playing all other aspects of the game.  Is that ok with you?
I am glad you can read too...but then, reading and comprehension are two different things, aren't they? 

Boomer, you are right in that people DO have different strategies on how they want to play, but then...that wasn't the point of my post, was it?  Your response does nothing to take away my point that your initial post was a conflict of interest.  You are trying to come on the boards and post some lame, uber-l33t strategy against an almost invincible vehicle that you just happen to like using all the time.  Then upon further investigation, you have no experience in using the strategy you are so avidly telling others to use.  You have no experience fighting on the ground at ALL.  You lack the perspective of those who are trying to shoot you down and your comments makes you sounds as if you are simply trying to justify your methods.

We are all free to play however we want as long as it is within the bounds of fair play (no cheats, hacks, exploits, etc.).  Please just don't expect others to respect your so called strategy or your insinuation that they are simply "crying" about the situation when you have no experience on the issue.

- Beatdown

Last edited by Beatdown Patrol (2005-12-02 16:18:16)

+23|6793|PDX Metro Area, OR, US, SOL

[TvC]Unbe@table wrote:

A special warm thank you to those who think like me in the aspect of this being my $40 and I can use/play as/do anything I want in a game thats available. If i want to fly 100% of the time, that is my choice. To those who critizice how ANYBODY plays the game they paid good money for, should be asking themselves, who am I to judge.
Here your logic is flawed...whilst it is true that, by definition, you paid money and can use the game in any manner you see fit. It is EQUALLY true that those who maintain server pay THEIR money and should be allowed to play THEIR game how THEY see fit. If that includes banning you, it's their prerogative.

If the servers were FREE, then I would have no problem with your complaint. As servers cost real money, the onus is on the administration of that server to meet the desires of "owners" of the server, all of whom pay money. In fact, I'm sure EA operates their servers precisely for people like you. If you don't like the maps they provide, complain to them.

Also, following your logic, if you want to cheat, do it because you PAID your money. Is that a position you support?
This is hilarious every thread turns into people bashing each other instead of people posting something that has to do with the topic, oh thats right posting the idea of having the option for servers to restrict who can join by rank or by points has nothing to do with this thread does it...
Member since 2005
+44|6819|Kansas, USA

[1stSSF]=Nuka= wrote:

[TvC]Unbe@table wrote:

A special warm thank you to those who think like me in the aspect of this being my $40 and I can use/play as/do anything I want in a game thats available. If i want to fly 100% of the time, that is my choice. To those who critizice how ANYBODY plays the game they paid good money for, should be asking themselves, who am I to judge.
Here your logic is flawed...whilst it is true that, by definition, you paid money and can use the game in any manner you see fit. It is EQUALLY true that those who maintain server pay THEIR money and should be allowed to play THEIR game how THEY see fit. If that includes banning you, it's their prerogative.

If the servers were FREE, then I would have no problem with your complaint. As servers cost real money, the onus is on the administration of that server to meet the desires of "owners" of the server, all of whom pay money. In fact, I'm sure EA operates their servers precisely for people like you. If you don't like the maps they provide, complain to them.
So true. you paid $40 and you think that gives you the RIGHT to play on someone's paid server? We pay over $150 every month for our ranked server. I think that trumps your one time payment of $40.

Sud wrote:

Come now Psycho, let's not be hypocritical.

Your total time in any type of vehicle: 134:47:47h
Your total time with a kit weapon out: 115:14:51h

And I mean, look at your teamplay scores. Almost 40 hours of medic, but only 142 heal and 264 revive? And a negative rifle ratio to boot? What, are you some kind of union medic or something? Your team not pay their health insurance or something?

Tell me why you haven't banned yourself? You seem to fit the same criteria the heli-hog here fits.
134Hrs (for ALL vehicles) vs. 115hrs - that seems pretty even to me. Almost a 1:1 ratio (his is more of a 4:3 ratio). Plus I have more time in transport than I do any other vehicle except armor. And even armor is less than 20% of my total. This guy has 50% of his time (200+hrs) in the helo. So, no, I am not a hypocrit.

As for my medic stats. Well, I never proclaimed to be a good medic - but I try. Yet, this guy has twice the time as medic as I do, yet his heal and revive scores are half of mine. Again, no comparison.

And, even though I play on many different servers, my kick/ban stats are no where near this guy. On average, he is kicked every 4.5hrs whereas I have been kicked once every 19 hours (and several of them were for automatic TK kicks when idiots ran into my arty strike). Plus he has been banned every 25 hours and I have NEVER been banned. Once again, no comparison.

As I already said, if he keeps getting kicked/banned, the one comman factor is HIM. Either that or he is the unluckiest person I know and always ends up on a server with a nazi admin.

Last edited by Psycho (2005-12-02 17:13:14)

The All Rounder
+22|6802|Rotherham, England
Its really quite simple, the original poster of this thread, quite clearly sucks ass at this game, so he has to use jets/helos to get points because he gets owned when he does it any other way. If your an admin and someone is constanly baseraping, then by all means flame them and then ban them. If your not an admin just leave, there are plenty of other servers, and its one less person for the (cough) ****head to baserape.
As for a previous statement made about being a "grand master player", what a load of (cough) b*l*c*ap, you cant say that   because someone has a better rank they are a better player, it doesn't work this way, all the higher rank really means is that:
1.You've put more time into the game than the other person (OR)
2.You've abused a certain vehicle in the game that is easy to rack up points with (OR)
3.Your a stat padder/cheater/hacker that deserves to have his balls chopped into oblivion (OR)
4.all of the above.
You can believe this next statement or not, its up to you because i have no solid proof but i know what i say about the ranks is true because, I've played in the same server as Blazin.Uk a number or times and happen to know that he isn't that good, all he does is run around as medic, he never changes class (ever), and i've killed him on numerous occasions and nearly always finish with a higher score than him. (except from mashtuur city).
Have a look yourself, hes nearly always on PTG city maps only server usually at night (UK time/GMT-0:00).
Oh yeh and one last thing, you seem to think that because you paid your money to buy this game, that you have the right to (cough) f**k everyone else over who ALSO payed money for THEIR game, WRONG you don't, if you want to cheat in games go play a singleplayer game that doesn't involve another human player, otherwise play fair, you big stinking pile of (cough) dog****.
I'm fed up of typing now and i dont think that wasting my time on these (cough) p**cks that baserape is particulary a good idea as they'll still do it anyways, so whats the point?????

I edited this post, even though i didn't want to, but i would hate to see this post shutdown, because nobody else would get their chance to rip the **** out of this ******* , *** ******* ******!!!

Last edited by mjw (2005-12-03 10:02:21)

Beatdown Patrol
Wow, MJW.  That last post 

While I appreciate (and in many ways agree) your position, I WOULD like to see the topic continue without being shut down for name calling and bad behavior.  Perhaps an EDIT of your posting is in order to tone down the negative rhetoric?

- Beatdown
Here your logic is flawed...whilst it is true that, by definition, you paid money and can use the game in any manner you see fit. It is EQUALLY true that those who maintain server pay THEIR money and should be allowed to play THEIR game how THEY see fit. If that includes banning you, it's their prerogative.

If the servers were FREE, then I would have no problem with your complaint. As servers cost real money, the onus is on the administration of that server to meet the desires of "owners" of the server, all of whom pay money. In fact, I'm sure EA operates their servers precisely for people like you. If you don't like the maps they provide, complain to them.

Also, following your logic, if you want to cheat, do it because you PAID your money. Is that a position you support?
This logic is itself flawed. All server admins must agree to the EULA before they can put up a ranked server. The server software is not your property, it is the property of the software company that licensed it to you. You pay for the server hardware, but that is your choice, and it does not entitle you to anything.

The reason this EULA exists is because, as a ranked server admin, you have the power to directly affect your player's profiles. Most of this activity is done in violation of the EULA. If they kick someone for being a "heli whore" they directly affect the outcome of that game. They also directly sully his account, adding a kick and a ban. As you people demonstrate in this thread by judging him and saying "you have that many kicks and bans? The problem surely must be you!" bad admins do have the ability to change what people think of you, on top of their abilities to screw you around by denying you score or other "rules" they see fit to throw up.

134Hrs (for ALL vehicles) vs. 115hrs - that seems pretty even to me. Almost a 1:1 ratio (his is more of a 4:3 ratio). Plus I have more time in transport than I do any other vehicle except armor. And even armor is less than 20% of my total. This guy has 50% of his time (200+hrs) in the helo. So, no, I am not a hypocrit.
The fact does remain that you, like him, are more often seen in a vehicle than outside of one. You condemn himself for that behavior, yet absolve yourself? I would say that on a typical foot account, 20% or less vehicle usage is the norm, not 50%+. And in his case he is actually productive with the vehicles he uses, whereas your tank is literally dead after you kill two people, which is a huge loss to your team. But that is a different thread so I won't focus on that here.

And, even though I play on many different servers, my kick/ban stats are no where near this guy. On average, he is kicked every 4.5hrs whereas I have been kicked once every 19 hours (and several of them were for automatic TK kicks when idiots ran into my arty strike). Plus he has been banned every 25 hours and I have NEVER been banned. Once again, no comparison.

As I already said, if he keeps getting kicked/banned, the one comman factor is HIM. Either that or he is the unluckiest person I know and always ends up on a server with a nazi admin.
As odd as it may sound I actually believe HIM. This is because I have experience with the 12 year old community that tends to be what passes for the server admins. Little Johnny gets his shiny new BF2 server paid with his daddy's money, and soon little Johnny has become E-Atilla the E-Hun ruling over his cyberdomain with an iron fist. Thankfully there are EA servers to play on. My experience with admins is that they are completely irrational, almost never willing to objectively look at something, and are quick to make with the kicks and bans for whatever reason they see fit. You'll see a lot of threads here where people complain about admins. The commonality in those? The fact that admins are a bunch of smacktards these days.

Everything MJW said
How ironic that you, someone who can't pull a positive ratio with any weapon except noob toob (and knife), are making fun of him, when he has a positive ratio with them assault rifles and about 75% time logged with them as you do. Hell, you can barely pull a positive ratio in the "newbie whore helicopters".

If he's a stat padder, then present what you believe to be the evidence, I'm more than willing to hear it.
+23|6793|PDX Metro Area, OR, US, SOL

Sud wrote:

Here your logic is flawed...whilst it is true that, by definition, you paid money and can use the game in any manner you see fit. It is EQUALLY true that those who maintain server pay THEIR money and should be allowed to play THEIR game how THEY see fit. If that includes banning you, it's their prerogative.

If the servers were FREE, then I would have no problem with your complaint. As servers cost real money, the onus is on the administration of that server to meet the desires of "owners" of the server, all of whom pay money. In fact, I'm sure EA operates their servers precisely for people like you. If you don't like the maps they provide, complain to them.

Also, following your logic, if you want to cheat, do it because you PAID your money. Is that a position you support?
This logic is itself flawed. All server admins must agree to the EULA before they can put up a ranked server. The server software is not your property, it is the property of the software company that licensed it to you. You pay for the server hardware, but that is your choice, and it does not entitle you to anything.
Have you actually READ the agreement for running a server? Doesn't sound like you have...

In point of fact, when you lease a server (almost no one is dumb enough to BUY one, BTW), you lease not only the HW but also the SW, including the right to use the software as you see fit within the parameters of some agreement.

There are very few ways to abuse the agreement sufficiently to have your right to a Ranked Server revoked, and with how this whole issue has been portrayed, I am pretty confident that EA wouldn't revoke in this case.

Unbeatable is MORE than welcome to try, but I suspect he's pushing wet twine up a cliff...
+3|6783|Alberta, Canada
I think Beatdown said it best in his (assuming that it is a 'he') original post about the balance issues of the heli/jets.
I personally find playing against any air asset as any type of ground unit boring and pointless.  I mean you cant shoot them down, at least not on a consistent basis so why bother trying?
I think I've hit more tanks with the AA/Stinger missiles then heli's/jets.
It is also quite amusing how this topic turned into a flame war, but I guess we could attribute that to the fact the original poster is an arrogant child. 
Anyone who has to self proclaim themselves as the best is obviously not.

Tcx_1 wrote:

I think Beatdown said it best in his (assuming that it is a 'he') original post about the balance issues of the heli/jets.
I personally find playing against any air asset as any type of ground unit boring and pointless.  I mean you cant shoot them down, at least not on a consistent basis so why bother trying?
I think I've hit more tanks with the AA/Stinger missiles then heli's/jets.
It is also quite amusing how this topic turned into a flame war, but I guess we could attribute that to the fact the original poster is an arrogant child. 
Anyone who has to self proclaim themselves as the best is obviously not.
I think this player is the poster child for tank whoring on Strike at Karkand. WOW! And I thought I loved to play Dalian Plant and Wake a lot in the air! HAHAH

Sud wrote:

Here your logic is flawed...whilst it is true that, by definition, you paid money and can use the game in any manner you see fit. It is EQUALLY true that those who maintain server pay THEIR money and should be allowed to play THEIR game how THEY see fit. If that includes banning you, it's their prerogative.

If the servers were FREE, then I would have no problem with your complaint. As servers cost real money, the onus is on the administration of that server to meet the desires of "owners" of the server, all of whom pay money. In fact, I'm sure EA operates their servers precisely for people like you. If you don't like the maps they provide, complain to them.

Also, following your logic, if you want to cheat, do it because you PAID your money. Is that a position you support?
This logic is itself flawed. All server admins must agree to the EULA before they can put up a ranked server. The server software is not your property, it is the property of the software company that licensed it to you. You pay for the server hardware, but that is your choice, and it does not entitle you to anything.

The reason this EULA exists is because, as a ranked server admin, you have the power to directly affect your player's profiles. Most of this activity is done in violation of the EULA. If they kick someone for being a "heli whore" they directly affect the outcome of that game. They also directly sully his account, adding a kick and a ban. As you people demonstrate in this thread by judging him and saying "you have that many kicks and bans? The problem surely must be you!" bad admins do have the ability to change what people think of you, on top of their abilities to screw you around by denying you score or other "rules" they see fit to throw up.

134Hrs (for ALL vehicles) vs. 115hrs - that seems pretty even to me. Almost a 1:1 ratio (his is more of a 4:3 ratio). Plus I have more time in transport than I do any other vehicle except armor. And even armor is less than 20% of my total. This guy has 50% of his time (200+hrs) in the helo. So, no, I am not a hypocrit.
The fact does remain that you, like him, are more often seen in a vehicle than outside of one. You condemn himself for that behavior, yet absolve yourself? I would say that on a typical foot account, 20% or less vehicle usage is the norm, not 50%+. And in his case he is actually productive with the vehicles he uses, whereas your tank is literally dead after you kill two people, which is a huge loss to your team. But that is a different thread so I won't focus on that here.

And, even though I play on many different servers, my kick/ban stats are no where near this guy. On average, he is kicked every 4.5hrs whereas I have been kicked once every 19 hours (and several of them were for automatic TK kicks when idiots ran into my arty strike). Plus he has been banned every 25 hours and I have NEVER been banned. Once again, no comparison.

As I already said, if he keeps getting kicked/banned, the one comman factor is HIM. Either that or he is the unluckiest person I know and always ends up on a server with a nazi admin.
As odd as it may sound I actually believe HIM. This is because I have experience with the 12 year old community that tends to be what passes for the server admins. Little Johnny gets his shiny new BF2 server paid with his daddy's money, and soon little Johnny has become E-Atilla the E-Hun ruling over his cyberdomain with an iron fist. Thankfully there are EA servers to play on. My experience with admins is that they are completely irrational, almost never willing to objectively look at something, and are quick to make with the kicks and bans for whatever reason they see fit. You'll see a lot of threads here where people complain about admins. The commonality in those? The fact that admins are a bunch of smacktards these days.

Everything MJW said
How ironic that you, someone who can't pull a positive ratio with any weapon except noob toob (and knife), are making fun of him, when he has a positive ratio with them assault rifles and about 75% time logged with them as you do. Hell, you can barely pull a positive ratio in the "newbie whore helicopters".

If he's a stat padder, then present what you believe to be the evidence, I'm more than willing to hear it.
Can I be your friend? You actually make intellegent points and conduct yourself as an adult. Thankyou
+3|6783|Alberta, Canada

[TvC]Unbe@table wrote:

Tcx_1 wrote:

I think Beatdown said it best in his (assuming that it is a 'he') original post about the balance issues of the heli/jets.
I personally find playing against any air asset as any type of ground unit boring and pointless.  I mean you cant shoot them down, at least not on a consistent basis so why bother trying?
I think I've hit more tanks with the AA/Stinger missiles then heli's/jets.
It is also quite amusing how this topic turned into a flame war, but I guess we could attribute that to the fact the original poster is an arrogant child. 
Anyone who has to self proclaim themselves as the best is obviously not.
I think this player is the poster child for tank whoring on Strike at Karkand. WOW! And I thought I loved to play Dalian Plant and Wake a lot in the air! HAHAH
Based on?
I have spent 25% of my total hours in a tank while you have spent 50% in a heli.
Take all vehicles and you have spent 75% in them.
Shall we also compare stats of any particlar weapon? You do not even break even with a gun.
Or how about teamwork score?
Take away your driver kill assists and your teamwork score is negligible.
It's also funny how you have played twice as long as me, yet I have spent more time on the ground then you.
So please, before you go off calling anyone a whore take a look at yourself, because whoring is ALL that you are obviously capable of.
dude i know what u mean one of my clan members can hit 9/10 targets with the tv missle and everytime i play with him he gets kicked by people alot it comes up like this "so and so is getting kicked for cheating/stats padding" but... he doesnt cheat or stats pad he is just to good for the admins to handle... ive seen a recorded kill that he got with fraps... he doesnt hack at all hes just good with the tv missle and people dont know that u can get really good with it like ive seen this guy take out a plane coming straight at him....
What i got to say is that i get the same situation appening to me almost everytimes i get in a jet.
Since there is rarely a better pilot in the air while im flying i rape everythin in air (flying chopper, jets,bomber and i never use the misiles on the jet i use the machine gun only and it takes me about 3 second to destroy anything that fly )+ i spray every enemy spawn point or spawn point being captured by the enemy and if i come by your uncapable base ill sure let go some bullet that way.
Ayway sometimes i get scores like lets say 250 or so i got banned often for changing the odds of the game... cause the admins got mad and jalous cause they had no chance to stay in a jet or chopper more then 1 minute and i was killing them with my guns....
And i think you people who complain about jet ownage or even main base raping are just little loosers who cant deal with it. If your not happy get some skills and go kill the jet...

What i do if theres a better pilot then me on a server is that i dont stay arround the assets (choppers, jets, tanks, apc and flag and your not ganna get rape by a jet since jets are atracted by heat and flags ...)

Last edited by J0hn.F.Kenedy (2005-12-04 15:45:23)

There are very few ways to abuse the agreement sufficiently to have your right to a Ranked Server revoked, and with how this whole issue has been portrayed, I am pretty confident that EA wouldn't revoke in this case.
Then that is something that needs to change - and fast.

I had assumed that acts of stat padding violated the EULA. I know for a fact that a lot of the "knife only" servers got their ranked status canned. I will need to do more research to see what it allows and what it does not.

I consider many administrator functions, used wrongfully, are worthy of being called stat padding. If you kick someone who's good in chopper, for example, you are stat padding - you're preventing many deaths from the enemy team, as well as denying that player kills and adding a kick onto their permanent record (kicks and bans are public info that can be used against you). As far as I know they also have the ability to interrupt rounds such that the server does not transmit data - something they may do if they themselves are having a poor round for example.

Too much authority in the wrong hands.

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