
Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Yes, I believe many neighborhoods tend to be of mostly one ethnicity, but I think it occurs more because of culture than racism.  People feel more comfortable among people that may speek the same language, and have the same cultural background.
Some of it is also residual from racism that once was. I know my city, dearborn, has a sister city dearborn heights, that was originally an attempt to relocate the black community to the outskirts of town. But now a days they're pretty much the same thing, except for property values.
+302|7030|Salt Lake City

jonsimon wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Yes, I believe many neighborhoods tend to be of mostly one ethnicity, but I think it occurs more because of culture than racism.  People feel more comfortable among people that may speek the same language, and have the same cultural background.
Some of it is also residual from racism that once was. I know my city, dearborn, has a sister city dearborn heights, that was originally an attempt to relocate the black community to the outskirts of town. But now a days they're pretty much the same thing, except for property values.
I understand that.  I also think that some people have some racist views, even if they don't realize it.  They may not want to live in a neighborhood because they think they will be discriminated against, thus actually making them somewhat racist.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6843|Southeastern USA

imortal wrote:

Jusster wrote:

imortal wrote:

"It is well known..." is a very dangerous phrase.  You manage to establish your opinion as fact without any sort of proof by saying 'it is well known.'  I am sure it is very difficult to climb out of the ghetto, especially with peer pressure.  But it can and has been done.  It takes hard work, self-motivation, discipline, sacrifice, and devotion.  It has happened in every generation in every slum in america.  People born to rags, with nothing to their name, clawing their way up, working hard, and ending up a millionare, forming or owning a company.  Welcome to the American Dream.

However, in our current culture, many people seem to want fast ways to riches.  Easy ways.  Dealing drugs or other criminal activity is easier than real work, and pays better.  Unless you get caught.  Professional sports players make millions of dollars a year.  Easier and more fun to play basketball or football really well, go to college on a sports scholarship, breeze through on your athletic ability and hit the big time in the pros.  Or I can just keep buying Lotto tickets until I hit it big.  Bound to happen if I buy enough.  Welcome to the American Delusion.

Back on topic, however.  It may be difficult for people to dig their way out of situations, but it is nearly always possible for those with the drive, the will, the discipline, and the dedication to do twhat is needed to make your way properly in american society.  If you work for it, you know how valuable and precious it is.  But if it is just handed to you, how much will you treaure it?  I am refferring to most social problems, but that goes for trust fund babies and suburbian kids just as well.  You need to sweat and earn it to appereciate it properly.
Nice speech, but why not answer Sergeriver's questions posed to CyrusTheVirus.  You seem to talk a good game but what personal experience do you have as far as you knowing what it takes to work yourself out of poverty?  Seems to me you are doing a good job of using the  "Well known" phrase yourself.

Tell us what obstacles you have overcome.  Then maybe I'll take you seriously.

I joined the army to get out of just a situation.  Cooking Ramen noodles over a desk lamp, eating soup cold.  Yes, I grew up in a Suburb neighborhood, but made some silly mistakes in college and was too proud to ask for help from my family.  Not only that, but I had such a shaky job that my paychecks bounched occasionally.  I had a chance to have everything given to me, but made mistakes.  Now, I am glad of it.  I have not drawn a single penny of unemployment, even though I was unemployed for 4 months after a left the army.  I am in a crappy job now, but it is putting me back through college (I am 34 now) to get my associates degree in Emergency Medical Professional Services (paramedic). I work 64 hours a week, go to school, and I still have time to maintain a relationship with my girlfriend AND play BF2 occasionally.  I know about work and sacrifice.

In the army, I met just some of those people.  A kid who joined the army to get away from a gang and start his own life.  Another who joined to get out of his dead-end appalachian town.  They had more stories.  Here in Austin, after Katrina, there are lots of sob stories about people who can't do anything, waiting on the goverment to help them.  Then there are stories about the man who got off the evacuation bus from Houston, and had a job within 4 hours.  Maybe only in a resturant, but the point is that he did not wait, but went out to look and improve his situation.

As to seeing people make it out of slums to fame and fortune, watch a bit of educational TV, biographies, or do some internet serching.  The biggest one that comes to mind is the founder of Bank of America, but there are others.
you have been awarded the kick ass post badge, I can think of several similar stories on here, including my own

whether you were born poor or ended up there by choice is irrelevant, my problem is with the people that are complacent/lazy enough to sit there and not do anything about it or, worse yet, expect you to do something about it for them

as for the race/neighborhood thing, I look at the neighborhood as a whole before I move in, there are some "white" areas that I find just as disgusting as some "black" or "hispanic" ones, but the residents skin color is irrelevant to me, if I'm in a city where blacks make up 30% of the population, and hispanics make up another 30% of the population, and the ghettos are 60% non-white, it's called the law of probability

just wanted to use "quotes" one more time
Alot of uneducated thinking on here.

If white people where enslaved by African Nations and after many years won emancipation, and many years after that were accepted for the most part in society yet were still a minority. Then celebrating ones history and culture seperate to that of the parent nation would not be a problem. The ideal scenario is that integration eventually takes over and they celebrate with the parent nation, this happens to some extent in mixed race countries but we all know there are still issues.

There is no reason to celebrate white anything because for us it is simply culture/history as we are the majority.

I am white and see no reason to be particularly proud of that, it is simply my DNA. On the other hand I am working class and extremely proud to be so. This is because in England the working class have achieved a remarkable gain from upper class oppressors in the last hundred years. In western nations black people have had to struggle against white oppressors therefore they mark their achievements by celebrating being black, as it was being black that was the reason for their persecution.

edit* How late is this post? Topic shifted a bit, D'OH

Last edited by dc_involved (2006-09-01 08:02:10)

+149|6842|USA bitches!

Spearhead wrote:

Because the whites have been the agressors so far in human history.  It's exactly like the Israel/Hezbollah conflict, if you are ignorant in your reasoning, then you're not going to be convinced, because the very way you reason is racist in itself
I seem to remember African warlords were the one's selling blacks into slavery back in the day. White's didn't invent slavery or racisim. They were there LONG before any type of advanced civilization existed. I'm sure nobody called the Egyptians racists for have so many slaves. Everyone nowadays are such fucking babies its sickening.

I'm glad Afirmative Action is gone away, I think. If you're more qualified than me to get the job, GOOD! If not, you shouldn't get it because I'm white and you're not. Go fuck your mother and die an uneducated twat that you are. Thanks.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6843|Southeastern USA
I was just thinking about that yesterday, as many times as I've seen people running around claiming that moses, cleopatra, rhamses, imhotep and all were blacks, they don't seem to want to mention that whole slave-built empire thing
+302|7030|Salt Lake City

kr@cker wrote:

I was just thinking about that yesterday, as many times as I've seen people running around claiming that moses, cleopatra, rhamses, imhotep and all were blacks, they don't seem to want to mention that whole slave-built empire thing
There seems to be some pretty good arguments that they were in fact black.

Last edited by Agent_Dung_Bomb (2006-09-01 10:16:37)

+149|6842|USA bitches!
Seeing that word, Yahweh, makes me think of Marglar from South Park. What a stupid name, Yahweh.
Pimpin aint Easy
Ok Lowing I’ll play your game………Lets take a look at your first post……

Lowings unknown source wrote:

Does anyone have answers to these questions????

You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You call me "Whiteboy," "Cracker," "Honkey," "Whitey," "Caveman" and that's OK.

But when I call you, nigger, Kike, Towelhead, Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink you call me a racist.
So is this an example of what you call a double standard?  Didn’t I read earlier that you yourself have never run into a situation of reverse racism?? But you insinuate that this is a normal occurrence on the streets of any U.S. city or town.  That insinuation is false.

Now lets look at this quote for what its worth.  You have a racist calling someone out of name……..and another racist returning the favor.  i.e. “You Call Me” “But When I call you”

Sorry to tell you but they are both considered to be equally racist.  There is no double standard here.


lowings unknown source wrote:

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
Ok, so who says “whites” are committing “violence” against them?  I hear a lot about discrimination, but not violence.  If you have any proof to the contrary please provide.

lowings unknown source wrote:

You have the United Negro College Fund. You have Martin Luther King Day. You have Black History Month. You have Cesar Chavez Day. You have Yom Hashoah You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi You have the NAACP. You have BET.
Most of the so called holidays mentioned in this section are NOT Federal Holidays.  You do realize this right?

Now lets take a look at Patriotic and Notional Days of Observances
There is Christopher Columbus Day, Leif Erikson Day,  Stephen Foster Memorial Day, and Wright Brothers Day.  So what is your/his point?  As far as the United Negro College Fund goes what can you tell me about it?  I’ll let you do the research first before I slam you on this point as well.

Basically you are now making a mockery of yourself.

lowings unknown source wrote:

If we had WET (White Entertainment Television) we'd be racists. If we had a White Pride Day you would call us racists. If we had white history month, we'd be racists. If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives, we'd be racists. If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships,you know we'd be racists. There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US, yet if there were "White colleges" that would be a racist college.
Did you know that BET is owned by Viacom? So, tell me who owns BET?  Now make sure not to talk about the past since it is irrelevant in your eyes remember? So now that mostly white share holders own BET what do you have to say about it now?


Guess what, there IS a White Pride Day guess you missed the memo.  As far as Black Colleges go, do some reseach about why they exsist and whether or not they are exclusively black then get back with me.

You sir are truly uninformed.

lowing and his uninformed source wrote:

In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists.
People DID call the Million Man March Racist…….why don’t you look it up.  Infact most people view Louis Faracon as such.  By the way I guess you also missed the fact that the KKK and friends like to demonstrate as well.  I guess maybe you should attend a rally next time so maybe they can have 1 million strong.

So basically this email you received is nothing more then a farce.  But as you stated I guess I must have my blinders on right?  Now remember you do agree with “most of it don’t you”?

Laughable at best……

Lowing himself wrote:

You don't want to count NYC as a perfect example as to what I am talking about because that is a cultural issue?? Well what exactly is the difference between a cultural issue and a race issue??
Ok, since you have a hard time understanding the difference between culture and race I will give you a VERY simple example and links for you to read and educate yourself. (because I’m tired of explaining simple concepts to you)


I know that maybe a brainteaser for you, but look at the following links and try to figure it out.


Lowing himself wrote:

Maybe it is these people are the only ones in the area that can afford to live in such neighborhoods. Maybe it also is "not intentional".
Unless you can show me a community that has a sign that reads "whites only". There are no such signs in the other communities either. That tells me that people of ALL races naturally want to live amongst people with their same cultural simularites.
Now didn’t you just answer your own question?

Lowing himself wrote:

How can you call me a racist, when in your own post that you lump a lot blacks as living in the ghetto? Kinda stereotypish isn't it?
Now where did I say anything about blacks living in ghettos?  The word I used was minorities.  This is a fact.

Lowing himself wrote:

You failed to answer me on one question, by me hating white trash am I now racist against white people??
Yes……..I’d consider this inner culture racism.  Other races do the same as well.  If you researched my example I gave you earlier then maybe you might understand this concept now. (crossing fingers)

lowing himself wrote:

See truth is, I hate any and all people that dress and act disrespectful to themselves and others, and are generally irresponsible. I don't care about skin color either. I don't want to live in a community where people walk around with their pants 10 sizes too big and pushed half way around their asses, black or white doesn't matter. So if that makes me a racist then you can just nail me to the cross for it.
And you wander why others judge you……….

Pimpin aint Easy

imortal wrote:

I joined the army to get out of just a situation.  Cooking Ramen noodles over a desk lamp, eating soup cold.  Yes, I grew up in a Suburb neighborhood, but made some silly mistakes in college and was too proud to ask for help from my family.  Not only that, but I had such a shaky job that my paychecks bounched occasionally.  I had a chance to have everything given to me, but made mistakes.  Now, I am glad of it.  I have not drawn a single penny of unemployment, even though I was unemployed for 4 months after a left the army.  I am in a crappy job now, but it is putting me back through college (I am 34 now) to get my associates degree in Emergency Medical Professional Services (paramedic). I work 64 hours a week, go to school, and I still have time to maintain a relationship with my girlfriend AND play BF2 occasionally.  I know about work and sacrifice.

In the army, I met just some of those people.  A kid who joined the army to get away from a gang and start his own life.  Another who joined to get out of his dead-end appalachian town.  They had more stories.  Here in Austin, after Katrina, there are lots of sob stories about people who can't do anything, waiting on the goverment to help them.  Then there are stories about the man who got off the evacuation bus from Houston, and had a job within 4 hours.  Maybe only in a resturant, but the point is that he did not wait, but went out to look and improve his situation.

As to seeing people make it out of slums to fame and fortune, watch a bit of educational TV, biographies, or do some internet serching.  The biggest one that comes to mind is the founder of Bank of America, but there are others.
Not trying to knock your accomplishments, but I still see a difference between what you have experienced, and that of someone born in the inner cities/ghettos.

As you yourself have stated YOU caused your own demise.  You were brought up in a good neighborhood with every opportunity to succeed.  This is not the case for others in which you compare yourself too.  There are several obstacles that you did not face.

You were provided with an education, I'm sure your school was much different than an inner city environment.  I'd assume that your parents probably did everything that could to support and guide you in the right direction as a child.  And the fact that you actually attended college before leaving is a luxury that most inner city youth never achieve due to the poor education system (hence the high drop out rate)

The fact is that MOST people can only live up to or barely surpass the economic foot print of their parents.

I do believe that everyone is a master of their own destiny.  I know a thing or two about this since I too have dealt with trying times in my life.  But I also know that cards are stacked against some that make it nearly impossible to overcome.  Your success stories are far and in between

I think we should all listen to the immortal words of Clayton Bigsby.

Clayton Bigsby: "Let's talk about Chinese people! With their kung-fu and their silly chang-chang-chong talk! We can't understand you! Go back to yer country! White power!"

Clayton Bigsby: Don't let the liberal media telllll you how to think and feel. If you have hate in your heart, let it out. (pauses) If you don't like Will and Grace, that doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. Means there's something wrong with WILL! He's a homosexual. White power!"

Anyone know the difference between a black parent and a pizza?    A pizza can feed four kids!

Dave Chapelle's Hilarious!

Last edited by SFCCDailey (2006-09-01 11:44:35)

Mr. Bigglesworth

CameronPoe wrote:

How about assigning a state to each of the individual ethnic groups? Georgia for blacks, Oklohoma for Native Americans, Massachussetts for Irish, Florida for Jews, Wisconsin for Germans, etc? California can be left as a place where the different groups can hook up for drinks.
Sorry, Mexicans own California already.
Mr. Bigglesworth

jonsimon wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Yes, I believe many neighborhoods tend to be of mostly one ethnicity, but I think it occurs more because of culture than racism.  People feel more comfortable among people that may speek the same language, and have the same cultural background.
Some of it is also residual from racism that once was. I know my city, dearborn, has a sister city dearborn heights, that was originally an attempt to relocate the black community to the outskirts of town. But now a days they're pretty much the same thing, except for property values.
Is Bellville close to Dearborn?

Jusster wrote:

Ok Lowing I’ll play your game………Lets take a look at your first post……

Lowings unknown source wrote:

Does anyone have answers to these questions????

You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You call me "Whiteboy," "Cracker," "Honkey," "Whitey," "Caveman" and that's OK.

But when I call you, nigger, Kike, Towelhead, Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink you call me a racist.
So is this an example of what you call a double standard?  Didn’t I read earlier that you yourself have never run into a situation of reverse racism?? But you insinuate that this is a normal occurrence on the streets of any U.S. city or town.  That insinuation is false.

Now lets look at this quote for what its worth.  You have a racist calling someone out of name……..and another racist returning the favor.  i.e. “You Call Me” “But When I call you”

Sorry to tell you but they are both considered to be equally racist.  There is no double standard here.


lowings unknown source wrote:

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
Ok, so who says “whites” are committing “violence” against them?  I hear a lot about discrimination, but not violence.  If you have any proof to the contrary please provide.

lowings unknown source wrote:

You have the United Negro College Fund. You have Martin Luther King Day. You have Black History Month. You have Cesar Chavez Day. You have Yom Hashoah You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi You have the NAACP. You have BET.
Most of the so called holidays mentioned in this section are NOT Federal Holidays.  You do realize this right?

Now lets take a look at Patriotic and Notional Days of Observances
There is Christopher Columbus Day, Leif Erikson Day,  Stephen Foster Memorial Day, and Wright Brothers Day.  So what is your/his point?  As far as the United Negro College Fund goes what can you tell me about it?  I’ll let you do the research first before I slam you on this point as well.

Basically you are now making a mockery of yourself.

lowings unknown source wrote:

If we had WET (White Entertainment Television) we'd be racists. If we had a White Pride Day you would call us racists. If we had white history month, we'd be racists. If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives, we'd be racists. If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships,you know we'd be racists. There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US, yet if there were "White colleges" that would be a racist college.
Did you know that BET is owned by Viacom? So, tell me who owns BET?  Now make sure not to talk about the past since it is irrelevant in your eyes remember? So now that mostly white share holders own BET what do you have to say about it now?


Guess what, there IS a White Pride Day guess you missed the memo.  As far as Black Colleges go, do some reseach about why they exsist and whether or not they are exclusively black then get back with me.

You sir are truly uninformed.

lowing and his uninformed source wrote:

In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists.
People DID call the Million Man March Racist…….why don’t you look it up.  Infact most people view Louis Faracon as such.  By the way I guess you also missed the fact that the KKK and friends like to demonstrate as well.  I guess maybe you should attend a rally next time so maybe they can have 1 million strong.

So basically this email you received is nothing more then a farce.  But as you stated I guess I must have my blinders on right?  Now remember you do agree with “most of it don’t you”?

Laughable at best……

Lowing himself wrote:

You don't want to count NYC as a perfect example as to what I am talking about because that is a cultural issue?? Well what exactly is the difference between a cultural issue and a race issue??
Ok, since you have a hard time understanding the difference between culture and race I will give you a VERY simple example and links for you to read and educate yourself. (because I’m tired of explaining simple concepts to you)


I know that maybe a brainteaser for you, but look at the following links and try to figure it out.


Lowing himself wrote:

Maybe it is these people are the only ones in the area that can afford to live in such neighborhoods. Maybe it also is "not intentional".
Unless you can show me a community that has a sign that reads "whites only". There are no such signs in the other communities either. That tells me that people of ALL races naturally want to live amongst people with their same cultural simularites.
Now didn’t you just answer your own question?

Lowing himself wrote:

How can you call me a racist, when in your own post that you lump a lot blacks as living in the ghetto? Kinda stereotypish isn't it?
Now where did I say anything about blacks living in ghettos?  The word I used was minorities.  This is a fact.

Lowing himself wrote:

You failed to answer me on one question, by me hating white trash am I now racist against white people??
Yes……..I’d consider this inner culture racism.  Other races do the same as well.  If you researched my example I gave you earlier then maybe you might understand this concept now. (crossing fingers)

lowing himself wrote:

See truth is, I hate any and all people that dress and act disrespectful to themselves and others, and are generally irresponsible. I don't care about skin color either. I don't want to live in a community where people walk around with their pants 10 sizes too big and pushed half way around their asses, black or white doesn't matter. So if that makes me a racist then you can just nail me to the cross for it.
And you wander why others judge you……….

1. Yes, you consider them racist but it is generally accepted that trashing whites is accepted and not racist.

2. Do I really need to give you a history lesson about the KKK and pre civil rights America?

3. Which month is white history month I forgot? I have no problem with MLK day.

4. Can you please tell me how you know that only mostly white share holders invest in BET? Stereotyping again are we?? … 4A057C7%7D please find any other network that has mission statements and goals like these.

5. type in black colleges and google, type in white colleges and google.....see the difference??

6.I do know of the KKK, and I also know they are kept down by a bigger counter rally than they could ever muster.

Yes I do see what most of what the author is talking about.

7. Ohhh you said minorites live in ghettos  and not blacks, LOL More hair splitting?, what happened couldn't come up with a real reason for your stereotyping??

8. "cultural racism"??? what the hell is that??.You went to great lengths to try and prove to me that these two terms didn't go together. Kinda contradictory isn't it??

9. Nope, I hope I am judged, and I will be judged for my appearance, my respect, my personal responsibility, my work ethic, my roll as a husband and as a father. Judge away.
Pimpin aint Easy

lowing wrote:

1. Yes, you consider them racist but it is generally accepted that trashing whites is accepted and not racist.
Says who? You? lmao.........what kind of double talk is this?  Most would agree that ANY type of racism would be considered UNACCEPTABLE but I guess you know best since your are the one who stated that you have never been discriminated against.  Funny how you come to this conclusion that is merely based on your own opinion.  Try again.

lowing wrote:

2. Do I really need to give you a history lesson about the KKK and pre civil rights America?
Sure, feel free to do so, but what is your point?  Based on the email that YOU posted and agree with, whites can't stand up for their race without being called racist.   Well my friend when other races do the same they are called racist as well.  It would appear that the same standard applies to all.  But again, yeah I'd love to see you explain to me about the KKK and pre civil rights in America.  Though I'm not sure why you'd think it would bolster your point.

lowing wrote:

3. Which month is white history month I forgot? I have no problem with MLK day.
So in order to side step the points that I made your going to resort to whining about white history month?  Your kidding right?  Based on your friends email there are no holidays celebrating white accomplishments.  Stop fishing and start commenting on the merit of your first post as you pointed out in an earlier post.

lowing wrote:

4. Can you please tell me how you know that only mostly white share holders invest in BET? Stereotyping again are we??
Now is this not the pot calling the kettle black?  Once again, go do some research before you type.  Tell you what, let me run a few names past you.  How about Tom Freston or Sumner Redstone, who is the majority owner of viacom.  Since your sooo upset about BET.  Send them an email and voice your frustrations.  Maybe you'll get somewhere.  Oh, by the way, did I mention they are white?  Now since Viacom owns the majority of the stock in BET and Sumner is the majority owner of Viacom, who owns BET?

lowing wrote:

5. type in black colleges and google, type in white colleges and google.....see the difference??
LOL what difference does it make?  Are these colleges exclusively Black? Lets see, in Houston we have Prairie View and TSU.  Both are predominately black but there are white students who attend.  In fact it is possible for a white student to get a minority scholarship to these schools.  Go figure.  Once again what is your point?

lowing wrote:

6.I do know of the KKK, and I also know they are kept down by a bigger counter rally than they could ever muster.
Good as they should be

lowing wrote:

7. Ohhh you said minorites live in ghettos  and not blacks, LOL More hair splitting?, what happened couldn't come up with a real reason for your stereotyping??
There is a difference between minorities and blacks, but I guess you don't see it that way.  Who's stereotyping again?

lowing wrote:

8. "cultural racism"??? what the hell is that??.You went to great lengths to try and prove to me that these two terms didn't go together. Kinda contradictory isn't it??
Apparently you still can't comprehend the difference between the two.  Sad as that maybe.

lowing wrote:

9. Nope, I hope I am judged, and I will be judged for my appearance, my respect, my personal responsibility, my work ethic, my roll as a husband and as a father. Judge away.
You have already been judged here by many to be a racist. 

Let me know when your done with the one liners bud.......


Jusster wrote:

lowing wrote:

1. Yes, you consider them racist but it is generally accepted that trashing whites is accepted and not racist.
Says who? You? lmao.........what kind of double talk is this?  Most would agree that ANY type of racism would be considered UNACCEPTABLE but I guess you know best since your are the one who stated that you have never been discriminated against.  Funny how you come to this conclusion that is merely based on your own opinion.  Try again.

lowing wrote:

2. Do I really need to give you a history lesson about the KKK and pre civil rights America?
Sure, feel free to do so, but what is your point?  Based on the email that YOU posted and agree with, whites can't stand up for their race without being called racist.   Well my friend when other races do the same they are called racist as well.  It would appear that the same standard applies to all.  But again, yeah I'd love to see you explain to me about the KKK and pre civil rights in America.  Though I'm not sure why you'd think it would bolster your point.

lowing wrote:

3. Which month is white history month I forgot? I have no problem with MLK day.
So in order to side step the points that I made your going to resort to whining about white history month?  Your kidding right?  Based on your friends email there are no holidays celebrating white accomplishments.  Stop fishing and start commenting on the merit of your first post as you pointed out in an earlier post.

lowing wrote:

4. Can you please tell me how you know that only mostly white share holders invest in BET? Stereotyping again are we??
Now is this not the pot calling the kettle black?  Once again, go do some research before you type.  Tell you what, let me run a few names past you.  How about Tom Freston or Sumner Redstone, who is the majority owner of viacom.  Since your sooo upset about BET.  Send them an email and voice your frustrations.  Maybe you'll get somewhere.  Oh, by the way, did I mention they are white?  Now since Viacom owns the majority of the stock in BET and Sumner is the majority owner of Viacom, who owns BET?

lowing wrote:

5. type in black colleges and google, type in white colleges and google.....see the difference??
LOL what difference does it make?  Are these colleges exclusively Black? Lets see, in Houston we have Prairie View and TSU.  Both are predominately black but there are white students who attend.  In fact it is possible for a white student to get a minority scholarship to these schools.  Go figure.  Once again what is your point?

lowing wrote:

6.I do know of the KKK, and I also know they are kept down by a bigger counter rally than they could ever muster.
Good as they should be

lowing wrote:

7. Ohhh you said minorites live in ghettos  and not blacks, LOL More hair splitting?, what happened couldn't come up with a real reason for your stereotyping??
There is a difference between minorities and blacks, but I guess you don't see it that way.  Who's stereotyping again?

lowing wrote:

8. "cultural racism"??? what the hell is that??.You went to great lengths to try and prove to me that these two terms didn't go together. Kinda contradictory isn't it??
Apparently you still can't comprehend the difference between the two.  Sad as that maybe.

lowing wrote:

9. Nope, I hope I am judged, and I will be judged for my appearance, my respect, my personal responsibility, my work ethic, my roll as a husband and as a father. Judge away.
You have already been judged here by many to be a racist. 

Let me know when your done with the one liners bud.......

1. You obviously don't get out much. Although, personally, I haven't been called any racial slurs. I am concious of the world around me.

2. You wanted me to "prove" white violence against blacks....If you are as smart as your condenscending post suggests you know very well what is referenced. Look it up yourself.

3. I am not whining, never have, you and PrimaCord, and a few others have been the ones being hostile and condenscending in this thread. Your problem not mine. I have commented on the orginal post. Your trouble is, you can't accept it.

4. I never really cared who owns BET, really, it is irrelevent, and has nothing to do with the questions posed in reference to BET or any other self proclaimed "black" organization. But hey, ya got 2 white names, so I guess congrats is in order. By the way, if it is ok for "African Americans" to call themselves "black", as in "Black Entertainment Television" why is it offensive for me to call them "black"? just curious.

Also , you failed to comment on BET's mission statement and goals, and wether or not any other network could get away with that, while never being sued for discrimination.

5. yeah whats the difference. about denial

6. We agree

7. You know as well as I do who EXACTLY, you weretalking about when you mention ghettoes. If you are going to play innocent about it, then again you are the one being less than honest.

8. Again you fail to explain yourself. You told me there is a difference between culture and race in refering to racism. SO there couldn't possibly be any such thing as "cultural racism" based on your bullshit. To be honest, I know exactly what you are talking about, but I feel I can disect your words and be just as much as a smart ass as you have been.

9. I have been judged by those I work with, live with and socialize with ( yup all my firends, black, white, jewish vietnamese, Japanese) and I have no problems. As soon as I start caring what people like you think, I will let ya know. In the mean time just keep feeding me your frustrations.
Pimpin aint Easy

lowing wrote:

1. You obviously don't get out much. Although, personally, I haven't been called any racial slurs. I am concious of the world around me.
LOL........your kidding right?  So your argument is..........There is reverse racism towards whites in America.  You have personally NEVER seen it in your how many years?  But you know its out there because you are conscious of the world around you.  What a joke.  Come to think about it,  I haven't seen not one of your post in which you state facts..........only your poor misguided feelings as to what you believe to be true.  How about you show some hard core facts to prove your points instead of feeding off your baseless emotions.

lowing wrote:

2. You wanted me to "prove" white violence against blacks....If you are as smart as your condescending post suggests you know very well what is referenced. Look it up yourself.
No I don't.  Why don't you explain yourself instead of expecting me to read your mind.  Sorry, but that would be hard for me to do since I definitely don't live my life from your point of view nor would I ever want to.

lowing wrote:

3. I am not whining, never have, you and PrimaCord, and a few others have been the ones being hostile and condenscending in this thread. Your problem not mine. I have commented on the orginal post. Your trouble is, you can't accept it
Once again you are completely wrong.  Did you forget that this is the debate portion of the forums?

     1.  I completely disagree with your FEELINGS
     2.  You never post any facts to backup your FEELINGS
     3.  The only thing your good at is twisting the truth and giving half ass answers

I have nothing against you personally.  You have the right to FEEL as you do.  That doesn't mean that I have to agree with anything that you post.  If you don't want people to disagree with you then go post somewhere that everyone shares your point of view.  I could think of a few good sites for you to visit.

lowing wrote:

4. I never really cared who owns BET, really, it is irrelevant, and has nothing to do with the questions posed in reference to BET or any other self proclaimed "black" organization. But hey, ya got 2 white names, so I guess congrats is in order. By the way, if it is ok for "African Americans" to call themselves "black", as in "Black Entertainment Television" why is it offensive for me to call them "black"? just curious.

Also , you failed to comment on BET's mission statement and goals, and wether or not any other network could get away with that, while never being sued for discrimination
So how is it irrelevant?  Could it be that white people don't think as you do?  Come on buddy, don't you remember you basically preaching about how the black man has BET and the white man can't do that without being called racist?  What are you mad now because its now the white man giving it to the white man?  Maybe you are the special white person that dictates how all others should FEEL.  The ones who actually own BET and don't mind its mission statement are the people you should have an issue with.  Its only people like you and your backwards mentality who believe this is a problem.  Tell you what,  why don't you show me some facts about how BET is taking away your right to be proud of being white.  Sense race is so important to you.

And what difference does it matter to you what black people call themselves?  I guess that would be infringing on your right to show your white pride as well.  Stick to your original arguement and stop attempting to redirect else where.

By the way, you created this back it up like a man and stop complaining about someone having  "condescending" views towards your argument.

lowing wrote:

5. yeah whats the difference. about denial
Now is it me in denial or you?  You haven't stated not one FACT to refute any evidence I have put forward.  I'm starting to wonder why I even reply to your responses.  They are neither intellectual nor construed with any for thought.  But I guess they are comical to say the least.

lowing wrote:

7. You know as well as I do who EXACTLY, you weretalking about when you mention ghettoes. If you are going to play innocent about it, then again you are the one being less than honest.
I guess I'll skip six, but what the hell are you talking about in seven?  Sorry pal. but if I state minorities, thats what I mean.  I choose my words carefully.  Now if you want to read something into what I said to attempt to bolster your case, then thats your poragative.

In Houston, TX blacks no longer consist of the largest group living in such circumstances.  It is mostly a mixture of many different minority ethnic groups now days.  Don't try to put words in my mouth because you have no answer to a question.  That is just pathetic to say the least.

lowing wrote:

8. Again you fail to explain yourself. You told me there is a difference between culture and race in refering to racism. SO there couldn't possibly be any such thing as "cultural racism" based on your bullshit. To be honest, I know exactly what you are talking about, but I feel I can disect your words and be just as much as a smart ass as you have been.
Look,  if you don't know the difference so be it.  Go back to school and educate yourself.  Once again you miss quote me to try to prove your point.  What I said was """"inner cultural racism""""".  If you don't understand that a culture is based upon people who share similar experiences and race is generally classified based on skin color then thats your problem.  Simply put, there can be different cultures within a race as well as different races within a culture.  For instance.  You may say your white.........but there are many different cultures within that classification.  For instance........Italian, German, Greek, Polish, and Irish just to name a few. Another example would be American culture vs. European culture. If you don't get it by now then you are lost my friend.

lowing wrote:

9. I have been judged by those I work with, live with and socialize with ( yup all my firends, black, white, jewish vietnamese, Japanese) and I have no problems. As soon as I start caring what people like you think, I will let ya know. In the mean time just keep feeding me your frustrations
I'm so glad to hear that you have friends of all different races. [/sarcasm] It only makes me wonder if you spew the same garbage to them as you do in this forum.  I'd think not.  Funny that a person who states that they look at the race of their neighbors before they move into a neighborhood would have such a large variety of ethnic friends.  I guess its ok for you to claim to be their friend but yet they just can't be your neighbor.  This has got to be hypocrisy at its finest.  Frustrated by you?  Please.................

I'll be waiting for your next pathetic attempt to weasel your way out of your previous post

Til then,

Great success!
+216|6871|Chandler, AZ
If you can handle it...

Find "Nature of The Threat" by Ras Kass.

Yes, it's rap. No, it's not gangsta-rap. It comes from an album that was months in the making and well researched, and the song is considered one of the most significant political and racial statements to come from rap music of all time. While most of you probably haven't heard of him due to the lackluster follow-up albums and poor marketing, he's one of the best lyricists of all time.

This song explains why black people have a little pent up hostility against you.

Great success!
+216|6871|Chandler, AZ

Jenkinsbball wrote:

I seem to remember African warlords were the one's selling blacks into slavery back in the day. White's didn't invent slavery or racisim. They were there LONG before any type of advanced civilization existed. I'm sure nobody called the Egyptians racists for have so many slaves. Everyone nowadays are such fucking babies its sickening.

I'm glad Afirmative Action is gone away, I think. If you're more qualified than me to get the job, GOOD! If not, you shouldn't get it because I'm white and you're not. Go fuck your mother and die an uneducated twat that you are. Thanks.
You seem to remember what? You were there? That's amazing please tell me more about your personal experience with the slave trade, as opposed to what you read from textbooks written by people who look like Colonel Sanders.

You're right though, whites didn't invent racism really. White skin was apparently considered a "sin" and the albinos were sent away from Africa. Of course, at that point in history can you really blame people for being so primitive? "Modern Medicine" involved tapping holes in peoples' skulls to release spirits. I doubt they had advanced social systems or really thought much about it. They probably saw white skin, were afraid, and cast the demons out. Doing the same now in 2006 however isn't quite as understandable.

Nobody called the Egyptians racists? Not even the Jews they enslaved? I've heard a different story.

Yeah we're all such babies, it's like OMG LAWL just cuz our culture was raped and we were bred, traded, and put-down like animals to work for nothing more than the chance to not be killed, seperated from our families, and systematically taught that education would lead to our deaths...we should just GET OVER IT! Right?

Just for emphasis

Jenkinsbball wrote:

I'm glad Afirmative Action is gone away, I think. If you're more qualified than me to get the job, GOOD! If not, you shouldn't get it because I'm white and you're not. Go fuck your mother and die an uneducated twat that you are. Thanks.
Alright Dr. Mengela, let me put it to you like this. Were your people ever shot for being able to read? Were your people forced to work for mine for absolutely nothing but MY peoples' personal gain?

So you don't think the 300 year headstart you all got over us justifies a little extra help? Have you ever been to an inner-city school? I'm not talking about the downtown neighborhoods in Vermont either. I'm talking about a school in a real poverty situation. I know for a fact you haven't, because if you had you'd understand why affirmative action is important. How are we supposed to answer SAT questions on current events when our history teacher smokes crack with his students during lunch and our textbooks were literally 14 years old.

I'm sure it's very nice there in whatever suburb you live in. The rest of us who had to survive high-school (And not survive as in, OMG WHO WILL I TAKE TO THE PROM WITH THIS ZIT!!!???) by no fault of our own, DO deserve a better chance. For a lot of us, that's one of the very few opportunities we have - especially when we're talking about a college education. But then according to you, we should just fucking die in our uneducated wastes of lives. Sadly, even though your attempt to sound hard failed, you pointed out something that's actually a real serious problem.

There's a lot of minorities that are victims of violent crime. There are neighborhoods where police won't go because they'd get shot. Now what happens if a child is born into that situation? What's he supposed to do? According to you he should just give in to the violence and die before age 21. Thanks for your vote of confidence. Kids like you could apply to any number of jobs/schools and have a chance at any of them. So what if affirmative action cuts you out of one opportunity? You have a thousand others open to you. Maybe just quit blaming affirmative action and stop being lazy.

My education is probably owed to affirmative action. Do I feel bad about it? No, not really. Especially not after tearing down the arguments of ignorant people like you whose greatest life experience so far was toilet-training.


Last edited by Not (2006-09-02 01:27:27)

+190|6919|Home of the Escalade Herds

lowing wrote:

3. I am not whining, never have, you and PrimaCord, and a few others have been the ones being hostile and condenscending in this thread. Your problem not mine. I have commented on the orginal post. Your trouble is, you can't accept it.
Oh sorry for being hostile, it's not every day i get someone who judges me based on one sentence taken 360 degrees out of context.

Stop whining, i'm white and I have no problems with the way i'm treated anywhere in the world.

I've never been looked down on in a smug way by any coloured person but i've witnessed countless rich white old cunts look down on some of my friends. I think the worst part about it is that it's so passive. It's annoying at best but it really reminds you about the world we live in.

African Americans have a channel, woopy doo. Guess why they have BET? There is a demand for it.

Who the fuck would watch WET? There is no need for it, we have plenty of 'white' entertainment on normal channels.

So you ask why would WET sound racist while BET does not.

A. WET isn't needed, we are not a minority, we don't need our interests represented in one channel, we have plenty.

White pride day, again, wtf?

It's our country. We have Independance day, Colombus day, ect. We don't need a white pride day, we are not the freaking minority.

PRiMACORD wrote:

lowing wrote:

3. I am not whining, never have, you and PrimaCord, and a few others have been the ones being hostile and condenscending in this thread. Your problem not mine. I have commented on the orginal post. Your trouble is, you can't accept it.
Oh sorry for being hostile, it's not every day i get someone who judges me based on one sentence taken 360 degrees out of context.

Stop whining, i'm white and I have no problems with the way i'm treated anywhere in the world.

I've never been looked down on in a smug way by any coloured person but i've witnessed countless rich white old cunts look down on some of my friends. I think the worst part about it is that it's so passive. It's annoying at best but it really reminds you about the world we live in.

African Americans have a channel, woopy doo. Guess why they have BET? There is a demand for it.

Who the fuck would watch WET? There is no need for it, we have plenty of 'white' entertainment on normal channels.

So you ask why would WET sound racist while BET does not.

A. WET isn't needed, we are not a minority, we don't need our interests represented in one channel, we have

White pride day, again, wtf?

It's our country. We have Independance day, Colombus day, ect. We don't need a white pride day, we are not the freaking minority.
well, in london, out of a class of 32, there was 3 white kids. i was one of them. why do you think i moved?
one of them couldnt speak a word of english i still remember.
+190|6919|Home of the Escalade Herds

James-m wrote:

well, in london, out of a class of 32, there was 3 white kids. i was one of them. why do you think i moved?
one of them couldnt speak a word of english i still remember.
You'll have to explain that situation a bit more. What were the other 29 kids?

Assuming they all spoke another language resulting in you feeling left out, i'd say it's fine that you moved. That would be a cultural difference, not a racial one.
from what i can remember primacord, it was a mixture of indian, pakistani, somali, and a few other african nations im sure. there was no problem with them atall, some were my friends. but my parents knew that, if id end up growing up in the area where we lived, there would have been trouble. the thing was, we lived in a qiuet area of romford, but, we were the only white family down our street, which was about a 1 mile long i swear. now, dont get me wrong, but theres  nothing wrong with that, we werent the first family to make this move im sure of it.
+190|6919|Home of the Escalade Herds

James-m wrote:

from what i can remember primacord, it was a mixture of indian, pakistani, somali, and a few other african nations im sure. there was no problem with them atall, some were my friends. but my parents knew that, if id end up growing up in the area where we lived, there would have been trouble. the thing was, we lived in a qiuet area of romford, but, we were the only white family down our street, which was about a 1 mile long i swear. now, dont get me wrong, but theres  nothing wrong with that, we werent the first family to make this move im sure of it.
I don't see anything wrong with you guys moving, i'd move to if i was in that type of situation. Personally i don't like areas that are saturated with one race alone. I imagine the middle-eastern people there were not too social with you as they probably found it easier to socalize amongst each other, communication being the key factor.

One of the best multicultural cities i've been to/lived in was Toronto. That place is a true melting pot, tons of people from all over the world but no distinct areas where you would find an extreme abundance of any one race.

PRiMACORD wrote:

James-m wrote:

from what i can remember primacord, it was a mixture of indian, pakistani, somali, and a few other african nations im sure. there was no problem with them atall, some were my friends. but my parents knew that, if id end up growing up in the area where we lived, there would have been trouble. the thing was, we lived in a qiuet area of romford, but, we were the only white family down our street, which was about a 1 mile long i swear. now, dont get me wrong, but theres  nothing wrong with that, we werent the first family to make this move im sure of it.
I don't see anything wrong with you guys moving, i'd move to if i was in that type of situation. Personally i don't like areas that are saturated with one race alone. I imagine the middle-eastern people there were not too social with you as they probably found it easier to socalize amongst each other, communication being the key factor.

One of the best multicultural cities i've been to/lived in was Toronto. That place is a true melting pot, tons of people from all over the world but no distinct areas where you would find an extreme abundance of any one race.
wow, you really know what your talking about good conversation, without someone calling me racist

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