
SargeV1.4 wrote:

I am never going to get mine.
That was the first medal I got, and it was before anyone knew the requirements for it. I was so proud, I thought I had done something amazing. Then when I found out was it was I realized that I just sucked. So then I went out and tried to earn another one so that I could say I had two just for the fun of it. I have managed to earn on purpose two more, but they don't show up in my stats. And byt the way, I only went out to "earn" them again on some games when I wasn't doing well to begin with.
2142th Whore
at first i got it, i was so proud cuz its an award....and i saw the requirements and i was like "wtf.."
i got my with my pro noob skillz...infact...2 or 3 times....but bf2s only shows it once... : (
+721|6732|the dank(super) side of Oregon
170k and i have never let that happen.  If a round was going that badly, I'd quit long before I got near the requirements.  I prefer to have fun when I play games. I couldn't imagine dying 25+ times in one round, except if I had a hundreds kills or something.
Philosopher King
+16|6746|New York State, USA

Samtheman53 wrote:

no one believes me that i got mine on purpose
Me too!
Roger Lesboules
Ah ben tabarnak!
+316|6728|Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Québec!
I also got my purple heart on purpose...Got my 5 kill then i also rushed the enemy...but not with knife...nooo...Shock Paddle Ftw!

Samtheman53 wrote:

no one believes me that i got mine on purpose
i do. because when i was new to the game i wanted as much awards, medals, ribbons as possible, so that was pretty much the first one i got. i remember it aswell

i first got 5 kills, not worrying about dying that much, then when i got 5 kills, i started running out into the open hoping to get killed, that happened around 20 times, then the drum roll lol! i was like "YES" because it was one of my first awards hahahahhaa

Reciprocity wrote:

170k and i have never let that happen.  If a round was going that badly, I'd quit long before I got near the requirements.  I prefer to have fun when I play games. I couldn't imagine dying 25+ times in one round, except if I had a hundreds kills or something.
dude. who cares??? i think its actually good to get it because that way u can pretty much say that u have gotten all the awards. its not a bad thing to get it. lol. its not like ppl say "zomg he has the purple heart he must suck" btw u said that u leave the map so u dont get it. that's sad. the only time i got it was thefirst time i "tried" to get it and i was bored another day and said "hmmmm im gonna go for the purple heart" lol. thats because my requirements for any other award was so far away and i really wanted to hear that drum roll! hehehe
+2|6770|Washington State, USA.
No problem smack, this was one of the first "awards" I received.  You'll get over it in a hurry.  Now its time for your ground defense (Sharqi is a great map for this one)
+385|6642|Northern California
Wait, don't you ahve to have .25 K/D ratio to get it?  Or can you get it from a single round of getting your ass kicked?
oh hai :D
+156|6803|The Netherlands

Samtheman53 wrote:

no one believes me that i got mine on purpose
lol i believe you

EDIT: IRONCHEF  : yeah its in a round

Last edited by ReDmAn_ThE_uNiQuE (2006-09-01 09:54:41)

This topic seems to have no actual posts
i wish there was a way to know how many purple hearts you've given out
poor infantry on sharqi when im in da choppa.
HakLaw in the house
dont know wat u all re talkin about....there is nothing unskillful about gettin it....well maybe if u really are shit...but most of the time its just from getting spawncamped and such
Goodbye :)
+399|6631|Somewhere else

I just bought BF2 when I got my only purple heart. the cool thing was I accientally got it, but on September 11th. So, I think its kinda cool....
I recieved about 4 of them trying for expert knife

Purple hearts happen, anyone can have a bad day
+385|6642|Northern California

ig88 wrote:

i wish there was a way to know how many purple hearts you've given out
poor infantry on sharqi when im in da choppa.
dude, everytime i see one of your posts, i jack off..just FYI..and, nice sig pic.
Gorgonnash PVP
+119|6995|Sacramento, Cal

Smackin_U wrote:

Well it finally happened.  The one award I could stand to never get.  I was playing Sharqi last night, and not having a very good round (happens often for me..LOL).  Then I hear that familiar drum roll and think, huh...what could I have possibly earned having such a sad round?  Then I see it..."Ahh crap...not the purple heart".  I guess it was bound to happen eventually.  Damn purple heart...
Welcome to the suck. - Troy (Jarhead) +1 m8 eMarine.
If you are new to the game getting the Purple heart cheers you up and proves you are no quitter.
If you disconnect to avoid a purple heart, you do not DESERVE the medal anyway

When you become experienced player, it becomes "hard" to get that medal, because it goes against your reflexes  NOT to kill the enemy before  he kills you.
You have to run TOWard the Arty instead of away, you have to NOT repair a vehicle; becomes funny if you think of it - BF2 upside-down-.
(Getting a  purple heart with suicides is a bit coward though/the easy way out btw).
Agent 47 wannabe
+32|6616|Inside my APC
Got mine on my first attempt to get the knife badge.

Got the knife badge a few attempts later.
So getting the purple heart wasn't too bad.
Lol, and I thought it was a good medal when I got it.

Semper Fi!

Trooper_Collider wrote:

Lol, and I thought it was a good medal when I got it.

Semper Fi!
Ditto !!!

Right when started out in BF2.  Agree that hard work to get after jah become better player.  Heh.

Samtheman53 wrote:

no one believes me that i got mine on purpose
neither me mate, i had to get a mate of mine to earn it for me. this was back in the days when the requirements for a purple heart were ridiculous.

pwned7 wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:

170k and i have never let that happen.  If a round was going that badly, I'd quit long before I got near the requirements.  I prefer to have fun when I play games. I couldn't imagine dying 25+ times in one round, except if I had a hundreds kills or something.
dude. who cares??? i think its actually good to get it because that way u can pretty much say that u have gotten all the awards. its not a bad thing to get it. lol. its not like ppl say "zomg he has the purple heart he must suck" btw u said that u leave the map so u dont get it. that's sad. the only time i got it was thefirst time i "tried" to get it and i was bored another day and said "hmmmm im gonna go for the purple heart" lol. thats because my requirements for any other award was so far away and i really wanted to hear that drum roll! hehehe
zomg? gamer language?
set your body ablaze
Got mine not too long ago... I didn't think I ever would, but I was playing on a Wake server as USMC with only 7 or 8 people on each side, and the J-10s were making things impossible. When there are that few players on Wake, it's basically a J-10 shoot-em-up. I was the only one actually trying to get on land and died a lot as a consequence. I kept thinking "just one more try and I'll make it on to land and get some kills" then I got the Purple Heart

Last edited by xintegrityx (2006-09-01 13:23:28)

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