+35|6794|Somewhere in the shadows
Well it finally happened.  The one award I could stand to never get.  I was playing Sharqi last night, and not having a very good round (happens often for me..LOL).  Then I hear that familiar drum roll and think, huh...what could I have possibly earned having such a sad round?  Then I see it..."Ahh crap...not the purple heart".  I guess it was bound to happen eventually.  Damn purple heart...
no one believes me that i got mine on purpose
+271|6906|United States of America
I find that it is easier to take the blow of getting it, when you purposely try to get it.

Smackin_U wrote:

Well it finally happened.  The one award I could stand to never get.  I was playing Sharqi last night, and not having a very good round (happens often for me..LOL).  Then I hear that familiar drum roll and think, huh...what could I have possibly earned having such a sad round?  Then I see it..."Ahh crap...not the purple heart".  I guess it was bound to happen eventually.  Damn purple heart...
Sorry to hear that mate, i can't say that i've had the misfortune, but i could very well understand how much it breaks your heart...i would probably stop playing entirely at this point in my gaming ability if i got that.
Teh forum ghey!
+172|6787|Wigan. Manchester. England.
Im amazed how mr bonus hasnt even got the purple heart once. amazingg


sorry....wrong type of game.
+98|6615|Life in a vacuum sucks
i have gotten it twice
+35|6794|Somewhere in the shadows
Where's the C2D when you really want it?????
Kick His Ass!
+371|6844|Howell, Mi USA

Samtheman53 wrote:

no one believes me that i got mine on purpose
I believe u, kuz i did the same thing. It's amazing how hard it is to do bad. I was running straight into enemy spawns without shooting anyone, and they were not even shooting me. It's like i wasn't even there.
+2,382|6828|The North, beyond the wall.
I don't think i wan't it,therefore i'l never get it.
Chanetoy Dugali
+309|6861|Groningen / Netherlands

Samtheman53 wrote:

no one believes me that i got mine on purpose
i got mine on purpose aswell just look at my death streak

round starts i get 1 kill and die then i get another 4 kills (without dieing) then run in enemy with knife 19 times and got award
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6881|Peoria, Illinois

Smackin_U wrote:

Well it finally happened.  The one award I could stand to never get.  I was playing Sharqi last night, and not having a very good round (happens often for me..LOL).  Then I hear that familiar drum roll and think, huh...what could I have possibly earned having such a sad round?  Then I see it..."Ahh crap...not the purple heart".  I guess it was bound to happen eventually.  Damn purple heart...
Congrats? Who gave it to you?

Take the bad with the good i guess
+35|6794|Somewhere in the shadows

M1-Lightning wrote:

Congrats? Who gave it to you?
I don't have any new "Worst Enemies", so I can't say any one person gets the credit.  The whole American team was dominating the MECs that round.

jsnipy wrote:

Take the bad with the good i guess
True...and it is nice and shiny...
Internet Poon
I was on a server today, where people were bragging about how many purple hearts they all have
There is nothing wrong with trying.. and a Purple Heart = Trying.... imo anyway.
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6824|Canada Eh?
I tried to get mine on purpose twice, but each time I couldnt die enough, or when I killed myself with nades or C4 I accidentally killed enemies and had to die twice as much.

So after two rounds I stopped.

Vampira_NB wrote:

I tried to get mine on purpose twice, but each time I couldnt die enough, or when I killed myself with nades or C4 I accidentally killed enemies and had to die twice as much.

So after two rounds I stopped.
do suicides count?
+26|6783|Newcastle NSW Australia
got mine on purpose i thought it was a good medal to get everyone i knew had one found out later not so good
+50|6636|United States - Ohio
i saw someone get kicked for stat padding.. they said they were TRYING to get prp heart hahah. isnt that bullshit?
Well I have yet to get it, and maybe I should try harder on Karkand.
I got mine the good ol way....dying A LOT. It was the first medal I got and it sucked. I was killed 23 times in a row on one was my very first time playing BF2 and as you can tell I got owned, BIG time. I havent had a round like that since.....close, but not that close, in the early days. I have gotten a wee bit better and will never get another one (i pray).

If you are new to BF2 stay away from Wake and Oman for your first game as the J10 and choppers will eat you alive. I love those maps now, but I got torn a new one on those maps from the jet jocks when I first started.
Since day One.
I was gunnery sgt when i still dont had it so i was going for it.After 5 kills i started kill myself with nades and jumping infront of tanks.It was a very stupid feeling but finally i got it its not ahve all medals which are possible to get.Dont had to happen once...
+35|6794|Somewhere in the shadows
I wonder how many people out there get close and disconnect before they get it?

Cbass wrote:

Samtheman53 wrote:

no one believes me that i got mine on purpose
I believe u, kuz i did the same thing. It's amazing how hard it is to do bad. I was running straight into enemy spawns without shooting anyone, and they were not even shooting me. It's like i wasn't even there.
yeh i was running around karkand with a knife,
did u want every single medal u could get when u 1st started playing with out thinking the purp;e heart is a bad thing

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