
After watching a cable special on Al Queda last night, regarding Islam

Mostly it's our fault. Apologize and hope for the best14%14% - 14
We can work it out peacefully. Muslims are just folks.13%13% - 13
We can work with Islam to take out just the radicals30%30% - 30
Sadly, too many radicals so they all have to go.6%6% - 6
Islam versus Us and only 1 will survive. KILL 'EM ALL.36%36% - 36
Total: 99
After watching the Blind Sheik on TV last night, and seeing how we had a sergeant in the U.S. Army who was one of these radicals, and hearing direct quotes from them about "eradicating Infidels from the world Allah created for the Muslims," and "we have to conquer the West from within", and "we can use their own freedoms against them and they will allow us to infiltrate their highest levels," I'm leaning to "the whole thing scares the shit out of me, there's no way to tell the good ones from the bad ones, and I think it's going to be an all out war with only one side surviving."

The more I listen to more of these Islamists, the more I'm thinking, "screw this. It's going to be an all out hoohah, and either we're all going to be wearing robes, or those folks have to be greased."

You ought to watch that show on Discovery Channel called Triple Cross, it'll scare the living shit out of you. Skip their comments and just listen to what these Islamic higher-ups are saying, even the ones in frigging government, and you'll straight shit your pants.

I get the feeling there is a very small group of Muslims who say "what's so funny bout peace, love, and understanding," then there's a very small group that says "this planet is for us, and everyone should be Muslim and if they aren't they should be dead," and there's a huge group in the middle that leans to the "death to the non-Muslims" group, which either sympathizes with the radicals, or outright helps them through funding or other support. I think even if you could ferret out the "peace, love, and understanding" folks and wipe out the rest, the basis of the religion itself would sooner or lead to more radicals.

Tough deal all the way around.

Last edited by Dersmikner (2006-08-29 06:59:54)

How can anyone possibly imagine that muslims, a minority of which are extremists, are going to take over the entire world? It just makes no logical sense whatsoever!! Blowing yourself up isn't generally the best course of action to take if you wish to 'take over the world'!! This retarded scaremongering has to stop.

Bear in mind that there are 1.3bn muslims and about 5bn non-muslims. Numbers alone are a barrier to any such fanciful 'world domination' plans.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-08-29 07:00:15)

Thank God they don't have Audie Murphy 

Nobody's afraid of suicide bombers, I think they're damned near a joke. However, if they can take out 3,000 with 19 in airplanes, or 100,000 by poisoning our water, or 1,000,000 with one nuke, that's a different story. Don't make out like Osama bin Laden wouldn't poison me and everyone like me if he could drop anthrax from a Cessna.
Cable special? Hmmmm, i'm thinking 2% truth and 98% pictures of scary looking ragheads with aks and menacing music in the background.

Dersmikner wrote:

Thank God they don't have Audie Murphy 

Nobody's afraid of suicide bombers, I think they're damned near a joke. However, if they can take out 3,000 with 19 in airplanes, or 100,000 by poisoning our water, or 1,000,000 with one nuke, that's a different story. Don't make out like Osama bin Laden wouldn't poison me and everyone like me if he could drop anthrax from a Cessna.
'They can take out 3000 people with 19 in airplanes': one singular massive incident to which all other incidents before or since haven't come anywhere near in terms of severity - the product of INCREDIBLY lax security especially in light of prior warnings. Look at the 'KDR' of US troops to Iraqis/Afghans in the middle east conflicts there. You have little to be worried about. If your borders are secure and your police are doing their jobs then you should be safe. This is criminality we're talking about here not 'war'. There will of course be incidents and attacks in the future but if you make sure your domestic security is top notch these will be few and far between. It's quite simple. You don't have to commit genocide because of the rantings of a few delusionals.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-08-29 07:09:41)

Junglist Massive

Dersmikner wrote:

Thank God they don't have Audie Murphy 

Nobody's afraid of suicide bombers, I think they're damned near a joke. However, if they can take out 3,000 with 19 in airplanes, or 100,000 by poisoning our water, or 1,000,000 with one nuke, that's a different story. Don't make out like Osama bin Laden wouldn't poison me and everyone like me if he could drop anthrax from a Cessna.
So by that justification then America should be destroyed... they can (and have) poisoned hundreds of thousands of peoples water (DU in Iraq) and have a history of using nukes... not to mention that they can take out tens of thousand with a few pilots in airplanes...
Erm, I heard this American guy on an internet forum saying he wanted all Muslims dead, so we'd better kill all Americans to make sure we get rid of all the hate mongering evil doers like him!
There's a big difference in one dumbass (me) on the internet talking about protecting ourselves from Muslims, and a guy who is widely regarded as a community's religious leader saying that this planet is Allah's and should only be for believers, and that the believers should kill all the rest of us.

And as far as bias, I SAID I didn't listen to much of what the commentators had to say, I listened to what the Muslims were saying. And THAT was twice as scary as the shit being said by the commentators.

Last edited by Dersmikner (2006-08-29 07:50:42)

Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US
The religious leaders only lead sects within sects. There is no equivilant to the Pope of Muslims, or even Pope of Sunnis.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Just remember lower approval ratings + upcoming elections = Only republican's can save us.. Also make sure to watch the HBO special about the christians white power moment... They're a small group but they have BBQ's, guns, and look up to people who bomb abortion centers...

CameronPoe wrote:

Dersmikner wrote:

Thank God they don't have Audie Murphy 

Nobody's afraid of suicide bombers, I think they're damned near a joke. However, if they can take out 3,000 with 19 in airplanes, or 100,000 by poisoning our water, or 1,000,000 with one nuke, that's a different story. Don't make out like Osama bin Laden wouldn't poison me and everyone like me if he could drop anthrax from a Cessna.
'They can take out 3000 people with 19 in airplanes': one singular massive incident to which all other incidents before or since haven't come anywhere near in terms of severity - the product of INCREDIBLY lax security especially in light of prior warnings. Look at the 'KDR' of US troops to Iraqis/Afghans in the middle east conflicts there. You have little to be worried about. If your borders are secure and your police are doing their jobs then you should be safe. This is criminality we're talking about here not 'war'. There will of course be incidents and attacks in the future but if you make sure your domestic security is top notch these will be few and far between. It's quite simple. You don't have to commit genocide because of the rantings of a few delusionals.
Why do we need to have security at all.  Because of the extremists.  Doesn't every religion have it's extremists?  Yes, but generally there are followers of the same religion that also speak out and denounce the atrocities.  Where are the Muslim's denouncing this BS?
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
The muslim's aren't denouncing this BS because it's hard to yell out that one group is bad while being shot at by the "GOOD" guys.

GATOR591957 wrote:

Why do we need to have security at all.  Because of the extremists.  Doesn't every religion have it's extremists?  Yes, but generally there are followers of the same religion that also speak out and denounce the atrocities.  Where are the Muslim's denouncing this BS?
I posted this before and oddly enough it was in response to one of your posts...



http://www.sptimes.com/2005/08/03/Opini … _aga.shtml

http://www.expatica.com/source/site_art … st+terror+

http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Re … p?ID=20933


http://islamonline.net/English/News/200 … le05.shtml


Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-08-29 13:13:31)


CameronPoe wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

Why do we need to have security at all.  Because of the extremists.  Doesn't every religion have it's extremists?  Yes, but generally there are followers of the same religion that also speak out and denounce the atrocities.  Where are the Muslim's denouncing this BS?
I posted this before and oddly enough it was in response to one of your posts...



http://www.sptimes.com/2005/08/03/Opini … _aga.shtml

http://www.expatica.com/source/site_art … st+terror+

http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Re … p?ID=20933


http://islamonline.net/English/News/200 … le05.shtml

Cameron most of these are old.  The earliest date I saw was January of this year.  The freemuslims.org has 13 chapters in the US and the only other chapters are in Eqypt.  This is hardly an outcry for a stop to terrorism.  I will agree it's a start.  I live 5 miles from the AZ chapter and have never heard of them before.  How loud are they crying?????
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
You are also talking about a generally poor people from my understanding about it. SO how are they really going to get their voices heard?
wow 37% of brainless warmongers...there are radicals on both sides

GATOR591957 wrote:

Cameron most of these are old.  The earliest date I saw was January of this year.  The freemuslims.org has 13 chapters in the US and the only other chapters are in Eqypt.  This is hardly an outcry for a stop to terrorism.  I will agree it's a start.  I live 5 miles from the AZ chapter and have never heard of them before.  How loud are they crying?????
How hard are we listening?
Here is an incident that might explain why some muslims may not be so vocal:

This story is true and involves the killing of a Belfast man by IRA-connected individuals in a bar in the city centre -

Robert McCartney was involved in a fight in a bar — Magennis's — in May Street, in the centre of Belfast, on the night of January 30, 2005. He was found unconscious with stab wounds in Cromac Street and died in hospital the following morning. He was 33 years old.

According to Robert's family, the fight arose when his friend, Brendan Devine, was accused by members of the IRA of making an insulting gesture or comment to a woman in their company. When Devine refused to accept this or apologise, a brawl began. The IRA men dragged them into Verner Street and beat and stabbed them. Devine also suffered a knife attack, but survived.

It is claimed by McCartney's family that the killers issued a threat to all those present not to discuss or report what they had seen. No ambulance was called and the bar was quickly cleaned. The UK edition of Marie Claire reported that female IRA members were called to the scene to clean with bleach because bleach destroys forensic evidence. They also said this was typical IRA procedure. Film from security cameras was removed and destroyed.

The McCartney family had lived in the Short Strand area of Belfast for five generations. However local people in the Short Strand area, which is a largely Nationalist area, did not welcome their dispute with the IRA and allegedly drove them to leave by threats of violence. The last McCartney sister to leave the area (Paula) departed Short Strand on 26 October 2005.

The event happened well over a year ago now. Nobody has been brought to justice for this killing. Nobody, out of the many people who were in the bar that night has come forward to identify the killers. Why? Because if anyone came forward to speak against those who perpetrated the act they would have their homes torched in the morning and numerous loved ones would have their heads 'ventilated' by ex-provos.

Are you beginning to understand that this is not some muslim phenomenon now?

PS Look up the story - it is actually quite an intriguing one. The grieving family were even granted an audience with old monkeyboy himself, GWB.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-08-29 13:52:51)


cpt.fass1 wrote:

Just remember lower approval ratings + upcoming elections = Only republican's can save us.. Also make sure to watch the HBO special about the christians white power moment... They're a small group but they have BBQ's, guns, and look up to people who bomb abortion centers...
That's it! The muslim terrorists just need to bomb abortion centers and stem cell researchers! Then the extreme christians and muslims will rule together!
Shouldn't it be "Scary stuff from certain Islamists right here in America"
Everyone gets too worked up about terrorists and terrorism, if America stopped giving the extremists reasons to hate America there wouldn't be so many extremists, reasons being things like:
"The town my parents live in and the town I was raised in was turned into a glass crater last night by an American pilot 'cos some terrorists 'might' have lived there"
And the way to deal with the few remaining Extremists is not to drop bombs on them, why not just send some SEALS in to take them out nice and silently, without even waking the neighbours.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America
WTF? I actually AGREE with some of what CPoe is saying?

CameronPoe wrote:

Here is an incident that might explain why some muslims may not be so vocal:

This story is true and involves the killing of a Belfast man by IRA-connected individuals in a bar in the city centre -

Robert McCartney was involved in a fight in a bar — Magennis's — in May Street, in the centre of Belfast, on the night of January 30, 2005. He was found unconscious with stab wounds in Cromac Street and died in hospital the following morning. He was 33 years old.

According to Robert's family, the fight arose when his friend, Brendan Devine, was accused by members of the IRA of making an insulting gesture or comment to a woman in their company. When Devine refused to accept this or apologise, a brawl began. The IRA men dragged them into Verner Street and beat and stabbed them. Devine also suffered a knife attack, but survived.

It is claimed by McCartney's family that the killers issued a threat to all those present not to discuss or report what they had seen. No ambulance was called and the bar was quickly cleaned. The UK edition of Marie Claire reported that female IRA members were called to the scene to clean with bleach because bleach destroys forensic evidence. They also said this was typical IRA procedure. Film from security cameras was removed and destroyed.

The event happened well over a year ago now. Nobody has been brought to justice for this killing. Nobody, out of the many people who were in the bar that night has come forward to identify the killers. Why? Because if anyone came forward to speak against those who perpetrated the act they would have their homes torched in the morning and numerous loved ones would have their heads 'ventilated' by ex-provos.

Are you beginning to understand that this is not some muslim phenomenon now?

PS Look up the story - it is actually quite an intriguing one. The grieving family were even granted an audience with old monkeyboy himself, GWB.
I'm sorry I'm not following you.  You see I believe in another thread this analogy was used.  Here in the US the KKK are what we would call extremists.  Yet you will see at every KKK rally or march people with opposing views right there to counter them.  Could the KKK kill them, yes, but here if we see injustice, the majority will speak out against it.  Which is one reason you will see I disagree with our President so vehemently.  Is it our culture that inspires this, yes I believe so.  Please don't misunderstand me to say our culture is better than country ?.  What I'm saying which is what I originally said is I don't understand if the majority of Muslim's disagree with the tactics being used by the extremists,  Why aren't they speaking out or at least reporting the perpetrators.  Your threads tell me nothing.  They show websites that are available.  Doesn't say how many members, or anything I can get a reference on.  I looked up the chapter here in AZ and all you get is a message that states their views.  Looks like a cash cow to me.  I was looking for information on how many members they have, just a recording with no number to call if you have questions.  They did have the website you mentioned for donations though.

Last edited by GATOR591957 (2006-08-29 13:59:52)


GATOR591957 wrote:

I'm sorry I'm not following you.  You see I believe in another thread this analogy was used.  Here in the US the KKK are what we would call extremists.  Yet you will see at every KKK rally or march people with opposing views right there to counter them.  Could the KKK kill them, yes, but here if we see injustice, the majority will speak out against it.  Which is one reason you will see I disagree with our President so vehemently.  Is it our culture that inspires this, yes I believe so.  Please don't misunderstand me to say our culture is better than country ?.  What I'm saying which is what I originally said is I don't understand if the majority of Muslim's disagree with the tactics being used by the extremists,  Why aren't they speaking out or at least reporting the perpetrators.  Your threads tell me nothing.  They show websites that are available.  Doesn't say how many members, or anything I can get a reference on.  I looked up the chapter here in AZ and all you get is a message that states their views.  Looks like a cash cow to me.  I was looking for information on how many members they have, just a recording with no number to call if you have questions.  They did have the website you mentioned for donations though.
The KKK analogy doesn't quite work. The IRA (and their political wing Sinn Féin, pronounced Shin Fane) are an integral part of the nationalist/republican community in the UK-occupied six counties of Northern Ireland, much like Hezbollah in Lebanon. They permeate through every level of society there and are ruthlessly efficient and professional killing machines. It is easy to speak out against the KKK because they are a tiny tiny minority of the population of the USA, they aren't going to kill white people and they aren't going to risk exposing themselves by botching a killing. The IRA, as I said, are world reknowned for 'professional' killing and have no such concerns about killing people. Sinn Féin, which has since renounced violence, also enjoy the support of the considerable majority of the nationalist community in the north. Speaking out against the IRA WILL have consequences. The climate of fear in Northern Ireland is no different from the climate of fear in Cairo, East Jerusalem, Sadr City or Beirut.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-08-29 14:14:46)


GATOR591957 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Here is an incident that might explain why some muslims may not be so vocal:

This story is true and involves the killing of a Belfast man by IRA-connected individuals in a bar in the city centre -

Robert McCartney was involved in a fight in a bar — Magennis's — in May Street, in the centre of Belfast, on the night of January 30, 2005. He was found unconscious with stab wounds in Cromac Street and died in hospital the following morning. He was 33 years old.

According to Robert's family, the fight arose when his friend, Brendan Devine, was accused by members of the IRA of making an insulting gesture or comment to a woman in their company. When Devine refused to accept this or apologise, a brawl began. The IRA men dragged them into Verner Street and beat and stabbed them. Devine also suffered a knife attack, but survived.

It is claimed by McCartney's family that the killers issued a threat to all those present not to discuss or report what they had seen. No ambulance was called and the bar was quickly cleaned. The UK edition of Marie Claire reported that female IRA members were called to the scene to clean with bleach because bleach destroys forensic evidence. They also said this was typical IRA procedure. Film from security cameras was removed and destroyed.

The event happened well over a year ago now. Nobody has been brought to justice for this killing. Nobody, out of the many people who were in the bar that night has come forward to identify the killers. Why? Because if anyone came forward to speak against those who perpetrated the act they would have their homes torched in the morning and numerous loved ones would have their heads 'ventilated' by ex-provos.

Are you beginning to understand that this is not some muslim phenomenon now?

PS Look up the story - it is actually quite an intriguing one. The grieving family were even granted an audience with old monkeyboy himself, GWB.
I'm sorry I'm not following you.  You see I believe in another thread this analogy was used.  Here in the US the KKK are what we would call extremists.  Yet you will see at every KKK rally or march people with opposing views right there to counter them.  Could the KKK kill them, yes, but here if we see injustice, the majority will speak out against it.  Which is one reason you will see I disagree with our President so vehemently.  Is it our culture that inspires this, yes I believe so.  Please don't misunderstand me to say our culture is better than country ?.  What I'm saying which is what I originally said is I don't understand if the majority of Muslim's disagree with the tactics being used by the extremists,  Why aren't they speaking out or at least reporting the perpetrators.  Your threads tell me nothing.  They show websites that are available.  Doesn't say how many members, or anything I can get a reference on.  I looked up the chapter here in AZ and all you get is a message that states their views.  Looks like a cash cow to me.  I was looking for information on how many members they have, just a recording with no number to call if you have questions.  They did have the website you mentioned for donations though.
Remember back before the years and years of civil reform? You know, back when lynching was legal? Yeah, no one protested KKK rallies then.

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