Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Logic here please. Is this supposed to stop
the US breathing down your neck and a terrorist state not too far away sharpening their knives?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Vacuum Sealed for Freshness
+26|7058|The Island of Carls Jr.

Vilham wrote:

There wont be war, UN will just place trade sanctions on them so they get fucked and starve to death.
So? the government probly wont care! I mean why would you care about your people starving when youll never starve no matter what!
Iran's president claims that he will whipe Israel off the map, and is filled with terrorists that have everything to die. Fuc  it. Lets jut let them have nukes.
GunSlinger OIF II
fuck it, im ready for round two.
I hope Iran gets erased from the planet long before they get nukes, because I think they're a bunch of unstable fucks with a mind to turn "Earth" into "Planet Islam" by whatever means necessary, but the truth is that they're a sovereign nation and if I were them I'd tell every nuke having UN whiner nation to kiss my ass and I'd build 1,000.
U.S. > Iran
If they want to bring war upon themselves, let them.  Im enlisting next month and I am willing to fight....then again, isnt the will to fight a war part of signing up? Im interested to see how this will all turn out, as well as the N. Korea issue which has taken a backburner the past couple months.  But either way, Ill be where my country needs me.
Vacuum Sealed for Freshness
+26|7058|The Island of Carls Jr.
Just hope that we dont. Weve got our hands busy with Iraq and shit isnt going well at all.
Anyone up fer a lil WW3? OK LETS GO!
If all else fails, I say fire off some (relatively) small nuclear weapons at their nuclear facilities.  Hopefully the fallout can be minimized, but we cannot allow such an unstable nation, which wishes to destroy countries and ways of life and replace it with themselves to aquire nukes.  Personally, I'd let Iran have its stupid nuc plants; hell, I'd build it for them, but we need assurance that all the nuclear material goes straight from the enrichment plant to the reactor.
+127|6971|WPB, FL. USA

oug wrote:

Iran is entitled to have nukes as much as the US, Israel, Pakistan, India, France etc etc. All these governments are equally irresponsible in having them so one more won't hurt nobody. It may even bring stability to the area.
You got to be kidding - You put Iran in the same category...  living in high altitude huh.
Very simple to end all of this bull crap. Hit them, hit them hard and keep hitting them, till there back in the stone age. We don't need to use nukes, carpet bombs work very well, as well as bunker busters.
Not that I am saying we should, but if folks think there actions before the act, we would not have half the problems we have.
Sheep of War
Well that type of hit won't come from the US.^

If the US wants another war, I garunttee that there will be another terrorist attack "connected" with Iran. Why? Because the US (as well as most civilizations) can only claim defense.  Kind of like how we tied in 911, WMD, Saddam Huesain, and terrorits to Iraq.

yes the spelling sucks

Last edited by 908741059871059781 (2006-08-28 21:01:47)

Connoisseur of Fine Wine

Last edited by Fancy_Pollux (2006-08-28 21:07:36)

Vacuum Sealed for Freshness
+26|7058|The Island of Carls Jr.
Well I heard these bastards wanted to take out Israel off the planet. HA! I'd like to see those dumbasses try without getting wiped out 2 minutes later. The world isnt gonna take that kind of bullshit, I'd like to see them try.
Sheep of War


Well I heard these bastards wanted to take out Israel off the planet. HA! I'd like to see those dumbasses try without getting wiped out 2 minutes later. The world isnt gonna take that kind of bullshit, I'd like to see them try.
Well the west is still in relativly "traditional" types of warfare. We are very poltically motivated. Guerillas have basically redefined fighting as we know it. Remember what the British thought of the US after the revolution? They said we have no class, we are barbarians, no honor. Well guess what; we won. This is the same exact thing happening now.

Guerilla warfare is terrorism, looking like civilians, hiding under the protection of civilians, and using the worlds common conception of "civilzation" against thier enemys. I applaud Isreal for taking the steps that they did. You won't see most other countries attack like that. Not even Japan ( I highly doubt that China and NKorea will either), because Pearl Harbour was a military base.  We killed thier civilians because they would have never given up and they had us outnumbered...big time.

Even though the Hellzboah "claimed" victory and everything else, Israel knows that showing disgregaurd for civilian life was playing their best card to a Guerilla/Terrorist group. The US and most countries are in no way going to do that, unless under the pretense of a massive attack (pearl harbour/911.)

So if we get attacked again, it will probably be either caused or let happen by our government. And it WILL be an excuse to start a war....most likely Iran.  I don't see it happening at least until the Iraq mess is fully cleaned up. Though there is a chance it could be rushed, based on the fact that the country is turning on the democrats (even though they have proved that they can rig votes, and americans don't pick the president, an electorial college does.) It really is tough to say.

EDIT: WWII is the most recognizable example. However, vietnam is another perfect example of a more "traditional" warfare vs "Guerilla" warfare. In fact, it could be the motives for underpowered, defiant nations.

Last edited by 908741059871059781 (2006-08-28 21:56:16)

+102|7015|New York

sergeriver wrote:

I found this article in a local newspaper and put you a link in english to NY Times. … ref=slogin
Nothing will be done Until the US pulls some troops out of IRAQ, giving them a rest. Then Isreal will be forced(By either Syria or Iran) to Make the first strike. This will cause Isreals Allies(they have MANY) to take action along side Isreal. The REAL WW3 Is comeing so hold onto your hats. It will happen before Iran gets the Bomb(within 3 years). Theres no way The FREE world will allow a nation Smack dab in the middle of the Middle East to aquire Nukes. It just wont happen. The sanctions are Just posturing by the Super Powers so that Militqry action is an option not too far down the road.

Asssasination isnt out of the question neither. Policy could change for some countries.

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