DBBrinson1 wrote:
Pug wrote:
I work with a guy who lost his house during Katrina, moved to Texas. He voted for Nagin. Reason: the guy running against him was about "twice as bad as Nagin, and was corrupt". He said he would have rather voted for someone else, but no one else stepped up.
Hard to believe that someone can be worse than that guy...based on his on air antics...
Yea. A guy I'm paying to mount a ringneck duck I shot is dealing with it too. His brother-in-law was there for katrina. Lost his house. Finally got a check to rebuild from his insurance. 2/3'rds done building his new house and has a stroke. Dead at 41. Sad. Hard to imagine anyone worse than Nagan though..
On my end, my co-worker's house is four blocks from one of the levy breaks. He's brought up websites showing the flooding and pointed to one roof - that's mine. His property tax bill this year was about $25. It's normally about $4500. He decided to move because he has a five year old, and there simply wasn't a place to go outside and play. He lost his house and his job. He also said the local news said the hurricane was going to hit in Florida when he went to bed. He got a phone call at 5 am to get out of town, so he thru what he could in his truck and went North - he had about three hours to get out of town.
As soon as he got here he did get some good news - his wife's pregnant. They're having some issues now because of the strain - its said that a new job, moving, and a new child are some of the most stressful things that people can deal with. It's intensified because his wife lived on the same street for her entire life, except for college. Her parents and sister lived within walking distance. It's really hard to watch...