racist? nooooooooo! i love arabs! i live 20 minutes from Gaza and its unbeliveble how much good things coming out there! u know... these suicide bombers are so sweet! and lovely kasam shooters.... ummmmmm... u must come here and see it, its great! my country is full of love coming out of arabs, just look the history... only love love love[/sarcasm]
i dont care what nation peoples who attack israel are! if its arabs, or chines, or they from mars... i just dont fucking care! ATTACKED ME = DIE U MOTHER FUCKER!
PS: water, gas, electricity, internet lines, phone lines, money, even weapons - all this israel gives to palestenians! is it makes me racist that palestenians choise to use all this for terror and not for build theyr country? i dont think so!!!
PSS: and debating about grammar mistakes in thread were 40000 peoples were murdered - its stupid! the same stupid as to call these peoples - "freedom fighters" -
i dont care what nation peoples who attack israel are! if its arabs, or chines, or they from mars... i just dont fucking care! ATTACKED ME = DIE U MOTHER FUCKER!
PS: water, gas, electricity, internet lines, phone lines, money, even weapons - all this israel gives to palestenians! is it makes me racist that palestenians choise to use all this for terror and not for build theyr country? i dont think so!!!
PSS: and debating about grammar mistakes in thread were 40000 peoples were murdered - its stupid! the same stupid as to call these peoples - "freedom fighters" -