racist? nooooooooo! i love arabs! i live 20 minutes from Gaza and its unbeliveble how much good things coming out there!  u know... these suicide bombers are so sweet! and lovely kasam shooters.... ummmmmm...  u must come here and see it, its great!  my country is full of love coming out of arabs, just look the history... only love love love[/sarcasm]

i dont care what nation peoples who attack israel are! if its arabs, or chines, or they from mars... i just dont fucking care! ATTACKED ME = DIE U MOTHER FUCKER!

PS: water, gas, electricity, internet lines, phone lines, money, even weapons - all this israel gives to palestenians! is it makes me racist that palestenians choise to use all this for terror and not for build theyr country? i dont think so!!!

PSS: and debating about grammar mistakes in thread were 40000 peoples were murdered - its stupid! the same stupid as to call these peoples - "freedom fighters" -
Viking fool - Crazy SWE
+162|6864|Sverige (SWE)

Lisik wrote:

kids... this thread about palestinians not israel... so please stay on theme, or dont enter "Debate and sereous talk"
Why don´t you like criticism's ??? Do you have something to hide or do you think the rest of the world is blind and depth..?? Yes your people have sufferd in the past and thats no reason to think you can do what you want and get away wit it..

znozer wrote:

Lisik wrote:

kids... this thread about palestinians not israel... so please stay on theme, or dont enter "Debate and sereous talk"
Why don´t you like criticism's ??? Do you have something to hide or do you think the rest of the world is blind and depth..?? Yes your people have sufferd in the past and thats no reason to think you can do what you want and get away wit it..
i just whant peoples debatin on theme, and not bashing me becouse im from israel or becouse of my grammar mistakes! i have nothing to hide, as i sayd all israel did u can see on tv!

u whanna criticise me... do it in other topic! i have no problem with it and there is anought israel bashing threads!
Viking fool - Crazy SWE
+162|6864|Sverige (SWE)

Lisik wrote:

znozer wrote:

Lisik wrote:

kids... this thread about palestinians not israel... so please stay on theme, or dont enter "Debate and sereous talk"
Why don´t you like criticism's ??? Do you have something to hide or do you think the rest of the world is blind and depth..?? Yes your people have sufferd in the past and thats no reason to think you can do what you want and get away wit it..
i just whant peoples debatin on theme, and not bashing me becouse im from israel or becouse of my grammar mistakes! i have nothing to hide, as i sayd all israel did u can see on tv!

u whanna criticise me... do it in other topic! i have no problem with it and there is anought israel bashing threads!
You ask for peoples opinion and you got them !!! don't do a "fipp flopp" and blame it away ... You ask´t the World ad you got there answer....

And by the why i don't agree with the Palestinians why to do it......
is this an expansion pack for BF2?
Love is the answer
Viking fool - Crazy SWE
+162|6864|Sverige (SWE)

[TUF]Catbox wrote:

is this an expansion pack for BF2?
Yes !!! for this is a GAME forum.... lol
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6849|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia
Nice to see Lisik showing us that Israel is still using the Nazis as an excuse.

znozer wrote:

Lisik wrote:

znozer wrote:

Why don´t you like criticism's ??? Do you have something to hide or do you think the rest of the world is blind and depth..?? Yes your people have sufferd in the past and thats no reason to think you can do what you want and get away wit it..
i just whant peoples debatin on theme, and not bashing me becouse im from israel or becouse of my grammar mistakes! i have nothing to hide, as i sayd all israel did u can see on tv!

u whanna criticise me... do it in other topic! i have no problem with it and there is anought israel bashing threads!
You ask for peoples opinion and you got them !!! don't do a "fipp flopp" and blame it away ... You ask´t the World ad you got there answer....

And by the why i don't agree with the Palestinians why to do it......
dude your sig say anought! now go to first post in this thread and show me were i ask for your opinion about israel....

TeamZephyr wrote:

Nice to see Lisik showing us that Israel is still using the Nazis as an excuse.
isnt its nazis on the pic?
Viking fool - Crazy SWE
+162|6864|Sverige (SWE)

Lisik wrote:

The Massacre and Destruction of Damour

Arafat and the PLO plunged Lebanon into "massacres, rape, mutilation, rampages of looting and killings. Out of a population of 3.2 million, some 40,000 or more people had been killed, 100,000 wounded, 5,000 permanently maimed.

see also:

1975: Belt Mellat, Deir Eshash Tall Abbas (north Lebanon)
1976: Damur (Mount Lebanon), Chekka (north Lebanon), Qaa, Terbol (Bekaa valley)
1977: Aishye (south Lebanon), Maaser el-Shuf (Shuf Mountain)
1978: Ras Baalbeck, Shleefa (Bekaa valley)
1983: Major massacres in Aley, and the Shuf Mountains.
1984: Iqlim el-Kharrub (Mourn Lebanon)
1985: East Sidon (South Lebanon)
1990: Matn district
What ar you stupid ??? the hole post is a "blame the Palestinians"... do you not understand YOU invited every one to have an opinion to the hole conflict ,and not to be sorry for you.....
nwm u realy unlucky when u thinking
Viking fool - Crazy SWE
+162|6864|Sverige (SWE)
<< Seriously >> Thanks for a good dissuasion... but i have to quit now..

And i´m do not nevi you i think it all suck´s
ליסיק, אין בכלל על מה לדבר איתם. אני ניסיתי. ויכוח עושים רק עם אנשים שמוכנים להשתכנע. האנשים פה שואבים את הכוחות שלהם משנאה עוורת שמקורה בחוסר הבנה. רק אדם שחווה את הדברים על בשרו יכול להבין את הסיטואציה בה אנחנו נמצאים. אני הייתי מציע לך לא להעלות את הדברים לדיון בפורום, אלא אם כן נאמרים שקרים מפורשים על מדינת ישראל בפרט או על היהודים בכלל.  יש לנו חובה מוסרית לנסות להסביר את העמדה שלנו בעולם, אבל עושה רושם שהאנשים הבפורום הזה ממאנים להקשיב. אני בכל זאת מעריך מאד את העמידה האיתנה שלך בדיונים שנוגעים בישראל. מי יתן שירבו אנשים כמוך...

I have read through most of this debate and I gotta say that I'm appalled to read such blatant lies and untruths.  As if it weren't enough I constantly see references to irrelevant texts that have absolutely nothing to do with the subject. I especially got annoyed to see some references from the Torah or the Talmud, references whose sole intent is to demonize Jews. Do you really see Jews marrying three year olds? Do you wholeheartedly believe that if a Jew sees a person in peril, he'll do nothing to help? Ultimately, a group of people (the Jews, in this case) are to be judged according to their actions and by their morality in the present time, and not by some texts that depict the life style 3000 years ago.    Another thing I see recurring in almost every debate is the continuous bashing of people for their grammar or spelling. Forums aren't the place for ego games. If you don't have anything useful to say, don't say it!  As long as you understand what a person is trying to convey, there's no reason to criticize him for his language skills. Have respect for the person with whom you are debating, and he'll respect you. It's as simple as that.
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6849|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia

Lisik wrote:

TeamZephyr wrote:

Nice to see Lisik showing us that Israel is still using the Nazis as an excuse.
isnt its nazis on the pic?
I have no idea what you are trying to say.
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6859|The Lost Highway

QuestionMark wrote:

ליסיק, אין בכלל על מה לדבר איתם. אני ניסיתי. ויכוח עושים רק עם אנשים שמוכנים להשתכנע. האנשים פה שואבים את הכוחות שלהם משנאה עוורת שמקורה בחוסר הבנה. רק אדם שחווה את הדברים על בשרו יכול להבין את הסיטואציה בה אנחנו נמצאים. אני הייתי מציע לך לא להעלות את הדברים לדיון בפורום, אלא אם כן נאמרים שקרים מפורשים על מדינת ישראל בפרט או על היהודים בכלל.  יש לנו חובה מוסרית לנסות להסביר את העמדה שלנו בעולם, אבל עושה רושם שהאנשים הבפורום הזה ממאנים להקשיב. אני בכל זאת מעריך מאד את העמידה האיתנה שלך בדיונים שנוגעים בישראל. מי יתן שירבו אנשים כמוך...

I have read through most of this debate and I gotta say that I'm appalled to read such blatant lies and untruths.  As if it weren't enough I constantly see references to irrelevant texts that have absolutely nothing to do with the subject. I especially got annoyed to see some references from the Torah or the Talmud, references whose sole intent is to demonize Jews. Do you really see Jews marrying three year olds? Do you wholeheartedly believe that if a Jew sees a person in peril, he'll do nothing to help? Ultimately, a group of people (the Jews, in this case) are to be judged according to their actions and by their morality in the present time, and not by some texts that depict the life style 3000 years ago.    Another thing I see recurring in almost every debate is the continuous bashing of people for their grammar or spelling. Forums aren't the place for ego games. If you don't have anything useful to say, don't say it!  As long as you understand what a person is trying to convey, there's no reason to criticize him for his language skills. Have respect for the person with whom you are debating, and he'll respect you. It's as simple as that.
I didn't try to demonize Jews. Nor did I judge Jews today based on Jews from 3000 years ago. In fact, I didn't judge Jews at all. I prefer to judge the things Israel does. While Israel is pretty much a Jewish country, it's still separate from a judgment on Jews.

I also judge the fucked up actions of America, and international terrorists. (Which are largely Christians and Muslims, respectively.)

By bringing the Talmud into the topic, I was showing examples of fucked up Ideology that some people follow. Especially those in power. A nice counterpoint to people who say "Islams goal is to kill all Non-Muslims." If you think religious convictions have nothing to do with the mess in the Middle East, you're missing something.

You have to come into these topics with a thick skin.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6901|SE London

TeamZephyr wrote:

Lisik wrote:

TeamZephyr wrote:

Nice to see Lisik showing us that Israel is still using the Nazis as an excuse.
isnt its nazis on the pic?
I have no idea what you are trying to say.
Nor do I. When grammar gets so bad you can't understand what someone means, then it's time to be a bit critical of it.

QuestionMark wrote:

Another thing I see recurring in almost every debate is the continuous bashing of people for their grammar or spelling. Forums aren't the place for ego games. If you don't have anything useful to say, don't say it!  As long as you understand what a person is trying to convey, there's no reason to criticize him for his language skills.
When you don't understand what someone is saying because the grammar is so bad you get communication breakdown. What does "isnt its nazis on the pic?" mean?

QuestionMark wrote:

Ultimately, a group of people (the Jews, in this case) are to be judged according to their actions and by their morality in the present time, and not by some texts that depict the life style 3000 years ago.
We're not talking about the Jews, certainly not trying to demonise them - which is what Lisik has been trying to do with the Palestinians for this entire thread. The people who are being criticised (by me at least, I can't speak for everyone else on the thread, though I'm sure the majority have nothing against Jews) are the Israelis, based on their actions over the past century. The actions and morality of the Israelis over the past century is precisely why they are being criticised.
Terror campaigns against the British and Arabs in Palestine before the foundation of the state of Israel. Former terrorists becoming senior government officials for the Israelis. Violations of UN resolutions, Israel has violated more UN resolutions than any other nation in history. Oppression of the people of Palestine. Not sticking to the borders determined by the UN partition plan. Attacks on Lebanon causing 80-90% civilian casualties. There are a lot of reasons why people dislike the Israelis, but there is nothing wrong with the Jews, many of my friends are Jewish - but they are also horrified by the actions of the Israeli government.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7029|Wilmington, DE, US

QuestionMark wrote:

ליסיק, אין בכלל על מה לדבר איתם. אני ניסיתי. ויכוח עושים רק עם אנשים שמוכנים להשתכנע. האנש As long as you understand what a person is trying to convey, there's no reason to criticize him for his language skills. Have respect for the person with whom you are debating, and he'll respect you. It's as simple as that.
Lisik doesn't debate, he hatemongers.

Bertster7 wrote:

TeamZephyr wrote:

Lisik wrote:

isnt its nazis on the pic?
I have no idea what you are trying to say.
Nor do I. When grammar gets so bad you can't understand what someone means, then it's time to be a bit critical of it.

QuestionMark wrote:

Another thing I see recurring in almost every debate is the continuous bashing of people for their grammar or spelling. Forums aren't the place for ego games. If you don't have anything useful to say, don't say it!  As long as you understand what a person is trying to convey, there's no reason to criticize him for his language skills.
When you don't understand what someone is saying because the grammar is so bad you get communication breakdown. What does "isnt its nazis on the pic?" mean?

QuestionMark wrote:

Ultimately, a group of people (the Jews, in this case) are to be judged according to their actions and by their morality in the present time, and not by some texts that depict the life style 3000 years ago.
We're not talking about the Jews, certainly not trying to demonise them - which is what Lisik has been trying to do with the Palestinians for this entire thread. The people who are being criticised (by me at least, I can't speak for everyone else on the thread, though I'm sure the majority have nothing against Jews) are the Israelis, based on their actions over the past century. The actions and morality of the Israelis over the past century is precisely why they are being criticised.
Terror campaigns against the British and Arabs in Palestine before the foundation of the state of Israel. Former terrorists becoming senior government officials for the Israelis. Violations of UN resolutions, Israel has violated more UN resolutions than any other nation in history. Oppression of the people of Palestine. Not sticking to the borders determined by the UN partition plan. Attacks on Lebanon causing 80-90% civilian casualties. There are a lot of reasons why people dislike the Israelis, but there is nothing wrong with the Jews, many of my friends are Jewish - but they are also horrified by the actions of the Israeli government.
QFE +1

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