Well if the leboniese told Israel where the sites where they wouldnt get killed by the bombs. Since no one tells Israel where the sites are, if they see missles being launched from those sites you can not expect them to sit back and let it happen, i do not blame them for immediatly bombing such sites, you cant say that they should let themselves be killed rather than kill what in essence is their enemy...teddy..jimmy wrote:
Yeah obviously Israel havnt said they are targeting civilians becuase that would just be plain stupid. Howevere, the facts are there and the figures show that many Lebanese civilians are being killed becuase Israel are targeting housing areas. I know that Hezbollah are launching missiles from these housing areas but Israel shouldn't blatently be shooting missiles into these areas because they know there are civilians situated there.Vilham wrote:
I have seen BBC footage that shows the Katyusha missles coming from large holes that have been made in the side of buildings. There has also been footage shown that has had missle launches coming out of these buildings before they were bombed.Bertster7 wrote:
No they don't. You can't launch a Katyusha from in a building, they also need to be lauched from elevated launch sites to get the required range - lucky Lebanon has lots of remote mountaintops in the middle of nowhere.
The strikes on building have been deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure as well as Hezbollah leadership and planning groups which ARE based in civilian areas. (source for that, the BBC)
Your source is bullshit, i watch BBC every day, at no point have they claimed Israel wants to kill all the civilians, that is what the BBC is about they dont make personal views they just report other peoples views.
Last edited by Vilham (2006-08-26 07:40:14)