+0|7035|Buxton, Maine
Is it spawn raping when 3 of your squad are capping the flag and you are on the outskirts picking off spawns until it's neutralized? It took 4 rounds before they stopped trying to vote me out...
Artillery catcher
+5|7146|Munich, Germany

mitsteig wrote:

Is it spawn raping when 3 of your squad are capping the flag and you are on the outskirts picking off spawns until it's neutralized?
no its only discussed if uncapturable flags should be a save zone to spawn at or if the winning team can trash them at that last flag with all means.

main problem in this discussion is that 50% want to win (the same who disconnect if their team gets bashed, wouldnt it be more fun to overcome this challenges due to fair opposition?) and the rest want to have fun and have a sense of sportamanship.

in short words: 1st hlaf think its war, the 2nd half realised its a game
mort4 u is right, the people are getting too serious about this "game" not real life, and why don't they get a life first of all, to banter about baseraping, its practically the best thing to do next to killing a person in the 10 ten, preferably and with a knife
The reason why there are bases which can't be captured is, that if this was real, the main base would have something like 1500 defense forces. This can't be done in a 64 ppl game. If the base can be captured it's not base raping.

Last edited by tuskbs (2005-11-30 16:17:51)

I think 'base raping' is fine if you have all of the capturable flags.  I also think it's fine when you dont.
3 Tours Of 'Nam And All I Got Was This Lousy Forum
Nice find, I still disagree with camping the final base if it's a carrier, however that guy should be the next dalai lama

Last edited by kR4MR (2005-11-30 23:40:25)

+0|7028|Birmingham, UK

freebirdpat wrote:

ChiefCrash wrote:

i think we can ALL aggree that there's gotta be a limit to the base raping.

bombing the hell out of the MEC airbase on gulf of oman is one thing...

having every single guy in the army milling around the spawn points, mowing them down as the spawn is another...

now, if EA could only figure out how to NOT spawn me directly in the path of an incoming rocket...
I don't agree. You have the choice to not spawn at all, spawn elsewhere, or my favorite disconnect. If you are playing with a team that is so horridly bad that you have been pushed back to your uncap and they are all milling about not leaving or putting for any effort to move out, then they deserve to die.
I find it amusing that a lot of people agree with base raping but disconnect/dont spawn if it happens to them talk about double standards!

I agree with preventing people from escaping the last base to capture flags tho, it just depends on the methods of suppression.

I usually find also that if the teams are unbalanced i.e 44 to 20 then base rape is what happens.

I have been on a fair few ranked servers where auto-balance hasnt been enabled.
I only play on servers where baseraping is not permitted. I've seen two guys get banned for it on seperate occasions, I look down on it as a tactic. There is no challenge in killing people who have just appeared, if you want to do that, you can just go and play against the bots. The reason it is stats padding is because there is no realistic situation where a person will suddenly spawn in a combat zone. Like a few people have said:


It isn't about no-holds-barred victory-at-any-cost napalm-the-village-where-your-enemies-were-born-so-their-parents-cant-give-them-love-anymore type warfare.

I play on the Australian Internode servers mostly, and their rule is that you cannot enter an uncap spawn with vehicles, and you cannot attack one with aircraft except to engage specific targets that threaten you, eg AA. I find that plays very well. The idea of the uncap spawn is it represents that one side has a major base or a major advancing force in that direction, so total victory for the other team is not possible, their objective is to hold, not advance.

If you are saying to me "it is no fun if i can't charge into their uncap spawn in a tank and kill them when they aren't prepared" then I am going to have serious trouble respecting you as a player. Doesn't matter what your stats are like, this is first and foremost a multiplayer game, which means you should have respect for the other players, on BOTH teams. Anyone who believes in taking it to total war needs to step away from the computer and stand in sunlight for a few minutes. We aren't faced with real war. There are people out there who live it daily. Keep some perspective, please.
=CL=_Crusader [M95] His leg
great post.
i totally agree with he_who_says_zonk in this one.
So you think its fun to just stand for one fuckin round on the same spot just shooting the crap out of the guy before he can react?? Thats not fun, or youre a sick bastard!!
As far as a tank sitting around and picking of those who spawn at a point, well that's fine by me to.  Spawn somewhere else.  Or better yet, respawn with an anti tank kit and the tank don't stand much chance.  Believe me, i have plenty of hours in a tank but there's not much to do when a determined anti-tank attack is launched on you.------------------------------- Well said mate its common sense aint??? if some spawns next to me as anti tank do you think im just gonna sit there? no im going to own you on the spot. itstead of whinging use some tactics to get me. same as blackhawk owning....... all you need is 2 vodniks and a few anti tank men working together....... instead of crying use your brains...
Yeah, tanks are relatively vulnerable, but you can't spawn somewhere else if you're back to your uncap and being raped there. And given that almost all of the spawns in every uncap on every map are out in the open, if a determined player, or worse, a group of players, are sitting around in your spawn in tanks and APCs waiting for you to appear, it doesnt matter if you're holding an AT weapon because you don't have time to aim it, let alone fire.

People have been saying that it is a fair tactic. These same people have been saying if it happens to them, they just quit. If it's a fair tactic, why quit?

My idea of a fair tactic is one with which I can defeat my enemy without pissing him off or making him quit.

That way I will still have an opponent next round and I can keep enjoying the game.
true mate, in my eyes it is a bit harsh to  be raped at an un-cappable when you have no flags up and it dosen't happen that often on our server-how ever this happens in lotsa league matches. My point is that if your attacking a flag and enemys are spawning in next to you-if you don't take them out they will kill you or your team mates... while it is a bit unlucky they should point me out to there team and spawn else where.... When it happens to me i refuse to quit lol but do my upmost to wipe the person out with a better tactic... a squad working together can stop any type of rape after all...
+0|7044|Almere, Holland

summoner wrote:

It's not base raping.. it's "Strategicly containing the enemy's position." right?
I'm indifferent here, i've been on both sides of it. It sucks being the victim, but whatever.. you do what you can.
And it's fun being the aggressor, but not nearly as much fun as an opponent with a good stance to fight back.
I know how it is to be spawn raped and i know how it is to do it and the second one is better.. but I like to call it cutting of supply lines .. because fresh troops are indeed supplies right? mean.. war aint a fair business so why should the game be fair? In WW II I dont thing that Rommel send a note to Montgomery saying.. stop cutting my suply lines.. it aint fair..
Artillery catcher
+5|7146|Munich, Germany
would you ppl please stop comparing BF2 with real war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THIS IS A FRIGGIN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we arent fighting for our life or freedom or whatever, we fight for virtual points and some stupid awards (wich still look nice).

so show some sportsmanship and at least let them take 5 steps and then kill them
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7149|Cologne, Germany

this discussion, like the one about the noob tube, is never gonna end...
Artillery catcher
+5|7146|Munich, Germany
i guess it wont end, im just getting sick of ppl comparing an arcade FPS game with real warefare.

if we go that way lets first of all take out repsawning cause then we wont have a prob with baseraping anymore

anyway im trying to make a solution here:
1. its baseraping when the whole team who doesnt belong into that uncap base is directly there with all armored vehicles and killing everything that appears.
2. its not baseraping when you are outside of the base, lets say 100m, and you are just containing your enemy wich in fact is a fair tactic.

ive a lot of matches quite quick with the tactic 2.

and for all the kiddies who say "i can do it so i do it" get a grip, have respect and theres an old saying in german wich is "what you dont want to happen yourself, you shouldnt put upon others".
+0|7026|Minneapolis, MN USA
Nice post.
As long as it is not a Hack, I have no problem with anything goes.  Yeah, it sucks to be on the receiving end but hey...its a game!!!!  Have fun!

If all the capable flags are captured, whats wrong w/occupying and surrounding the uncappable one?  Go ahead, surround it, pick any spawning foes off.  I think that would be smart tactics.  End the opposing team's agony sooner...mercy killing.  Why would you want your side to back off and let our opponents spawn and possibly cap a flag?  Then you would have two spawn points to deal with.

And I don't remember who made the comment about Superfly being a "Noob" ( I hate that word by the way) because of his high number of tank kills?  So?  So he's good at killing Tanks.  What is wrong with that?  Who cares what weapon you use?  As long as you're good with it and can maximize the number of kills for your team, I think that is a good thing.  Killing as many enemy tanks for your team would seem to be a benificial thing.

Good w/a Gernade Launcher?  Go for it!  The more you kill, the more pissed off enemies you'll have calling you a Noob.  Who cares!  Go for it.  Everyone was a so-called "Noob" at some point.

Kick ass with a chopper sittin' on a roof raking the hell out of the enemy?  Now that is stategey!  If you can pull it off, GO FOR IT!  I would be honored to be fragged by a chopper on a roof!  If I'm stupid enough to keep respawning at the same spot....well, shame on me!'s the last and only spawn point my team has, you say?   Well...shame on my team for letting it get down to one spawn point!

I haven't been playing this game long and I am far from being any good but as far as I'm concerned, as long as it is not a hack, it is fair play.

Go ahead and bitch at me but that IJMHO.
+0|7026|Minneapolis, MN USA
Ooops...I meant to say "the number of kills Superfly HAS with a Tank."
Well, I think there are limits. If you're just sitting at a UCB and raping people as they respawn, that's a little too far. If it's someone's last capturable contol point, than that's different.
+0|7026|Minneapolis, MN USA
Handyandy:  I don't even see a problem with that.  They're draining tickets right?  So, why not?  If it was not meant to be played that way, maybe EA will somehow forbid it but until then you just have to deal with it as part of the game.

I kept getting picked off once because the enemy managed to get him/herself on the Aircraft Carrier tower and nobody bothered to deal with him.  Stupid me kept poping up at the same spawn point - there are two on the carrier, one on deck and one below deck as you are probably well aware of.  I kept letting myself spawn on deck.  Once I got my wits together, I switched to below deck, regrouped and proceeded to engage the enemy.  It was a challenge and great fun.  Finally got the little twerp!  But I consider it part of the challenge.  Pick off as many targets as you can and drain the opponent's tickets!
I'm totally in agreement with zonk here. While spawn camping may be a tactic to "win", if you are on the receiving end of it, it just makes the game not fun. This is a *game*, after all. People play it for enjoyment. If someone keeps spawning and getting blasted before they can even turn around, well, that's just not fun. Also, what does it say for someone's skill level if they have to resort to such a turkeyshoot? Personally I would not derive much satisfaction from such easy kills.
All this talk about "fair" and "not fun" is total bs:

Since when is it fun when you get killed for any reason, whether you just suck, getting baseraped, whatever.  Should i refrain from killing you altogether so that i don't lower YOUR fun factor?  Will you in turn not kill me?  I think not, you will gun me down first chance you get so i will do the same.

EVERY SINGLE TIME i have not baseraped an enemy helicopter they do the same to me.    Whether you are in a non-cap or not i will supress you, but please call it "baseraping" cause it sounds much better for YOU that way.

Its fair whether its a non-cap or not.  even limiting it to spec-ops is too much.  Can't they get help to take out all the toys?  can't he take a vehicle there? 

what it call comes down to is its only fair to people when its in thier favor.  Instead of whining they should just learn to play better and fight harder.  infantry can easily take out any vehicle if you are the right classes.
Pnasty please note, I'm not saying getting killed fair and square decreases the fun factor. Getting killed a dozen times because you spawn and then get blasted by a tank, I can't possibly see how that could ever be fun or what you can really do about it. Granted, eventually you will spawn somewhere in the spawn area that you might be able to hide and make a run for it, but it just gets very frustrating in general.

I have no problem getting killed if I have a fighting chance. If I get whacked, the other guy musta been pretty good or I must have screwed up somehow.

Granted, there is a pretty limited subset of times when I actually find spawn camping to be a problem, as most uncappable spawns have at least 2 locations you can pop up from. I don't even have a problem with people sneaking up and grabbing a tank or whatever floats their boat. But like stated very eloquently by zonk above, have some respect for everyone on the server, friend or foe. There are enough jabbering idiots playing online games already, we don't need more people being jerks just for the sake of "winning".

LemonChicken61 wrote:

Handyandy:  I don't even see a problem with that.  They're draining tickets right?  So, why not?  If it was not meant to be played that way, maybe EA will somehow forbid it but until then you just have to deal with it as part of the game.
They were made non-capable so that you couldn't capture them.  There is different reasoning behind this based on the map type 

Assault maps like kirkland you start with only 1 or 2 points, if they werent non-cap the other team could win easily. 

in head-to-head with planes and attack chopper, those are the key.   if the main base werent non-cap someone could easily get in cap them and take away the aircraft and toys from the other team.  The bases are so far away from the others that you will almost never get them back while the other team is bombarding the shiznit out of you.

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