Krappyappy:        "pfft, what sort of naive, weak-minded fools does this general chong think we are?"

      And people are lapping it up.   How depressing.
Horseman 77
We cant afford to lose nor could we " Cut and Run " if we wanted to. Israel would still be there The USA would still back it and  arm it and the Arab Nations would still strike at us.
1. everyone has the ability to opine on either side of any argument, citing made up, real or distorted facts, so i dont need to state mine.
2. what should have been done to avoid this? - whatever, see above, as monday morning qurterback is an easy position to play.
3. how do we fix this situation? that's the question that needs to be answered.

until someone presents a better solution than that which the current people trusted to run this government have assesed and implemented, i will support them, as i feel all other americans should.

that'll be a nickel...

Last edited by BaulRag (2005-11-30 20:15:22)

Vacuum Sealed for Freshness
+26|7065|The Island of Carls Jr.
We cant Lose this war
first of all were still too powerful of a military, second we just CANT let that happen we cant have another Vietnam
Out of curiosity, who here has ever been in combat?
Horseman 77

Kniero wrote:

Just think...if man hadn't the inclination to conjure dellusional belief in the supernatural (i.e. "God/Allah"), no jihadists would exist. Aggressive ignorance is the worst ailment to plague the homo sapien.
Listen to this wordy, pseudo intellectual wanna be blather. He thinks the more words he uses in a sentence the smarter he sounds.

" and further more The stated parties Concur whereas in toto the former stipulates Bla bla Bla .."

go to bed kid.    Now.. .   .    NOW
Horseman 77

BaulRag wrote:

1. everyone has the ability to opine on either side of any argument, citing made up, real or distorted facts, so i dont need to state mine.
2. what should have been done to avoid this? - whatever, see above, as monday morning qurterback is an easy position to play.
3. how do we fix this situation? that's the question that needs to be answered.

until someone presents a better solution than that which the current people trusted to run this government have assesed and implemented, i will support them, as i feel all other americans should.

that'll be a nickel...
We cant go back in time to 1947 when Israel was started so its a moot point, agreed ?

If we could and we put Europes Jewish Refugees in Madagascar ( this was plan B )
would Arabs still be terrorist? I think not. We would have cheaper oil I bet.

kessel! wrote:

bert has way to much time on his hands
Hahaha!! That was kinda funny after reading all of this serious stuff..

FoodNipple101 wrote:

I got something to say. Unless you were born in the US citizen of US or are a major in US govt and history or know anything intelligent about the muslims. STFU so if your from small ass POS country that we keep going. like switzerland,FRANCE, or any other country STFU ok you know nothing of us nor do you know nothing of them so STFU and take the fact YOU DONT MATTER NOR DOES YOUR OPINION. You cant vote here you cant have an opinion here so shut up. We keep your ass up and running and protect your ass so shut up.
People like you is the probably the biggest reason many people hate usa..

I feel sorry for all the people in usa who isn't like you but are getting judged the same way because of ignorant people like you who are thinking that the are the bellybutton of the universe..
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7063|Malaga, EspaƱa
well first of all the reason why the middle east hate the western countries (europe, america) isn't that we have it so good and have the freedom.
If you take the whole history together there was a time that Middle East had a far more advanced civilization then us, we still were walking in Animal Skins.  then there was a time we became more powerfull....and to be fair we also fucked around a lot in the middle east for our economical and desire for power needs. and when a civilazation is getting pressed down on the floor by a another country you know what happens ur creating a hate against you. but its not the Comon arab that hates us , its the group of Muslim Extremists that are, they use there Religion for having the right to kill others that doesnt have the same religion or that are friends with us the western countries. if you see those Tapes of threats u always hear the word Allah a couple of times. so a war against terrorism isnt the war that u can win, because the terrorist are no soldiers, they just hit, blow, kill sometimes and then they hide out to think of anohter great idea for what they should blow up the next time when they go out for a walk. So when America goes into iraq they actually are going like a Beer looking for hunny and the bees stick him once in a while.

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:

well first of all the reason why the middle east hate the western countries (europe, america) isn't that we have it so good and have the freedom.
If you take the whole history together there was a time that Middle East had a far more advanced civilization then us, we still were walking in Animal Skins.  then there was a time we became more powerfull....and to be fair we also fucked around a lot in the middle east for our economical and desire for power needs. and when a civilazation is getting pressed down on the floor by a another country you know what happens ur creating a hate against you. but its not the Comon arab that hates us , its the group of Muslim Extremists that are, they use there Religion for having the right to kill others that doesnt have the same religion or that are friends with us the western countries. if you see those Tapes of threats u always hear the word Allah a couple of times. so a war against terrorism isnt the war that u can win, because the terrorist are no soldiers, they just hit, blow, kill sometimes and then they hide out to think of anohter great idea for what they should blow up the next time when they go out for a walk. So when America goes into iraq they actually are going like a Beer looking for hunny and the bees stick him once in a while.
Nice point..
Flying Solo
+98|7090|Canada, Ont
*Nazi Salutes* HAIL BUSH!

America Has The Largest Thurst For Power...And Has The Most Power...And Abuses That Power...

Like An Abusive Admin, America Is Trying To Change The World To Better Itself, Selfishly.
Just to add my opinion. It doesn't matter if we win or lose, it'll never end. Both sides of the argument have chosen a path of hatred and no matter how or what we do, it'll continue for as long as you or I will know.

There's a real deep rooted hatred spanning centuries and although this may be a modern conflict, it's by no means going to be the last. Every civilised person detest the waste of human life, but we are in a world where we just can't get along, so the waste will continue.
I see images every day of death and destruction and I'll be honest, it scares the hell out of me, how have we all come to this, how has the world turned so bad that thousands of innocent people have to lose their lives in the name of god.... and that's all sides.

So when it comes to.. United States War in Iraq -- Can We Afford to Lose?

Well, no, not really, nor can you afford to win. Look beyond the here and now.
Horseman 77

JeSTeR_Player1 wrote:

*Nazi Salutes* HAIL BUSH!

America Has The Largest Thurst For Power...And Has The Most Power...And Abuses That Power...

Like An Abusive Admin, America Is Trying To Change The World To Better Itself, Selfishly.
lay down in the road  can you?

My tank treads are a bit sqeaky

JeSTeR_Player1 wrote:

*Nazi Salutes* HAIL BUSH!

America Has The Largest Thurst For Power...And Has The Most Power...And Abuses That Power...

Like An Abusive Admin, America Is Trying To Change The World To Better Itself, Selfishly.
Wow, another post bashing America with no argument at all.

For that matter, France sucks.

Horseman 77 wrote:

We cant go back in time to 1947 when Israel was started so its a moot point, agreed ?

If we could and we put Europes Jewish Refugees in Madagascar ( this was plan B )
would Arabs still be terrorist? I think not. We would have cheaper oil I bet.
you might be correct, but to my point, what we could've done generally doesn't move us forward. if we could go back in time, why stop in '47? why not go back to prevent the Crusades, or the Inquisition?
still no answer on how to proceed...

and France sucks...

Last edited by BaulRag (2005-12-04 01:54:49)


BaulRag wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

We cant go back in time to 1947 when Israel was started so its a moot point, agreed ?

If we could and we put Europes Jewish Refugees in Madagascar ( this was plan B )
would Arabs still be terrorist? I think not. We would have cheaper oil I bet.
you might be correct, but to my point, what we could've done generally doesn't move us forward. if we could go back in time, why stop in '47? why not go back to prevent the Crusades, or the Inquisition?
still no answer on how to proceed...

and France sucks...
Or if Horseman was never born, we wouldn't be having to put up with his arguments.

Not being a jackass, just making a point.
Y'know I find ti funny that we in the US like to remind the French that we saved their collective asses back in the day....but people tend to forget that without the French the Colonies would have lost the Revolutionary War. There's a reason General LaFayette has so many towns and streets named after him.

although yeah, the french suck

Last edited by FeloniousMonk (2005-12-04 02:09:01)


FeloniousMonk wrote:

Y'know I find ti funny that we in the US like to remind the French that we saved their collective asses back in the day....but people tend to forget that without the French the Colonies would have lost the Revolutionary War. There's a reason General LaFayette has so many towns and streets named after him.

although yeah, the french suck
We were also colonies with barely any organization other than a common fight for independence (i.e. no government, no strong or well trained regulated army), not even a country.

France was a fully formed country with government and trained regulated army.

We lasted almost two years of hard-fought war before the French arrived.

France lasted three days before falling to the Germans.

DrDestruction wrote:

and trained regulated army.
eh....I dunno about that one!

The French do have one very elite section of their military, however...the Foreign Legion I think the only time the French had a solid victory in a war was the French Revolution.

FeloniousMonk wrote:

DrDestruction wrote:

and trained regulated army.
eh....I dunno about that one!
You know what I meant.

The French do have one very elite section of their military, however...the Foreign Legion I think the only time the French had a solid victory in a war was the French Revolution.
Yep.  Amazing things happen when your enemy is French.

Something you would enjoy:

http://politicalhumor.about.com/library … istory.htm
Horseman 77

DrDestruction wrote:

BaulRag wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

We cant go back in time to 1947 when Israel was started so its a moot point, agreed ?

If we could and we put Europes Jewish Refugees in Madagascar ( this was plan B )
would Arabs still be terrorist? I think not. We would have cheaper oil I bet.
you might be correct, but to my point, what we could've done generally doesn't move us forward. if we could go back in time, why stop in '47? why not go back to prevent the Crusades, or the Inquisition?
still no answer on how to proceed...

They dont hate us over the Crusades,
They didn't care about us till we took there land and gave it away to forien nationals.

and France sucks...
Or if Horseman was never born, we wouldn't be having to put up with his arguments.

Not being a jackass, .... to late lol

just making a point.
My verbal gymnastics render you helpless every time Ha Ha.
No, more or less your sheer ignorance to anyone's opinions but your own.
that war is unwinable we can kill the guys all day long and get nowhere
one planet.....one world.....same race same place...but damn we are never gonna have a peacefull time and there has never been a peacefull time in mans history....and why....cause we think we are better or stonger or richer then others or that we are worse of then others....and those things are only gonna get worse.....energy is what its all about.....china and india 2.5 billion people that wanna join the westen way of life....NOT CULTUR....but things...consumergoods....villa, car, a million in the bank, good health and a damn hot girlfriend.....U know what i mean.....

we need too get some lasting non poluting energy that all can use...but that is not all...

religion was a tool to bring us togther back in the stone ages!!!...but even that we **** UP the basics in religion is humanity...and some how alot of S**** got mixed up with that...

The best case senario is a sci fi nerd dream....we as a planet need to incounter life from some were else in this BIG place we are stuck in....and maybe.....maybe....we can get together for a common cause....exploration of space.....

i might sound stoned....????


Last edited by [Wolfpack]KaptMiller (2005-12-06 11:05:42)

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