
Beta testers: Will BF 2142 be worth $50?

Yes36%36% - 55
Only if you don't already have BF 24%4% - 6
No15%15% - 23
I haven't played it yet44%44% - 66
Total: 150
I have to say, I like the new Titan-Mode, it combines normal BF action with nice indoor fights, also the "POD-Shooting" is very funny...

I have played Mods for BF2 like Point of Existence and Operation Peacekeeper - these are really awesome mods and well, if BF2142 didnt have had the Titan mode it would be a better mod and not a fullprice Game.

When youre playing 2142 you'll notice that nearly all the radiomessages are exactly the same like in BF2 + Boosterpack - Ive also seen a lot of Textures in the Game from BF2...

The new medal, ranking and unlock system is another Thing I personally dont like - sure, unlocks are cool, but not so many... for example after 3 days of playing Ive earned 7 ranks and unlocks + 150 medals, badges and such... I personally like it more when unlocks and medals are more rarely like in the early BF2 version.

Is it worth 50bucks? Well atm its just the Beta - I say wait for the Demo and you'll see
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6535|Menlo Park, CA

Frytrixa wrote:

I have to say, I like the new Titan-Mode, it combines normal BF action with nice indoor fights, also the "POD-Shooting" is very funny...

I have played Mods for BF2 like Point of Existence and Operation Peacekeeper - these are really awesome mods and well, if BF2142 didnt have had the Titan mode it would be a better mod and not a fullprice Game.

When youre playing 2142 you'll notice that nearly all the radiomessages are exactly the same like in BF2 + Boosterpack - Ive also seen a lot of Textures in the Game from BF2...

The new medal, ranking and unlock system is another Thing I personally dont like - sure, unlocks are cool, but not so many... for example after 3 days of playing Ive earned 7 ranks and unlocks + 150 medals, badges and such... I personally like it more when unlocks and medals are more rarely like in the early BF2 version.

Is it worth 50bucks? Well atm its just the Beta - I say wait for the Demo and you'll see
I agree, the rank ups are too frequent!

Its fun though, Verdun is a good map thus far, and battles on the titans can be crazy! I personally like it where you can see each other across the lazer walls and are just waiting to shoot it out.  The vehicles feel pretty good, but the attack heli needs some smoothing out.  Their are some lag issues, and more or less some polish things like heath packs that wont stop shaking after you drop them etc.

The character models are good, as well as the textures in general.  Vehicle models are AWESOME, the walker is bigtime! There are going to be a ton of walker whores when this comes out!!  I like how you can zoom in on your targets in the tank.  Although no minigun for the tanks, you only get the mini gun if you get a second rider in the tank.  Its gonna be good when they iron out all the details, but then again its pretty fun already and its only a beta. 

Is it worth 50bucks?? Well, if you like the game, and want to play it, then I guess it will be! I probably will pick it up! I love the whole BF series, and IMHOP more battlefield the better!!

starman7 wrote:

Hey... it's better than having parents who don't give a flying **** what I do.  And although I'll be getting a part-time job next summer (along with my driver's license... oh wait, no chance in hell of that ever happening (joke)), my parents don't regularly give me money.  I usually ask for something, and if they agree, they get it themselves.  Not that I ask for much, but money is tight, and $50 is a good-sized hunk of cash.

And thanks to all who post, unless they be stupid forum trolls/flamers.

Oh, WoW.  I had a 60 priest, even had an epic from an Onyxia PUG, and then quit because I realized that although I had the time to play it, I didn't have the right sort of time to play it.  If possible, I may consider starting it up again when I am in college, when there's no chance of a family Scrabble game starting up during the middle of Scholomance, and I know I can play from hours X to Y.  Of course, my sister, by inquiring about character transfers, let loose the fact that this was somebody else's mostly-blank account (he had a few under-10 characters, I think he bought WoW and hated it and sold the account) which my brother got for us after he kicked us off his.  This resulted in a freeze, although I don't think it's fair.  Oh, and the 60 priest was my own, hard-ass grind.  You can't know how tough making a 60 priest is until you've done it yourself from scratch.
your family sounds nice +1 for you!

Edit: to adress quick unlocks, I believe it has been stated that the beta has been accelerated to provide a sense of the full unlock system, and to test the weapons that you can unlock. Someone said one of the last ranks was like 290,000 points in the full version.

Last edited by P581 (2006-08-25 02:45:14)

Yeah... unlocks have been vastly accelerated so that people got to test the unlocks.  Although, it may be a good idea to float the suggestion to have only a relative few ranks (like BF2), but have unlocks in between ranks.  For instance, your unlock "meter" will fill up 5 times or so while ranking up.  However, it does seem that ranks go something like, "Bronze Private, Silver Private, Gold Private", etc, so maybe you can just go off of when you go from, say, "Gold Private" to "Bronze Corporal" as a rank up, and disregard the in-between ranks as unlocks.

And as for the naysayers, only 1 of them has posted, and that was a vague, disregard-able, "just don't get it and walk away".  I have the feeling that was a forum troll who violated my explicit instruction not to vote unless you've played the damn game.  I will disregard the no votes for the most part, because none of them have posted and they may not have played the game.

As for the yea-sayers, they've posted a lot, and those who like it are most likely too busy playing the beta to post here (inevitably the whiners get a disproportionately high representation on public forums).  And you have posted a lot, and given good reasons for it.

In essence, if you want to be taken seriously on this thread, POST, back up your points with reasons, don't swear in a derogatory manner, and basically do everything your English teacher told you to do in middle school for a persuasive paper (because in essence, this is a persuasive paper!).  Extra points if you use the "check spelling" button down at the bottom of the screen.

Oh, and if you haven't already, go to the Debate and Serious Talk section of the forums, and to the Premier Guide to Debate.  It's the big featured sticky.  That's how you make a point, not, "You are all a bunch of ****ing ****s!  Yeah... you are a bunch of ****s!".  I want to keep this thread constructive and useful.

Last edited by starman7 (2006-08-25 05:33:41)

Im super serial

Frytrixa wrote:

I have to say, I like the new Titan-Mode, it combines normal BF action with nice indoor fights, also the "POD-Shooting" is very funny...
I love the pod's lol have you heard the sound your guys makes when he launches? LOL.
o and hey just letting you guys know if you didnt already that if you pre-order 2142 through ebgames you get 1 free unlock and some other exclusive stuff. just a heads up!
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|6888|Bryan/College Station, TX

starman7 wrote:

Oh, WoW.  I had a 60 priest, even had an epic from an Onyxia PUG, and then quit because I realized that although I had the time to play it, I didn't have the right sort of time to play it.  If possible, I may consider starting it up again when I am in college, when there's no chance of a family Scrabble game starting up during the middle of Scholomance, and I know I can play from hours X to Y.  Of course, my sister, by inquiring about character transfers, let loose the fact that this was somebody else's mostly-blank account (he had a few under-10 characters, I think he bought WoW and hated it and sold the account) which my brother got for us after he kicked us off his.  This resulted in a freeze, although I don't think it's fair.  Oh, and the 60 priest was my own, hard-ass grind.  You can't know how tough making a 60 priest is until you've done it yourself from scratch.
Well. Sell your WoW PC on Ebay. Get money from your hard work. Use money to buy BF2142. Enjoy game.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
I honestly can't say if it's worth the money. I already pre-ordered 2 copies of it though. I have the beta but I don't even feel like playing. The 'fluid movement' of the gameplay gives me a light motion sickness actually...
I voted No..  30 to 40 would be nice especially if you own bf2 that would be a real veteran program BF2 players should get a discount from this game in the fashion of 10 to 20 bucks..
Lots of companies have done that to previous series owners, even some video card companies did it..Why not create a real VETERAN program..
But in relation to some of the games out there for 50 bucks of course its going to be worth 50 bucks
Sheep of War
Just started playing it, but as of now, I would say NO. Vehicles run the game, its tougher to catch on to because there aren't any "familiar" sights and sounds. You just get randomly blown up. The idea of a battlewalker has been so overused, and reality, would be worthless be cause you could hide trip wires all over the place to topple the thing over.

I'll stick with weapons that are based on the real thing.
If your parents don't have the money....GET A JOB!  I started mowing yards at 12 and was making $300 a week by the end of the first year.
A couple responses...
A, I have never, ever seen game companies offer discounts because you purchased earlier games in the series.  In fact, vets often get bit on the *** in terms of cost, especially in MMORPGs ($50 for start-up, $30 each for expansions, and then a newbie gets it all for $50).  I've experienced that with SWG (and their veteran program is similar to the BF 2142 thing, you get a lousy liner and a few other things).

B, as for randomly getting blown up-that's why you improve.  When you're new to a game, you will get killed repeatedly if you go straight to online play.  Learn from your defeats.  And although battlewalkers/mechs are way overused, the concept they used while balancing it is new.  Tanks, although weaker than mechs, shrug off small arms and the weak points aren't that weak.  Battlewalkers have weak points (the knees, the under-body vents) where a pistol will hurt them, and the only way they will kill a soldier beneath them is by running them over or outrunning them until they get a shot.  And Battlewalkers aren't stealthy, and with all those factors, are pretty easy to ambush.  Heck, an engineer's EMP mine will disable them long enough for a recon guy to C-7 the crap outta that mech.  2-guy ambush.

(second edit)C, the "fluidity making me light-headed" was vague, and I don't know what you're talking about.  Please elaborate if it isn't against the NDA.

Sorry if I seem biased against the naysayers, I probably am, but the three naysayers who had it in them to argue against it had flawed points.  However, thank you for posting your concerns.  As Voltaire once said, "I disagree with you, but I will die to protect your right to say it".  I won't go as far as he will, but you get the point.

EDIT: Oh, and I plan on getting a part-time job next summer.  Also, you should see the job I did on my house's lawn.  I, to put it lightly, missed spots.  Lots of spots.

Last edited by starman7 (2006-08-25 13:36:43)

GOP Sympathizer
+266|6535|Menlo Park, CA

908741059871059781 wrote:

Just started playing it, but as of now, I would say NO. Vehicles run the game, its tougher to catch on to because there aren't any "familiar" sights and sounds. You just get randomly blown up. The idea of a battlewalker has been so overused, and reality, would be worthless be cause you could hide trip wires all over the place to topple the thing over.

I'll stick with weapons that are based on the real thing.
Point taken!

I mean of course a new map is not going to be familiar to anyone.  I do think there are some lighting issues that need to be worked out(too white), so hopefully sights will be more pronounced.  As far as being "randomly blown up", I dont know about that, you might have been hit by a guy in the titan using the titan lazer cannon(or whatever that gun is).  The battlewalker is great, its fun to drive, and a blast to mow down infantry with!! I agree,  the devs should include trip wires in the game to stop the walkers from entering city streets(kind of like an AT mine for walkers!) that WOULD be more realistic if they did that.

And I know for a fact that I will continue to play BF2 and BF2 special forces even when this game comes out!

Either way, I was very sceptical of this game at first, but after playing it, I enjoy it, and probably will pick it up at some point!
Back from the Dead.
Its new, and it looks awesome. Therefore, I will purchase it.
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|6764|Las Vegas
I'll probably buy it just to see all the maps etc. but I dont really like the direction it has gone in (or at least their implementation of it) Maybe I had too high of expectations for it though.  Most likely it'll be one of those games I play for 30 hours or so and then get bored and move on to something else.  One thing is for sure though, if they plan to release it in 6 weeks they have got a LOT of work to get done.  It feels much more like an alpha than a beta.  I would not be at all surprised to see them delay this game for a month or two extra.

Glad to see many are happy with it though, more power to ya.

Last edited by ShotYourSix (2006-08-26 11:21:35)

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