The_Shipbuilder wrote:
Questions for Mr Wesker:
1) Do A and B have somthing to do with Ohio?
2) What does A have to do with anything? I don't understand your point in posting it.
3) Bush got 3,012,499 more popular votes than Kerry, not 4 million. Correct? Or am I looking at an incorrect source?
4) Bush got 286 electoral votes vs Kerry with 251. Ohio represents 20 electoral votes. Had Kerry won Ohio, Bush would have had 266 electoral votes vs Kerry with 271. Which is wrong, my math or your statement that "Bush also received more than enough electoral votes from different states that Ohio didn't matter."?
Answers for Mr. Shipbuilder
1) No of course not and I did not mean to imply they did.
2) I was implying that more people got off their lazy asses to vote (and mostly AGAINST Kerry)
3) I'm sorry that is why I put the amazing
~ because I was approximating. I was only off by a million (oh wait I was approximating again) I was off by exactly 987,501.
4) Urgh, yes I was wrong factually, I guess I didn't get my main message across. Which was that Ohio was locked, there wasn't any way that Kerry could have won that state. My statement that Ohio didn't matter is wrong.
Edit: Thanks for correcting me BTW, I only need that once in awhile, usually I'm not this bad.
Last edited by AlbertWesker[RE] (2006-08-23 10:13:10)