+85|6898|good old CA
wow IE has changed … ox_/1.html

firefox 2.0 is more like 1.6   -what they said^

Last edited by Maj.Do (2006-08-22 14:21:55)

© 2009 Jeff Minard
FIREFOx all the way, and this has been discussed, kind off.
Back from the Dead.
I've always used IE. Can't wait for 7.

I didn't realise that FF 2.0 had been released?
Vela Incident
+1,652|6714|NYC / Hamburg

BigmacK wrote:

I've always used IE. Can't wait for 7.
download it then. its an open beta.

to gehttoperson: read it, its just a new beta, not a final version
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
+70|6790|The Netherlands
FF1.6 > IE6


IE7 > FF2.0
Good to be back.
+1,352|6639|N. Ireland

-MIKI3. wrote:

FF1.6 > IE6


IE7 > FF2.0
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6747|132 and Bush

Umm you can run IE in Firefox so why wouldn't you use Firefox. I used to preach IE until I started using Firefox consistently. Now it's the first thing I put on a machine after the OS.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Sorry... I'll probably never go back to IE after all the months of my life I've wasted removing spyware because IE was so crappy.
+98|6611|Life in a vacuum sucks
i like FIREFOX
+783|6990|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Firefox FTW!

Firefox: Why? Because it's custimizeable and made by a well-hearted company that makes software for free

IE: Made by greedy corporate whores that are only after your money
doc. josh
i still think that fire fox it better
I like sausage
+18|6687|Bristol UK
i only use FF cos the extensions are useful. Im partial to the NOscript extension
Moderator Emeritus
+236|6952|Portland, OR, USA

IE7 beta has been out for many, many months and it sucks (but is a hell of a lot better than IE6).

And course FF2.0 is a lot like FF1.6 -- why completely redo the GUI when there's nothing wrong with it? Large changes aren't what make things good.

I've been using FF2.0b1 for probably a month now and I like it a lot better (spellcheck for textareas, better extension / update handling, Google Suggest, etc.).
+10|6750|Columbus, OH

Viper007Bond wrote:

IE7 beta has been out for many, many months and it sucks (but is a hell of a lot better than IE6).

And course FF2.0 is a lot like FF1.6 -- why completely redo the GUI when there's nothing wrong with it? Large changes aren't what make things good.

I've been using FF2.0b1 for probably a month now and I like it a lot better (spellcheck for textareas, better extension / update handling, Google Suggest, etc.).
If your not going to completely redo it, then why not call it 1.6 like the author said.  I admit that firefox came out with a lot of new features, and really cool stuff, but the other browsers have caught up now.  Firefox needs to inovate with something new, otherwise it will be hey thanks for making IE better FF, now see ya later.

just my $0.02  Btw anyone wanting to dl the beta of 7 (I am running it, and love it.  I have several apps at work that use active X, so firefox does not work for me.) Here is the link. … fault.mspx
Moderator Emeritus
+236|6952|Portland, OR, USA

Shadovve wrote:

If your not going to completely redo it, then why not call it 1.6 like the author said.
Because it IS highly changed... behind the scenes.

I mean, just check the major new features: … _beta.html
+10|6750|Columbus, OH

Viper007Bond wrote:

Because it IS highly changed... behind the scenes.

I mean, just check the major new features: … _beta.html
I am not sure I would call that Highly changed behind the scenes.  There were only about 6 things listed, 3 of them said "Improved" this or that.  The remaining changes looked like things you could probably get via extensions.  Don't get me wrong firefox is a great browser, but this doesn't look like a whole new version to me, just looks like some add-on's to the existing browser.
+10|6750|Columbus, OH

PBAsydney wrote:

Firefox FTW!

Firefox: Why? Because it's custimizeable and made by a well-hearted company that makes software for free

IE: Made by greedy corporate whores that are only after your money
Which is why IE costs soooooo much.  What is it now umm let me see if I can remember oh yeah it's FREE just like firefox.
Moderator Emeritus
+236|6952|Portland, OR, USA

No, IE is not free. It's included in the cost of Windows.
+10|6750|Columbus, OH

Viper007Bond wrote:

No, IE is not free. It's included in the cost of Windows.
Go to, and see if you can download IE, and see how much they charge you for it.  And if it was included in the cost of Windows, does that mean I was paying for the Mac People to have IE 5?  or when someone who is still running win95, installs IE (since it was not included with the OS) who pays for that?  It's FREE. 

by your logic, that means that MSN, AOL, Outlook Express (also available for Mac),  windows Media player (also available for Mac), and a slew of other apps that are included in the cost of Windows?  so again I ask who is paying for the people on Macs, or in Win95 when this wasn't included.  Should you have to buy and upgrade.  It's free software, free as in no cost, not free as in open source.
Moderator Emeritus
+236|6952|Portland, OR, USA

Shadovve wrote:

Viper007Bond wrote:

No, IE is not free. It's included in the cost of Windows.
Go to, and see if you can download IE, and see how much they charge you for it.
Nothing, dur. But what OS are you on when you run it? Updates are free.

And yes, I realize that they offered IE for Mac, but they cancelled that years ago. You can't even download it anymore.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

I've been using Windows Vista for about a month now and I've been able to test IE7 and Firefox 2.0 quite a bit. I've tried really really hard to use IE7 since it has the windows integration behind it, the updated features such as tabbed browsing, and the CSS standards changes which is great for my web development stuff.

However, somehow Firefox still ends up kicking it's butt at the end of the day. The integrated spell checking is awesome (of course not many people care about spelling so personal preference). The extensions available for it are essential to me (Web Developer and StumbleUpon). The bookmarks are better implemented in FFox as well.

Then there's the little things about IE7 that piss me off, such as the disappearance of the refresh/stop/home buttons. The crappy download windows the browser spawns. A minor (yet important) detail is that for example, say you have a link that looks like "". In IE7 you can't double click on the microsoft part and just select that. It'll select the whole address for you. It sounds stupid, but this affects my browsing habits because it makes it harder to change minor URL things to move around. FFox you double click to select the word, triple click to select everything. And there's just something about Firefox that I find more pleasing and nice to use.

So IE7 does kick it up a notch finally, and it's a worthy browser to use for most people. However if you're a current Firefox power user, I really doubt you'll find IE7 worth the trouble. So I have to say, FFox 2.0 > IE7.

And yes this thread is old but I didn't want to make a new one to post my thoughts, search ftw.

Last edited by GotMex? (2006-10-16 18:47:18)

Firefox FTW
Why do people dig up old posts???

Last edited by slo5oh (2006-10-17 13:37:45)

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