Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

Yesterday I was flying the blackhawk in a 32 Zatar, and I'm HIGH over ground, no other aircraft nearby, and I'm the squadleader of a two person squad, me and kritzaba. So he spawns and moves aside to repair, and a couple seconds later someone else enters the blackhawk, comes up as a green square.

I first thought... wtf? I only have one member... capslock...check...yeah, only one member. And I definately didn't see anyone join/leave in teh past two seconds.

Then the even weirder part, his name was red. Sure enough, tab showed me he was an enemy!
He started firing the left blackhawk gun as though he was my teammate. He didnt kill anyone, but I took a screeny after kritzaba moved into the F3 gunner position.

Then as I moved down to the flag, I got hit by two rockets and then a tank, destroying the chopper. And the guy was credited with two kills... and a teamkill!

Never seen this before
Thats confusing. I've seen similar glitches, but never tried to explain it.
BF2s EU Server Admin
+67|7101|Hanging onto the UAV
Red name glitch. It's the same one as usual.

I've been in a jeep with an 'enemy' before. He showed up as an enemy, his name was red: all the things you mention.

As I'd not been playing for long and didn't know about the glitch, I hopped out and SRAW'd the jeep. Got a teamkill. Got punished.
He was in your squad can't you see his marking is GREEN that means he is in your squad?
BF2s EU Server Admin
+67|7101|Hanging onto the UAV
Crimson_wolf: Re-read his post: he was commenting about the RED guy being in the squad.

+0|7043|im from idaho but liven in MD
well i would like to say i have see that except i got the credit for the kill but now team kills. it happens every now and then . i think what is happeing out side of the chopper one is that its a possiblity that both team  enter the vehicle at the very same time and so you have two team in one vehcile what i do is wait till he stops if he is driving and then get out and kill him or he kills me if im driving i go straight for a wall if there is one around or a vehicle and then bail at the last second. but the first reponse on the chopper that one never seen or heard of it.
A stranger in the dark

AnarkyXtra wrote:

Crimson_wolf: Re-read his post: he was commenting about the RED guy being in the squad.

Wow ease up... His name is red, but the marking in the chopper is green... So he must've seen it.

/on topic: Yeah had similar in a jeep once. But then both his name and marking were red.
Red Robin
+0|7051|New Brunswick Canada
Yeah, I had the same problem though they never showed up in a vehicle, got punished for a couple of teamkills though, it really blows
youve now just been Pwned by the Mavster
I had this guy kill me a few times the other day in mashtur,he had the blue writting,but was in mec clothing and i was usmc team,very strange,i thought he was a hax4r
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7084|AUS, Canberra

Lt.Maverick|Lw| wrote:

I had this guy kill me a few times the other day in mashtur,he had the blue writting,but was in mec clothing and i was usmc team,very strange,i thought he was a hax4r
i once was usmc inkarkand and had a guy that was dressed like me with blue name try team kill me soi killed him and checked annd he was on mec side and i got the points. this games fucked up!!
All you have to do is change teams while alive and magically you'll be a "spy"
Tactical Specialist
I have had the same problem..the enemy was riding with me in my jeep...when i stopped we got out and had a gun fight....after the gun fight(I LOST) we both were typing in the game to each other asking how the hell that happened. I tried to run  him over in my jeep and he somehow pulled a 007 and got in and attacked me LOL
i also seen this bervor in a jeep...  wake island, i think

the gunner was an enemy- the driver not...
so i got a teamkill after using the noob-toob on him...

Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

Okay, a lot of you are missing my point that makes this different from the red name bug.

He was an enemy, and my enemy got a teamkill.

I didn't get the teamkill, he showed up on the scoreboard as the enemy team, he spawned inside the blackhawk while I was flying already, and no one joined and left the squad to spawn inside.
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|7044|Uhh... erm...
[paranoia] Maybe it was a hack?? REPORT HIM TO EA!!! [/paranoia]
I don't think its the "red teammate" bug when the tank guy got a TK punish.

And isn't it possible that if you pick up an enemy kit you also look like the enemy?
Seen this many times.. even is happening in Special Forces...

Just goes to show what EA cares more about... the quality of the game.. or releasing a 30$ expansion
+40|6969|Land of the Very Cold
i totally agree, i had that weird bug where i was, i think, chinese, and killed a few USMC guy.. but to them i was on their team, with the blue name and the usmc uniform, and they punished me for the teamkill.. BUT, to me, i was chinese, they were usmc, in the score list we were on seperate sides, and i never saw the teamkill punish announcement, so i never got the minus scores. they talked to me via team-chat to ask what the hell i was doing.. but since i was on the other team, i never received the usmc team-chat message.. freakin strange

Coolbeano wrote:

Okay, a lot of you are missing my point that makes this different from the red name bug.

He was an enemy, and my enemy got a teamkill.

I didn't get the teamkill, he showed up on the scoreboard as the enemy team, he spawned inside the blackhawk while I was flying already, and no one joined and left the squad to spawn inside.
This is STILL the redname bug. To you, and usually only you, your client will see him name as an enemy. The roster will show his name as other team, and you will see a red name tag for him. BUT, he will be in friendly uniform and according to the server...on your team. Your client will also show he is TK'd by his own team, but again, in actuallity, he is just killed by the enemy.
I joined a game once, and hit join a squad pretty quick.  Then it switched my team as it often does right at the beggining to balance but I was still in the other teams squad.  I couldn't spawn on the enemy, nor could I leave the squad.  Weird.
same thing happend to me but in the reverse way. i had a squad with 4 people in it 3 guys i know and 1 i didnt. so anyway as the game progressed i kept getting tk'd by the guy i didnt know in my squad, and the stragnest thing was that everytime i saw him he was MEC and I was USMC. i could see this ONE guy in my squad spawn at an enmey flag. turns out there is a legit bug in the game that every so often you can see players on the other side. like seeing 2 squad leaders. one of them is the enemy squad leader, you can;t spwan on him but you see where he is. non the less i kept killing the same guy the whole round and he could never see how i knew he spawnd at a certin flag and i was there and knew excatly where he was. ya that was the only time that has ever happend to me beside the usale red name glitch and the 2nd squad leader. any body else get that too or is it a one time freak accidtn tht i got lucky to get?

Big_B1347 wrote:

same thing happend to me but in the reverse way. i had a squad with 4 people in it 3 guys i know and 1 i didnt. so anyway as the game progressed i kept getting tk'd by the guy i didnt know in my squad, and the stragnest thing was that everytime i saw him he was MEC and I was USMC. i could see this ONE guy in my squad spawn at an enmey flag. turns out there is a legit bug in the game that every so often you can see players on the other side. like seeing 2 squad leaders. one of them is the enemy squad leader, you can;t spwan on him but you see where he is. non the less i kept killing the same guy the whole round and he could never see how i knew he spawnd at a certin flag and i was there and knew excatly where he was. ya that was the only time that has ever happend to me beside the usale red name glitch and the 2nd squad leader. any body else get that too or is it a one time freak accidtn tht i got lucky to get?
Samething happened to me twice. I call it 'Green Name Bug'. Pity for him cause I could seem him coming around every corner and open fire before he sees me.
ive seen this and been this alot the last few days. its like its gettin worse
. . .

Coolbeano wrote:

Okay, a lot of you are missing my point that makes this different from the red name bug.

He was an enemy, and my enemy got a teamkill.

I didn't get the teamkill, he showed up on the scoreboard as the enemy team, he spawned inside the blackhawk while I was flying already, and no one joined and left the squad to spawn inside.
I've had it happen to me as well. . .

It feels like a variation of the RED/BLUE tag bug. . . but it isn't.

For every one wrong RED tag there is one wrong BLUE tag. If a friendly is RED, a corresponding enemy will be BLUE. (This is the normal RED-BLUE tag bug) Usually you can avoid a teamkill by looking at the uniform.
Exceptions are:
Sniping - to hard to tell another snipers uniform at longer distances or in the shadows = TK.
RED tag on an individual in a TANK or other vehicle - can't see a uniform when it's not visible = TK.
BLUE tag on a TANK that appears friendly but isn't = you dead.

a.) The variation is that sometimes an enemy sqaud member is in say sqaud No. 2; and your friendly squad is also squad No.2 - guess what he (the enemy) can spawn into your sqaud. It's not the RED/BLUE tag bug - it is a squad number spawn bug - it happens very infrequently though.

b.) Also the team damage/teamkilling an ENEMY is another bug. You kill the enemy and you receive -4 and a punish. This is a different bug that also happens every now and then.

a.) BUG might be related to b.) BUG, but doesn't have to - the TK-ing an enemy thing can happen independently as a non-realted BUG as well.

The Wake Island team-damage thing is not a BUG. If the USMC captures the PLA base - the artillery is yours; the USMC's. Ever notice the pounding the USMC can deliver on the PLA after it catures that BASE. It's two sets of artillery pounding one strike zone. Tip if you capture that base - don't blow up the artillery - it's yours now.
(The only thing I am unsure about is whether or not you have to have blow it up and have it regen as USMC artillery? Meaning you might have to blow it up; once; if it isn't already destroyed; and then after a certain amount of time they will regen [on their own] as USMC artillery).

Last edited by topal63 (2006-03-07 15:38:24)

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