Ah, if Nationalists got their way, eh? Well, we all know what occurred the Last time that happened...

The National Socialists also confiscated personal weaponry.Marconius wrote:
Ah, if Nationalists got their way, eh? Well, we all know what occurred the Last time that happened...
http://history.sandiego.edu/gen/filmnot … iumph5.jpg
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-08-19 01:27:27)
A bit of both And thanks, I'm glad you liked the sig!ht_fly wrote:
You have the insight of a person who has studied Pol Sci
You read a lot!
Good comment and yes the sig rules.
I agree with you strongly to a point. The quality of life here is tremendous, and we have so many rights that we should be thankful for that it makes you wonder how some of these people could possibly talk about not being free.beerface702 wrote:
i think alot of kiddies who complain about not having any rights in this country should take a hike and live in a thirld world country for a week.
Absolutely on all points. This country needs restructuring. Like after the revolution laws and bills were put into effect due to a common need. Now it just seems like these are trying to get passed through due to some personal agenda, or someone is just trying to make money off of the deal. What I don't understand is how the people of congress and senate make so much money and all they want to do is vote in a pay raise. To sit and argue with each other. Personally I think that it should be a volunteer thing. People should do it because they love America (this goes for both sides) and not be greedy about it.beerface702 wrote:
i think alot of kiddies who complain about not having any rights in this country should take a hike and live in a thirld world country for a week.
then see what they think.
and Liberials, conservatives' they all are BS
we need a new reform in this country
Care to give some specific examples? Debating effectively usually involves following an assertion with some kind of proof.phnxfrhwk wrote:
Absolutely on all points. This country needs restructuring. Like after the revolution laws and bills were put into effect due to a common need. Now it just seems like these are trying to get passed through due to some personal agenda, or someone is just trying to make money off of the deal. What I don't understand is how the people of congress and senate make so much money and all they want to do is vote in a pay raise. To sit and argue with each other. Personally I think that it should be a volunteer thing. People should do it because they love America (this goes for both sides) and not be greedy about it.
think again Britain pretty much banned guns, you didn't. The US gun homicde rate per capita is 37 times higher. lets see, top 3 gun-death countries all allow guns to be owned by their citizens. You say you need a gun to protect yourself, so the criminals will have to get a gun to protect themself from you. If criminals know that you don't have a gun, they won't bother to get one and suddenly the murder rate plummets.JOJOBA wrote:
i saw a bumper sticker somewhere that said, "an armed society is a polite society" i think thats what it said. some people dont understand that taking away guns will do absolutely nothing, cause the law abiding citizens that have guns dont use them in crime, where the criminals use guns no matter what, taking guns away from everyone wont take guns from the villans, cause they will find a way to get more.
Two points about this comment.cpt.fass1 wrote:
The theory behind the guns to protect yourself isn't for the criminals it's so we can keep our government in check. For the people by the people?
Last edited by Not (2006-08-21 17:47:36)
1. Yes. It's been done many times before. Besides, the people are the military, if the people rise, the military falls.Not wrote:
Two points about this comment.cpt.fass1 wrote:
The theory behind the guns to protect yourself isn't for the criminals it's so we can keep our government in check. For the people by the people?
1. Do you really believe that the weapons civilians are allowed to own, with the limited or complete absence of training they have on top of that, could ever compete with our military's technology and expertise?
2. Isn't it our responsibility to vote intelligently, to keep from having to rise up against our country? It's not the fault of the government, it's the fault of the people who elected the corrupt into office. They have no power without us other than what we've allowed them to take.
I can tell you what happened when those people had their way in Brazil: a ruthless military dictatorship was installed. That was their motto: Brazil, love it or leave it.cpt.fass1 wrote:
Ok what do you think this country would be like if the America Love it or leave it people got there way?
Britain banned electrical sockets in bathrooms. There's also strict rules over the types of knives you can own.ht_fly wrote:
If criminals know that you don't have a gun, they won't bother to get one and suddenly the murder rate plummets.
Interesting, but most murders in the USA are casue by someone the victim knows and it could be anything that is used as a weapon.
The burning bed!(great tv movie)
broken bottle
monkey wrench
electric cord
high heel shoe
toaster and a bath
Lots of people get murdered!
not all are murdered with guns.
Then the civilians don't need any guns, the military that is rising up with you can do any shooting that's needed. They're much better at it. If the military aren't on your side then you're going to loose.jonsimon wrote:
1. Yes. It's been done many times before. Besides, the people are the military, if the people rise, the military falls.
Erm, I could be wrong here, but can't almost anyone over 35 run to be presedent? You don't actually have to be democrat or republican, it's just that the US public forgot about that at some point.jonsimon wrote:
2. It is not our fault if our only choices are corruption or deceit. We only elect the officials, the government nominates them. The government had taken its own reins long ago, the people are a trifle easily circumvented in our current system.
I'm not sure of the polulation Difference's between the U.S. and the U.K. but that might have something to do with it?.:XDR:.PureFodder wrote:
Britain banned electrical sockets in bathrooms. There's also strict rules over the types of knives you can own.ht_fly wrote:
If criminals know that you don't have a gun, they won't bother to get one and suddenly the murder rate plummets.
Interesting, but most murders in the USA are casue by someone the victim knows and it could be anything that is used as a weapon.
The burning bed!(great tv movie)
broken bottle
monkey wrench
electric cord
high heel shoe
toaster and a bath
Lots of people get murdered!
not all are murdered with guns.
Guns are a very easy and relatively effective way to kill people. A quarter second of adrenaline rush and it's all over. To strangle someone to death with an electrical chord takes time and a lot of strength. A single stab wound is far easier to survive than a single bullet wound. If guns aren't to blame, why does america have 3 times the homicide rate of the UK?Then the civilians don't need any guns, the military that is rising up with you can do any shooting that's needed. They're much better at it. If the military aren't on your side then you're going to loose.jonsimon wrote:
1. Yes. It's been done many times before. Besides, the people are the military, if the people rise, the military falls.Erm, I could be wrong here, but can't almost anyone over 35 run to be presedent? You don't actually have to be democrat or republican, it's just that the US public forgot about that at some point.jonsimon wrote:
2. It is not our fault if our only choices are corruption or deceit. We only elect the officials, the government nominates them. The government had taken its own reins long ago, the people are a trifle easily circumvented in our current system.
Now that's a VERY strong claim to make. I'm assuming that you read my post, right? You're suggesting that, basically, a bunch of farmers with snub 38's could subdue the US Armed Forces? It's been done in history, but NEVER in history has the difference in weaponry between the revolutionary forces and the government been so expansive, nor have military tactics been as advanced.jonsimon wrote:
1. Yes. It's been done many times before. Besides, the people are the military, if the people rise, the military falls.Not wrote:
Two points about this comment.cpt.fass1 wrote:
The theory behind the guns to protect yourself isn't for the criminals it's so we can keep our government in check. For the people by the people?
1. Do you really believe that the weapons civilians are allowed to own, with the limited or complete absence of training they have on top of that, could ever compete with our military's technology and expertise?
2. Isn't it our responsibility to vote intelligently, to keep from having to rise up against our country? It's not the fault of the government, it's the fault of the people who elected the corrupt into office. They have no power without us other than what we've allowed them to take.
2. It is not our fault if our only choices are corruption or deceit. We only elect the officials, the government nominates them. The government had taken its own reins long ago, the people are a trifle easily circumvented in our current system.
Well Judging by the fact that the US alone has almost 5 times the amount of people of the UK. Perhaps that might explain the difference in crime rate. 295,734,134 (July 2005 est.) US vs. 60,441,457 (July 2005 est.) UK..:XDR:.PureFodder wrote:
Britain banned electrical sockets in bathrooms. There's also strict rules over the types of knives you can own.ht_fly wrote:
If criminals know that you don't have a gun, they won't bother to get one and suddenly the murder rate plummets.
Interesting, but most murders in the USA are casue by someone the victim knows and it could be anything that is used as a weapon.
The burning bed!(great tv movie)
broken bottle
monkey wrench
electric cord
high heel shoe
toaster and a bath
Lots of people get murdered!
not all are murdered with guns.
Guns are a very easy and relatively effective way to kill people. A quarter second of adrenaline rush and it's all over. To strangle someone to death with an electrical chord takes time and a lot of strength. A single stab wound is far easier to survive than a single bullet wound. If guns aren't to blame, why does america have 3 times the homicide rate of the UK?Then the civilians don't need any guns, the military that is rising up with you can do any shooting that's needed. They're much better at it. If the military aren't on your side then you're going to loose.jonsimon wrote:
1. Yes. It's been done many times before. Besides, the people are the military, if the people rise, the military falls.Erm, I could be wrong here, but can't almost anyone over 35 run to be presedent? You don't actually have to be democrat or republican, it's just that the US public forgot about that at some point.jonsimon wrote:
2. It is not our fault if our only choices are corruption or deceit. We only elect the officials, the government nominates them. The government had taken its own reins long ago, the people are a trifle easily circumvented in our current system.
People, crime rate is proportionate to the population. It doesn't matter if you live in US, UK, China or in Togo, the crime rates are percentages of crimes compared to the population of the country.phnxfrhwk wrote:
Well Judging by the fact that the US alone has almost 5 times the amount of people of the UK. Perhaps that might explain the difference in crime rate. 295,734,134 (July 2005 est.) US vs. 60,441,457 (July 2005 est.) UK.
Last edited by EVieira (2006-08-22 18:05:24)
Last edited by EVieira (2006-08-22 18:10:45)