Now have also VenjX from NinthGaming ( / #Ninth) made a own fragmovie. I were in the successful Team Sweden and won Clanbase NC. The players i meet in the movie (and also they die) is from many different clans, like Codeseven, aPas, team boomtown, saunaboys and More. The film is made by Badabing and it's 7 min long. And it's 160 MB large. In the movie i show great skills with the M16 but also the AK-101.

You can download it at;5438783;;/fileinfo.html
And also at, but then you have to register at the website (take 30 s or 1 min) and then you can download it very fast.

Enjoy! (you can also share your comments about the movie in here)

Last edited by VenjX (2006-08-21 08:19:15)


VenjX (translated) wrote:

Now VenjX from NinthGaming ( / #Ninth) has made his own fragmovie. I was successful in Team Sweden and won Clanbase NC. The players i meet in the movie (that die) are from many different clans like Codeseven, aPas, team boomtown, saunaboys and More. The film is made by Badabing and it's 7 min long. It's 160 MB. In the movie i show great skills with the M16 but also the AK-101.

You can download it at … einfo.html
And also at, but then you have to register.

Enjoy! (you can also share your comments about the movie here)

Last edited by EntertaineR_06 (2006-08-21 08:35:53)

kinda a rippoff of Duck and Cover, but still great skills and im glad you owned those expedition nabs:P
Hey VenjX ..

i think i played against you in a FFA server last week(inf only karkand(16) i think), you were pretty hard to kill and u kept taking the gold medal, leaving me with the silver. havnt seen the movie yet, but will when i get home.

dling now


[sarcasm] Ow wow! You are the 133735T. [/sarcasm]

I hate these - look at me, im an attention fragging whore - videos.

Same as all those Jet whores that whine about their skill,
and moments later crash with 4 stingers up their tailpipe.

Last edited by Bernadictus (2006-08-22 04:31:59)

+59|6885|The land of Hookers and pod
LOL stfu bernadictus, I'm not seeing u pwning guys from desperation and codeseven, so sush!

GJ VenjX, maybe a rematch sometime against Team-ff?
downloading now and looking forward to it

Bernadictus wrote:


[sarcasm] Ow wow! You are the 133735T. [/sarcasm]

I hate these - look at me, im an attention fragging whore - videos.

Same as all those Jet whores that whine about their skill,
and moments later crash with 4 stingers up their tailpipe.
someone is upset that he doesnt have a fancy video of his own.... its ok buddy.. ull get one eventually

Last edited by Spiers.ckz (2006-08-22 04:58:02)


Spiers.ckz wrote:

someone is upset that he doesnt have a fancy video of his own.... its ok buddy.. ull get one eventually
I don't need a video to have fun in BF2. I don't go arround bragging my incredible 1337 skills. Who cares, just like all the sniper videos.

I could tape hundreds of AA videos and bore you all to death. If that is what you want.

"In the movie i show great skills with the M16 but also the AK-101." Come on. The guy only registerd on these forums to show his movie. I've seen guys perform miracles with less.

Last edited by Bernadictus (2006-08-22 05:02:25)

u seem pretty upset for someone who dont care.... lol
+59|6885|The land of Hookers and pod

Bernadictus wrote:

Spiers.ckz wrote:

someone is upset that he doesnt have a fancy video of his own.... its ok buddy.. ull get one eventually
I don't need a video to have fun in BF2. I don't go arround bragging my incredible 1337 skills. Who cares, just like all the sniper videos.

I could tape hundreds of AA videos and bore you all to death. If that is what you want.
Sniper videos are fucking boring, this is fun to watch, seeing how osk, neo and redux getting pwned by one guy (altough they weren't paying attention).
Chanetoy Dugali
+309|6859|Groningen / Netherlands
zere is too much video's of people zinking zey are 1337 i is getting teh bored of it

Kusunagi wrote:

Bernadictus wrote:

Spiers.ckz wrote:

someone is upset that he doesnt have a fancy video of his own.... its ok buddy.. ull get one eventually
I don't need a video to have fun in BF2. I don't go arround bragging my incredible 1337 skills. Who cares, just like all the sniper videos.

I could tape hundreds of AA videos and bore you all to death. If that is what you want.
Sniper videos are fucking boring, this is fun to watch, seeing how osk, neo and redux getting pwned by one guy (altough they weren't paying attention).
Medic whoring the M16 and AK101 is more a - spray and pray - weapons class. But hell, let him have his 2 seconds of fame. I'll go back to my own thing.
Rateing i give it 6/10

Plus points :-

Good music

Great frags

Shows standard weapons in bf2 do rock and unlocks are not everything .

Minus points :-

Got bored of seeing Kark frags only with about 30 seconds of another map in there (Mashtuur City)

Very samey after a while frags at Hotel and Market and you do see guys take down about 4/5 players sometimes without dying and are every day players.

I saw alot of players that could and should have been revived without you needing to look for kills.

All in all 7 mins of fun ,i have seen better and i wish i could play like that myself but a player of your ablitiy could have made a better video imho.
Hes just so friggin lucky, nobody is paying attention?!
but then again, great skills:D

Last edited by |XA|ASSASIN (2006-08-22 06:46:24)

+306|6816|Austin, TX

This topic has been discussed previously -- Please use the search feature to find the previous thread. {quote}

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