Erm, midgetspy, 1% of more than 250,000 is tons of players... but the actually percentage isn't really important. Most of the people I've seen who haven't seen updates after playing SF have zero SF stats. If you've seen a lot more people than I have with SF stats, then maybe it's 80%/20%, or some other ratio.
"99%" is to say that for almost all that I have seen, once they played SF, their stats never updated again... but also recognizing that there are exceptions to that, so it's the usual case, not an absolute. Is that untrue?
I did say as an absolute that it wasn't tied to having unlocked SF weapons. I think I can say that with a bit of certainty, as I have not had an update since I played SF, and to this day haven't unlocked as single SF weapon, and did not unlock any of the BF2 weapons I was still missing until several days after I installed SF, and my stats broke.
Beyond that, everything else I said was an "I dunno", which I hope I can say with a fair bit of authority, mixed in with a bit of off-the wall speculation, and presented as such with phrases such as "for all we know...".
Either way, every bit of all of this is speculation, and just an exorcise in rhetoric, as nothing we say here will help EA/DICE fix the problem wherever they are. ;P