since when was it bannable? is i tbannable on internode and gamearena??? if anything 2 ppl in a chopper is better than one person in a chopper soloing cause u have a flyer and gunner seperately. its not our fault that noobs who happened to eat pizza recently started playing bf2 and dotn even know what a TV missile is or how to use it!!! solo chopper FTW (when noobs are evident that is )
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts
Solo is a skill that few can master.
Solo is an exploit because AA can't lock on while you in the gunner's seat guiding the missile.

Linebacker/AA vs Solo helo = no effing contest because the Linebacker/AA missiles won't lock on to the chopper while the pilot seat is empty, period. That is why it is an exploit. NO different than being in the Hotel at Karkand and being able to shoot everyone but not being to be shot yourself.

If DICE made it so the helo was lockable by AA with either crew position filled, then no more problem. Then it would be fair.

Personally, I have my joystick rigged to fire the TV missiles but I won't guide them. I use them like SUPER-hydra missiles. Tends to be a short range affair. . I have killed everyting with this setup but you almost always have to see the whites of their eyes!
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
Spot on Stubbee.
lWar Pigl
+4|6937|South Coast, Massachusetts

Jenkinsbball wrote:

lWar Pigl wrote:

Wow, another post on this subject!  It must really be pissing people off!  Anyways, I don't like solo helo pilots not because "I get owned by them" or crap like that because it's usually me beating them senseless!  I don't like it because this game is based on teamwork.  There are two seats in the attack helo for a reason!  This whole concept of teamwork is largely ignored by just about the majority of players in this game.  I can understand that some of the "children" who play this game have no concept of teamwork but, older players should be using teamwork to their advantage. 

A majority of the solo helo pilots are not team players, their egos are too big to work with someone to accomplish a goal.  If a good squad of players attacks a solo helo pilot in unison, he won't have a prayer.  Now if that same pilot has a gunner, the outcome of that battle would probably end up in the chopper teams favor.  It's just like I have stated in other similar posts...IF YOU WANT TO FLY AN ATTACK HELICOPER SOLO, GO PLAY A FLIGHT SIM!  A couple of good ones are the Apache Longbow series and Commanches series of games/sims.  Hell, give me your address and I'll send you my old ones!
Shut up faggot. Nobody here is saying they solo just to solo. We solo when there isn't a gunner around, or if all the gunners are worthless. It's far more worthwhile to solo tv than it is to use your rockets with a gunner that doesn't know what tv stands for.

A true example of a "child".
solo tv is gooood, cuts out the weak link in the killing chain.

JohnnyBlanco wrote:

solo tv is gooood, cuts out the weak link in the killing chain.

Stubbee wrote:

Solo is a skill that few can master.
Solo is an exploit because AA can't lock on while you in the gunner's seat guiding the missile.
plz play a bit more since, this has already been fixed by dice. AA lock eaven if you are ine the gunnerseat.
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts

Leln wrote:

Stubbee wrote:

Solo is a skill that few can master.
Solo is an exploit because AA can't lock on while you in the gunner's seat guiding the missile.
plz play a bit more since, this has already been fixed by dice. AA lock eaven if you are ine the gunnerseat.
I went head to head Linebacker vs Solo Helo several times in rounds of Daqing and Fushe. ZERO missile hits. He would drop flares, switch seat, I lose lock, I am dead. If somehow he misses, he gets his flares back before I reload. So just rinse and repeat for him. The main guns of the mobile AA are almost useless.

And please don't insult me by saying I 'obviously' suck at AA.

I will destroy fully crewed helos from here to kingdom come but not solo choppers.
it doesn't matter if I am hidden or not, the pilot spots the missiles and fires. Even if I wait for his flares to dissipate.....

The only times I have scored hits is when he is maneuvering away from a fighter. Then he is too busy flying and can't switch.

You all might be confusing the green rectangle appearing around a target with a lock. Without the solid tone you are out of luck. The instant he switchs seats, the tone disappears thus no lock.
Same thing applies to bomber, and helo transports. Just not advisable because a good pilot will still mow you down with MG.

And finally, Miss Leln, did you even check my playing time? Didn't think so, have a nice day.

Last edited by Stubbee (2006-08-07 14:25:36)

The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts
If youwere refering to the highlighted 2 items. This has nothing to do with locking on to enemy aircraft.

Unless I've really missed something here, where does it say the problem was 'fixed'?

Battlefield 2™: V1.3
ReadMe File
April 25, 2006

Patch v1.3


- Air dropped vehicles:
Squad members can now send a request up the chain of command for a vehicle to
be dropped at their location.

- Co-op:
Co-op Mode allows you to play Single Player levels on the Internet and LAN with
both AI controlled bots and human players. Several new options have been created
that will allow the server creator to modify how the bots behave in game.

Number of Bots: This setting allows you to determine the total number of bots that
will spawn in game.

Bot Ratio: This setting allows you to determine the percentage of total bots that
will spawn for each team. For example, setting this value to 25 means that 25% of
the total bots will spawn in Team 1, and 75% in Team 2. Team 1 is always the MEC,
Chinese, or their allies, while Team 2 is always the USA, EU, and their allies.

Bot Difficulty: This setting determines the skill level of the bots. 10 is easiest,
100 is the most difficult.

- Default Kit Selection:
The kit that you used last is remembered at the beginning of the round and between

- Fixed issues with remote console and linux server

- Prevented ban list from being cleared in the event of a server crash.

- Fixed the bug where helicopters abandoned in the air would continue flying.

- Fixed issue with player not properly ranking up on servers where they continuously

- If the player joins a squad while dead, the player will not be able to use the
squad leader as a spawn point until they have respawned once.

- Flag Capture bar now reacts accurately to players entering the capture radius.

- Fixed bug where friendly vehicles showed as valid targets

- Friendly Vehicle lock: Lock-on weapons do not lock on to friendly vehicles.
The box with an X through it will still appear, but a lock tone will not sound
and then if fired, the missile will not track the friendly target.

- Fixed bug that altered mini map functionality

- Adjusted missile count on BF2SF helicopters.

- Fixed bug with Special Forces rank names.

- Fixed repairing HUD for the engineer when in a vehicle

- Adjusted award criteria

- Fixed a client crash after entering 300 characters into the IP address using
"connect to IP"

- Fixed a tech hang when creating a single player account from an offline account

- Fixed crash when switching from BF2 to BF2:SF (or vice versa)

- Fixed a crash caused when a player is joining a map and another player logs into the same account

- Fixed a Dragon Valley exploit

- Fixed a bug on Zatar Wetlands where AA missiles would not lock onto oil towers

- Fixed a bug that caused the Eurofighter explosion to appear as a Mig-29 wreckage

Armor Bar removed from occupied machinegun emplacements

- Fixed a bug on Kubra Dam and Zatar Wetlands that caused enemy AA sites to not display in bombing HUD

- Special Forces - Firing crossbow from open vehicle position causes others to see player weapon firing

- Fixed Repair Hud for the engineer when in a vehicle and repairing a team mate vehicles

- Fixed a bug on Strike at Karkand where players were able to get inside a building by Train Accident when FF is turned off

- Fixed the commander toys on Wake Island 2007 so that the US can no longer disable the Chinese artillery

- Fixed a bug in Zatar Wetlands 32 where commander assets were not being properly dropped to the location specified by the User.

Last edited by Stubbee (2006-08-07 14:21:22)

The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'

ghostgr wrote:

Yes partly they kill me alot but it is just stupid that they must use an exploit to gain their points.......if they are gonna do that then why the hell don't they just go stat pad? To me that is somewhat the same thing. And yes I can solo helo I would try it on single player or in a private server just for fun but never on a ranked server I play the game legit no exploits nothing unlike the many on these forums and throughout whole community.
quite fucking complaining about it omg . Thats all everyone does if complain complain . Who gives a fuck it is not a fucking exploit. Nerf the pkm,stop dolphin diving, the black hawk is to strong . Stfu quite complaining the game was perfect when it game put PERFECT but fucking complainers like this ruin the fucking game.  Keep the fucking helo soloing noting wrong with it.

CloakedStarship wrote:

i find this interesting.. Could someone perhaps explain how solo flying is an exploit?

Little whining bitches complain because they were not the fastest one to the chopper.

Stubbee wrote:

If youwere refering to the highlighted 2 items. This has nothing to do with locking on to enemy aircraft.

Unless I've really missed something here, where does it say the problem was 'fixed'?

etc ...

- Fixed the bug where helicopters abandoned in the air would continue flying.

etc ...
The only fix I saw applied to this on 1.3 was the inability of flying aircraft to remain flying when they have no pilot.

Now, the engine will lose power the moment you switch places, whereas in the past it was possible to keep the helicopter airborne in circular pattern for quite a bit while you were alone on the gunner seat.

I think this is what people refer to when they say the issue was "fixed" on 1.3.

In my opinion, it just makes using the minigun by a single ocuppant non practical. However the TV shots can still be done pretty accurately as the time it takes to do so is not enough for the power loss to affect your flight path seriously.

Funnily enough, most people complain about Helo soloing, because it is really common, but I have heard very little complaints about F-15 soloing, which is IMHO much more devastating (try out a single player game with bombers and you will see what I mean).

Last edited by Meggido (2006-08-21 13:38:03)

Jeepers Creepers
+136|7044|Peoria, Illinois
I'm sick of the solo tank exploiters. Here I am flying my attack chopper and some tank driver hits f2 to shoot me down with the 50 cal on his tank. WTF? Exploiter!!!! Then there's these humvee drivers doing the same thing! I mean those things are design to have a driver AND a gunner. Switching seats is exploiting! [/sarcasm off]

If you want to disable seat switching, disable it for all vehicles. How's that sound to you exploitation whiners?
I'm moving to Brazil

ghostgr wrote:

Since it was discovered. In many servers if you are caught you can be banned........but in my clans it is a few warnings then a kick.
never knew that lol, interesting

M1-Lightning wrote:

I'm sick of the solo tank exploiters. Here I am flying my attack chopper and some tank driver hits f2 to shoot me down with the 50 cal on his tank. WTF? Exploiter!!!! Then there's these humvee drivers doing the same thing! I mean those things are design to have a driver AND a gunner. Switching seats is exploiting! [/sarcasm off]

If you want to disable seat switching, disable it for all vehicles. How's that sound to you exploitation whiners?
Given Dice's attention to detail, it's odd that something as inhumanly possible as switching seats and gearing up in midair is still around. Switching seats in a tank or jeep is a bit more believable.
Wait, I can hear it already. "It's just a game! Hrrhhrhrr!" But I don't think the majority of you would be here if you didn't appreciate the nods to reality that are already in the game.

ghostgr wrote:

Ok I know they "fixed" this in last patch but it still happens! What they need to do is that the damn helio needs to freaking fall like a damn ton of steel! That way you don't get homo exploiters. Either that or make it spin ALOT faster.

Let me know what you think........and if you do solo shut your mouth cuz no one wants to hear from a game exploiter. lol ok not really go ahead and say what you want but soloing is just stupid.
It's not an exploit. Learn to type in English before you make such a stupid post. You are just angry because you died to my missle so many times.



Sorry, I ment to write the quote like this:


I forgot idiots don't use punctuation.

Last edited by TheCanadianTerrorist (2006-08-21 17:43:56)

Stubbee wrote:

Solo is a skill that few can master.
Solo is an exploit because AA can't lock on while you in the gunner's seat guiding the missile.

Linebacker/AA vs Solo helo = no effing contest because the Linebacker/AA missiles won't lock on to the chopper while the pilot seat is empty, period. That is why it is an exploit. NO different than being in the Hotel at Karkand and being able to shoot everyone but not being to be shot yourself.

If DICE made it so the helo was lockable by AA with either crew position filled, then no more problem. Then it would be fair.

Personally, I have my joystick rigged to fire the TV missiles but I won't guide them. I use them like SUPER-hydra missiles. Tends to be a short range affair. . I have killed everyting with this setup but you almost always have to see the whites of their eyes!
Are you fucking stuck back in 1.2?
BF2s US Server Admin, IRC>Forums
+157|6953|The Mind Of A Cereal Killer

I Think It Shouldnt Spin When Your In Gunner Posiion, If Your Still, It Makes It Easier To Be A) Shot Out By An M95 And B) Easier To Be Shot At By Sraw/eryx
Kanye North
It is not an exploit you retard. an exploit is like wall glitching on karkand, and the people who ban players for soloing are immature kids who hate to get owned, just like you.
Roger Lesboules
Ah ben tabarnak!
+316|6890|Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Québec!

|Dark_Helmet wrote:

i r t3h spl01t3r.
So do i!...I love to solo...but if i know there is a good gunner around i just pick it up
+31|7002|Phoenix, AZ

shut your stupid noob mouth you wanker and get ready to eat my TV missile like the WHINING faggot you are.
Baltimore Blowfish
Why do you hate solo gunners so much?  It's not like they dominate the game, I can count the times I've been shot by one on one hand.  And if you're a decent pilot, evading those tv missiles is easy, then with a decent gunner the solo'er is fubar.

ibfr33k wrote:

Having someone else make use of the MG on the heli will do more good than just solo.  They should give someone a chance to help their team out by letting someone be gunner.
The pilot should be able to eject the gunner if he sucks. I usually don't let gunners in my helo unless I know their abilities.
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

HaywoodJablowme wrote:

Why do you hate solo gunners so much?  It's not like they dominate the game, I can count the times I've been shot by one on one hand.  And if you're a decent pilot, evading those tv missiles is easy, then with a decent gunner the solo'er is fubar.
Um, no. If you're a decent pilot you can TRY to get out of their way, but if the enemy pilot and/or gunner is any good, chances are you are fucked as soon as they spot you. If you find it easy to dodge TV missiles, then the enemy pilots/gunners suck.

Soloers can dominate some maps, like 64 dragon valley, Dalian Plant, Wake, etc if China has all the flags. With help of jet pilots that is.

BrOk_MoRdU wrote:

Solo heloing is hella lame.I'm not a very experienced pilot but I'm not a bad gunner.And sometimes I'd like to get some chopper time in and most times i can't because some Capt. or Admiral douche refuses to let anyone fly w/ him.They would rather sacrifice teamwork for chopper whoring.

I understand that there are some awful gunners out there but they could at least give their teammates a chance to prove their worth.

EA/Dice should make it to were the TV missile can't be used UNLESS there is someone in the pilot seat.

Also,it's kind of an exploit 'cause i never hear a buzzer in my tank letting me know that death looms.

And i know how to solo chopper,I've practiced on single player and it's really not that hard to do.

How many times(in real life) has anyone seen a pilot kill his gunner,fly to their MO,and jump in the gunner seat so he can get credit for a kill?All while his chopper spins hopelessly out of conrtol but not crashing 'cause he managed to hop back in the pilot seat just in time.

THis is all it is:

(While flying) F2+Rt.Clk+Lt.Clk+F1 back to flying.

Although I'm sure its been stated a million times, WE PILOTS CHOOSE NOT TO PICK UP NOOBS BECAUSE YOU SHOOT THE FUCKING CHAINGUNS AT TANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know how many times on Ghost-Town I have flown under countless bridges in between buildings all the while avoiding AA and giving 90% of all the kills to my gunner only to sneak up on an enemy Hind from behind to have MY GUNNER SHOOT WILDY WITH THE FUCKIN CHAINGUN AND RUIN A PERFECT TV SHOT!


you don't fly.

I only fly the APACHE and thats it, but so you non-pilots claiming to be good gunners know, you can't affectively solo in an APACHE, it rolls on its side when you switch (to the right I beleive)

Since I can't run the TV affectively with an APACHE while I pilot it, I just use the regular missiles since theyre great for taking out infantry.

And most of the time I do it alone, because in the split-second my STUPID-ASS gunner fires that muthafuckin chain-gun at a TANK thats taken me two bridge underpasses to sneak up on, we're DEAD.



If you want to stay alive in a chopper you must understand that the chopper cannot hover for TV gunners that think your good are in fact shitty gunners becuase you cannot hit a TV if the chopper is moving too fast.

I ran into a dude named "STANDOX" low-rank-ass player.... but the best dam gunner I ran into in a long ass time, hittin TV's on the run, hittin TV's in SUPER-FAST NOSE-DIVES.

When I have a gunner like that, these are how the scores go:

Me: Teampoints 35, Kills 0-5, Deaths 0-5
Good Gunner: Teampoints 0-5, Kills 35, Deaths 0-5

Summary: When I run into a good gunner all is well, I get my team points they get theyre combat points.

The problem right now is we have alot of people who think theyre great gunners but theyre not.


If a pilot lands somewhere out in the boonies, it does not mean he is being a dick, it means he needs to type something to you, more than likely he needs to tell you that your being an idiot by firing the chain-gun at tanks and/or armor or that FUCKING ENEMY HELO YOU JUST SNUK UP ON WICH WAS (right before your DUMBASS decided to fire the FUCKING CHAIN-GUN) HOVERING TRYING TO CAPTURE  A FLAG AND NOW THAT PERFECT TEXT-BOOK TV IS A WASH AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHH STOOOOOOOOOPID ASSSSS GUNNNERSSSSSSSSS AAAAAAA IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But there are great gunners out there, and when I find one while I play, I hook him up for just having the common sense to know WHEN to fire THAT LOUD ASS CHAIN-GUN!!!!!!!!!!!

And there are also shitty pilots too, I am turning into one day-by-day, there seems to be a huge influx of retardedededed gunners out there these days....

Retardededed Gunner: ratatatatatatat Dee-D-Dee ratatat Dee-D-Dee ratatatatatatatat

Pilot: Get ready for TV!!!!!!!!

Retardededed Gunner: ratatatatatatat Dee-D-Dee ratatat Dee-D-Dee ratatatatatatatat


Retardededed Gunner: ratatatatatatat Dee-D-Dee ratatat Dee-D-Dee ratatatatatatatat

Pilot: Fuckit, (Pilot then zeroes in on closest structure than bails at the last minute to ensure a "Dee-D-Dee is no more" pops up on-screen)

Nowadays thats what I do, I used to try hovering on the edge of a map to rid myself of theyre pestilance, could never get it to work, so now I just make em "no more"

I can honestly say I get props all the time for my flying skills from my gunners....but only the good gunners give me those props...I wonder why?

Last edited by Clockwork-Ownage (2006-08-22 02:15:25)

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