+1|7046|Raleigh, NC
Nobody's perfect. Not even the guys with the best systems and 500 hours under their belts. Every once in a while, you just do something completely fucking brain-dead stupid in this game, and when it happens, you either go ballistic and start hitting yourself in the face or you just sit there and sigh inwardly, realizing how much of a retard you are for that particular moment.

Let's share, because let's face it, shit happens, and sometimes we just do something that makes us look like the biggest n00b, asshole, or a combination of both.

Here's mine:

Yesterday, I basically went on an unintentional Teamkilling Rampage.

I've been having computer troubles lately. My 3 year old computer just is really starting to die, and I've been forced to drop all the graphic functions down to their minimums. There's a lot of bullshit that comes with doing that, like for instance you might be next to a mountain and you'll see an enemy, and you'll go into aim mode only to find that a rock somehow formed right over where that guy is. You go back into normal vision and you can see him perfectly, but you just can't hit him. That sort of thing.

Well along with that, I'm finding that names are taking much longer to load than usual. I'm not great at identifying people just by their clothes yet, and I'm usually forced to wait a half a second to two or three seconds for their name to pop up either red or blue. Yesterday it was terrible, and I was getting slaughtered left and right because I was waiting too long. I'd see a guy, hover my gun over his body, and by the time it showed the guy as an enemy he'd have spotted me and start opening fire. Since I was playing Spec Ops, I was getting slaughtered.

That made me develop a pretty bad itchy trigger finger.

So we're getting our asses kicked, kinda. The enemy has lost more tickets, but they've essentially got ALL of our bases, save one. So they're trying to cap our last base while we all are scattering around trying to take down another base. Well I manage to round a corner of this one base, only to see somebody laying on the ground, pointing AWAY from the base, and this guy's the support class, so he's got a big ass gun and he's like, 2 meters away from me. I only had a split second, he was pointing his gun at me, and before that he had been pointing away from the base, and it just seemed more likely that the enemy would be pointing away to catch us as we approached to try and cap it. I figured if he were friendly, he'd actually be working on trying to take the base, not playing this quasi-defense, so I blew the fucker away.

Turns out, he was the fucking COMMANDER of our team. Also, I'm a really terrible shot, so I literally unloaded a good 20 rounds into this guy before he died, which honestly should have been ample time to realize he wasn't firing back and therefore I should probably wait for his name to pop up. Too late, didn't do it, he died, enemy was capping our only base, and despite having more tickets than the enemy, we were pretty much fucked.

But I'm determined to fix my mistakes. I decide that I'll cap the base that I'm at, no matter what.

I take no more than two steps before the fence in front of me starts exploding with bullets. I have 0 seconds to respond to what I figured was an attack by someone with shitty aim. I spin around to see another soldier pointing his gun toward me, and I just unleash hell on him. Kill him, and find out that not only is he a teammate, but he's a damn squad leader, and potentially could be used as a spawn point for his men.

I got killed by a single soldier defending that base a few seconds after that, and we lost because I was the last man standing. We probably could have won had it been the three of us going after that one guy, instead of just me and my bad aim.

Felt like the biggest dumbshit in the world, and I'm resolved to not play until I get the last of my new computer parts tomorrow and build my new top-of-the-line PC.

That's my blunder, what's yours?
that sucks man, but good for you and your new computer parts.

Well anyways heres my blunder:
   When i spawn at a base, i usually spawn near a helicopter or jet. The reason why is not to go bombard the enemy, but to get to the enemy base as fast as i can. so one day i was spawned as usual and went to go take that Black Hawk transport helicopter and before i take off, all these teammates come rushing in. well im going to the enemy base and as im right over the base, i yell "BAIL OUT, BAIL OUT" and then i jump and parachute down shooting grenades from my assault rifle. when i touch land i notice in the corner of my screen that it says "You were punished for teamkill". it seems that my co-pilots still thought that i was in the helicopter and they all went down with there ship and died.
     Sense it was barely the beginning of the round, i had all these negatives for my score. Sucks for me.

     Thats my blunder"
+2|7090|Eastern PA
A major mistake just before the end of a round annoys all the more because you seldom get time to apologize and / or explain (which I generally try to do if something like that happens).

My "worst blunder" was my first online game - I spawned into the round as PLA at the Power Plant on Dragon Valley just in time to find a damaged LAV, an FAV, and a half-dozen enemy troops overrunning the CP.

I spawned right next to an unoccupied APC, so I enter it and run over a guy as I'm backing out of the base entrance for a better field of fire. I take out the LAV with a missle, kill the FAV gunner, and commence mowing down the remaining soldiers with cannon and missiles as it starts to sink in that I'm hearing "Cease Fire" repeatedly in my 'phones, and nobody is even trying to shoot back . . .

I then start seeing "You were punished for a Team kill" messages - quite a few, actually - and I'm kicked before I can even remember which key I've mapped for Team Chat. Must've winged an Admin . . .

I was completely unaware of any "Red / Blue Tag" bug at the time . . .
Aliens Ate My Babysitter
The other day playing with a few guys I know, and playing over teamspeak, I managed to TK one of them four times in a round. Every single time he was sneaking up on some guy I'd unleash on not realising he was there and just mow down both of them in one go. I felt like such a berk and kept on apologising over teamspeak.
100% Artillery Magnet
+3|7045|Derby, England
I tend to shoot people who dont appear as blue - seems to work most of the time, but one unfortunate side effect is that if they are really close up (normally when base capping), their name is offscreen and they get a clip of ammo at short range in the face.

By the time I've realised my mistake, Tom who trained with me back at the barracks for 3 months and who has a wife and two kids is lying at my feet, slaughtered by my evil butchering hands, and I grab his dog tags in my fist, look into the sky and scream "NNNooooooooooooo......."

Then the ghost of Tom punishes me for a teamkill. Gah, damn you.
This one is great:
Me and a clanmate of mine are usually the chopper team in matches, so we'll hop in public servers for practice every now and then.  So we load into a Sharqi server and jump in the chopper.  We switch off piloting and gunning.  But anyway, our usual tactic on Sharqi is to try and TV the MEC chopper just as we take off from the TV station.  My clanmate is a really good gunner and can hit pretty much anything he wants with the TV missile.  So I line up the shot over towards the southern MEC base, he fires, and:

myclanmate [Teamkills] our_commander
myclanmate [Teamkills] another_teammate

Turns out our commander and another guy were just about to steal their chopper.  Oops.
Δ > x > ¥
I made a really big mistake last night.  In Karkand, spawned at Hotel and there was this enemy tank blowing all my buddies to bits.  I died from it and, blunder of all blunders, I spawned back there and ran out into the street right behind it.  What compounded this blunder was that there was an AT guy in the street, shooting at the tank.  I managed to catch the AT rocket right in my face and sadly the tank went on to kill a bunch more of my team.  However, I did punish the AT guy because we all know every teamkill is avoidable and it just pissed me off.


Well, this did happen but I was actually the AT guy.  I could have taken out the tank but some stupid fuck ran in front of me just as I was firing.  And then punished for being a fuckwit.  I mean, who in their right mind is going to run in front of an AT guy that's shouldered his rocket and is pointing at a tank?
I rammed an F-35B into a blackhawk, fully loaded with teammates.  Twice.
I was in an apc at karkand that just spawned when another teammate apc started shooting me and then i had to jump out as it blew up.  I realised he wanted his mate in the other apc at the same time. This annoyed the #@%% out of me because he beat me back to the spawn point as well. So i kept laying in front of his apc and after 4 punished teamkills i got him kicked out of the server, he was a noob and probably had no idea what was going on. Sweet revenge.
Yellow 13
+2|7028|Plano Texas
One time, i was takin off a airplane and a group of guys ,were running across the run way a far ways down. I was like crap im gonna hit them so i slow down, and then i thought i have enough speed to take off so i powered up the engines to get to full speed

Because i had slowed down i had not slown down and ran over a whole sqaud. BIG PUNISH

So i took off  and was like !!FUCK!! 
THen i saw this enemy jet flying toward our heli. A shot a missle and if you know missles in this game then u know what flying object it hit. The Heli. 4 tks. BIG PUNISH

Then i had enough of the plane, so i landed it so someone else could have it, and i ran over the guy waiting for the plane.

Someone yelled over the chat YELLOW 13 IS A TKER GET HIM.

One of my own team shot a missle at my plane, it exploded takin a guy with it. at the end i had about - 50 in about a time span of 2 min

+73|7029|Perth, Western Australia
how bout 4 teamkills in 1 grenade, i throw it 5 metres passed my teammates and all 4 of them ran straight into it, and i left the server b4 i could get kicked
+0|7061|Northern Illinois University
This happened when  I did not know about the Red/Blue glitch.

I had been swapped teams back and forth, between PLA and USMC.  So every time I had to readjust and make sure what I was shooting at.  I was using the Medic unlock, I usually remind myslef what team I am on by the weapon I am using.

Long story short, I go on a Friendly shooting spree, I wonder why nobody is shooting back.  Fortunately, I only kileed one teammate.
+2|7018|Perth, Western Australia
So, so many...

How about the time I saw an empty Hip helo  (y'know, when it spins around and around and around with no pilot), so I thought I'd practice with the guns in my jet and blew the bejeezus out of it. 'Good shooting Tex' I thought and then *slap* ran straight into the wreckage as it fell from the sky, too busy congratulating myself on my aim to watch out for flaming helicopter pieces...

Or the numerous times I've gone to attach 2 C4 satchels to something only to realise I only had 1 left *kaboom*...

Or my new fave, flashbanging or CS (tear) gassing myself/teammates by accident in SF. Most recently happened in the SF airport map, squadmate threw a grenade into the airport lounge area, I threw a flashbang a moment or two later, forgot to tell the rest of the squad, only just got a mike and I often forget to use it.  There was a bang and the rest of the squad, all 5 of 'em, charged in, thinking it was safe, the 'nade had gone off, only to cop my FB in the face and get mowed down by some git with a PKM. Of course I then charged in to avenge them and then revive them only to get CS gassed and then knifed *sigh*

Last edited by RhadamanthysSCC (2005-11-29 23:51:09)

Trying, as a commander, to drop my troops some supplies, only to realize that a friendly Black Hawk was making a low run over said troops....
Who would not like being on roof tops, right. Well I do at least. Then some enemy spots me and start shooting. I back way... back away from the angry bullets trying to tear my head... and suddenly I fell off the roof, get into muddle, press all the other keys than parachute and end up falling on top of a teammate killing him. Death cam image was hilarious. My teammate was more than surprised... "WTF?!"

I've been into C4 lately, trying to get my Vet Ordinance. Ok, so I sat in a full chopper and 'bombed' the ground by throwing out C4, then right clicking and pressing the detonator. But oops, right click/left click/right click/left click again, finger mix, and I blew the C4 right off. Result: me and the two guys closest to me got blown up!

Not much later the whole chopper exploded with the rest of the crew......

+0|7055|New Hampshire

BoxheaDed wrote:

Who would not like being on roof tops, right. Well I do at least. Then some enemy spots me and start shooting. I back way... back away from the angry bullets trying to tear my head... and suddenly I fell off the roof, get into muddle, press all the other keys than parachute and end up falling on top of a teammate killing him. Death cam image was hilarious. My teammate was more than surprised... "WTF?!"

I did that jumping off the small wall near the square in kark. landing on someone killing them I proceed to start giggling like a idiot . . . . .  until they punish me!  Now this is not really my fault but whenever a teammate gets destroyed by my claymores even though I type warnings to my team after they die and punish me I think why do I bother to use them.
Enemy Boat Spotted
+17|7139|United Kingdom
tking a fully loaded blackhawk on dragon valley as chineese (dont know why they were using the bh anyway) they had just taken the docks and i got 6 stupid tks...
happened just last night... i was sniping on dalian plant.  i didn't know it but my squad leader disconnected making me the squad leader.  one of my squad members spawned on me and dove right in front of me just as i pulled the trigger.  he managed to flop his head right into my crosshairs.  lame tk.  15 seconds later he respawns and runs right across the claymore i'd set to protect my position.  grrrr.
Moving Target

pfcilng wrote:

This happened when  I did not know about the Red/Blue glitch.

I had been swapped teams back and forth, between PLA and USMC.  So every time I had to readjust and make sure what I was shooting at.  I was using the Medic unlock, I usually remind myslef what team I am on by the weapon I am using.

Long story short, I go on a Friendly shooting spree, I wonder why nobody is shooting back.  Fortunately, I only kileed one teammate.
I had this happen to me too.  Unfortunately, I wiped out a whole squad.  And revived them all, since I was a medic.  Got kicked for stats padding.  Felt like a complete moron, after going nuts over wipeing out a squad of 6 with out getting killed.

I've also shot down a fully ladden BlackHawk with a tank.  To bad we were out of spawn points and I just gacked the only other team members on the map.  "You have been kicked for excessive teamkills."
Cool member
I felt like such an arse once while playing Karkland. Joined a squad with me and two others in it. the squad leader was a couple of ranks higher than me so though i would give him more respect. so i was going around with him even though he was not giving out any orders. but we were talking to each other with VOIP

we then cap the flag down at the rail crash, and jump into the Armoured van. he got into the drivers seat and i got on the gun. he drives off towards the outskirts and we then take that flag to in the van. then he takes a long journey round the map and heads off to the gatehouse doing some evasive manouvers to miss a tank and some infantry.

i am sitting in the gun thinking that this guy is a good driver, and knows his stuff. so we then get to the gatehouse and i blast some guys there with the gun, but didnt realise that he had jumped to run round the back of the building (the one which u can go in) to kill someone. He then comes through the building to the flag, and i am still sitting in the gunner seat looking for enemy to kill. but where he had parked meant that the flag was blocking my view of the doorway. i thought that his name showing up was on the other side of the building, but in fact he was prone in the doorway, so i got jumpy and started shouting the doorway.

killed him and then because it is just me, i got killed aswell.

felt really bad cause this guy had just dont some good work in the squad, and i had been helping him. only for me to shoot the hell out of him!!

he didnt punish me though.
On gulf of oman my team was waiting for the planes on the carrier and I came in too hot and steep and TK'd 11 of my 16 teammates by crashing a F35 into the deck.
Moving Target

Gotham wrote:

On gulf of oman my team was waiting for the planes on the carrier and I came in too hot and steep and TK'd 11 of my 16 teammates by crashing a F35 into the deck.
That is a good one.  I would have screen shot the barrage of teamkill messages just for fun.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7039|Houston, TX
I've wrecked a chopper full of soldiers because I didn't own a headset. 

Unfortunatly, if you don't open a text-speak line by hitting "k" 1st, you end up typing "bad guys at base", but your avatar jumps out of the pilots seat at 75 ft doing 60 mph in a turn cause you've actually only hit "e"

Kicked for excessive TK
and I get to be a lawn dart for my stupidity.


Last edited by Kung Jew (2005-11-30 07:50:50)


Burning_Monkey wrote:

Gotham wrote:

On gulf of oman my team was waiting for the planes on the carrier and I came in too hot and steep and TK'd 11 of my 16 teammates by crashing a F35 into the deck.
That is a good one.  I would have screen shot the barrage of teamkill messages just for fun.
I tried but I was gone pretty much instantly. One of my clan mates was in the other F35 and counted them up for me.

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