It's me again,loveable Mj.Blindfisch.

What's the deal with all those complainers about claymores?

Sure,it's a spamfest on Karkand,but who isn't spamming on that map?The whole spamfest-action between us-base and hotel and players who can't do anything what differs from their daily routine are the real problem,not the claymores.

If laying down claymores doesn't take any skill,how much skill does it take to hurl grenades over a fence for the duration of the round(it was C4 before they finally nerfed that!),covering the road with AT-mines or planting C4 at a flag and just pushing the button when it turns neutral?

I checked out the flag radius at the South Base on Wake yesterday,it's about 25 meters from the flag,so a 50 meter diameter circle.
You can lie on the hill behind the hut and cap the flag,you can stand in the middle of the square right in front of the flag and cap it.You would need a shitload of claymores to make this spot uncappable.
I almost always place 2 claymores at the exits of the hut and get 2 kills almost every time,but is that my fault?

Sure,there are spots where it is pure suicide when you enter them(corridors in Warlord palace),but nobody ever said you have to take the stairs(roof,grappling hook?duh?).

If people would use the AT-mines more and there were more sneaky SpecOps-saboteurs who protect flags rather than suicide with jeeps - would there be a new wave of AT-mine and C4 whiners?

Another interesting point is that most of the people who extremely complain about claymores have spent most of their gametime on Karkand and almost spent no time with the sniper kit.

I'm a sniper and I don't complain about claymores.
Sure,everbody will say now"Yes,gaymorewhore,because you get the no-skill kills." - but I'm up against those gaymorewhores too,every side has snipers with claymores.
But I have a bit of experience with claymores myself,I know how I can get kills with,I know where they have failed - so with that knowledge I know how to avoid the enemies clays.
So maybe just walk a mile or two in the shoes of a sniper and get some experience with the claymores yourself instead of rushing to judgement because an unknown object killed you and you have no idea how it works.

So,anybody here with C4-saboteur skills or AT-miner who thinks about the same way about his "no-skill-items"?

Just discuss in general,and keep it clean....

Last edited by Mj.Blindfisch (2006-08-19 12:39:28)


Sniper is the wrong kit for claymores IMO
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6610|Area 51

usmarine2005 wrote:

Sniper is the wrong kit for claymores IMO
Who would need to have clays otherwise? AT?
I mean I hope you do know that before they turned the FF off on clays that there WERE meant for your own protection when ur sniping upon a roof, sure they still are being used that way but the majority uses it for clay spammin.

RDMC(2) wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Sniper is the wrong kit for claymores IMO
Who would need to have clays otherwise? AT?
I mean I hope you do know that before they turned the FF off on clays that there WERE meant for your own protection when ur sniping upon a roof, sure they still are being used that way but the majority uses it for clay spammin.
Yes, and they used to be destructible also.  I think the Engineers should have them, just like their real life counter parts.  Now don't jump on me about real life shit, I mean does AT carry a sniper rifle?

Last edited by usmarine2005 (2006-08-19 12:43:23)

+45|6534|Kamloops, BC Canada
I use claymores solely for protecting myself when I'm sniping... Sniping would be stupid if you didn't have claymores. It leaves you open for knifings.

If snipers didn't show up under UAV or scans, then maybe claymores would not be needed.
claymores and mines need to always kill teammates. i am sick of seeing claymores spammed all over as area denyal weapon that doesnt work both ways. they should also be spotted by uav and the spotted radio button. i have no way of warning my team when i see a gaymore sitting hidden behind a bush other then stoping and typing cuz voip only work for ur squad.

mines r ok except they should take longer to deploy. i hate if i stop to cap a flag without uav and some eng spawns and mines me out of my current fov or gun range. no matter how careful u r, the flag radius has to go before a safer parking spot. mines should not be able to be placed near a vehicle.

c4 is fine but it needs to be able to be thrown far again. it still only goes like 10m.
+3,611|6666|London, England
Imo, i'd be more than happy if as soon as a sniper was killed his claymores would instantly dissapear. Who is against my idea and why? I'd like to know.

Last edited by Mekstizzle (2006-08-19 12:47:40)

Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6610|Area 51

usmarine2005 wrote:

RDMC(2) wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Sniper is the wrong kit for claymores IMO
Who would need to have clays otherwise? AT?
I mean I hope you do know that before they turned the FF off on clays that there WERE meant for your own protection when ur sniping upon a roof, sure they still are being used that way but the majority uses it for clay spammin.
Yes, and they used to be destructible also.  I think the Engineers should have them, just like their real life counter parts.  Now don't jump on me about real life shit, I mean does AT carry a sniper rifle?
But explain me, what use does it have for a engineer to have a Claymore? Can't figure that out..

RDMC(2) wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

RDMC(2) wrote:

Who would need to have clays otherwise? AT?
I mean I hope you do know that before they turned the FF off on clays that there WERE meant for your own protection when ur sniping upon a roof, sure they still are being used that way but the majority uses it for clay spammin.
Yes, and they used to be destructible also.  I think the Engineers should have them, just like their real life counter parts.  Now don't jump on me about real life shit, I mean does AT carry a sniper rifle?
But explain me, what use does it have for a engineer to have a Claymore? Can't figure that out..
Defend the base.  They use mines for vehicles and clays for infantry.  Hence the job of the engineer.
+3,611|6666|London, England

Mekstizzle wrote:

Imo, i'd be more than happy if as soon as a sniper was killed his claymores would instantly dissapear. Who is against my idea and why? I'd like to know.
I know i'm spamming but i don't see anything wrong with my idea! Seriously i'm trying to bring this one up. Think about it...

RDMC(2) wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Sniper is the wrong kit for claymores IMO
Who would need to have clays otherwise? AT?
I mean I hope you do know that before they turned the FF off on clays that there WERE meant for your own protection when ur sniping upon a roof, sure they still are being used that way but the majority uses it for clay spammin.
You have a sniper signature,so I guess you play that kit a lot.

Do you know how it is on a public server with FF on for mines?
It doesn't matter where you place them,people on your team will find and detonate them and punish you for that.
That goes for AT-mines too.
It's even worse when you are a sniper and squadleader,which usually is a perfect combination because you can stay away and pick off people,your buddies spawn on you and have a relatively secure spawnpoint.
Try this with ff on for clays,you buddies will kill you and themselves when they spawn.

So actually there is no way to use claymores or AT-mines when ff is on without risking a kick/ban from a server - they are rendered useless.

All the people who complain(who mostly play the most powerful classes)about it are not aware of this and they don't care,they just wanna get rid of it and take away something from classes which have a tough job to earn points already.

A possible solution could be the ability to spot mines that they show up on the minimap and a colored smokegrenade(like for the different orders) shows up as a marker.
FF on is just taking away a strategic element of the game:The fact that you just can't waltz into every part of the map and expect to stay in one piece.There are no-go-areas,live with it.

Last edited by Mj.Blindfisch (2006-08-19 12:56:22)

I Hate Claymores
AT does carry a sniper rifle. Its just not the kind of your used to seeing.

I have a huge dislike for snipers because of 2 reasons.
1. They claywhore
2. Their too scared to fight man to man point blank thats where the real action is at.

I have closed a dark chapter of my BF2 history Karkand. I never nade,spammed,claywhored,mine spammed in that map. I discovered the real people that arent scared of a little close combat play in Iron Gator. Also the real non clayspammers the real snipers play in the Gauntlet since FF for claymores is on only skill shots are allowed and if you miss in the gator with a sniper rifle you dont get a second chance.

Also its not like most of the time you see the claymore like in warlord the palace ussualy you think hmm why should i take a grappling hook why cant i just use the stairs and be right there. The problem with claymores is that you only see them when they go boom. In Sf clays are avoidable.

In vanilla sometimes you have to go trough one. In sharqi peninsula there is 2 ways to get to the tv station cap point. Both can be clayed. Even if you see them you have to go trough em to cap the point. Thats what makes them gay its a lose-lose situation and some sniper is camping up top somewhere grinning that you either go get blown up or not cap the point.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

The only problem I have with claymores is that they can effectivelly block off routes with no chance of removing them. Specifically, You can rig the hotel at Karkand with claymores to prevent anyone from capping it. However, no point in being whiners and calling them no skill.

To solve this, I usually just play in squads with a few medics and we stick together. I have gotten good about spotting enemy claymores so I'll usually go first, and then just use myself as fodder, and then my teammates come and revive me. No harm done.

Teamwork is the key to BF2, too bad so few people are team players

And ever since I found out h ow to throw C4 again, I have no complaints about explosives

Last edited by GotMex? (2006-08-19 12:57:29)


daes wrote:

claymores and mines need to always kill teamma
Yeah, let's go back to the pre-1.21 days and render two kits utterly USELESS why don't we....

daes wrote:

i am sick of seeing claymores spammed all over as area denyal weapon that doesnt work both ways.
WTF server do you play on where two/five objects each by only a handful of players constitutes as spam? Mines and 'mores are usually in "predictable" (highly traveled) areas. Go around them or, god forbid you change kits, come in Engy and disarm them.  And the few instances where you gotta bite the bullet and charge, tough shit.

daes wrote:

they should also be spotted by uav and the spotted radio button.

daes wrote:

ti have no way of warning my team when i see a gaymore sitting hidden behind a bush other then stoping and typing cuz voip only work for ur squad.
Oh noes!!!1 How inconvenient1!! You know sometimes I don't feel like spotting an enemy because that would require me to hold down "R" so maybe Battlefield should do it automatically....

usmarine2005 wrote:

Yes, and they used to be destructible also.
This is the only thing wrong with mines and 'mores.

Last edited by MorbidFetus (2006-08-19 13:02:28)

+3,611|6666|London, England
Which is why if someone could just ice that sniper his clays would dissapear instantly, even if he's only "critically wounded", no more of that suicide-claymore spamming to get cheap kills or those times where you kill a sniper only to instantly blow up as soon as you move. It'll be like C4 traps, you have to be alive and alert to get the kills. Heaps more skill involved in that, then the fire and forget status as it is right now.

Last edited by Mekstizzle (2006-08-19 12:58:40)

I Hate Claymores
I've been playing engineer from the start and I never used mines like snipers use claymores. The kit was not useless in pre 1.21 and its not useless now. If you look at my engi time and compare it to the amount of mine kills i have you can see that mines are something use sparingly and tactically or in a form of ghetto c4 when i run up behind a tank.
Extra Tender Juicy SPINY
+58|6796|The 70's

usmarine2005 wrote:

Sniper is the wrong kit for claymores IMO
Interesting point. The thing ive wondered about Claymores is that I was under the impression that in reality they were directly set off, or armed by an Engineer, rather than just being left unattended. (does that make sense). Like in Platoon, where they set up the ambush, and then crank the clays as the VC approach. Like many people, my knowledge of weapons comes direct from Hollywood.
+167|6664|Manitowoc, WI

ShadowFoX wrote:

AT does carry a sniper rifle. Its just not the kind of your used to seeing.
I would just like to disagree with that first statement.  The first qualification for a weapon being classified as a sniper rifle is to be a rifle.  The AT carries no such weapon.

MorbidFetus wrote:

daes wrote:

they should also be spotted by uav and the spotted radio button.

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

A possible solution could be the ability to spot mines that they show up on the minimap and a colored smokegrenade(like for the different orders) shows up as a marker.
FF on is just taking away a strategic element of the game:The fact that you just can't waltz into every part of the map and expect to stay in one piece.There are no-go-areas,live with it.

Last edited by Mj.Blindfisch (2006-08-19 13:02:17)


broncobullfrog wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Sniper is the wrong kit for claymores IMO
Interesting point. The thing ive wondered about Claymores is that I was under the impression that in reality they were directly set off, or armed by an Engineer, rather than just being left unattended. (does that make sense). Like in Platoon, where they set up the ambush, and then crank the clays as the VC approach. Like many people, my knowledge of weapons comes direct from Hollywood.
Manual or trip wire.

Last edited by usmarine2005 (2006-08-19 13:02:25)


Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

MorbidFetus wrote:

daes wrote:

they should also be spotted by uav and the spotted radio button.

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

A possible solution could be the ability to spot mines that they show up on the minimap and a colored smokegrenade(like for the different orders) shows up as a marker.
FF on is just taking away a strategic element of the game:The fact that you just can't waltz into every part of the map and expect to stay in one piece.There are no-go-areas,live with it.
I knew what he meant....

MorbidFetus wrote:

daes wrote:

claymores and mines need to always kill teamma
Yeah, let's go back to the pre-1.21 days and render two kits utterly USELESS why don't we....

daes wrote:

i am sick of seeing claymores spammed all over as area denyal weapon that doesnt work both ways.
WTF server do you play on where two/five objects each by only a handful of players constitutes as spam? Mines and 'mores are usually in "predictable" (highly traveled) areas. Go around them or, god forbid you change kits, come in Engy and disarm them.

daes wrote:

they should also be spotted by uav and the spotted radio button.

daes wrote:

ti have no way of warning my team when i see a gaymore sitting hidden behind a bush other then stoping and typing cuz voip only work for ur squad.
Squad chat/team chat/mic.
i guess u missed the trolls stay away in the topic.

sniper is now played by people who use it for the claymores and so they can sit way back and not get shot and miss 90% of their shots. Engineer is used a lot and never for the mines. i use it for the pump shotty and when driving tanks.

spam is when i see claymores all around a flag or narrow area. maybe ill disarm them by running around them into the line of a fucking tank which isnt being dealt with cause my whole team is sniper and support, and the armor is spawn camping. or not.

squad chat/team chat means i have to stop and type, exposing me to fire and the delay i need to type the sentence. voip only works for your squad. read again.

usmarine2005 wrote:

broncobullfrog wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Sniper is the wrong kit for claymores IMO
Interesting point. The thing ive wondered about Claymores is that I was under the impression that in reality they were directly set off, or armed by an Engineer, rather than just being left unattended. (does that make sense). Like in Platoon, where they set up the ambush, and then crank the clays as the VC approach. Like many people, my knowledge of weapons comes direct from Hollywood.
Manual or trip wire.
"Taylor,you know how the claymores work?Bang on that sucker three times!"
"Three times,I got it."

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

broncobullfrog wrote:

Interesting point. The thing ive wondered about Claymores is that I was under the impression that in reality they were directly set off, or armed by an Engineer, rather than just being left unattended. (does that make sense). Like in Platoon, where they set up the ambush, and then crank the clays as the VC approach. Like many people, my knowledge of weapons comes direct from Hollywood.
Manual or trip wire.
"Taylor,you know how the claymores work?Bang on that sucker three times!"
"Three times,I got it."
LOL.  Safety off first Junior.
On a seperate note, why don't people bitch about unlimited medic and ammo bags? Every time the mine/more subject comes up someone pipes in how unrealistic they are in the game. Medic and ammo bags should be limited to five. These items should be able to be replenished by other medic/support players and supply crates.

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