
Mad dawg wrote:

Dude ur terrible. Ur stats are really really bad. Ur not good at anything. Ur like one of those noobs that is medic just to heal himself.
and your probably one of those Fags that stands in front of a plane taking off then punish because your dad raped you as a todler, fag.
Mad dawg
Ok fine dude im sorry i sayed that about u but u didnt have to swear. I dont exept people swearing at me. Aperently u dont like it when people say u suck so there u go. And guille if u didnt notice i dont fly planes. And if u didnt notice i really mostly play karkand, and if u really didnt notice ur the one that actually does fly planes.
Mad dawg
I was talking to u greenie just if u still wana know. And For whoever asked if i have fun. Yea i do. I usually play with my cousin or my clan and we all like surround the other team. its fun.
Death StatPadder
+228|6814|Human Meat Shield

Mad dawg wrote:

I was talking to u greenie just if u still wana know. And For whoever asked if i have fun. Yea i do. I usually play with my cousin or my clan and we all like surround the other team. its fun.
Well It was me who said that  you said his stats were terrible and he sucks bad really really bad; who really cares is HE having fun? Stats is just a forum bragging right so far, I told my wife I got the basic knife and she said "So? What are you going to do with that? Pay bills with it?" --- basically you can brag all you want but fun is the name of the game. It's a challenge within oneself to get badges and merit, but scores no one really cares about the other peoples score unless they are in clans trying to beat Westside Clans or something.
ArmChair Warrior
+4|6801|NH - USA
Go for big maps half full.
Have a nice day!

Guille wrote:

Mad dawg wrote:

Dude ur terrible. Ur stats are really really bad. Ur not good at anything. Ur like one of those noobs that is medic just to heal himself.
and your probably one of those Fags that stands in front of a plane taking off then punish because your dad raped you as a todler, fag.
No need for such language use. this the way to socialise? 

+0|6784|Oulu, Finland
1. Flaghopping.
For example Fu She pass / Dragon valley. Take sandbug and drive like nuts flag to flag. And if you have squad with you then you can cap flags much faster. Each flag gives you at least 2 points if you assist and 4 pts if you cap it yourself aka being first one who starts capping. And usually you can rack couple kills per flag.
2. Be a Commander.
I was commander in Strike at Karkand and after round ended I got 85 pts before 2x so I got gold star with 170 pts.
3. Medic.
Best class to get teamwork score. Every revice 2 pts, every heal 1 pt. and of course few kills now and then wont hurt
4. Most of all. Vehicle whore.
Use tanks, APC:s, Transports, helos, planes. But give others chance too.

And it wont hurt now and then sit in Mounted MG, TOW or Anti-Air.
Jet Rammer
+4|6772|Debris From Space
I got 101 in one round on Karkand. Without tanks or apcs. I was just permenently running around throwing grenades capping flags and reviving people (i was only a medic for about 15 mins). I usually get 50-60 points and sometimes get 85.
Jet Rammer
+4|6772|Debris From Space
Also, the L85A1 is a brilliant rifle.. You just need time to get used to it. I do prefere the G36C because it works at any range. The L85 may seem inaccurate but it's NOT. Trust me, when you get the hang of it you can take out snipers much quicker than they can.
Mass Media Casualty

For craps sake Mad dawg, learn to type. I HATE text-speak.
And try not to insult anyone. It's just not nice.
[Blinking eyes thing]
+85|6797|good old CA
hey Tyferra has ur stats updated yet? lol .  and it took me 70 hrs to get my game right .. now i get 60 -80 points a round.   just play cap flags, defend , and work with ur squad
Well i got my vetran Commander badge on a 16 man server by just staying im 1 place and  scanning for enemy soldiers and just spotting them you actualy get points for doing that and constantly dropping supplies and putting the UAV where ur teams are, really boosts ur points......
Are you having fun?  If the answer is yes, then don't worry about your points.  Sometimes I get 70 and sometimes I get 17.  I noticed that my best rounds are when I'm really having fun and I don't even notice my points until the end cuz I'm so wrapped up in the game.  The point system is a good idea and it brings a lot to the game, BUT.... sometimes it's a little much when players only care about there damn points.  I don't think they are actually enjoying themselves.  Too bad for them.
this thread is tops!
i got 97 on karkand when i was commader and decided to be a ACP whore
Tank, plane, or ACP whore is the best way to get more the 120 points
want to go heads up?
+11|6780|cairns australia
easy at karkand go engineeer get armour(US team),dont venture past the 2nd flag unless the enemy is pwned.use the uav to find infantry,if you get damage back off and repair,llisten to the comm and be ready to protect the commander assets.a sf dude with no c4 left after blowing up assets is gold.kill him repair the assets easy points.
+0|6766|West Central Indiana
What gets me a LOT of points per round is to, not only command but, go out there and fight it out too.  Some people (and not just newbs but, talented vets as well) like to tell me that a good commander can't fight, drive, especially fly.  That's a bunch of horseshit.  I can lead my men to victory [*which doubles your score!], get a gold star and close to 90 points a game by NOT hiding away in some building waiting for an arty strike.  A good commander, and I am not the best, can keep his men informed and supplied, while still capping flags when needed and able to.  I think I was a winning commander when I also got my pistol badge.

Like I said, and others in this post - commanding a winning team DOUBLES your score.  Someone said kills don't count as commander, I think that's wrong.  The points show up on my scoreboard anyways.  Maybe this was answered already, I didnt read the entire 4 pages of the thread.
I guess I honestly dont get any satisfaction spawn camping.  Every once in a while I'll do it if they only got one base, but it gets old. 
I sorta feel bad about it.

As for commanding...Its alright to go take a base thats empty or go and take out a few lone wolves occasionally, but dont be driving armor of aircraft.  Other teammates can utiliize them much better than a commander can.  DONT SPOT EVERY FREAKIN ENEMY ON THE MAP...ITS SO DAMN ANNOYING!  Once again, do it occasionally or when its most important.  It is awesome when you spot a lone wolve sneaking up on a teammate, and your teammate responds to it by turning around and popping the suprised enemy.

Last edited by Pineapple_Pez (2005-12-07 22:07:17)

Mass Media Casualty

=NAA=TheTaxidermist wrote:

Tyferra wrote:

Your spelling and grammer sucks too.
Oh the irony of this statement.  It's "grammar", not "grammer".
No no no, it would only be ironic if I wrote "Your Spealing and Grammar sucks too." What I wrote just prooves that I'm an idiot.

...Well, I've revived a five month old topic simply to get back at someone who probably dosn't come here any more.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Was ist Loos?
i average 300-500 points per sitting, so a good day of gaming. i dont get too many gaming days n e more tho....
is drunk and crazy
My BSR score on mashtuur was from a combination of medic and sniper, I think I got around 40 Kills that round, just from ground pounding.

Mashtuur is the best city map by far imo.
Some of you people only get 70-80 points on 300 ticket servers? Never in a 300 ticket have i gotten below 100...Best score in a 300 ticket server for me was 124 :]
Uses the TV missle too much
ask the people at 24/7 Karkand ESF clan, on a 56 player, 64 map size, with the regular 300 tickets, the lowest i usually get is 40 points. i average 50, while on good days i can get 80-110 points. i use support, but i am NOT a PKM whore. the gun of my choice is the MG36, ive been using it even before 1.2, and ive learned how to handle the gun really well, which gives me the upper hand in fights. my advice is to choose a gun, and learn how to use it. learn what it can and cant do.

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