lowing wrote:
Wiretapping suspected terrorist probably saved thousands of lives last week, and countless more on previously foiled attacks. If it hadn't I know you would have been first in here BITCHING UP A STORM about Bush. Sucks don't it? I mean if all of this terrorism keeps getting uncovered, you may have to abandon your wire tapping argument all together!! Well cheer up, maybe next time the terrorists might pull it off. <sarcasm>
Now, when did I say that wiretapping suspected terrorists was the issue? It's the consolidation of power into an individual (dictator) acting outside the normal legal safeguards, by allowing
warrant-less wiretaps. Next thing will be
trial-free executions for suspects, and you'll be telling people to 'stop bitching'. And the number of lives saved is still in question, for all we know right now they just nicked a load of Muslims and pinned a decade old plot on them. Let's wait for the trials before we pass judgment... or is it 'guilty until proved innocent' in your world?
lowing wrote:
Economic growth in Germany was geared toward world domination. Stop trying to compare Bush to Hitler it is a pathetic and reaching attempt to say the least.
I'm not the only one to make that comparison. The links actually run deeper than you might think, and anyway my point was not to make that comparison, merely to point out the 'stringent socioeconomic controls' which your criteria specified. Nice dodge attempt. And the implication that economic growth in America
isn't geared towards world domination is strange, given that it's the main result.
lowing wrote:
I do not remember saying we need to destroy anyone that hates our freedom, but if you don't think we should have a right to seek out those responsible for acting on that hatred?
Again, not the point I was making. I was referring to the fear and distortion present in the media, if it's not the case then why don't they give two minutes to ask some of the valid questions you mention in your next paragraph:
lowing wrote:
There is no control over the media by the govt. If there was, how were you able to uncover that plot by the White house, Boeing, American Airlines, United Airlines, and all of the willing victims of 911, on the internet?? Bravo for that fine outstanding google search by the way. Sherlock Holmes woulda been proud.
Oh right, those are mainstream media sites are they? Sorry, must have missed the CNN 'Bush is a terrorist' special. [/sarcasm] And I just think there are questions needing answers anyway, and the failure of the America mainstream media to do so is either a massive oversight, or indication of censorship. You can choose the former if you want, but I think many people would tend towards the latter. And the whole reason I've posted is to show that the criteria you have specified are perspective based depending on who you ask, just like your interpretation of "hezzbolah, the govts. of Iran and Syria, Al Q
lowing wrote:
No, love it, or leave it, in the sense that, stop bitching about EVERYTHING American, then stay here and continue to leech all the benefits from it's capitalist beliefs. Do you really NOT see the hypocrisy in that behavior?
LOL! Great faith you have in democracy. Capitalism is essentially like a political party, if people want to speak out against it then why the fuck shouldn't they. There are such things as degrees, and wanting the pursuit of wealth to take a lower priority than improving life for all is no less valid than it's reverse (every man for himself, money, money, money). Talking about hypocrisy, people bitch about communism and still get all the benefits like trade unions and state education. And the current administration clearly relies heavily on nationalism and some of the policies it pushes are definitely interpreted by some as racist.
lowing wrote:
the last two you just said "yup" with no explanation, so I won't touch them
You want some more depth:
"A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government." - Yep, and it's packaged so well it just seems... normal. The points mentioned above indicated that there are many people who actually agree that consolidation of power in an individual, censored media, belligerent nationalism/racism, stringent socioeconomic controls and military action to ensure continued economic growth for the continued aim of dominating the world economy is all a good and positive thing. Hence it is a movement advocating that form of government (fascist).
"Oppressive, dictatorial control." - Yep, that'd sum it up nicely. Here's why:
http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=oppressive wrote:
Oppressive: marked by unjust severity or arbitrary behavior; "the oppressive government"; "oppressive laws"; "a tyrannical parent"; "tyrannous disregard of human rights"
I'd say that the Bush policy of "American Rights > Human Rights" fits the bill. Not to mention the occupations, regime changes and Gitmo.
http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=dictatorial wrote:
Dictatorial: authoritarian: characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty; "an authoritarian regime"; "autocratic government"; "despotic rulers"; "a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war"; "a tyrannical government"
Dodged a multi-million dollar class action for negligence surrounding the events of 9/11 on the grounds of 'sovereign immunity'. If that doesn't show 'absolute sovereignty' then what the hell does?
Anyway, I don't expect you agree with my perspective and couldn't care less, I'm just pointing out that depending on viewpoint and the information considered, the criteria you used could be applied to most countries to some degree.