Ill try to keep it short to save you from a paifully long post.
Im American. I love the high oil prices for America. NO Joke. I think America needs to learn a little about conservation (im guilty too). SUVs are unnecessary and incredibly wasteful. I feel that the Iraq war and thier supposed weapons of mass destruction is a total farse and a lie to go to war. The war, however,
wasnt all bad. Like previously stated, Saddam was a brutal dictator. Who are we to say who dictates and who doesnt? thats debatable.As to why people hate americans (reffering to the topic starting post) ID say since America is one of the top countries, our actions are felt globally, and our actions arent always the ideal course. So the more widespread one countries actions, the more and in greater numbers the people react.
Anyone who denies G W Bushes actions, at times, are questionable, is a bit off thier rocker. Plus, most intelligent people dont waste thier time with true close minded idiots. Which reminds me of a pic I saw on the internet depicting ground zero in NY. with large text saying "All I needed to know about Islam I learned on 9/11" which is one of the most ingorant things I have seen in a while. So, im sure everyone can agree, why bother disputing that with the pics creator? I ignore such idiocy, and maybe thats a bad thing. Letting an idiot speak out, or worse A large group of them who then label themselves "patriotic" are actually making other
Americans look Idiotic. I am not patriotic. I fully respect and appreciate the life of an American where car bombs, war, and/or famine arent part of my daily life. But for me to piss on some ground and call it mine and no one else can have it, is foolish.
Americas actions are A part of its war on terror. September 11th was fucking sickening and evil. Bin Laden hates America for (dumbing it down to make it quick) foreign policies and its actions in Middle eastern nations. Bush SERIOUSLY needs to shut the hell up about how the terrorists "hate freedom". Bin Laden makes a valid point in his beliefs to some extent. (KEEP IN mind I do not believe in BIn Laden or support his disposition or his Jihadist beleifs in any way)Sometimes, I agree, we need to stay out of some of other countries issues, mainly alot of religeous debates over certain religeonS (I mean many religeons here) defined holy land.
However, making his point by crashing civilian planes into non-military targets causing massive sensless death is not a justifyable means to make a point, and he deserves death for it. And yes, our country has attacked other countries and caused senseless deaths. And certain people should be held accountable for it, an Oops! sorry! is not enough of an apology, and unfortunately the only retribution for some is blood.
Our military actions are not intended for terror and do not target innocent people. Sadly yes, innocent people die. I can understand (not empathize) how someone can hate the U.S. for some of the things our country has done. Murder is not a solution or resolution. I think war is not a good solution either. Anyone who thinks that war is cool, or neat because we kick military ass, should feel the emotion of holding thier dying child in thier arms because of military actions. No one should go through that, just know how it feels. even though thats impossible....
Sorry, topic at hand! I have been on a few BF2 servers that turned into battle and debate. and sadly, alot of americans have justified any defnse with genious gems such as " shut up sand nigger lover" and that can rapidly paint a bad pciture of america in general. Ive never met alot of cockroaches in my life, but I generally hate cock roaches. So, overall Americas foreign policy can be a dishonest agenda, and people affected by that or disagreeing to those polices are not going to be soothed with ignorant and intolerant rhetoric from the ignorant peoples of America. But, as this forum proves. MOST people dont hate America, just from time to time, and Angry WTF?! is shot Americas way from the "european countries".
I failed from keeping it short..sorry.
Last edited by RoosterCantrell (2006-08-15 17:31:07)