Hey just wondering how accuracy stats are calculated?

Is it only a hit if you kill the person or does any hit to any target count? people and veicles? good and bad? Why does the yellow cross light up when i hit a helocopter? is it because i hit the  person or cuz i hit the helo??
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7118|Marathon, Florida Keys
no need bumping a thread after it is 14 min old.
A stranger in the dark

Dunno for sure, but I thought it to be every shot that inflicts damage versus all other shots. Inflicting damage would than be damage to all moving enemy objects... But I haven't got allot to back that up... So if anybody got some proof, let's hear it.

can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|7074|Cambridge (UK)
From the number of times I've got yellow crosses and no kills whilst shooting at helicopters with PKMs, SMGs, Assault Rifles, etc, I'd say it's when you doing some damage to whatever you're hitting - person, vehicle, whatever - if it was just persons I'd be getting a hell of a lot more kills!
math 101
simple accuracy calculation
(# of shots that hit a target / # of shots that you have fired) * 100

for those math geniuses out there who failed math class "/" means divided "*" means multiply and anything in the "()" you do first.

A target is anythin enemy (yes, even the broad side of that enemy barn over there)

Lets say i fire 10 shots
5 of those shots hit a target
5 / 10 = .5
.5 * 100 = 50%
50% accuracy

If you have passed basic math you should have been able to do the math veteran math combat badge for you

Last edited by the_ubernoob_ (2005-11-16 19:47:31)


Also, accuracy (at the top of the screen on your stats page) is only taken from your Small Arms (hand held weapons). Not vehicles etc.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

no need bumping a thread after it is 14 min old.
Good call, lol

Last edited by GotMex? (2005-11-16 20:54:35)

I think it,s the number of bullets you need 2 kill something or a person...
The actually SHOOT or FIRE and the actually KILL ratio.
But I really don,t know how specific it gets by all the different weapons, there are big differences 2!!!

For example: with AT/AA I have 127-239 (kill 2 death ratio) but a accurancy of 42,73% ????

I,m also not sure.... CAN ANYBODY EXPLAIN???!!!!!!!!

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7150|Cologne, Germany

kill to death ratio has not much to do with accuracy, I guess. If accuracy takes into account every shot fired versus any hits ( not kills, as you suggested ), there is no way to rate accuracy against kills, mainly because you don't know how many shots were fired in total to achieve those 127 kills.

as chuy did not say that ubernoob's explanation was wrong, I suppose he is correct in assuming that a "hit" occurs when you fire your weapon and either hit an enemy soldier or something that is manned by an enemy ( vehiclde, mounted stuff ); in other words, it's a hit when your crosshair indicates that by lighting up. You will notice that it lights up even if you fire your pistol at a tank, although the tank would not take damage from it.

accordingly, it should be expected that your AT accuracy is relatively high ( compared to overall arms acc ) because you rarely miss when firing at a tank. it's big....

Yeah, if you hit (get the little hit indicator) that's a HIT.
HITS divided by SHOTS is your percentage (accuracy).
Throw in a *100 and it's readable on the 0-100 scale.

(btw, shooting at tanks and other vehicles, technically, does damage. It's just that it's so miniscule that all of your clips will only make less than a one bar scratch on it.)
Flying Solo
+98|7079|Canada, Ont
Shots That Do Damage To Enemy/Enemy Vehicle
Shots That Miss/Shots Against Friendly Vehicles/Shots Against Neutral Targets/Shots Against Friendlys

To increase your Accuracy on something that really sucks, Shoot enemy Vehicles with the Shotty... all 12 Shots will Connect.
Aliens Ate My Babysitter

JeSTeR_Player1 wrote:

Shots That Do Damage To Enemy/Enemy Vehicle
Shots That Miss/Shots Against Friendly Vehicles/Shots Against Neutral Targets/Shots Against Friendlys
Er no. The second part should be "Total shots fired".
A stranger in the dark

Can anybody sift through the code and make a thorough check?
Is it:

the_ubernoob_ wrote:

math 101
(# of shots that hit a target / # of shots that you have fired) * 100

Me wrote:

While target can be anything, friendly / less friendly / neutral (as in a bridge or barrels)

JeSTeR_Player1 wrote:

Shots That Do Damage To Enemy/Enemy Vehicle

C.Keen wrote:

"Total shots fired".
It’s a stupid detail, but if you want to be precise, it is a huge difference.

Thanks in advance…
Ps.: The helping hand can earn a honourable mentioning here…
The H4xor Mod
+161|7155|North Texas
I'm pretty sure that it's damageHits/Shots fired. (as Chuy pointed out)

I can't find the exact code that does the calculations, but I found where the shots are gathered. I suspect that the actual calculations are done internally. I'll look later this evening when I have more time.

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

From the number of times I've got yellow crosses and no kills whilst shooting at helicopters with PKMs, SMGs, Assault Rifles, etc, I'd say it's when you doing some damage to whatever you're hitting - person, vehicle, whatever - if it was just persons I'd be getting a hell of a lot more kills!
When you hit a vehilce you get a yellow cross-hair with 4 lines (Up, Down, Left, Right). When you hit SOMEONE in the vehicle you get a yellow cross-hair with I believe 8 lines(Up, Down, Left, Right, plus all of the diagonals in between). At least this has been my experience.
The reason I wonder is because i rarely see a sniper with above 50% accuracy witht he sniper rifle and the sniper rifle take normally two shots to kill if  i saw a decent sniper with above 50% accuracy i have a better idea but we all seem to be below i guess the way to tell is to create a new account and take one shot at someone with the sniper rifle
I was just looking at how the total accuracy is calculated and it appears to be really, really bad.

When I mouse over the Total Accuracy row (in the small arms fire) I see an average of my total shots divided by the average of my hits for each weapon.  It's been over 10 years since my college stats class but this seem like a VERY poor way to calculate this. 

Shouldn't it be total shots fired divided by total hits for the most accurate accuracy percentage?  To give you an idea I did a calculation on my and it was a difference between 11.xx% and 20.xx%.  That is HUGE.

Like I said, it's been a few years since my stats classes but this seem like a terrible way to calculate accuracy.
The Cereal Killer
+201|6967| United States of America

chuyskywalker wrote:

Also, accuracy (at the top of the screen on your stats page) is only taken from your Small Arms (hand held weapons). Not vehicles etc.
oh i didnt know that, cool!
Wiki Contributor

chuyskywalker wrote:

(btw, shooting at tanks and other vehicles, technically, does damage. It's just that it's so miniscule that all of your clips will only make less than a one bar scratch on it.)
Actually all handheld bullet weapons, shotguns, as well as mounted MGs do zero damage to tanks/APCs (damage modifier of 0 in materials file).  Shotguns also do zero damage to jeeps.  Otherwise, jeeps, helos, and jets get small but non-zero damage.

yep and you totally screw your accuracy by knife stabbing the air the whole time when running from point a to point b to kill time (that's how my accuracy got pretty low)

The real question has been answered above so no need to repeat that.
+22|6975|United States
wow guys....way to overcomplicate it....

your accuracy is simply the percentage of shots fired that actually hit something.

if you fire 100 shots, but only 25 of them hit anything, your accuracy is 25%.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6983|Canberra, AUS
Yes, but we're trying to define 'hit', and just what 'anything' is
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+22|6975|United States
what is there to define?  a "hit" is when you see the "X" marks on your crosshairs, and "anything" in this context refers to items that, when you "hit" them, give you that pretty little "X" in your crosshairs.

Last edited by R3v0LuT!oN (2006-08-15 16:30:25)

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