
ecko3389 wrote:

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck you niggaz if i dont like white people its for a reason if that makes me racist so be it second of all you said that most the people who cross are criminals some are but most are not they just want a better life instaed of living in poverty and dying early so fuck you niggaz im out im tired of dealing with krackers who dont know what they are talking about at school and every where else so why should i put up with your bullshit at home all i got to say is fuck you niggaz i mean krackers peace out bitches
I think you missed my post back their HoseA!

ecko3389 wrote:

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck you niggaz if i dont like white people its for a reason if that makes me racist so be it second of all you said that most the people who cross are criminals some are but most are not they just want a better life instaed of living in poverty and dying early so fuck you niggaz im out im tired of dealing with krackers who dont know what they are talking about at school and every where else so why should i put up with your bullshit at home all i got to say is fuck you niggaz i mean krackers peace out bitches
I'm a "nigga" and "kracker" at the same time. Cool.

Edit: Actually I'm Asian. GG.

Last edited by k30dxedle (2006-08-15 13:22:21)


k30dxedle wrote:

ecko3389 wrote:

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck you niggaz if i dont like white people its for a reason if that makes me racist so be it second of all you said that most the people who cross are criminals some are but most are not they just want a better life instaed of living in poverty and dying early so fuck you niggaz im out im tired of dealing with krackers who dont know what they are talking about at school and every where else so why should i put up with your bullshit at home all i got to say is fuck you niggaz i mean krackers peace out bitches
I'm a "nigga" and "kracker" at the same time. Cool.

Edit: Actually I'm Asian. GG.
Just think of all the free shit you can get with that ethnic background!  Hey HoseA you might want to jump on that freeloader bandwagon too!!!!

ecko3389 wrote:

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck you niggaz if i dont like white people its for a reason if that makes me racist so be it second of all you said that most the people who cross are criminals some are but most are not they just want a better life instaed of living in poverty and dying early so fuck you niggaz im out im tired of dealing with krackers who dont know what they are talking about at school and every where else so why should i put up with your bullshit at home all i got to say is fuck you niggaz i mean krackers peace out bitches
I'd say you're in violation of several forum rules. No one pulled out the race card but you had to go there. It's not the Mexicans I'm worried about. It's the terrorsists who undoubtably use the same border crossings as the illegals from Mexico. The rest of the problem comes from having to pay for healthcare and prison and everything else that goes with supporting non-tax payers.

Last edited by King_County_Downy (2006-08-15 13:26:24)

Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it

ecko3389 wrote:

listen you idiot dailey im not sure if you were aware but im am not some guy selling my sister in mexico for a chiken wing i am not som guy who lives in a hut i dont even fucken live in mexico i live in the city of los angeles next time before you write a post trying to talk shit on some one read what it says first so you dont look stupid although you already do because your white so how can i be jealous of oyu wen i got everything you have because i live in the u.s. to you retarded moron
I'm afraid you're the one looking stupid here.
+5|6956|so cal
yes i agree why because im mexican in a post full of crakers by the way dailey you also said i got to get off my dirty ass and work hmm.... let me see your parents probabely sit in an office and have a high paying job except your mom shes a hooker on my corner and makes minimum wage while my parents have had to come from mexico get a job try to avoid not gettting deported got their citizenship have fully paid of their house while raising 2 kids "2 not 10 like you krackers say that we have 10 kids" and are almost gona retire i agree who would want to have two jobs while trying to raise thier kids when you can have a nice office and get paid bank i agree thats better but you said we need to get off our dirty ass and work when we have worked since we were kids and you wont get a job till you move out
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

ecko3389 wrote:

listen you idiot dailey im not sure if you were aware but im am not some guy selling my sister in mexico for a chiken wing i am not som guy who lives in a hut i dont even fucken live in mexico i live in the city of los angeles next time before you write a post trying to talk shit on some one read what it says first so you dont look stupid although you already do because your white so how can i be jealous of oyu wen i got everything you have because i live in the u.s. to you retarded moron
You are without a doubt,the biggest idiot i have seen on the forums,how long until you get banned i wonder.

Last edited by jord (2006-08-15 13:32:49)

Back from the Dead.
Ecko, I have a tip for you that might improve the integrity of your posts.

+5|6956|so cal
i really dont give a shit bitch
Well I live less than an hour from the border and it is horrible, I wish they would just close the border, last month a smuggler killed 3 people trying to get away from the police when he hit another truck on the interstate head on.  My whole city is turning in to a ghetto ass Mexico.  I'm sorry but this is just bull shit.  the good thing though is if some one breaks in to my home I have every right to shoot and ask questions latter.  Another thing that pisses me off is everywhere i go now I see billboards and signs for Mc Donald's and other places in spanish.  this is America if you want to live here and work here then learn the language that is the way it is done all over the world we need to stop catering to these people that have no right to be here and don't even have the decency to learn the language.  Oh and for those of you that respond to post in a language we dint understand are showing how scared you are of us because you know we dont understand what your trying to say to us, and if we did we would beat your ass.  Other races are always so quick to jump the gun and say ever white person is a racist, if you look at other races there just as racist as a member of the KKK.  There are TV channels like BET and Telemundo but if some white guy made a channel called WET or white entertainment TV or something like that they would be attacked for it left and right and called racist.  And for the record Mexico is not more beautiful then the US.  If Mexico is nice and so much better then why do you want to come here???  We have so many people come from across the boarder on the weekends and flood the malls they buy all this shit go out to the parking lot and take ever thing out of the packaging and throw it all over the place, seriously the parking lots at the mall look like a land fill.  then they take all of there shit back across the boarder.  They have no respect for anything but there self's.  They trashed there county so now they come over here and trash ours and then leave at the end of the day.  So for those of you that live in los angles or where ever have no fucking clue what it is like to be right next to the boarder and to see how they treat our county.  Go home!!!!

Ether151 wrote:

Well I live less than an hour from the border and it is horrible, I wish they would just close the border, last month a smuggler killed 3 people trying to get away from the police when he hit another truck on the interstate head on.  My whole city is turning in to a ghetto ass Mexico.  I'm sorry but this is just bull shit.  the good thing though is if some one breaks in to my home I have every right to shoot and ask questions latter.  Another thing that pisses me off is everywhere i go now I see billboards and signs for Mc Donald's and other places in spanish.  this is America if you want to live here and work here then learn the language that is the way it is done all over the world we need to stop catering to these people that have no right to be here and don't even have the decency to learn the language.  Oh and for those of you that respond to post in a language we dint understand are showing how scared you are of us because you know we dont understand what your trying to say to us, and if we did we would beat your ass.  Other races are always so quick to jump the gun and say ever white person is a racist, if you look at other races there just as racist as a member of the KKK.  There are TV channels like BET and Telemundo but if some white guy made a channel called WET or white entertainment TV or something like that they would be attacked for it left and right and called racist.  And for the record Mexico is not more beautiful then the US.  If Mexico is nice and so much better then why do you want to come here???  We have so many people come from across the boarder on the weekends and flood the malls they buy all this shit go out to the parking lot and take ever thing out of the packaging and throw it all over the place, seriously the parking lots at the mall look like a land fill.  then they take all of there shit back across the boarder.  They have no respect for anything but there self's.  They trashed there county so now they come over here and trash ours and then leave at the end of the day.  So for those of you that live in los angles or where ever have no fucking clue what it is like to be right next to the boarder and to see how they treat our county.  Go home!!!!
He HoseA,

Did joo read dis post meyn? Joo done chit all over ya country now joo tink you gonna come here and chit on ours?

Echo, you seriously need to get out of that teenage mexican gang you're in that makes you think you suck a badass and get back in school. There is no future in being a mule for the mexican drug dealers!
this is the best we can do?
try this out....take an american flag and fly it in mexico city... They will love you so much you will never come back, alive that is

SFCCDailey wrote:

Ether151 wrote:

Well I live less than an hour from the border and it is horrible, I wish they would just close the border, last month a smuggler killed 3 people trying to get away from the police when he hit another truck on the interstate head on.  My whole city is turning in to a ghetto ass Mexico.  I'm sorry but this is just bull shit.  the good thing though is if some one breaks in to my home I have every right to shoot and ask questions latter.  Another thing that pisses me off is everywhere i go now I see billboards and signs for Mc Donald's and other places in spanish.  this is America if you want to live here and work here then learn the language that is the way it is done all over the world we need to stop catering to these people that have no right to be here and don't even have the decency to learn the language.  Oh and for those of you that respond to post in a language we dint understand are showing how scared you are of us because you know we dont understand what your trying to say to us, and if we did we would beat your ass.  Other races are always so quick to jump the gun and say ever white person is a racist, if you look at other races there just as racist as a member of the KKK.  There are TV channels like BET and Telemundo but if some white guy made a channel called WET or white entertainment TV or something like that they would be attacked for it left and right and called racist.  And for the record Mexico is not more beautiful then the US.  If Mexico is nice and so much better then why do you want to come here???  We have so many people come from across the boarder on the weekends and flood the malls they buy all this shit go out to the parking lot and take ever thing out of the packaging and throw it all over the place, seriously the parking lots at the mall look like a land fill.  then they take all of there shit back across the boarder.  They have no respect for anything but there self's.  They trashed there county so now they come over here and trash ours and then leave at the end of the day.  So for those of you that live in los angles or where ever have no fucking clue what it is like to be right next to the boarder and to see how they treat our county.  Go home!!!!
He HoseA,

Did joo read dis post meyn? Joo done chit all over ya country now joo tink you gonna come here and chit on ours?

Echo, you seriously need to get out of that teenage mexican gang you're in that makes you think you suck a badass and get back in school. There is no future in being a mule for the mexican drug dealers!
LOL.  +1 For you my friend.
+35|6875|E 2/351 Camp Anaconda
I agree with most of you that we must protect our country from the aliens and if I can volunteer to do the border patrol I will do it today, now ... There is always a legal way to do things, so why there are 11 million illegal? They choose the easy way, the wrong way ... Everybody out of our beautiful country!!!
Back from the Dead.

[KS]RECON wrote:

I agree with most of you that we must protect our country from the aliens and if I can volunteer to do the border patrol I will do it today, now ... There is always a legal way to do things, so why there are 11 million illegal? They choose the easy way, the wrong way ... Everybody out of our beautiful country!!!
The problem with border patrolling is that it's so fucking boring. I mean, you get stationed with a car, and you have to sit there looking for any illegal border crossings. Sounds incredible.

Ecko, I don't see how you can be defending (or at least attempting to defend) illegal immigration. It's not as if the thread starter said, "all immigrants need to be deported." He was talking about illegal immigration. If you think you can defend that, you're wrong. It's a common fact that with the rise in illegal immigration, crime has gone way up in the United States. What also bothers me is the fact that these immigrants make no effort whatsoever to merge with the general public; they stay with their own people, which ultimately leads to more gang violence.

Even being an immigrant in Canada, I still feel pretty strongly about the issues of illegal immigration in the US. Don't ask me why. :\
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
There are tons of Illegal Imagrents from all walks of life, Mexico, Italy, Europe, etc. So why is it always racist to talk negatively about Illegals ecko3389 you should be happy that you are here and that your parents found a way to get here. Also you should be worried about your and your kids futures as well, there is a major problem econimy and crimanially with Illegals comming into this country.

SO ecko3389  YOUR NOT MEXICAN, YOUR AN AMERICAN... Don't make an Issue a Racist issue.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Bottom line is 11 million people are living here right now illegally and there not all mexican. They get paid more money off the books then Citizens do one the books because it's cheaper that way. They don't really pay taxes on anything and they use all of our public services..
1. The first thing you see when you cross the border from Acuna into Del Rio is a sign over a small building that says "have your baby in this clinic, $250 cash, and your baby will be a citizen. Mother and baby qualify for federal assistance."


Being born here to a non-citizen should not make you a citizen.

2. I am ALL FOR having every single hard-working Mexican who wants to get out of Mexico. Every one of them. If someone wants to come and work and pay taxes, bring em on.

HOWEVER, I have a few rules:

- You must speak English. Having to redo everything in Spanish and having to pay teachers to be bilingual and having to make signs and government documents and all that shit in Spanish costs a frigging fortune and it's fucking weak. Learn the goddamned language in which the Constitution was written. Having to coddle kids in school becuase their English sucks slows down the rest of the kids. I hate having to press one for English. Where the fuck do I live, San Salvador? Bullshit. You want to live here, spend two years learning the language first.

- Have a job waiting for you. Send advance letters - looking for work - , join a "work in America" program before getting here (I'm sure there would be hundreds sponsored by employers looking for cheap labor), or whatever, but don't expect to get here and do non-taxable yardwork or just loaf around til you can find a job. No job, no Visa. Wait, unless you are enrolled in school, at OUT OF STATE tuition levels like everyone else. If oy ucna come here and pay your way through school, I'm for that too...

- No criminal history. If you sold drugs, or raped a 15 year old, or anything more than speeding, in your former country forget it. We don't need that.

- Take a citizenship test with a certain time frame, or go home.

Other than that, the folks who want to work, who learn english, and who are willing to become Americans, I'm all for. That's just taking the most motivated folks from somewhere else and that can't be bad. Anyone who wants it badly enough to learn the language and study for a citizenship test is clearly going to add to our society, not subtract from it.

The fuckers who want to sneak across, get Medicaid for themselves and their kids, vote without being citizens, get paid in cash, protest when we try to make English the official language, sing the National Frigging Anthem in Spanish, and send their money home can kiss my butt. And I don't care what country they're from...

Do it the right way and I'm for taking all-comers. That's what made this country. Trying to turn San Antonio and Los Angeles into Mexico-North by sneaking in and out-breeding us is uncalled for.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
And what's wrong with Mexico, why do they all want in here? I really don't know so I'm asking.


The problem with border patrolling is that it's so fucking boring. I mean, you get stationed with a car, and you have to sit there looking for any illegal border crossings. Sounds incredible.

Ecko, I don't see how you can be defending (or at least attempting to defend) illegal immigration. It's not as if the thread starter said, "all immigrants need to be deported." He was talking about illegal immigration. If you think you can defend that, you're wrong. It's a common fact that with the rise in illegal immigration, crime has gone way up in the United States. What also bothers me is the fact that these immigrants make no effort whatsoever to merge with the general public; they stay with their own people, which ultimately leads to more gang violence.

Even being an immigrant in Canada, I still feel pretty strongly about the issues of illegal immigration in the US. Don't ask me why. :\
this is exactly what I am talking about.  And like what was stated above we are not say that every immigrant needs to be sent home.  It is the "ILLEGAL" one that we are having a problem with.  If you go throught the proper channels to gain legal citizenship and come here legaly then there is no problem at all.  I have many friends that are hispanic they are just like my other friends wether they be black or white or what ever.  Many of them speak fluent spanish but the also speak English.  So if you have a valid argument in the defence of illegal immigration then I would sure like to hear it, if not you need to look at what you and all the people that share your ideas are saying.  There is no merit to any of your arguments, everyone is just jumping on the band wagon because you feel that we are attacking the hispanic race as a whole.  So if you just pulled your heads out of your asses and you would see how rediculous you all look.  Like this whole protesting bull shit that went down a month or two ago you thought that you would shut down America by taking the day off of work or school.  And where I live out of the almost 15,000 people that repotedly didn't show up for work or school only 330 of them showed up to the protests and the walk through the city.  Right there it shows that you dont even care about the cause you are so adimently defending and have so much passion for, all those other people just took the day off and stayed at home or what ever because it was the "cool" thing to do.

Dersmikner wrote:

Well put.
+1 for you when I get more karma from the bank of Chuy.

cpt.fass1 wrote:

And what's wrong with Mexico, why do they all want in here? I really don't know so I'm asking.
It's hot and the dirt sucks ass so they can't grow stuff very good. Oh, and it stinks.

Last edited by King_County_Downy (2006-08-15 14:37:58)

Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

King_County_Downy wrote:

Dersmikner wrote:

Well put.
+1 for you when I get more karma from the bank of Chuy.
I get the feeling something fucked up.

jord wrote:

I get the feeling something fucked up.
I just didn't want to quote that whole article he wrote.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

King_County_Downy wrote:

jord wrote:

I get the feeling something fucked up.
I just didn't want to quote that whole article he wrote.
Allright Browny mate.

Say,you don't mind me calling you King_Browny do ya?

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