30 kills w/ c4 in a round.... yeah right... dont even want to try it....
+71|6866|A dark hole....
go to karkand 64 where friendly fire is off. Be a sniper and drop everywhere claymore's . . i got it so
DICE/EA spokesman
of course you COULD mix it up a little with claymores and mines....
+71|6866|A dark hole....
+202|6957|New York
i did it in sharqi as a sniper....tv station, back door...i might have been lucky though. I placed claymores in the back hall and front area, also around the corners on the stairs goin up to the flag. I might have gotten lucky but it is very possible with both mines and claymores.
if your a sniper.... and you have a support following you... drop some claymores and then when 1 explodes, let him resuply you and place another 1 down
clays at the doors on 3rd floor palace on warlord and have a supply guy with ya.
the "Commander"
+102|6832|the Netherlands
Karkand 64 player map with 60 min time limit or more + switched sniper/engineer/spec ops

Last edited by Tjasso (2006-08-07 04:50:56)

Moderator Emeritus
+236|7114|Portland, OR, USA

+1 for using claymores
My "Page Up" has never been used.
Got mine on Daquin (¿spelling?) Oilfields, being specops and only using Jihaad Jeeps and C4-traps.
It sucked, but i got it..

Edit: No, that was the silver Explosive... The gold was from spamming claymores in the warlord palace.
That sucked to BTW

Last edited by Jejjk (2006-08-07 05:03:34)

aka Nekrodamus
+52|7041|Germany, near Koblenz
Just search and you'll find a lot of threads with all the hints you're looking for!
Finnish commander whore
Warlord 64 16 player server, put c4 on atv drive to enemy and BOOM. I got +40 kills that way.
Nade Spammers Must Die
Stat Pad :p
I earned this badge on Warlord in a palace battle. The only flag the enemy had was second floor. I would simply lay claymores along the two paths to the third floor flag. Sometimes one claymore would kill two or three of the enemy at a time. Near the end of the round people on the enemy's team were really getting upset at me.


go to karkand 64 where friendly fire is off. Be a sniper and drop everywhere claymore's . . i got it so
what he said
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7150|Cologne, Germany

moved to BF2:help
+1,128|6950|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
easy way: get a support buddy to fly a transport chopper over an airfield or helipad.. and drop C4 in a bombing run fashion..

everyone benefits.. support guy gets ammo points.. you get kills for your expert explosives ordinance.. and the idiots on the runway get what they deserve for not helping the team.
when Hell is full...
na get MEC sniper on 32players karkand and claywhore @ hotelspots.... rest will do some C4 camping! sad but true!
Usque Ad Finem
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6832|Little blue planet, milky way
There is no way that will GUARANTEE that you get your badge.... Likewise there is no EASY way to get it. But a few pointers may help you get it in a ouple of tries:

1) Have a mate play support to rearm you... HE should also be your squad leader so you can spawn on him allowing you to get faster into the action. Remember your SL must not run around and get killed. He's there to help YOU get your badge.
2) If you want your badge in a inf rich environment, go for claymores. Tank rich, go for mines. If there's too many helos/planes, forget about it (ever heard anyone say they got it on kubra dam or oman ?)
3) Always follow the main lines of attack. You cannot get enough kills if you try to outflank as normal.
4) You WILL need to "baserape" to get it. The easiest way to get kills in a hurry is to place your explosives near where the enemy spawns, this limits the number of routes they can choose, thus minimizing your need to place explosives
5) Remember you can ONLY place 5 mines, 5 C4 and 2 claymores with each kit you have. Once you place clay #3, #1 will go away.
6) Utilize other peoples kits. If you're a sniper and you see a dead engy, pick up his kit and place mines in a stratgic place. Switch back to your kit if you think you have better luck with it.
7) When placing mines, do NOT place them in a straight line to prevent the enemy from advancing.. you WANT them to advance so they can run into even more of your mines. Place mines spaced out so far apart that only ONE mine will explode when a vehicle passes, and leave them room to manuevuer. Eventually most tankers will hit your mine anyway. Do the same for claymores.
8) Chuking C4 is always nice. But on most maps, it's tough to get enough kills. Go for the engy/sniper kit.
9) Determine if you're "good enough" to get the badge on a full 64 player server. If not, try to find a depopulated one and go for it.
10) Remember this takes more than one try to get. I tried almost every night for 2 weeks before I got mine.
I second almost everything that "Twist" has said.

Twist wrote:

6) Utilize other peoples kits. If you're a sniper and you see a dead engy, pick up his kit and place mines in a stratgic place. Switch back to your kit if you think you have better luck with it.
This is the one bit of advise from the post above that is bad.

After patch 1.2 there has been a bug with both AT mins and claymores.
If you drop a mine or clay and then get in a vehicle, when the mine\clay goes off it often says "you KILLED victim" or "you VEHICLE victim" this does not count as a mine\clay kill. You can also get the "you KILLED victim" if you swap kits after laying a mine\clay.

If you want to get this badge, stay away from vehicles [once you have placed mines\clays] and dont swap kits [again after placing mines\clays].

I hope this info helps dude.

Junglist Massive
Got up to 29 non-suicidal quadbiking... load the front with c4, switch to detonator, get on, drive at vehicles or people top speed, jump off, hit detonate... quad will move out of range so the blast doesn't kill you... it's cheap, but not as cheap as just kamikaze ramming their vehicle... it's also funny when it misjudge it and the quad stops out of range... you are left standing in front of a tank waving a detonator like a bunch of flowers
Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6982|Houston, Texas
I got mine claymore whoring. granted it was back when you could lay more then just 2 clays.

Last edited by alien-DSW-Gen (2006-08-15 05:43:55)

Robin Hood ---> "u got arrownd"
Or u could trap some vehicles try parking some tanks u rigged with c4 next to enemy flag (hide c4 though) and as soon as a dude gets in baom the tank whore to where he belongs.......ur kill list

jsnipy wrote:


go to karkand 64 where friendly fire is off. Be a sniper and drop everywhere claymore's . . i got it so
what he said
This is the best piece of advice you can take.
/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿
Eh, I just played a 16 man, 64 player map on Karkand, and Jihaded everything I saw.

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