i was wanting to get better bang. i'm on a budget and wanted to spend around $400. i was thinking i could get it done with a new processor, video card and mobo. of course i have 184 pin memory now, and the mobo and processors i was looking at are the 240 pin type. is 184 pin like an AGP video card, outdated? how long befor 240pin is outdated? if i go with 240pin, which i guess i have to do, it will tack on an extra $200 for 2gbram at least. so i guess i gotta increase my budget. some advice from people who switched from 184 to 240 please. and i'm not going to build until december (think christmas fellas!) when i know prices will have dropped quite a bit on newegg.
no, not really
not worth it for the price, i have 240 pin and its nothin special really