+23|6635|doncaster uk

cospengle wrote:


speaking of the mighty "can't do this" and "can't do that" servers - I was on one last nite their rules stated NO Clays , NO Mines, C4 limited to only as defense only, Ratio of Kits must be equal { meaning you can't have over 32 medics on a 64 map - it got real annoying Admin was spamming to us "to many AT 3 ppl must switch" }
just when I thought I'd heard everything....
that seems like the crappest server ever
M24 Abuser
+99|6653|Valley of the Dragons
Its just another way of killing snipers I guess. Between the scan, uav and artillery it was probably neccesary to have yet another way of frustrating the sniper kit.
According to the 1.4 release notes its going to stay in with the next patch. Maybe time for a macro on the E key from now on
Support fanatic :-)

vanmani wrote:

s'not illegal.
1. No, its not illegal.
2. Its lame.
3. Guess the guy that really needs a vehicle ASAP is very happy when he must wait unnecessary because you just went sniper-hunting with the last jeep.
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
+3|6627|Virginia, USA
I dont think its necessiarily wrong but I do find it pretty cheap...especially when I'm capping a flag and die cause a jeep landed on my head
'CLICK JOIN NOW'... OK lets go... BOOM!!!! =FFS=
+120|6714|Cheshire, UK

soad1583 wrote:

Someone was in a server I was playing in today and was killed by a falling car.  He responded by saying that he was going to report our commander and that his stats would get wiped if he dropped another car on someone.  Is it true that your stats can get wiped if you do this?  If it is true then it makes no sense to me because dropping a car on someone doesn't gain you any points and it doesn't help your rank.
Nope not true at all, there really should be an enforced age limit on this game if kids are gonna start whining over every little thing... My god all you have to do these days is kill someone and you get accused of hacking/cheating or whatever.

Perhaps there could be an age filter where all the kiddiewinks could scream and shout at each other - so that everyone else who realises "its just a fucking game" can get on and have a few good rounds without having some 10yr old screaming absolute nonsense over VOIP.
When i'm commander i sometimes drop vehicals on enemy snipers, heli, jets, and also tanks just for fun. When the enemy dies, they usually yell at me and i'll just laugh
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6838|United States of America
It does provide a distraction though. People are watching the skies for falling vehicles when in from the side comes a speeding vehicle to take the f***ers out!
It is just a game!  A player should know that they can be killed at any moment.  Be it a falling car, a bullet, or arty!  People just hate to be outsmarted by another player!  Take up knitting if you cannot take the heat.
"Illegal"? No.  However, some servers expressly prohibit the practise, while most don't address it.

I admit I use it.  I'll be damned if I'm going to let a sniper park himself above my uncap and annihalate my guys if I can prevent it.  Nor will I allow a sole enemy infantryman to sneak in and cap one of my team's flags. 

However, the question is about to become moot.  I've read the next patch will eliminate this little strategem.
+23|6635|doncaster uk

Sheen1101 wrote:

When i'm commander i sometimes drop vehicals on enemy snipers, heli, jets, and also tanks just for fun. When the enemy dies, they usually yell at me and i'll just laugh
i just laugh too it well funny just seein a car crush a guy whilst hes stood up :-)
the best is to nail a chopper circling a spawnpoint...and if they are chopper whores and fucking there teammates who wanna fly keep dropin in on the chooper right as they take off...its annoying when it doesnt blow it up and there is a hind flying around with a humvee on top lol
Illegal? No

Annoying? Yes
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6699|Doncaster, UK
No, it's a stupid fuck up created by DICE and from what I can gather will be removed with the 1.4 patch. You'll only be able to drop a vehicle in specific places, i.e. not on a building.

Granted, it can be amusing for the commander, but when you're playing on a server that specifically forbids jeep-arty (you know the one I mean seaweed), and rightfully so cos it really does spoil things, you're not expecting cartillery and pick sniping points that under normal circumstances wouldn't be vulnerable to the "humvee on the head" method. Then *BAM*, DoctorFruitloop is no more because his so called "team mate" thought he'd try for the Expert Ass-hattery Award.

If Infantry Only mode in the new patch means no more cartillery then I think I'll be playing an awful lot of it.
Missing, Presumed Dead

I must admit, I do tend to do a lot of cartillery as commander. 80% of vehicle requests are answered with a vehicle when im playing (and the remaining with a "its recharging, on the way in about 10secs" over VOIP), but when you are on a map such as DV or FuShe, where there are more than enough tanks and jeeps to go around, you can often cartillery as much as you want since most people dont even need to ask for them.
Hell, even city maps you can often go cartillerying (is that even a word )
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6710|Brisbane, Aus

eh, cartilery rules only apply to servers that hate people having fun. though using cars to destroy artilery super fast could be annoying to someone, i dunno i've only be doing it to others
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6699|Doncaster, UK
If it was meant to be used to pick of snipers from the top of buildings it wouldn't be getting removed from patch 1.4.

It was an oversight by DICE and soon to be rectified.
Have you seen my nutz?
I believe the only thing against BFROE is that cars can't be dropped to distroy assests like car dropping on artillary
It may be legal but it's queer.
+164|6918|Normal, IL
it's not against the ROE, but i do believe that specific servers can outlaw it, but doing it even on those servers will not get anybody's stats wiped.

rumor is cartillary will be "taken care of" in the next patch.... we'll see......
+53|6662|Los Angeles, California
I think what they mean by "taken care of" is not nerfing it entirely, but making it drift around, like a supply drop, so they aren't falling straight from the sky.  I'll admit I've done it a few times, but it was funny..

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