I'm really fucking tired of fucks like you who cant even click the search tab & enter a few words & have your answer. No instead you decide to spam the forums with another useless topic that the mods will have to cull from the heap. You are what is wrong with the forums because you cannot use them properly, you count on others charity to point you in the right direction when all you had to do is take a few precious minutes out of your life & look around.Andoura wrote:
im tired, each time anyone post a new topic you have one guy that will say SEARCH IT.... STFU im sorry, if someone have a question or some just let him ask it!!! I DINT SEARCH FOR THAT POST, probably someone has allready post one similar post, but ummm I DONT GIVE A F*CK !!!!!!!!!!!!! so please stooop always saying: SEARCH before you post, and reply to the post correctly. it is like saying NOOB to everybody STFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU , and now dont apologize, i hope you choke and die. loooool:D
P.S: it is 2:47am im fkn tired! BUT STILL............................................
You STFU lazy ass fuck face.