
Best Weapons making countries?

Usa34%34% - 75
Uk10%10% - 23
Germany32%32% - 71
USSR/Russia12%12% - 27
Belgium2%2% - 5
France0%0% - 0
Italy0%0% - 0
Switzerland0%0% - 2
Austria1%1% - 3
Others5%5% - 13
Total: 219
The atomic bomb... although the entire world was nearing discovery (through their own scientists/espionage) - it's a truly devastating weapon.  The Soviets developed the Tsar Bomba which... they had to scale down (too powerful).  The most powerful thing man has ever created.  My vote goes towards USA, though.  Not to skew it, but for being the pioneers (and developing more advanced warheads).  July 16, 1945.
The Russian Nukes are scary.  But the only use for nukes was a deteriant against other countries from using them.  So by being Scary it worked.

The Germans if they ever got their nuclear project off the ground during WWII they would've been fried, they didn't take any safety measures to protect them from radiation posioning.  So who ever said the Germans almost got a nuke... wrong.  The Japanese where days away from making a Dirty Bomb but we got that sub.

EDIT: Just got back with some research. The Bismark compared to Iowa Class Battleships would lose.  Iowa class had better armament w/ better speed, thus can engage the Bismark farther away than the Bismark could engage them and maintain that distance with their speed (only 4 knots but that can a big different in war).

Last edited by Stags (2006-08-08 12:33:09)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6625|SE London

Russian stuff's great. The AK47 is the most popular assault weapon ever, by miles and miles. Migs are great, especially since they're all so cheap. Hinds are cool and Werewolves just look evil. I love the soviet design philosophy of 'do it on the cheap but strap as many big guns to things as possible'.
AK47 is the most popular because its extremely cheap and reliable but mainly because its extremely cheap.

Soviet design is very interesting.  Speaking of which, I should contact my friend he's an expert on Russian military going way back.  They made their weapons work, they didn't really considering making them safe for the user.

Unlike the US which considering some level of safety.  Or pretty much any country.

Stags wrote:

AK47 is the most popular because its extremely cheap and reliable but mainly because its extremely cheap.

Soviet design is very interesting.  Speaking of which, I should contact my friend he's an expert on Russian military going way back.  They made their weapons work, they didn't really considering making them safe for the user.

Unlike the US which considering some level of safety.  Or pretty much any country.
It's funny you should mention the safety thing, that was the first thing i brought up somewhere back on page 1 or 2, +1 for thinking like a champ 
+165|6679|South Jersey
mUHAHA, damn capslock, anyway my vote put germany ahead by 1 against the USA as of now...that could change. 

Germany produces H&K(DROOL) and had great tanks in WWII

Runner-up would be Russia-AK47, RPG, fighter jets......*coughPKMcough*

In third is USA.
Tanks : France early 20's, Germany 33 to 44, then USSR until late 80's, then.....tie between all those modern and mighty MBTs
Planes : Great-Britain/Japan/Germany, US and USSR from 43 to 60, USSR till the F-14 Tomcat, then US all the way to early 21th century...then...too much good and similar aircrafts (Rafale, EF, F-22, JAS 39, Su-37, J-10...)
Naval Vessels : hum I don't really know
Firearms : USSR/Russia since 1947
Don't care about missiles, equipment and logistics...but European ones may be the best.

sheggalism wrote:

21th century...then...too much good and similar aircrafts (Rafale, EF, F-22, JAS 39, Su-37, J-10...)
Nothing is anywhere near "similar" or comparable to the f/a-22 and f-35
The latest Rafale cost 40 million the f/a-22 cost 150 million
In mock tests the Rafale lost to the f-15 and struggled with even the f-18
In comparison the f-22 managed 33 f-15 kills and no losses
The Typhoon fared about the same..*as the Rafale*

Last edited by ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ (2006-08-10 12:38:56)

+156|6671|space command ur anus

Stags wrote:

The Bismark was labeled as a pocket battleship as to aviod the Treaty signed after WWII, also it was sunk by a bunch of Byplanes (their AA guns couldn't track the slow moving planes, oops)
it was a battleship.
the Treaty of Versailles stated that Germany only could have 6 "battleships" not heavier then 10 000 tons.

The Bismark withe its 50 900 tons cant be called a pocket battleship in fact its the 3 largest battleship in ww2
Actually, it was lighter than the Iowa class battleships.  And a bit slower, and had somewhat lighter armaments (not by much but every little bit counts).  Of course, during WWII battleships saw their last hurrah as Aircraft carriers came into dominance (which Germany was developing some but they weren't to be ready until 1946, actually the navy didn't expect war with britian until 1946).  So even though it can be considered a battleship, if it went up against the US battleships (even one on one) it would probably have lost.  Even the British used their Cruisers against the Bismark (mainly because that's all they had in the area).  Germany doesn't get best armaments because they just couldn't produce them in the numbers needed or the reliability needed for war time operation.

Stags wrote:

Germany doesn't get best armaments because they just couldn't produce them in the numbers needed or the reliability needed for war time operation.
I think the tiger would be a good example of that. I'm as fond of h&k as much as the next guy *h&k USA will make xm29* but small arms should be the last consideration when commenting about enginerering. Its a much more diffcult and costly a prospect to make a stealth fighter or high tech destoyer / carrier than it is to make a rifle.
Ready for combat
+211|6638|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA
russia hands down. US is overrated. Russia has some awsome projects like the Su-47 Berkut.
russian weapons ftw, then germans, then the other euro nations are in a tie for 3rd then the US. oh and btyw the XM8 Project is on hold.
True enough.  The larger machinery is harder to produce and engineer.  I love German engineering, but they should have done what the US did and turned over tank production to the auto industry.

Now, Russia had the exact opposite problem.  They produced enough during the war but then they started to overproduce after the war, which eventually lead the country into ruin.

BTW, most military projects are put on hold or cancelled.  But you have to try everything to see if it would work.  Most countries didn't think that Aircraft carriers would be of any use, nor did they think that Tanks would be the future of warfare before WWII.
+156|6671|space command ur anus

Stags wrote:

Actually, it was lighter than the Iowa class battleships.  And a bit slower, and had somewhat lighter armaments (not by much but every little bit counts).  Of course, during WWII battleships saw their last hurrah as Aircraft carriers came into dominance (which Germany was developing some but they weren't to be ready until 1946, actually the navy didn't expect war with britian until 1946).  So even though it can be considered a battleship, if it went up against the US battleships (even one on one) it would probably have lost.  Even the British used their Cruisers against the Bismark (mainly because that's all they had in the area).  Germany doesn't get best armaments because they just couldn't produce them in the numbers needed or the reliability needed for war time operation.
whatever dude live in a fantasy world
I'm not.  Do some research.  Or ask some people who actually fought during WWII.

seymorebutts443 wrote:

russia hands down. US is overrated. Russia has some awsome projects like the Su-47 Berkut.
russian weapons ftw, then germans, then the other euro nations are in a tie for 3rd then the US. oh and btyw the XM8 Project is on hold.
btw i said xm29.. Russian weapons are cheap mass manufactured inferior products. Germans have great tanks and small arms but thats all and they arent allowed/cant afford to mass prduce those tanks anyhow. As far as "other euro nations" nothing in the EU is relevant except France which might break into the top 10. USA best airforce, best navy, one of.. if not the strongest infantry and armor.

seymorebutts443 wrote:

russia hands down. US is overrated. Russia has some awsome projects like the Su-47 Berkut.
russian weapons ftw, then germans, then the other euro nations are in a tie for 3rd then the US. oh and btyw the XM8 Project is on hold.
Your kidding right? Russian weapons are cutting edge stuff....if this were 1970. No one compares to the US, not even close. Germany does make excellent small arms for tactical units & law enforcement.
Canada, we made water guns... no wait we didnt make those either..
Question: How could a bunch of Afgans beat the Russian military?

Canada, has snowballs and hockey pucks and sticks.  Also, cold is a good weapon too.  I'll never invade Canada. :p
and we're good at moose calls.

so you better turn and run because hockey sticks hurt.

ikillyou9090(hockey stick)stags
I know how much they hurt, played hockey for awhile... well more of been to a few fights where a hockey game broke out.  Also, ever seen a car hit a moose?  Its not pretty.
+52|6798|Christchurch New Zealand
Belgium FTW (well in small arms anyway)
FN= FAL(SLR to the poms+Commonwealth), P90, Browning Pistol, FiveseveN, F2000, Scar, M249, M240.
Im sure I will have forgotten something.

Aircraft = USA

Stags wrote:

I know how much they hurt, played hockey for awhile... well more of been to a few fights where a hockey game broke out.  Also, ever seen a car hit a moose?  Its not pretty.
myself i was driving up to kamloops BC once with my mom and my grandma...
we clipped the fukin back left leg of the thing...

i think thats the first time my heart felt like stopping and dying
i was only 8 at the time but holy fuck
Should have ducked
+394|6530|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)

seymorebutts443 wrote:

russia hands down. US is overrated. Russia has some awesome projects like the Su-47 Berkut.
russian weapons ftw, then germans, then the other euro nations are in a tie for 3rd then the US. oh and btyw the XM8 Project is on hold.
yeah on "hold", it got shelved because of cost, just like the G36E not being adopted by the Marine Corps as a replacement for the M249 (My unit tested them), It will gather dust and go off into the annals of history, just like the OICW(weighs too much) Also learn you facts Russian tanks are built for mass production and their fighters are comparable to 1980's US versions.
Should have ducked
+394|6530|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)

Stags wrote:

Question: How could a bunch of Afgans beat the Russian military?

Canada, has snowballs and hockey pucks and sticks.  Also, cold is a good weapon too.  I'll never invade Canada. :p
Good point man, the Russians got dick slapped by a the Afgans, then the Chechnians, their equipment didn't stand a chance.

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