
Flecco wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Grumpy_Git wrote:

13% of British Muslims think that the four men who carried out the London Tube and bus bombings of July 7, 2005, should be regarded as “martyrs”

7% agree that suicide attacks on civilians in the UK can be justified in some circumstances, rising to 16 per cent for a military target
Those are very low percentages. Glad to see the stereotypes piped into peoples homes on their tellyboxes are grossly incorrect.
Your telling me that Tasmanians don't have two heads?

On topic though, well done to the chaps down at Scotland Yard and the ones in the dodgy gray building on a corner near the Themes in London (M.I.5). Nice to see they got the pricks before hand this time.

How on Earth do you spell the name of the river running through London? Is Themes right? Or is it Temes? Thems?
Moderator Emeritus
+76|7090|London UK

13% of all muslims is alot of people...

What really takes the piss is that they come here from foriegn countries caliming asylum, we give them housing, free health care, free dental care, they are treated well and are not discriminated against by the authorities.

And yet they still abuse the welfare system, claim everything possile, dont work or pay taxes dont attempt to ingergrate into the community at all.

And still they want to blow us up.

You think if I went to almost any muslim country and turned up with no official papars, didnt speak the language expecting a free house, health care etc I would get it?

They are hypocrital cowards.

As I mentioned NOT ALL MUSLIMS, but something alot the lines of those 13% mentioned earlier.


13% of all muslims is alot of people...

What really takes the piss is that they come here from foriegn countries caliming asylum, we give them housing, free health care, free dental care, they are treated well and are not discriminated against by the authorities.

And yet they still abuse the welfare system, claim everything possile, dont work or pay taxes dont attempt to ingergrate into the community at all.

And still they want to blow us up.

You think if I went to almost any muslim country and turned up with no official papars, didnt speak the language expecting a free house, health care etc I would get it?

They are hypocrital cowards.

As I mentioned NOT ALL MUSLIMS, but something alot the lines of those 13% mentioned earlier.
One point. Your country once administered several of these foreign countries as part of your now defunct empire. Many of the people of which you speak, i.e. many British muslims, are/were legitimately entitled to apply for and obtain British citizenship. It's part and parcel of imperialism. It's why France has such a relatively large muslim population.

There are just as many white english social welfare spongers I'm betting.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-08-10 05:21:30)

Junglist Massive
So you are saying that if you point out racism you are a terrorist supporter?  Thank fuck not all of us in the UK are ignorant and narrowminded like you two. 

In addition to what Rygar has pointed out, I was also refering to 'they can fuck off back to where they came from' rhetoric which ignores the fact that the 7/7 bombings were allegedly perpetrated by UK citizens, not to mention the shoebomber Richard Reid. 

As for conspiracies, let's wait until we know how many of the 21 get released without charge.  After all, let's remember how many of the arrested people were charged after the Forest Gate raid.

And as for the 7% who support suicide attacks in some circumstances, for all we know they asked 'if a government minister threatens to table a motion to take one child from every Muslim home in the UK and shoot them, would a suicide attack against him be justified?' 

I wonder what percentage of the UK would think that a suicide against Hitler would have been justified in some circumstances?
+12|6788|Luton, England

James-m wrote:

Grumpy_Git wrote:

They should line the terrorist up against a wall and on worldwide national TV shoot the fuckers at point blank range through their foreheads.  Then if people start complaining and sticking up for the ones that were shot, they obviously agree with the terrorist, so we should line them fuckers up and shoot them too.....
you've got it right mate. Ive got no respect for terrorists, no time at all. if all they want to do is blow people up....... they can stay in their own country and do it. but the police over there would have trouble foiling that plot, because they all look the same and all have the same names. abdullah ahmed and sanjeev or whatever.... oh and jihad.
Unfortunately James-m, all the suspects arrested were BRITISH Muslims. They already are staying in their own country to do it.
Moderator Emeritus
+76|7090|London UK

CameronPoe wrote:

There are just as many white english social welfare spongers I\'m betting.
O yeah, of course, and I dont condone them either.

But for how long should we continue to pay for our countries previous history, how many more generations should suffer as a result of something their ancestors did before they were born?

100 years?

200 years?

500 years?
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6868|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth


CameronPoe wrote:

There are just as many white english social welfare spongers I\'m betting.
O yeah, of course, and I dont condone them either.

But for how long should we continue to pay for our countries previous history, how many more generations should suffer as a result of something their ancestors did before they were born?

100 years?

200 years?

500 years?
And also, it could be debated that our involvement in these countries beenfitted them and not scuppered them.  India and Pakistan (where these guys had link apparently) would be worse off IMO we hadn't gone over there.  I'm not blowing the great British trumpet but they certainly wouldn't have cricket and they would die for that sport..

Anyway, back on topic.  BBC are saying they have 20 men, British born with links to Pakistan.

Last edited by =OBS= EstebanRey (2006-08-10 05:40:18)

A stabbing fatality
It wont happen. It's always the fucking towel heads.

Last edited by Harmonics (2006-08-10 05:44:36)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6867|Southeastern USA
over here they are currently looking for 11 egyptian's on student visas that never showed up for class, of course it would be immoral to profile, since they are 11 egyptian muslim males, 6 of which are named mohammed, the police better start by searching the retirement homes, as one political pundit put it, maybe if the police catch them they should say they were just looking for grandma's, otherwise the ACLU will charge discirmination and we'd be forced to grant them asylum as penance

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-08-10 06:17:36)

+52|7072|Christchurch New Zealand

Bubbalo wrote:

Grumpy_Git wrote:

rising to 16 per cent for a military target
An attack on a military target is not terrorism.
The term he used was "suicide Attacks" not terrorist attacks.

The disturbing part of the statisitics is that these are the proportions of the population that were willing to admit that they thought suicide attacks were justified, how many more thought so but didn't speak up?

Anyway im pleased that the plot was foiled, and no-one was killed by these scum.
Junglist Massive


13% of all muslims is alot of people...

What really takes the piss is that they come here from foriegn countries caliming asylum, we give them housing, free health care, free dental care, they are treated well and are not discriminated against by the authorities.
Providing Asylum is a international obligation, and the UK already dodges it as much as possible. wrote:

If you consider global refugee and asylum seeking populations in relation to the host country's overall size, population and wealth, the UK ranks 32nd in the world (2).

The number of asylum applications the UK received in 2002 represented about 0.01 per cent of the global refugee population and about 0.03 per cent of the refugee population in Europe (3).


And yet they still abuse the welfare system, claim everything possile, dont work or pay taxes dont attempt to ingergrate into the community at all.
O RLY?  Because I was under the quite the opposite impression, and thought that the percentage who do abuse the welfare system is lower than the naturalised and native population.  And how exactly would you suggest integrating when people are as hostile and prejudiced as you?

As for illegal immigrants, they basically live outside the system you refer to, and get shipped back as soon as they are caught, so you can't mean them.


And still they want to blow us up.
You maybe.  Based on the stuff your spouting here, that is.


You think if I went to almost any muslim country and turned up with no official papars, didnt speak the language expecting a free house, health care etc I would get it?
As an asylum seeker from a conflict, yes.  As an immigrant you wouldn't make it through the procedure unless you had collateral and value, just like the immigration process here. 


They are hypocrital cowards.
Can't quite it out, are you are referring to all Muslims, all asylum seekers, or both?  Either way it's not even true.


As I mentioned NOT ALL MUSLIMS, but something alot the lines of those 13% mentioned earlier.
When did you mention that then?  Not on this thread at least.  Are you referring to your hypocritical cowards statement when you say that, if not what?

But for how long should we continue to pay for our countries previous history, how many more generations should suffer as a result of something their ancestors did before they were born?
When you are talking about the majority of the wealth and prosperity of a nation being built upon the exploitation and suffering of other, then until the debt it paid.  If you rob a bank and hide the gold for 1000 years, does it become the rightful property of your descendants?

Bubbalo wrote:

Grumpy_Git wrote:

rising to 16 per cent for a military target
An attack on a military target is not terrorism.
are you totally stupid? any bomb or device made by those cowards for intended use on any target is terrorism. you cant say military doesnt count. its like saying bombing the natwest tower is terrorism but bombing the canary wharf isnt.
We have now learned that nealry all the men were british born, of pakistani origin.

Last edited by justice (2006-08-10 06:05:05)

I know fucking karate

SwampDog wrote:

James-m wrote:

Grumpy_Git wrote:

They should line the terrorist up against a wall and on worldwide national TV shoot the fuckers at point blank range through their foreheads.  Then if people start complaining and sticking up for the ones that were shot, they obviously agree with the terrorist, so we should line them fuckers up and shoot them too.....
you've got it right mate. Ive got no respect for terrorists, no time at all. if all they want to do is blow people up....... they can stay in their own country and do it. but the police over there would have trouble foiling that plot, because they all look the same and all have the same names. abdullah ahmed and sanjeev or whatever.... oh and jihad.
Unfortunately James-m, all the suspects arrested were BRITISH Muslims. They already are staying in their own country to do it.
theres no such thing as a british muslim dont make me laugh.

Harmonics wrote:

It wont happen. It's always the fucking towel heads.
another one whos got it right

James-m wrote:

Harmonics wrote:

It wont happen. It's always the fucking towel heads.
another one whos got it right
James-m I seem to recall you getting banned for racism not so long ago. I can see why.
+56|6938|Massachusetts, USA

kr@cker wrote:

over here they are currently looking for 11 egyptian's on student visas that never showed up for class, of course it would be immoral to profile, since they are 11 egyptian muslim males, 6 of which are named mohammed, the police better start by searching the retirement homes, as one political pundit, maybe if the police catch them they should say they were just looking for grandma's, otherwise the ACLU will charge discirmination and we'd be forced to grant them asylum as penance this country.....I could see that happening.....the ACLU has a habit of getting a little out of control and loosing sight of the big picture.

CameronPoe wrote:

James-m wrote:

Harmonics wrote:

It wont happen. It's always the fucking towel heads.
another one whos got it right
James-m I seem to recall you getting banned for racism not so long ago. I can see why.
i wasnt banned for racism, 'repeated personal attacks' lol get it right

dude, you have to open your eyes. they come here, ponce out system beyond repair, make us look shit in our OWN COUNTRY, and STILL want to blow us up. for god sake, they have their own country to go to!!! they shouldnt even be here!! so what if they were being persicuted in their own country thats not our problem atall!!! god knows where your from, but if you lived in the UK, youd share the hatred too
Moderator Emeritus
+76|7090|London UK

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:


And still they want to blow us up.
You maybe.  Based on the stuff your spouting here, that is.
I shared my opinion, you made a personal attack.

Not a good idea to do that to anyone around here mate, especially a forum mod.

Consider that a warning.
you can ban me, im allowed to express my views, just like these rag heads are in our streets wishing death on us. can you imagine going to pakistan and trying to make them look shit? id be dead in seconds

Last edited by James-m (2006-08-10 06:21:54)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6867|Southeastern USA

James-m wrote:

you can ban me, im allowed to express my views. i like your sig by the way lol
wth is that sig?

James-m wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

James-m wrote:

another one whos got it right
James-m I seem to recall you getting banned for racism not so long ago. I can see why.
i wasnt banned for racism, 'repeated personal attacks' lol get it right

dude, you have to open your eyes. they come here, ponce out system beyond repair, make us look shit in our OWN COUNTRY, and STILL want to blow us up. for god sake, they have their own country to go to!!! they shouldnt even be here!! so what if they were being persicuted in their own country thats not our problem atall!!! god knows where your from, but if you lived in the UK, youd share the hatred too
I'm from the Republic of Ireland. We have massive immigration at the moment and large numbers of asylum seekers. The only people who really care or spout racism here are the 'lower classes' for want of a better term (we have practically 100% employment at the mo). By and large the immigrants have been settling in fine. Although they are mostly Polish, Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian. They don't persecute our culture at all. I think it is slightly different in the UK though. In the UK it's almost like you have to be ashamed to be nationalist or proud of your nation, which isn't good. But like I said - you are paying the price for earlier imperialist crimes. You wouldn't have so many Pakistanis in your country (there's nothing wrong with Pakistanis btw) if you hadn't taken it as part of your empire. But anyway...

CameronPoe wrote:

James-m wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

James-m I seem to recall you getting banned for racism not so long ago. I can see why.
i wasnt banned for racism, 'repeated personal attacks' lol get it right

dude, you have to open your eyes. they come here, ponce out system beyond repair, make us look shit in our OWN COUNTRY, and STILL want to blow us up. for god sake, they have their own country to go to!!! they shouldnt even be here!! so what if they were being persicuted in their own country thats not our problem atall!!! god knows where your from, but if you lived in the UK, youd share the hatred too
I'm from the Republic of Ireland. We have massive immigration at the moment and large numbers of asylum seekers. The only people who really care or spout racism here are the 'lower classes' for want of a better term (we have practically 100% employment at the mo). By and large the immigrants have been settling in fine. Although they are mostly Polish, Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian. They don't persecute our culture at all. I think it is slightly different in the UK though. In the UK it's almost like you have to be ashamed to be nationalist or proud of your nation, which isn't good. But like I said - you are paying the price for earlier imperialist crimes. You wouldn't have so many Pakistanis in your country (there's nothing wrong with Pakistanis btw) if you hadn't taken it as part of your empire. But anyway...
yeah, eastern europeans arent the problem mate. theyre not muslims. they dont wish death on you do they. its different here...... im sure youve been to england. ive got friends here who are eastern european. ive got no muslim friends, i wonder why, if i did they would probably plant a bomb in my home and say allah wants it this way.
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6868|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

James-m wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

James-m wrote:

another one whos got it right
James-m I seem to recall you getting banned for racism not so long ago. I can see why.
i wasnt banned for racism, 'repeated personal attacks' lol get it right

dude, you have to open your eyes. they come here, ponce out system beyond repair, make us look shit in our OWN COUNTRY, and STILL want to blow us up. for god sake, they have their own country to go to!!! they shouldnt even be here!! so what if they were being persicuted in their own country thats not our problem atall!!! god knows where your from, but if you lived in the UK, youd share the hatred too
I live in the UK and even I find your views quite extreme (unless you are only refering to the extremists).  I agree that people that come here and openly admit they hate us and our way of life should be kicked out straight away but I'm also intelligent enought to realise that the percentage of people actually willing to commit suicide for jihad is very low when compared to peaceful Muslims that live here.

You can't tar everyone with the same brush and I actually feel sorry for moderate Muslims (I know many of them) because they get a bad name.  However, it does make me extremely agry when I see people like the guy on the Dispatches this week - what timing by Channel 4 by the way. 

P.S If anyone saw the Dispatches episode - What Muslims Want, let me know if you can get it on the internet I wanted to see it but missed the thing.....
yeah id like to see it too, lets see what itll take for them to stop blowing people up.

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