Lets not derail this thread anymore by talking about the spastics that inhabit the gamearena servers.Sarrk wrote:
[Imho Gamearena is better too, there are no whining cry babies, if you cant stand the rape, then you leave]BF2Craglyeye wrote:
Fuck off, your probably one of these fucking Brisbane surfie fuckfaces, brush your hair out of your eyes you wanker.dhoar4 wrote:
Are you fucking stupid? I even quoted what you said about Victoria, and you're still not with it...lol...Go fuck some of your greek friends...Piss off from this forum
True I said a cold hole for Canberra, a minor descrepency with one word.
Yeah...you quoted me but YOU still couldnt do that right, maybe instead of doing surfing as a subject at school, you should have done the English class one that teaches how to deal with people, without being a complete and utter cockmunch.
Im done dealing with you now, so please fuck of from this forum.
(oh and a gamearena player, really tells the story now doesnt it)
I can handle a bit of rape from planewhores and spawn raping pussies on Karkand. But the Teamkilling from Corporal butthead, but not being limited to lower ranks, even Major jackass snipes away at you or drives vehicles infront of planes and etc. That you rightfully obtained by sheer virtue of the fact you were there first.
Nothing good comes from those servers except for the variety.