Many people in this thread propose the relocation of Israel in other area. I must confess that I thought that too many times, but let's think about it. Is it fair with israelies? I don't think so. You probably wouldn't like to be relocated in Alaska, being from Florida, not that Florida and Israel are the same btw.
Other people is talking about nukin all the middle east. But do you realize that the middle east is in the same Earth you live in. Besides if you think the heads of Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations will fall with that you are wrong. These guys count with their own intelligence "agency", so they would escape and probably take some kind of counter-attack over the agressor. So, what I'm sayin you don't want to mess with these guys, they are pretty dangerous coz they don't think that dying in the name of Alah or whoever is a bad thing. That considerin they never die themselves for the cause, they send brainwashed kids to blow away with the promise of being happy in the next life.
So, how do you put these people to negociate with Israel? Certainly with war you will obtain more war.
The worst thing is that both Israel and the muslin countries have right to be there.
I opened the post coz I really don't have an answer and want to read what you think about it.
PS: don't forget something, many countries that were involved in the two Irak wars and Afghanistan suffered terrorist attacks: US, the WTC first in the subway then they blew it away, England, you saw what happened last year with several bomb attacks, Spain in 2004, they blew a whole train station with trains and people included, Argentina, in last decade they blew Israel embassy and Amia Jewish Organization, only coz Argentina sent soldiers. Is then war the solution, certainly not.
Last edited by sergeriver (2006-08-09 07:16:04)