Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6867|Southeastern USA
oh that's right, i lost my high school best friend in the great crusade of 1995
+190|6942|Home of the Escalade Herds

HM1{N} wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

There is a picture of a red cross truck with a big hole smack dab in the middle of the cross.
And now this, btw thanks JonSimon,

Israel just attacked (WITHOUT PROVOCATION AND FOR NO APPARENT REASON) a Palestinian REFUGEE camp.  2 Apache helicopters fired 5 missiles into the camp killing 1 (at this moment) and wounding several others.  It was also stated that the reason they did it was a "warning" to the Palestinians to not get involved.

Do you really think that will work now?  They just murdered an innocent civilian and wounded several others.  Like they aren't going to be pissed about this in Palestine.
Oh, Israel just changed their story again: they were going after a Hezbollah militant IN A PALESTINIAN REFUGEE CAMP.

Right...I guess they realized that their original reason was a bunch of bullshit and they are now doing damage control.

I can't wait to hear what kr@cker has to say about this. I'm guessing it will be an even better defense then what the Israelis put out
Man of Moebius Morals
+71|6898|Nottingham, UK

kr@cker wrote:

oh that's right, i lost my high school best friend in the great crusade of 1995
hmm, you are either being an awkward tosser, or are actually too thick to connect mental dots.

They were 'examples' throughout history of one group of people being cunts to another group of people for 'religious' reasons.

By the way, I'm going with option A.

Edit: wait, maybe the quotes should be around reasons instead....

And as a question about 'supporting terrorists' (I think someone else asked the same question before recently) does this mean the USA owes the UK for all the years they supported the IRA?

Last edited by Foxhoundmgw (2006-08-08 17:09:19)

This topic seems to have no actual posts

HM1{N} wrote:

I can now say with all certainty, f*&k Israel.  They have taken away every instance of aid.  They are blocking aid ships from docking.  They are literally starving the people of Lebanon to force them to bend to Israeli will, and they are lying about what they are doing ONCE AGAIN.

Par for the course with that country.
Umm... what about all the people that hezbolah has killed and affected due to there killings... oh wait..your precious CNN wont show them, hmm I wonder why...oh yah they love these terrorist for some reason
+73|7052|Perth, Western Australia

T0rr3nt wrote:

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Flecco wrote:

We should stop pussyfooting around with terrorist harboring countries eh? Well, almost every country on earth harbors terrorists. Weather they know it or not...
How often do you see France launching Qassam rockets into Germany?
all the time.
yes, but the rockets have little white flags attached, as opposed to a payload

Last edited by Ssandstorm (2006-08-08 17:43:47)

My "Page Up" has never been used.

ig88 wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

I can now say with all certainty, f*&k Israel.  They have taken away every instance of aid.  They are blocking aid ships from docking.  They are literally starving the people of Lebanon to force them to bend to Israeli will, and they are lying about what they are doing ONCE AGAIN.

Par for the course with that country.
Umm... what about all the people that hezbolah has killed and affected due to there killings... oh wait..your precious CNN wont show them, hmm I wonder why...oh yah they love these terrorist for some reason
You are joking, right? The great antisemit conspiracy?
This topic seems to have no actual posts
so why dont they report on all the people hezbolah has killed?
My "Page Up" has never been used.
+40|6925|Sweden … 40-15&
This is an article from a swedish news magazine.
It says that 1000 ppl have been killed in this war.
900 of them where lebanese, 100 Israeli.
So therefore, only one in ten articles in CNN is about the killing of israelis.

jonsimon wrote:

Ummm, no that's not why they were being cited: they were being cited to show Israels blatant disregard for any human life that isn't Israeli Jew.
So Israel drops leaflets all over southern Lebanon warning of their pending strikes, thereby alerting Hezbollah to prepare their defences but also hoping that civilians will leave, while Hezbollah sends ball-bearing filled rockets into Jewish cities.  Can you spot the difference in strategies?

HM1{N} wrote:

I am against Israel as a state
Ah, the bottom line.  This is the motivation of those who heap scorn on a nation which defends itself when attacked by one of the many predatory dictatorships surrounding it.  What, exactly, should Israel do in the face of so many (Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas) who are bent on its destruction?
Jizz in my pants
+54|6796|Vancouver, USA

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Isreal is doing what needs to be done, and what everyone else is afraid to do. There should be no pussy-footing around with a country that harbors terrorists.
Preach on my man, preach on.
This topic seems to have no actual posts
"So therefore, only one in ten articles in CNN is about the killing of israelis."   <------ you couldnt of proved my point any better... thx man
My "Page Up" has never been used.

ig88 wrote:

Jejjk wrote:
This is an article from a swedish news magazine.
It says that 1000 ppl have been killed in this war.
900 of them where lebanese, 100 Israeli.
So therefore, only one in ten articles in CNN is about the killing of israelis.
"So therefore, only one in ten articles in CNN is about the killing of israelis."   <------ you couldnt of proved my point any better... thx man
HOW did I just prove your point?
10% Israeli casualties=10% articles , or else they are pro-Israel.
How can you not understand that?
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6867|Southeastern USA
don't you know they write one article for each death ig88?
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6867|Southeastern USA

PRiMACORD wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

And now this, btw thanks JonSimon,

Israel just attacked (WITHOUT PROVOCATION AND FOR NO APPARENT REASON) a Palestinian REFUGEE camp.  2 Apache helicopters fired 5 missiles into the camp killing 1 (at this moment) and wounding several others.  It was also stated that the reason they did it was a "warning" to the Palestinians to not get involved.

Do you really think that will work now?  They just murdered an innocent civilian and wounded several others.  Like they aren't going to be pissed about this in Palestine.
Oh, Israel just changed their story again: they were going after a Hezbollah militant IN A PALESTINIAN REFUGEE CAMP.

Right...I guess they realized that their original reason was a bunch of bullshit and they are now doing damage control.

I can't wait to hear what kr@cker has to say about this. I'm guessing it will be an even better defense then what the Israelis put out
sorry i missed this, my response being that there are only about 30 lines concerning the matter on any given website and they edit it every half hour, meaning no one knows shit about what went down yet, I, Kr@cker, do not jump to conclusions, some others on here may wish to rest there legs a bit
My "Page Up" has never been used.

kr@cker wrote:

don't you know they write one article for each death ig88?
Who said anything about 1000 articles??
You will soon learn about percentage in school.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6867|Southeastern USA

Foxhoundmgw wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

oh that's right, i lost my high school best friend in the great crusade of 1995
hmm, you are either being an awkward tosser, or are actually too thick to connect mental dots.

They were 'examples' throughout history of one group of people being cunts to another group of people for 'religious' reasons.

By the way, I'm going with option A.

Edit: wait, maybe the quotes should be around reasons instead....

And as a question about 'supporting terrorists' (I think someone else asked the same question before recently) does this mean the USA owes the UK for all the years they supported the IRA?

my point being that all other civilized religions since seperating themselves from direct politics (as in the vatican) have left these practices behind long ago, islam, however, is still enforcing the views that certain ethnicities are descendant from apes and pigs in a widespread manner

and at worst the crusades were 50/50, though the cause has been addressed several times in other threads

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-08-08 18:53:17)

+5,233|6846|Global Command
Kr@cker, you are almost always right.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6867|Southeastern USA
methinks the bullshit percentage may have raised a little there alex
+190|6942|Home of the Escalade Herds
lol CNN being biased against Isreal.

Thats comedy gold.

Sondernkommando wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

Ummm, no that's not why they were being cited: they were being cited to show Israels blatant disregard for any human life that isn't Israeli Jew.
So Israel drops leaflets all over southern Lebanon warning of their pending strikes, thereby alerting Hezbollah to prepare their defences but also hoping that civilians will leave, while Hezbollah sends ball-bearing filled rockets into Jewish cities.  Can you spot the difference in strategies?

HM1{N} wrote:

I am against Israel as a state
Ah, the bottom line.  This is the motivation of those who heap scorn on a nation which defends itself when attacked by one of the many predatory dictatorships surrounding it.  What, exactly, should Israel do in the face of so many (Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas) who are bent on its destruction?
Hamas was elected. Iran is a democracy (it was only a dictatorship under the US implanted regime) and Lebanon is a democracy which Hezbollah contributes to.

Soooooooooo many dictator states.
+190|6942|Home of the Escalade Herds

Sondernkommando wrote:

while Hezbollah sends ball-bearing filled rockets into Jewish cities.  Can you spot the difference in strategies?
I love the wording.

Ball-bearing filled....where as the Israeli 1000lb bombs are filled with what, hugs and kisses?

My "Page Up" has never been used.

PRiMACORD wrote:

lol CNN being biased against Isreal.

Thats comedy gold.
Thank you!
+86|6962|East Coast via Los Angeles, CA

Jejjk wrote:
This is an article from a swedish news magazine.
It says that 1000 ppl have been killed in this war.
900 of them where lebanese, 100 Israeli.
So therefore, only one in ten articles in CNN is about the killing of israelis.
Man, your logic is basackwards, how do you get that because 900 Lebanese and 100 Israeli's were killed, this equals only 1 in 10 articles on CNN about Israeli killings?
My "Page Up" has never been used.
I wrote "the killing of israelis", not "israeli killings"
+4|7004|Irving Tx
Why is there even a debate on this... Any Muslim is an enemy of Israel...I posted some of these on page 3 and asked on page 6 for an answer to these...So here we go again will any of the people here who think that hezbola is right please explain these surans? If Islam is about peace and love then why in the Koran it teaches that you must kill non believers? see below: Not one person has answered this....Come on its your book not my don't let me own you with it....Can it be that I am just posting the truth and the Muslims and their supporters have no answer for the truth...

9:33 He it is Who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the Religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religion, however much the idolaters may be averse.

9:73 O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey's end.

8:67 It is not for any prophet to have captives until he hath made slaughter in the land. Ye desire the lure of this world and Allah desireth (for you) the Hereafter, and Allah is Mighty, Wise.

9:5 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

9:6 And if anyone of the idolaters seeketh thy protection (O Muhammad), then protect him so that he may hear the Word of Allah, and afterward convey him to his place of safety. That is because they are a folk who know not.

Last edited by Orion5413 (2006-08-09 08:33:10)

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