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Reuters says Mideast photographer doctored shots

Monday, August 7, 2006 Posted: 2242 GMT (0642 HKT)

LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Reuters withdrew all 920 photographs by a freelance Lebanese photographer from its database on Monday after a review of his work showed he had altered two images from the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

Global Picture Editor Tom Szlukovenyi called the measure precautionary but said the fact that two of the images by photographer Adnan Hajj had been manipulated undermined trust in his entire body of work.

"There is no graver breach of Reuters standards for our photographers than the deliberate manipulation of an image," Szlukovenyi said in a statement. (Watch another picture Reuters says was manipulated -- 1:32)

"Reuters has zero tolerance for any doctoring of pictures and constantly reminds its photographers, both staff and freelance, of this strict and unalterable policy."

The news and information agency announced the decision in an advisory note to its photo service subscribers. The note also said Reuters had tightened editing procedures for photographs from the conflict and apologized for the case.

Removing the images from the Reuters database excludes them from future sale.

Reuters ended its relationship with Hajj on Sunday after it found that a photograph he had taken of the aftermath of an Israeli air strike on suburban Beirut had been manipulated using Photoshop software to show more and darker smoke rising from buildings.

An immediate inquiry began into Hajj's other work.

It established on Monday that a photograph of an Israeli F-16 fighter over Nabatiyeh, southern Lebanon and dated August 2, had also been doctored to increase the number of flares dropped by the plane from one to three.

"Manipulating photographs in this way is entirely unacceptable and contrary to all the principles consistently held by Reuters throughout its long and distinguished history. It undermines not only our reputation but also the good name of all our photographers," Szlukovenyi said.

"This doesn't mean that every one of his 920 photographs in our database was altered. We know that not to be the case from the majority of images we have looked at so far, but we need to act swiftly and in a precautionary manner."

The two altered photographs were among 43 that Hajj filed directly to the Reuters Global Pictures Desk since the start of the conflict on July 12 rather than through an editor in Beirut, as was the case with the great majority of his images.

Filing drills have been tightened in Lebanon and only senior staff will now edit pictures from the Middle East on the Global Pictures Desk, with the final check undertaken by the editor in charge, Reuters said.

Hajj worked for Reuters as a non-staff contributing photographer from 1993 until 2003 and again since April 2005. Most of his work was in sports photography, much of it outside Lebanon.

Hajj was not in Beirut on Monday and was not responding to calls. He told Reuters on Sunday that the image of the Israeli air strike on Beirut had dust marks which he had wanted to remove.

Questions about the accuracy of the photograph arose after it appeared on news Web sites on Saturday.

Several blogs, including a number which accuse the media of distorted coverage of the Middle East conflict, said the photograph had been doctored.

Copyright 2006 Reuters. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Oops, naughty me...
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6695|Southeastern USA
they were only embarassed cuz they got caught
Interesting, and not surprising.  Take a look at this:
The Lizzard

kr@cker wrote:

they were only embarassed cuz they got caught
Uh-huh.  And the fact that they both came from the same photographer doesn't suggest to you that, just maybe, they weren't involved?

Last edited by Bubbalo (2006-08-07 18:32:16)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6695|Southeastern USA

22Fox wrote:

Interesting, and not surprising.  Take a look at this:
"and the corpse climbs back onto the bier"
yeah I saw this bullshit.....but you know you would have never read about in here if one of us didn't post it. hehehehe
+5,233|6675|Global Command
I dont buy it because  the image said to be fake is so bad. Obviously clone brushed with a shitty program.
Too crappy to not be propaganda.
Smells like shit, tastes like shit...must be shit.
Uh, so what? He allegedly changed a picture of a smoking urban area to GASP a smoking urban area.
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6637|Menlo Park, CA

jonsimon wrote:

Uh, so what? He allegedly changed a picture of a smoking urban area to GASP a smoking urban area.
GASP its called false journalism, and is highly looked down upon in the profession. . .
that has to be the single most shit clone brush work i've ever seen

22Fox wrote:

Interesting, and not surprising.  Take a look at this:
Who knows what to believe anymore....?

fadedsteve wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

Uh, so what? He allegedly changed a picture of a smoking urban area to GASP a smoking urban area.
GASP its called false journalism, and is highly looked down upon in the profession. . .
Yeah, but I don't get what you're all fussing about. He doctered a photo to look different, yet display the exact same thing. And he's got his punishment. Where is any of this relevant?
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6695|Southeastern USA
because if he did it once (which he has done it apparently several times over the past few months) than he may have well been doing it through his entire career, im gonna edit and put a link to a post with more links on this

post # 15

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-08-07 20:21:36)


jonsimon wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

Uh, so what? He allegedly changed a picture of a smoking urban area to GASP a smoking urban area.
GASP its called false journalism, and is highly looked down upon in the profession. . .
Yeah, but I don't get what you're all fussing about. He doctored a photo to look different, yet display the exact same thing. And he's got his punishment. Where is any of this relevant?
I guess if there were doctored photos DOWN PLAYING the violence you would still feel it irrelevant???

your bullshit is so almost fuckin' comical. Except, you  and people like you really believe it. And that scares the fuck outta me.

Last edited by lowing (2006-08-07 21:07:21)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6695|Southeastern USA
i has not karma
+190|6771|Home of the Escalade Herds
This shit is so weak it doesn't even deserve a thread. Wow, he took a burning city and added some more smoke, holy shit stop the war! They guy who did that is a jackass but it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

Same with the Pallywood video, i've never even seen that footage anywhere in the news. I've asked a few friends as well and they haven't seen any of that footage either.

Is that fake? Oscar nomination please.

Warning, extreme gore. Let me guess, he blew his own leg off right?

This one is great and tells it all about what kind of truth you are actually getting.

There was 2 great segments on CNN the other night interviewing 3 locals in Beirut, i've looked everywhere but i can't find it. They talked about what Beirut is really like, a fun vibrant city. I haven't been there myself but i have some friends who used to travel there on a regular basis.

I'm saying this because i get the impression that people on this forum seem to thing it's another conflict ridden place like Iraq - far from the truth.
+190|6771|Home of the Escalade Herds
Warning, extreme (palestinian) gore. … mp;search=

If only someone in the middle east could nuke the shit out of Israel, sigh. Zionist pigs.
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6637|Menlo Park, CA

jonsimon wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

Uh, so what? He allegedly changed a picture of a smoking urban area to GASP a smoking urban area.
GASP its called false journalism, and is highly looked down upon in the profession. . .
Yeah, but I don't get what you're all fussing about. He doctered a photo to look different, yet display the exact same thing. And he's got his punishment. Where is any of this relevant?
Because as a journalist you are supposed to report the news, not the news as you see or want it too look like!!

Jesus Christ your daft!! Have you no business ethics whatsover
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6695|Southeastern USA

PRiMACORD wrote:

a bunch of lame links.
from the foot youtube:
b7ebak7amoudty (7 hours ago)
"I promise you israel there will be more to come and on a much larger scale, very soon the race of jews and israel will be extinct and no longer be allowed to soil the earth in which they occupy. Take it from me. This is a direct threat, infact i bid you to report this to whom you will, whatever you do it will not stop what will come to pass, ver, very soon, be afraid israel"

I have a feeling youtube won't post my reply, funny how a murderous threat like his makes it through, it seems youtube has become the new al-jazeera
your links are crap and that goat fucker's comment says it all

the beach: Palestine"we were just sitting there and got hit"
                  Israel "we received fire from the beach"

now we already know that palestinians use civilians as shield for the sole purpose of pulling in suckers, and we also know that the IDF is a professional militia with a very large Bedouin/Arab contingent (seems that jews are actually perfectly capable of living alongside other ethnicities, granted mistakes sometimes happen in battle, but do you really want to believe people that hide rocket launchers in schools?

the foot: crap, crap crap crap, a camera watching a tv (almost as if they knew that any second some anti-israeli propaganda was going to be shown), you have no clue what events led up to the incident yet you are so quick to assume that they were just itching to shoot some dudes foot off, riddle me this, what do you think was cut out of that huge gap in the middle?

the fatass white dude: seen this one before, he merely states things as fact with no proof, nothing to back up his claims, just trust him, he's telling the truth, the pallywood video offers you irrefutable proof that the militants falsify information for the journalists, again you have no idea what led up to the search of the house, maybe they were down the street and received fire from it or their neighbors, way to be a sheeple

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-08-07 21:48:35)

GOP Sympathizer
+266|6637|Menlo Park, CA
There is no such thing as a "Palestinian". . . . . They are homeless anti-semitic arabs that dont want to be called Israelis, even though they live in Israel!!

Everyone that lives in that land is a "Palestinian" (Jews included) which has its roots with the Greek word PALESTINA. If the arabs are so concered with their "arab land" why dont they call themselves Canaanites again?? Because Canaan is the Assyrian (ancient arab state) name for that area of land (if they really want to be authentic) or even call themselves the Philistines again?  Yet they stick to a western name to describe their people. . . ironic

PRiMACORD wrote:

This shit is so weak it doesn't even deserve a thread. Wow, he took a burning city and added some more smoke, holy shit stop the war! They guy who did that is a jackass but it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
The scale of what he did isn't important, it doesn't need to be big in order to help distort public opinion and present an untrue picture of events.  Whats really important is merely that he did it at all.  There were some links posted about palestinians faking shooting footage a few days ago and given the level of interest shown, I thought I'd throw this into the forum.
+32|6859|Wherever the F**k i feel like
Once agian dont trust a photo from the enemy
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6868|Sydney, Australia

fadedsteve wrote:

Yeah, but I don't get what you're all fussing about. He doctered a photo to look different, yet display the exact same thing. And he's got his punishment. Where is any of this relevant?
You are forgetting the credibility of Reuters is on the line if they don't remove all of this guys photos.


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