Good... Bad... Im the guy with the gun
I dont think anyone but idiots would listen to this man

the 9/11 attacks by the US gov are bogus because there is no HARD evidence and the links SealXo posted are good sources
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
I am 29 years old and love my applesauce
Back from the Dead.

KingSnake wrote:

I dont think anyone but idiots would listen to this man
Stay the corpse
+261|6814|Los Angeles

fadedsteve wrote:

Who ever thinks the 9/11 shit was staged is. . . . HIGH!!!! Yea, I am sure that Bush wanted the economy to go in the shits right after he was elected, and throw his country in WWIII!! Yep thats a brilliant master plan!!

Must be that famed right wing consipiracy. . .

All Bush haters can blow me!!
You're right - we can put this conspiracy theory to rest, because everything else Bush has done has been going so well, this would be the single glaring example of incompetence in his entire tenure.

Looks like every single American poll in existence - including Fox - has a majority of Americans disapproving of the job he's doing.

Not to mention that Americans age 18-24 also think he's doing a crap job. 53% disapprove of Bush vs 20% approving.

So judging from the polls, I'd say you're going to get a looooooot of blow jobs my friend. But I guess that's really the only reason anyone would actually defend the Cheney/Rove/Rumsf... oops sorry I mean "Bush" administration.

By the way, want to congratulate Bush on setting a new record... most vacation time ever taken by a president! He's surpassed Reagan... even though Reagan was in office for eight full years! And just think - Bush has got well over 2 years left to go!

"Until now, probably no modern president was a more famous vacationer than Ronald Reagan, who loved spending time at his ranch in Santa Barbara, Calif. According to an Associated Press count, Reagan spent all or part of 335 days in Santa Barbara over his eight-year presidency -- a total that Bush will surpass this month in Crawford with 3 1/2 years left in his second term."
Back from the Dead.

jonsimon wrote:

In the field there were no large parts to identify as a boeing aircraft. The same goes for the pentagon. The turn was allegedly at high speeds and involved a sharp turn with a significant change in altitude, the engines on a boeing would have stalled. As for taking the towers down, a plane will not destroy a skyscraper by striking it at the top. Jet fuel cannot melt steel without sustained flow of fuel. A plane cannot destroy the lower support system of a skyscraper by hitting the top, and even the support system at the top would only be partially damaged. In final, a boeing will not take down a skyscraper on its own.
A plane is made of metal and carries fuel. Fuel burns. Plane crashes, catches fire, melts metal. No " large parts to identify as a boeing aircraft." Pentagon is a different story, it is a fortress. You drive a van into a bunker and what happens to the van? BOOM. And about the turn, it was as you said "allegdly" like that. Not fact. Don't state it as such. How do you know about Boeing engines? Are you an aerospace engineer with a minor in fuel logistics in GE turbofan engines? The tower wasn't destroyed in the lower support of the building, it was destroyed in the upper supports, have you not seen videos? Imagine a giant tower of Jinga blocks, take out the middle and what happens, the ENTIRE BUILDING FALLS DOWN.

In final, a Boeing can, and did take down a building, all on its own.
+39|7024|Los FUCKING Angeles

jonsimon wrote:

In the field there were no large parts to identify as a boeing aircraft. The same goes for the pentagon. The turn was allegedly at high speeds and involved a sharp turn with a significant change in altitude, the engines on a boeing would have stalled. As for taking the towers down, a plane will not destroy a skyscraper by striking it at the top. Jet fuel cannot melt steel without sustained flow of fuel. A plane cannot destroy the lower support system of a skyscraper by hitting the top, and even the support system at the top would only be partially damaged. In final, a boeing will not take down a skyscraper on its own.
I love how everybody is an expert on terrorism now.   Instead of basing your entire argument on a selectively edited, misleading, and erronius video, how about you check out real sources?  Enclosed below is a starting point. … 27842.html

I know its been posted above but apparently you didn't even bother to peruse it before posting your ill-formed opinions.  I would normally debunk each of the points you make above, but ill let these guys do it for me.

Last edited by horny_trojan (2006-08-07 20:34:48)

Back from the Dead.

horny_trojan wrote:

I know its been posted above but apparently you didn't even bother to peruse it before posting your ill-formed opinions.  I would normally debunk each of the points you make above, but ill let these guys do it for me.
I'm glad to do the job trojan. lol.

horny_trojan wrote:

SealXo wrote:

Besides, the conspiracy theory presented by the government is more far fetched. "20 men, 1 far across seas, coordinated over a long period of time and hijacked 4 planes, 2 magically took down sky scrapers, 1 magically disappeared in a field, and another magically disappeared in the pentagon after making a physically impossible turn. The hijacking was conducted with boxcutters, and the entirety of each of the boeings passenger body was not able to apprehend this small group of barely armed men."

Talk about far fetched.
Its called terrorism.  Check it out

Apparently its been going on for decades now
What i didnt type that are you on crack?
Back from the Dead.
He simply deleted the wrong quote tag.

Simple mistake.
+24|6853|GREAT Britain
yea it was staged, so was kennedys assasination, elvis is alive and well, so is hitler, aliens are living on earth already and the world will end next year........ or is all that bullshit hippy nonsense, hmmmmm
Mod Incarnate
This topic has been beaten into the ground on several occasions, but it seems to keep coming up.
Back from the Dead.
They never give up Skruples. Close please?
Mod Incarnate
If it's closed there will just be another soon enough. This one will stay open for the time being just so the loose change thread doesn't have to be resurrected.
After seeing the video theres no question the amercian goverment did this to make gain. Plain and simple don't you think its suss why bin hasnt been found yet, How hard is it to find one man. Of course people are going to disigree on this subject but these people who disigree are the ones who keep bush in office and in the real world the dumb out mass the smart. Reason why people are getting more evidence agianst there goverment is its more easy to get information today than it is in the old days.
+60|7033|Sacto, CA
^^ please find a razer blade and slit your wrists so the world will be rid of your stupidity
Back from the Dead.

Count.venom wrote:

After seeing the video theres no question the amercian goverment did this to make gain. Plain and simple don't you think its suss why bin hasnt been found yet, How hard is it to find one man. Of course people are going to disigree on this subject but these people who disigree are the ones who keep bush in office and in the real world the dumb out mass the smart. Reason why people are getting more evidence agianst there goverment is its more easy to get information today than it is in the old days.

LivelyToaster wrote:

^^ please find a razer blade and slit your wrists so the world will be rid of your stupidity
I'll do him one better...

Its sad that your thoughts were changed by a video based soley on someones bias agasint the president, a lack of understanding of terrorism, and many newscaster's statements taken out of context. You my friend, need a reality check. This video is not true.

It is hard to find one man. But we are trying. If you think its not enough, buy a plane ticket to the Middle East and search yourself. Otherwise, sit down and stfu.

You don't seem to be to smart a person, so I'll dumb this down for you. As you said, the dumb outmass the smart, and you my friend don't deserve to be considered part of the latter.

Also, what these people are gathering is purley "information". I say it in quotes because everything you read on the internet is not fact. So either bring facts to the table, which you lack (much like those who actually argue this point) or go home.

Last edited by BigmacK192 (2006-08-07 21:27:51)

GOP Sympathizer
+266|6804|Menlo Park, CA

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

Who ever thinks the 9/11 shit was staged is. . . . HIGH!!!! Yea, I am sure that Bush wanted the economy to go in the shits right after he was elected, and throw his country in WWIII!! Yep thats a brilliant master plan!!

Must be that famed right wing consipiracy. . .

All Bush haters can blow me!!
You're right - we can put this conspiracy theory to rest, because everything else Bush has done has been going so well, this would be the single glaring example of incompetence in his entire tenure.

Looks like every single American poll in existence - including Fox - has a majority of Americans disapproving of the job he's doing.

Not to mention that Americans age 18-24 also think he's doing a crap job. 53% disapprove of Bush vs 20% approving.

So judging from the polls, I'd say you're going to get a looooooot of blow jobs my friend. But I guess that's really the only reason anyone would actually defend the Cheney/Rove/Rumsf... oops sorry I mean "Bush" administration.

By the way, want to congratulate Bush on setting a new record... most vacation time ever taken by a president! He's surpassed Reagan... even though Reagan was in office for eight full years! And just think - Bush has got well over 2 years left to go!

"Until now, probably no modern president was a more famous vacationer than Ronald Reagan, who loved spending time at his ranch in Santa Barbara, Calif. According to an Associated Press count, Reagan spent all or part of 335 days in Santa Barbara over his eight-year presidency -- a total that Bush will surpass this month in Crawford with 3 1/2 years left in his second term."
Have you done yourself a favor yet. . . . and scratched off your Kerry/Edwards sticker off your car?? cause if you havent, now would be a good time!!!

No president except for FDR has had to put up with more shit than Bush has had to deal with! Has everything gone smooth, of course not, but thats life!!

Its easy to monday morning quarterback, but I leave that to the anchors on ESPN to do that!!!!

Polls. . . Polls. . . Who gives a shit. . . the American public is fickle with their polls, you watch Bush will get bin ladin and he'll have 80% approval!! Then all you cheesedick liberals will be shutting your mouths!!!

Last edited by fadedsteve (2006-08-07 21:29:09)

911 is staged... yeah sure... if the US gov did it then why wouldnt they kill all conspiracy theorists already?

Last edited by cyborg_ninja-117 (2006-08-07 21:35:58)

BigmacK192 wrote:

A plane is made of metal and carries fuel. Fuel burns. Plane crashes, catches fire, melts metal.
Ok so you just have to light steel on fire now with kerosene (jet fuel is kerosene) and it will melt?

BigmacK192 wrote:

And about the turn, it was as you said "allegdly" like that. Not fact. Don't state it as such. How do you know about Boeing engines? Are you an aerospace engineer with a minor in fuel logistics in GE turbofan engines?
There is no question that the turn was impossible for a 767. It was a 270 degree dive at 7000 feet per minute. The air traffic controllers have said that while it was happening they were sure it was a military aircraft as civilian aircraft could not pull off such a manoeuver.

BigmacK192 wrote:

The tower wasn't destroyed in the lower support of the building, it was destroyed in the upper supports, have you not seen videos? Imagine a giant tower of Jinga blocks, take out the middle and what happens, the ENTIRE BUILDING FALLS DOWN.
The World Trade Center Towers were not made of giant Jenga blocks. They had 47 massive steel pillars at the core, surrounded in concrete and held together by an intensely strong web of steel. They were the two strongest buildings on earth. Each tower could support the weight of five more towers on top of it.

BigmacK192 wrote:

In final, a Boeing can, and did take down a building, all on its own.
What about Building 7?
Not Human Anymore
+144|6957|Seattle, WA

jonsimon wrote:

A plane cannot destroy the lower support system of a skyscraper by hitting the top, and even the support system at the top would only be partially damaged. In final, a boeing will not take down a skyscraper on its own.
Thats a pretty hefty ASSUMPTION  everything is possible, and your arguement about no wreckage is bullshit, you've been watching too many @*(&#@ videos.  Get your head out of your ass.
Back from the Dead.

JimmyBotswana wrote:

BigmacK192 wrote:

A plane is made of metal and carries fuel. Fuel burns. Plane crashes, catches fire, melts metal.
Ok so you just have to light steel on fire now with kerosene (jet fuel is kerosene) and it will melt?

BigmacK192 wrote:

And about the turn, it was as you said "allegdly" like that. Not fact. Don't state it as such. How do you know about Boeing engines? Are you an aerospace engineer with a minor in fuel logistics in GE turbofan engines?
There is no question that the turn was impossible for a 767. It was a 270 degree dive at 7000 feet per minute. The air traffic controllers have said that while it was happening they were sure it was a military aircraft as civilian aircraft could not pull off such a manoeuver.

BigmacK192 wrote:

The tower wasn't destroyed in the lower support of the building, it was destroyed in the upper supports, have you not seen videos? Imagine a giant tower of Jinga blocks, take out the middle and what happens, the ENTIRE BUILDING FALLS DOWN.
The World Trade Center Towers were not made of giant Jenga blocks. They had 47 massive steel pillars at the core, surrounded in concrete and held together by an intensely strong web of steel. They were the two strongest buildings on earth. Each tower could support the weight of five more towers on top of it.

BigmacK192 wrote:

In final, a Boeing can, and did take down a building, all on its own.
What about Building 7?
A jet is but a glorified blowtorch. Jet fuel is much more flamable than kerosene, and with the impact to the building, and the fires, the steel supports MELTED.

Which air traffic controlers said that? Names/Links please?

It was an analogy, first and foremost, and secondly, The core isn't what crumbled first was it? Do you understand anything about structures? Sure they can hold up massive ammounts of weight, but when that weight comes crumbling down at a fantastic rate, what happnes? Destruction.

Building 7?

I'm done for this evening, I'll see you all tomorrow....

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

A plane cannot destroy the lower support system of a skyscraper by hitting the top, and even the support system at the top would only be partially damaged. In final, a boeing will not take down a skyscraper on its own.
Thats a pretty hefty ASSUMPTION  everything is possible, and your arguement about no wreckage is bullshit, you've been watching too many @*(&#@ videos.  Get your head out of your ass.
word. jetfuel burns a hell lot stronger...
slow as you go
+124|6873|Canaduhhh.. West Toast

kr@cker wrote:

I am 29 years old and love my applesauce
i aswell enjoy the awesome power of applesauce... but never really understood how it ended up in a tag-team with porkchops

BigmacK192 wrote:

Jet fuel is much more flamable than kerosene
You know this how? You just assume jet fuel must burn so much hotter because hey its a jet. Jets go fast so the fuel must be hot. Jet fuel is not much more flammable than kerosene. Jet fuel is kerosene. Look it up.

[fact]You are an idiot[/fact]
+85|6868|An Hour North of Indy
can we close this, PLEASE???  There will never be an end to the arguing, at least not in the near future...

Also, conspiracy theorists FTW!!! If they dont ask questions, who will? Questions should always be asked, that is how things are learned.  They will quit when given enough evidence, which, in my opinion, hasnt happened yet. Until then, anything is possible.

(waiting for more flaming, i dont care anymore)

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