
Knight`UK wrote:

Alphamale omg takes the game so serious and calls everyone n00bs .I mean you post your pic and expect everyone to take you serious with a face like that .You expect anyone to be afraid and mentally abused with you calling them names online in a thread that has nothing to do with you in the first place .

Alphamale says :- Your stats suck .

n00b says:- omg that hurt me man i must call 999 for medical help .

Alphamale says:- i own all in real-life look at my gaming stats and be afraid .

Alphamale i suggest you unplug for a while and have a rest and have some fun and not worry so much about poxy points in a online game.
lol. beer.
+149|6694|USA bitches!
45k grenade kills? What a faggot.
I think no one of you know that he got a lot of money by playing BF2?
Is he then still live-less, Greets Leader of Weed!
LOL, I had him on my leaderboard before he became top 100. He isnt bad, I played with him a couple times
But I looked at his hours played on sunday and his hours played today and he has played 65 hrs in 5 days.

Last edited by ..teddy..jimmy (2006-11-10 15:08:09)

"Don't post while intoxicated."
Who cares... its his life.

Now go away and focus on your own.
+42|6990|Waikato, Aotearoa
OK umm Alphamale, he has a BETTER spm than YOU have.
dude weed is legal in netherlands, so he can sell much weed he wants
plus if all he did was sell and grow weed, then he has no life, so he has to play bf2 all day

Evil_Apu wrote:
Look his hour and daily score, and you'll see what I mean
Yo, Evil_Apu, let us have a look at your daily score now, just for fun.

Ehmmm, where is it , wheres your stats-link, do you play BF2 yourself ?

Ok, here it is:

341 hrs Karkand, 10000 revives; you spam revives, Weed spams ammo packs , no big dfifference but hrs.

Last edited by MajorHoulahan_MASH (2006-11-11 20:41:10)

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