since I was commented on that my low budget guide was too hard to understand for the average noob and many people who play dont know anything bout how pc works I decided to write this...
imagine you computer as a micro theater and a game/programm what ever as a theater play
the Mainboard
this is your building, everything somehow is "in" here a building with many rooms
now this is your director, he organises the play, looks the the right actors are at the right place at the right time, coordinates everything.
the RAM is your stage, here the action takes place, big stage = more potential for a good and big theater play with lots of actors, big backgrounds, place to set up special effects etc.
your storage room for everything including a nice lobby for your actors, also great actors want a big cabine :p
So your doing a special play, you needed a special background, imagine this as a truck next to your theater who has what you need, you can take stuff from here directly on your stage or put it in your own storage room. or a bus for your actors
This is your specialeffects guy, he causes the authentic explosions on your stage, does fancy stuff with the lights to give your play the extra something. If he's cool and good at his job he'l get you the most freaking plays ever, if not it will suck
pretty much selfexplaining this is the sound system with speaker etc.
So when you play battlefield:
when you click install your director cordinates the transport of all your new equipment and actors into your own storage room.
when you start up the game your director coordinates to bring up the background and actors for the intromovie on to the stage and your specialfx guy starts dimmering the lights and brings up some cool explosions. if your director is good he has allready set up the main menu abit further on the stage so you dont have to wait for it when the intro is done. when you join a game it will take a while because your director has to clear everything of the stage because this is the biggest part of your play. he brings up the map on the stage and depending on how cool your special effects guy is, you will get lots or bright explosions and light effects, or he will only use firecrackers to simulate explosions
I am aware it is not 100% accurate, but I think it's good enough to understand the basics of a PC
and as I was also comented on my RAID noobness
a short expample with the same backgroundstory
RAID 0 (stripping)
you got 2 storage rooms, and you got a 10meter long background stripped into 1meter parts, to speed things up you descide to place the first meter in room A, the second in room B, the third in room A, the fourth in room B, and so on. this speeds up stuff because you dont crowd one room but split it 50/50. The backdraw is when one room A burns out it makes stuff in room B useless, because you are missing the parts from room A.
RAID 1(mirroring)
you got 2 storage rooms, again you have your 10meter background. Instead of putting 50% in each room this time you make a 1:1 copy of every meter, and place one of them in both rooms, this way you have 2 sets of backgrounds, and if one room burns out you still have a complete background to use
well that's it, and the way I know this place... let the flaming begin
imagine you computer as a micro theater and a game/programm what ever as a theater play
the Mainboard
this is your building, everything somehow is "in" here a building with many rooms
now this is your director, he organises the play, looks the the right actors are at the right place at the right time, coordinates everything.
the RAM is your stage, here the action takes place, big stage = more potential for a good and big theater play with lots of actors, big backgrounds, place to set up special effects etc.
your storage room for everything including a nice lobby for your actors, also great actors want a big cabine :p
So your doing a special play, you needed a special background, imagine this as a truck next to your theater who has what you need, you can take stuff from here directly on your stage or put it in your own storage room. or a bus for your actors
This is your specialeffects guy, he causes the authentic explosions on your stage, does fancy stuff with the lights to give your play the extra something. If he's cool and good at his job he'l get you the most freaking plays ever, if not it will suck
pretty much selfexplaining this is the sound system with speaker etc.
So when you play battlefield:
when you click install your director cordinates the transport of all your new equipment and actors into your own storage room.
when you start up the game your director coordinates to bring up the background and actors for the intromovie on to the stage and your specialfx guy starts dimmering the lights and brings up some cool explosions. if your director is good he has allready set up the main menu abit further on the stage so you dont have to wait for it when the intro is done. when you join a game it will take a while because your director has to clear everything of the stage because this is the biggest part of your play. he brings up the map on the stage and depending on how cool your special effects guy is, you will get lots or bright explosions and light effects, or he will only use firecrackers to simulate explosions
I am aware it is not 100% accurate, but I think it's good enough to understand the basics of a PC
and as I was also comented on my RAID noobness
a short expample with the same backgroundstory
RAID 0 (stripping)
you got 2 storage rooms, and you got a 10meter long background stripped into 1meter parts, to speed things up you descide to place the first meter in room A, the second in room B, the third in room A, the fourth in room B, and so on. this speeds up stuff because you dont crowd one room but split it 50/50. The backdraw is when one room A burns out it makes stuff in room B useless, because you are missing the parts from room A.
RAID 1(mirroring)
you got 2 storage rooms, again you have your 10meter background. Instead of putting 50% in each room this time you make a 1:1 copy of every meter, and place one of them in both rooms, this way you have 2 sets of backgrounds, and if one room burns out you still have a complete background to use
well that's it, and the way I know this place... let the flaming begin