MorbidFetus wrote:
What, are people hungry for the IO option or something? 1.4 won't fix anything (maybe the CTD, that's about it...)
The new IO mode is only useful on "City Maps"...all the other maps its dumb. You thought it was hard getting off the carrier on Dalian Plant...wait til you have vehicles except RIB.
What they really need in addition to IO is:
Vehicle-lite' ranked map option:
o Replace Tank/APC spawns with Heavy Jeeps
o Replace AA vehicle spawns with Light Jeeps
o Remove Jets
o Replace Littlebird and Attack Helicopter spawns with Transport Helicopters
Vehicle-neutered' ranked map option:
Same as above but vehicles removed.
Also they should add '
Supply-line' ranked map option (you can only take flags in a certain order - the flag available to take would be highlighted in your HUD like a wounded soldier, except semi-transparent grey)
ALL maps of ALL sizes and ALL kits will be playable.