UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France
Here's a definition of the tendencies.  Tendencies are not ideologies.  Think of it as "leading more one way than the other", because everyone is a blend.   For instance - Pro-Industry/Pro-Environment - you will usually choose one over the other...but not EVERY time.  By this I mean how your logic works.  Although there are stereotypical links between them, it's not absolute.

Liberal - generally your opinion is usually not the societal norm.  antigovernment tendencies.

Conservative - the opposite of liberal.

Fascist - you want to control how people think, absoluteness

Democratic - opposite of fascist.  decision making by discussion, will go with the majority vote, even if it conflicts with own believes.

Socialist - belief in what is best for society, group thinking & decision making, community service.

Paranoid - did you know everyone you talk to is CIA?

WTF? Factor - Where the hell are you coming from, bizarre logic, or alternatively, you tend to derail

Pro-Industry - Industrious, short term gains over long term gains.

Pro-Environment - Opposite of Pro-Industry

The religion thing - the only note here is "Faith".  If its non-traditional beliefs it's still faith - see TrollmeaT for example.

Pacifist - you have the tendency to avoid violence, more diplomatic

Pro-War - opposite of pacifist.

More Objective / More Biased - specifically, this is how much convincing it takes for you to change your mind.

Last edited by Pug (2006-08-04 09:49:49)

I'm more objective / biased  that is so fucking true, good job.
Pro-Industry - Industrious, short term thinking

--Yeah, short term thinking. Typing on this computer was brought you by industry.

Pro-Environment - Opposite of Pro-Industry

--How many people are actually Anti-environment?

Pacifist - you have the tendency to avoid violence, more diplomatic

--Or, you might just be a pussy who can't take a punch.

Pro-War - opposite of pacifist.

--Only mental patients are pro-war.

Do you do drugs by chance? I like what you were trying to do here, but you went waaaaay into left field.
ya got me down as a socialist and a conservative.....oil and water to me....I am a conservative

Also ya got me down as paranoid, but it is the liberals that are constantly posting the conspericy theories about our govt. and, just because I am paranoid DOESN'T mean you all aren't out to get me.

you also called me a biased debater................I uhhhhhhh, ...............wellllllll, ya know,....................... it is like...........sighhhhhhhhhhh,............. ok guilty.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France

Erkut.hv wrote:

Pro-Industry - Industrious, short term thinking

--Yeah, short term thinking. Typing on this computer was brought you by industry.

Pro-Environment - Opposite of Pro-Industry

--How many people are actually Anti-environment?

Pacifist - you have the tendency to avoid violence, more diplomatic

--Or, you might just be a pussy who can't take a punch.

Pro-War - opposite of pacifist.

--Only mental patients are pro-war.

Do you do drugs by chance? I like what you were trying to do here, but you went waaaaay into left field.
see post edit for more explanation - no one is 100% something - it's how you usually respond to certain topics...I think...
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6853|Scarborough Yorkshire England
1, yes
2, 3000 next year
3, no
4, no
5, no
6, prof x
7, no
8, bomb
9, yes
10, family
11, neither
12, one
13, yes
14, no
15, yes (like to have a window to look out of)
16, yes
17, mostly trust
18, yes
19, no
20, later

free form

1, dalai Lama
2, Ghandi
3, always remember what people have been doing and to ask them about it (apparently)
4, Amsterdam
5, See the northern lights before I die
6, Visit Canada + USA in the next 5 years
7, Play comp games/smoke weed
8, no real nemesis just some really annoying people but everyone is there own person so who am I to judge.
it's just like any survey with only 20 q's, each question is linked to one of the sliders  (pro war / pacifist)
with only 20 questions it's impossible to get a person's character bang on but parts may be correct,
I still think it's cool
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France
Okay - here's how the questions work: pretty much I reach down and pull this all out of my ass.  If you disagree with me I will add another category - NAZI (just kiddin').

Before I start, you all realize this was a biased test.  My beliefs are different from yours.  I've tried to be consistent in application of the rationale behind the questions.  Also, I reserve the right to "trump" the general rationale based additional comments you added beyond what I asked for.  So, arguing "well I answered Yes on #2 and No on #7 and therefore should be a "X"" may get you some points, I may not change my mind.

I'll be happy to tell you why I have judged you - and I might be wrong either way.

So in general:
-If you posted your rationale for each question this may indicate you are more biased or rationale, depending on my interpretation.
-If you only answered the question, you are conforming to societal norms.
-If you responded strongly to one question, you likely got stereotyped immediately.
-If you were mixed on some of the questions (for example, a mix of pro-industry and pro-environment), you may be more objective.

Anyway the questions/rationale:

1)  Someone accidentally bumps into you, and doesn't say "excuse me".  Do you say anything?  Yes/No
-If you say "no" you are not confrontational, more compromising, more diplomatic.

2)  What do you want?  $1000 tomorrow or $3000 next year
-$1000 this year is short term thinking, $3000 is long term thinking.  This question is used in conjunction with others.

3)  People who are learning should be told exactly how to do the task.  Yes/No
-Yes = you want to tell people what to do.  No = more democratic.

4)  There is a spelling error in a post.  Do you usually point it out?  Yes/No
-Pointing out spelling errors is indicative of wanting to control others.

5)  I believe in God/Allah/Zeus/Thor whatever.  Yes/No/Agnostic
-Purely curiousity.  However, Atheists are more liberal.  Faith is more conservative.  Reason: religion is more widespread, so not believing is not following the norm (not that there is a problem with that).  Agnostic = rationalistic personality.   Still need more to brand someone in this category, so it wasn't weighted heavily.

6)  Professor X or Magneto?
-Ahh, this is my favorite question.  Professor X = controlling thought.  Magneto = controls "things".  If you're an X fan, you basically want to tell people what to do.  Magneto = combined with the $1000 in #2, and bomb in #8, I'm 95% you are not an environmentalist.  If you answered "must be a geek thing" or something similar, you are lying because you have heard of them before and therefore know geeks love this stuff.

7)  I am usually rushed.  Yes/No
-Rushed, Yes or No?  Pretty much a non-question - establishes personality trait of wanting to plan more, so it's kind of a distractor.

8)  Drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima or Invade Japan?  Bomb / Invade
-Bomb = might not be pro-Environment, Invade = probably pro-Environment, probably liberal (No Nuke stigma).

9)  When I was a kid I dreamed of being a social worker (police, firefighter, army, etc)?  Yes/No
-If you wanted to be a social worker, you conform more to society = less liberal = also more likely to be socialist or democratic.

10) The theory of three - you can't have all three, so which do you leave behind?  Family / Friends / Money
-The only one important is not answering "Money".   Conservatives will answer "Money" almost every time.

11) Pick your favorite one: Israel / Arabs / Neither
-Picking a side indicates you could be more biased (you have formed a defensible opinion), and could be more warlike.  "Neither" indicates "don't care" or possibly pacifist tendencies.  Also, I just wanted to know this question for myself.

12) Back when there was negative karma - on average, from 1 to 10, how many negs did you give daily?
-More negs = more likely to debate = more biased.  A bunch of negs also can indicate your willingness to want to dominate someone else.  Also, since it's published, I guess over half of you lied - double the amount and you probably have the correct number.

13) Someone you respect is upset.  The person is not asking for advice.  Do you give it anyway?  Yes / No
-Yes = indicative of wanting to control others and conformity.  No = provide support, more democratic.

14) Do you masturbate with Peanut butter?  Yes / No / Ain't it great?
-I needed 20 questions.  No one has a "Jiffy Stiffy".  It's basically a gauge of maturity - if you made a joke here, then you might have mixed feelings about this quiz.

15) When in a restaurant, you prefer sitting facing the exit or door?  Yes / No
-Pretty clear - "Yes" = paranoid.

16) Someone hits you on purpose.  Hit back?  Yes / No
-The natural reaction is to hit back.  If #1 is "no" and this is a "no" then you are a pacifist.  If #1 is yes, and this is a yes, you probably are pro-war.

17) I _____ my government.  mostly trust / mostly do not Trust
-Not trust = more liberal, possibly paranoid.  Mostly trust can be many things.

18) I believe people are self-serving most of the time.  Yes / No.
-If no = more democratic, more objective, more socialistic (belief in common good, everyone does what is "right").  If yes = more liberal, more paranoid

19) People think I'm funny almost all the time.  Yes / No.
-If yes = you aren't funny.  If no = not funny.  If you said "I don't care" = more stubborn (thats the answer I was looking for)

20) It's not urgent.  Now or Later?
-Now = more conservative.  Later = means nothing.

And lastly some free form answers (keep in mind I'm from Texas, so I may not know what you are talking about):

1) Leader you'd like to meet
2) Leader you admire
-Leader to meet / Admire: if its from two different camps (Bush and Iranian President) then you are more likely to debate = more biased.

All other questions are distractors, but added for you to add some additional info I can use for the above 20.

Published Tendencies/Results of test:

Okay, added answers that will LIKELY make you fall into each category.  This is not absolute...you may need a few of the answers in these categories to qualify, or to provide additional info that influences - like answering "HELL NO" instead of "NO".  If you hit all the categories, I probably can 75% sure you are that stereotype (or at least think that way sometimes).

#9 - No, #10 - not Money, #17 - not trust.  Didn't want/like public service, choses money over friends & family, does not trust the gov't - usually liberal tendencies.

#5 - yes, #7 - yes, #10 - Money, #20 - Now.  Faith, wanting to plan/feels pressure to get something done, prefer friends & family over Money, and doing it now - usually conservative.

Ok, this is a good one.  Facist = ultimate authority.  #1 - Yes, #3 - YES, #4 - Yes, #6 - Professor X, #12 - gave lots of neg karma, #13 - yes, #17 - do not trust, #18 - yes, #19 - yes.  You tell people they aren't polite, you tell people exactly how to do stuff, you covet the power of controlling people's minds, you gave karma out to state your displeasure to control this forum, you want to run the gov't yourself, people are self-serving because they aren't doing what you want to them to do, and you think you are funny - You are a dictator.

Tendency that the society "takes care of itself" or all for the "common good".  #3 - no, #7 - Yes, #9 - yes, #13 - Yes, #17 - mostly trust.  This is more of a judgement call by me.  You believe people should learn on there own, you are rushed because of societal pressures to conform, you believe in public service, you tell your friend what to do, and you trust in the gov't.  Having "public service" included increases your tendency to argue for "what is best for society" and "along for the ride" is what I'm defining Socialism as...

#3 - No, #12 - No, #13 - No, #16 - either, but NO for sure, #18 - No.  People learn on their own, no neg karma = you have right to your opinion, you only give opinion if asked, you're diplomatic, and you trust other people.

Paranoid tendencies:
#15 - Yes.  Caring where you sit is paranoid.  Answering yes to self-serving, yes to Professor X, and don't trust the gov't indicates you better move out to the woods by yourself.

WTF? factor:
"TMI" is a common issue here.  Overrationalization - this means you are likely to say "WTF?" quickly.  For the others, you are just weird...

Primacord - Huge Penis as a personality trait - Neat.  Spumantii - $1000/day bitch/face the window, duality in answering questions.  Gunslinger - TMI.  UnOriginalNuttah - Wife's nut allergy problem - Neat. oug - comments like "depends on inflation". Pubic - TMI. S3v3n - THOR!!!.  Spearhead - Family comment.  ts-pulsar - will masturbate if a dog is involved-Neat.  Trollmeat - simple "yes" to faith would be fine.  kr@ker - cooler spandex, since it's who'd you'd rather be, you'd rather be in spandex...GAY.  Spark - TMI. EstebanRey - most answers were not "straight".

#2 - $1000 now, #6 - Magneto, #8 - bomb, #10 - anything but Money.  You'd rather take a quick gain, want control of the physical world, bombing is faster, and won't leave money behind.

#3 - $3000 later, #8 - invade.  Long term gain and no nukes.

God/Allah/Thor/Zeus / Agnostic / Atheist:
You answered, I wrote it down.

#1 - Yes, #16 - Yes - you tell people off when they bump into you, and you hit back.  Also, #11 - picking a side.

#1 - No, #16 - No - you forgive people and you talk before violence.  Also, #11 Neither - not picking a side.

Debates More Objectively (not stubborn):
You have a mix of traits, you are agnostic, choosing $3000, little negative karma, democratic

Debates More Biased (somewhat stubborn):
extreme comments, lots of negative karma, you are atheist/believer, choose arabs/israelis, liberal or conservative, more of the Facist-type answers from above

Last edited by Pug (2006-08-04 14:27:52)

UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France

DesertFox423 wrote:

Lol "somewhat stubborn". That quiz/poll/test sure got me down. I am, however, interested to see how I landed in some of these categories.
It's cause I hate you.

No, actually I screwed up...changed.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France

Marconius wrote:

Whoa whoa whoa...you listed me as Conservative?!  This test absolutely fails...
I'm a Liberal Socialist Atheist.  And spell my name right!
yeah, i'll give you liberal, but not socialist.

i blew that...
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France

PuckMercury wrote:

psh ... liberal.  MY ASS!! 
I'm sticking to my opinion...
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France

PuckMercury wrote:

if someone can be classified as both socialist AND conservative ... there is a fundamental problem with your system.  conservative is by definition on the "right" of the idealogical spectrum, Socialist is near the far "left".
I define socialism kind of like an "ant colony" mentality.  What's best for the society rules.  Non-individualistic.

Socialism as a political ideology is not "pure" socialism.  Just like the US is not really a "true" democracy.

So a socialistic tendency is non-individual thinking, common good mentality.  Why it's been classified as "left" is because a true socialistic society is not obtainable, in my opinion.  Therefore it's possible to be completely governed by group-think (conservative socialist), governed by the pursuit of new ideas (liberal socialist or progressive-ish), or governed by representatives of the population (democratic socialism).

Of course, this may not make sense because I tend to get communism and socialism mixed up.  But hell, it's my opinion, and I'm trying.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

yeah, this whole thing is a bit off. Im so athiest I dont even believe in athiesm. and I dont think im that stubborn of a person when somebody throws a good debate my way.  no way Im a socialists, my ancestors would be rolling over in their graves.
"I don't care I think I'm funny", "I AM my Gov't", "And lots of neg karma" makes you stubborn in my opinion.

You used a fancy word we don't have in Texas "nihilist" and I blew it on the Socialist thing.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France

Ikarti wrote:

HAHAHA! I got listed under pro-war.
#1 - You make people know they have run into you.
#16 - You hit back with hit
#11 - Choosing a side in the Middle East

Pretty much I think it makes you more apt to react violently.  Go get some therapy.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France

Pubic wrote:

I'm not so sure I agree with the facist or conservative evaluations of myself, as I disagree with most aspects of facism and my views on stuff like gay marriage, legalising marijuana and abortion would go down like a cold cup of spew with conservatives!  How did you arrive at those conclusions?  Not trying to yell and scream or anything, I'd genuinely like to know
Just tendencies...not who you are.

Basically, Professor X, telling people how to learn, advising a friend.  The big one was telling me the test isn't a yes/no kind of test.  This is indicative of wanting to control the entire thing from the onset.  I think you are a "controlling" or "alpha" personality type if you prefer the euphamism.

Leave behind money, considering the army, trust the gov't - conservative traits.

That's my take.

Sorry if I offended, it's just fun...
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France

Spark wrote:

But, see... the only "good" trait out of the groups you've grouped everyone into is:

Debates More Objectively (not stubborn):

That's all I need. If you're in there, then you get a tick from me.
All traits are GOOD if you are truly objective...truths are strengthened by trials, society is more progressive because all paths are exhausted...etc etc etc.

+32|6915|Wigan an proud of it mate !
Isn't a Master (De)bater just a male version of a Cunning Linguist?
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

ya got me down as a socialist and a conservative.....oil and water to me....I am a conservative

Also ya got me down as paranoid, but it is the liberals that are constantly posting the conspericy theories about our govt. and, just because I am paranoid DOESN'T mean you all aren't out to get me.

you also called me a biased debater................I uhhhhhhh, ...............wellllllll, ya know,....................... it is like...........sighhhhhhhhhhh,............. ok guilty.
Your answers are mostly conservative, and I'm seeing more Authoritative then Democratic - but people are self-serving...so I blew the socialist thing.  You are not democratic either...
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6788|Portland, OR USA
Pug, I challengs you to research the labels which you are implimenting here.  I don't think you understand fully what it is you are applying.

Socialism is totally attainable, it has been attained.  Communism is not attainable.  You are right about socialism being an ant colony mentality, and liberals share that - which is why "liberal" is a generic term for anything on the left of the scale
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France
No prob Puck.  Should I relabel democratic as well?  Democratic means you talk about the decision before you make it...liberals tend to not think that way...its more counter-cultural/buck the trend.  So therefore it would be impossible to be a liberal democrat.

And Utilitarian is a better phrase than socialism, at least by my definition of it...but its not a simplistic term.

Communism is a form of Socialism, but that's not right either.  I can't think of anything better.  Suggestions?

Last edited by Pug (2006-08-04 17:03:59)

6 x 9 = 42
+298|6788|Portland, OR USA
under the assumption you are not being sarcastic as I certainly was not attempting to put you off, I'd say that if you are already establishing that you are making sweeping generalizations to make a point (which I fully understand) then the most extreme labels should be used and in a manner congruent to their extremist points of view.

I think a simplified stereotypical approach to each extreme would have yielded better results.  I think you are trying to impliment too complex a definition on too sweeping a scale.  For instance, all liberals are communists, all conservatives are fascists, etc.

So, by way of extension, I suppose that in that model liberals wouldn't be democratic, but then neither would conservative.  Therein lies the issue I feel with such broad terms as liberal and conservative.  In actuality, it's less a spectrum and more a circle anyway.  I've always thought of democratic as more of a pH of 7 on the idealogical scale anyway.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France
then we are on the same page - i never said i knew what i was doing, nor did i put too much thought before crafting the questions...got to start somewhere.  also, i've told you that the test was biased.

socialism & democracy are similar in my terms - the difference is whether people "vote" to do something or "react" as one.  if the whole society is liberal, moderate or conservative, it can have socialistic tendencies.  i can see your point, but i'm not going to agree with you - i just lack the correct term...

and i'm taking you seriously.

not trying to derail my own thread here - but this is gold: http://www.familyguyquotes.com/

I have a Quaqmire ringtone, which gets a laugh when I get a call during a meeting...giggity giggity giggity...alllll right
+5,233|6790|Global Command
Kill all extremist.
( & that would have to include  me as killing is rather extreme.)
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6788|Portland, OR USA
I assumed you were, which is why I responded.    It's in the section for it, and I've respected your posts in the past.  Anyway, FREAKIN' SWEET PAGE!  I think I easily have every episode memorized - something about how my mind works, if I see a show/movie a couple times - I've got it.

I maintain that democracy is a titration of fascism and communism.  Ultimately, fascism and communism end the same for the proletariat.  As communism is unattainable in society as we know it, it inevitably dead ends in socialism, which necessitates the same oppressive means of contorl as fascism.  The ostensible logic behind why is different, but this is dismissable in my opinion as the end result is ultimately the same.

You can easily define "socialistic tendencies" as any lack of leftward movement.  The problem with these terms is that they're entirely subjective and relative.  Only terms like communist and fascist have absolute non relative values.  Liberal and conservative are simply relative to whatever ideology the speaker is coming from.

Alexanderthegrape wrote:

Kill all extremist.
( & that would have to include  me as killing is rather extreme.)
as Samuel Clemens said, no generalization is worth a damn.  Including this one.

No googling - tell me who Samuel Clemens is.

I have no tolerance for intolerance.

Last edited by PuckMercury (2006-08-04 18:11:45)

UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6803|Texas - Bigger than France
Mark Twain - I was an english major.

And if you're a Family Guy fan - you recognize the one in my sig.  It's my favorite episode because of the fire truck thing ("The ambulances will just have to wait their turn")

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