JahManRed wrote:
Erkut.hv wrote:
Not surprising at all to me. The Middle East hates us, period, end of story. They always will, and nothing we can do will change that. There will be one war, some nukes will be exchanged, and we'll see who comes out on top.
Have you ever stopped to consider why they hate us from west? Its always "they hate us so we should blow the shit out of them." But never, "why does a whole region made up of 10s of millions of ppl spanning many countries hate America and Britain?"
BTW, I don't see Hezbola as terrorists. When another country invades another sovereign nation I think its described as war and the ppl taking part are soilders not terrorists. Its interesting how countries who want to start unjust wars, simply label the enemy terrorists to allow themselves to breach every law of war and human right possible and still maintain support and avoid international law. Its all about propaganda.
Ill think you find that this came from the Israelis wanting to create a new method of irrigation so they grow more crops in their dry land.
To do this they would use water from an inland sea. The arabs upon seeing this diverted all of the rivers away from the inland sea so it would dry up, the israelis attacked the tractors which were diverting the rivers. The Arabs then said to the UN that they would destroy israel.
They said they would have the pleasure of striking first.
The Israelis were totaly outgunned and surrounded, so they first attacked egypt and destroyed over 400 aircraft in their first raid. this gave them air superiority, they then attacked syrian artillary positions (as they were shelling civilians in the north of israel) Basically Israel invaded and neutralised all of the threats surrounding her. They then acceptede a ceasefire ( against the defese ministers advice) instead of seeing how much of the arab land they could conquer.
Also they told the UN that there is no such place as Palastine, that palastine is just a zionist label. So paslestine isnt really a country to invade.
On the they all hate us claim, correct me if im wrong but i suspect this is largely (although probably not entirely) due to religion, including the crusades back to the holy land. However i have several things to say.
Firstly i think if both sides (West and East) tried really hard we could all get on. Secondly i think there are many groups of people who like to "incite Racial / religious hatred" these are groups i would call terrorists. Anybody that wants to blow up another person for no reason other than becuase they are christian or jews or whatever, that is how i would define a terrorist.
Next you say that the Israelis label hezbola terrorists (instead of freedom fighters) and you say that why are they attacking them, they should try diplomacy. Shouldnt Hezbolla try diplomacy? or did they try by kidnaping israeli soldiers? and didnt israel ask for the return of these soldiers before attacking? it was my understanding that when hezbolla refused to return them israel attacked.
And what kind of useless freedom fighters blows up civilians. how the fuck is that going to help your cause. Please give us back our land, we only blew up 400 school kids this year. You dont punch someone then expect them to be nice to you. Why dont they try a you scratch my back and ill scratch yours approach? Say maybe if Israel (or palastine) did something nice to palastine (or israel) then it would be returned?